#!/bin/perl # # This script is designed to identify hard drives and decide where and how to partition it for installation # during a kickstart install. # # Exit codes; # 0 - Success # 1 - Target type not specified. # 2 - Failed to find a drive to install on. # # NOTE: This is restricted to what is available during an anaconda install session. That is to same, bare # minimum. # TODO: If multiple matching drives are found (same medium and size, build an appropriate RAID array. # use strict; use warnings; my $debug = 0; my $type = defined $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : ""; #print "Type: [".$type."]\n"; if ($type =~ /striker/i) { print "Finding install drive for a Striker dashboard.\n"; $type = "striker"; } elsif ($type =~ /node/i) { print "Finding install drive for an Anvil! node.\n"; $type = "node"; } elsif ($type =~ /dr/i) { print "Finding install drive for a DR (disaster recovery) host.\n"; $type = "dr"; } else { print "Error: Target type not specified.\n"; print "Usage: ".$0." [striker,node,dr]\n"; exit(1); } my $device = {}; # We might want to add HCTL (Host:Channel:Target:Lun for SCSI) and/or SUBSYSTEMS later my $target = ""; my $lsblk = system_call("/bin/lsblk --bytes --paths --pairs --output NAME,RM,HOTPLUG,TYPE,SIZE,TRAN,ROTA"); foreach my $line (split/\n/, $lsblk) { ### NOTE: If a drive has no transport, is not removable, but is hotplugable and the device path is ### mmcblk0, it is probably an SDCard. It doesn't seem to be a directly divinable state. We ### don't currently plan to use them, but it might come to pass later. print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - lsblk: [".$line."]\n" if $debug; my ($path, $removable, $hotplug, $type, $size, $transport, $rotational) = ($line =~ /NAME="(.*?)" RM="(\d)" HOTPLUG="(\d)" TYPE="(.*?)" SIZE="(\d+)" TRAN="(.*?)" ROTA="(\d)"/); print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - Device: [".$path."], type: [".$type."], remvoable? [".$removable."], hotplug? [".$hotplug."], rotational? [".$rotational."], transport: [".$transport."], size: [".$size."]\n" if $debug; next if (($removable) or ($hotplug) or ($type ne "disk")); $device->{$path} = { type => $type, size => $size, transport => $transport, rotational => $rotational, }; if ($device->{$path}{rotational}) { print "Analyzing platter drive: [".$path."], using the transport: [".$device->{$path}{transport}."], of the size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".hr_size($device->{$path}{size}).")]\n"; } else { print "Analyzing solid-state drive: [".$path."], using the transport: [".$device->{$path}{transport}."], of the size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".hr_size($device->{$path}{size}).")]\n"; } } ### Usage selection priority # on Striker, we'll simply use whatever is the biggest avalable drive. # on Node and DR, we'll prefer slowest first (rotational, sata before nvme/scsi), and smallest second. my $use_drive = ""; if ($type eq "striker") { my $biggest_size = 0; foreach my $path (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$device}) { print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - path: [".$path."], ${path}::size: [".$device->{$path}{size}." (".hr_size($device->{$path}{size}).")] < biggest_size: [".$biggest_size." (".hr_size($biggest_size).")]\n" if $debug; if ($device->{$path}{size} > $biggest_size) { $biggest_size = $device->{$path}{size}; $use_drive = $path; print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], biggest_size: [".$biggest_size." (".hr_size($biggest_size).")]\n" if $debug; } } if ($use_drive) { print "Selected the largest disk: [".$use_drive."], which has a capacity of: [".hr_size($device->{$use_drive}{size})."]\n"; } } else { # Node and DR are handled the same my $first_disk_seen = 0; my $smallest_size = 0; my $selected_is_platter = 0; foreach my $path (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$device}) { print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - first_disk_seen: [".$first_disk_seen."], path: [".$path."], ${path}::rotational: [".$device->{$path}{rotational}."]\n" if $debug; if (not $first_disk_seen) { # Select this one $first_disk_seen = 1; $use_drive = $path; $smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size}; $selected_is_platter = $device->{$path}{rotational}; print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - first_disk_seen: [".$first_disk_seen."], use_drive: [".