The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has returned. This is normal if the PV is on a removable medium like a USB disk.
The physical volume: [#!variable!old_pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has changed to: [#!variable!new_pv_name!#].
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has vanished! If this is a removable device, like a USB drive, this is OK. Otherwise, it could be the sign of a disk failure.
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has been assigned to the volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#].
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has been assigned to the volume group: [#!variable!new_vg_name!#]. It used to be assigned to: [#!variable!old_vg_name!#]. Did the volume group name change? If so, then this is not a concern.
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) attribute bits have changed from: [#!variable!old_attributes!#] to: [#!variable!new_attributes!#].
The attribute bits are:
1 - (d)uplicate, (a)llocatable, (u)sed
2 - e(x)ported
3 - (m)issing
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has increased in size from: [#!variable!old_pv_size!#] (#!variable!old_pv_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_pv_size!#] (#!variable!new_pv_size_bytes!# bytes). This is the expected if you grew the disk.
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has decreased in size from: [#!variable!old_pv_size!#] (#!variable!old_pv_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_pv_size!#] (#!variable!new_pv_size_bytes!# bytes).
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) free space has decreased in size from: [#!variable!old_pv_free!#] (#!variable!old_pv_free_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_pv_free!#] (#