$use_drive."], selected_is_platter: [".$selected_is_platter."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug; } elsif ($device->{$path}{rotational}) { # This takes priority print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - selected_is_platter: [".$selected_is_platter."]\n" if $debug; if ($selected_is_platter) { # Was the previously seen drive bigger? print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - ".$path."::size: [".$first_disk_seen." (".hr_size($first_disk_seen).")], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug; if ($device->{$path}{size} < $smallest_size) { # This is smaller, use it. $use_drive = $path; $smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size}; print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug; } } else { # The previous drive is an SSD, so use this one regardless $use_drive = $path; $smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size}; $selected_is_platter = $device->{$path}{rotational}; print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], selected_is_platter: [".$selected_is_platter."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug; } } elsif (not $selected_is_platter) { # This is an SSD, but we haven't seen a platter drive yet, so use it if it is # smaller. print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - ".$path."::size: [".$first_disk_seen." (".hr_size($first_disk_seen).")], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug; if ($device->{$path}{size} < $smallest_size) { # This is smaller, use it. $use_drive = $path; $smallest_size = $device->{$path}{size}; print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - use_drive: [".$use_drive."], smallest_size: [".$smallest_size." (".hr_size($smallest_size).")]\n" if $debug; } } } # Did we find a drive? if ($use_drive) { if ($selected_is_platter) { print "Selected the smallest platter drive: [".$use_drive."], which has a capacity of: [".hr_size($device->{$use_drive}{size})."]\n"; } else { print "Selected the smallest solid-state drive: [".$use_drive."], which has a capacity of: [".hr_size($device->{$use_drive}{size})."] (no platter drives found)\n"; } } } # Did we find a disk to use? if (not $use_drive) { print "[ Error ] - Failed to find any fixed drives (platter or USB, not removable) to install onto. Unable to proceed.\n"; exit(2); } # Finally, we've got our output. my $partition_file = "/tmp/partition_plan"; my $partition_body = ""; if ($type eq "striker") { $partition_body = " zerombr clearpart --all --drives=".$use_drive." ignoredisk --only-use=".$use_drive." bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=".$use_drive." part /boot --fstype ext4 --size=1024 --asprimary --ondisk=".$use_drive." part swap --fstype swap --size=4096 --asprimary --ondisk=".$use_drive." part / --fstype ext4 --size=100 --asprimary --ondisk=".$use_drive." --grow "; } else { $partition_body = " zerombr clearpart --all --drives=".$use_drive." ignoredisk --only-use=".$use_drive." bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=".$use_drive." part /boot --fstype ext4 --size=1024 --asprimary --ondisk=".$use_drive." part swap --fstype swap --size=4096 --asprimary --ondisk=".$use_drive." part / --fstype ext4 --size=100 --asprimary --ondisk=".$use_drive." "; } print "Writing out the partition plan to: [".$partition_file."]\n"; #print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - partition_body: [".$partition_body."]\n" if $debug; print __LINE__."; [ Debug ] - partition_body: [".$partition_body."]\n"; exit(0); sub hr_size { my ($size) = @_; my $hr_size = $size; if ($size < 1023) { # Bytes $hr_size .= " B"; } elsif ($size < (2 ** 20)) { # Kibibyte $hr_size = sprintf("%.1f", ($size /= (2 ** 10)))." KiB"; } elsif ($size < (2 ** 30)) { # Mebibyte $hr_size = sprintf("%.2f", ($size /= (2 ** 20)))." MiB"; } elsif ($size < (2 ** 40)) { # Gibibyte $hr_size = sprintf("%.2f", ($size /= (2 ** 30)))." GiB"; } elsif ($size < (2 ** 50)) { # Tebibyte $hr_size = sprintf("%.2f", ($size /= (2 ** 40)))." TiB"; } else { # Pebibyte or higher $hr_size = sprintf("%.3f", ($size /= (2 ** 40)))." PiB"; } return($hr_size); } sub system_call { my ($command) = @_; my $output = ""; open (my $file_handle, $command." 2>&1 |") or die "Failed to call: [".$command."], error was: [".$!."]\n"; while (<$file_handle>) { chomp; my $line = $_; $line =~ s/\n$//; $line =~ s/\r$//; $output .= $line."\n"; } close $file_handle; $output =~ s/\n$//s; return($output); }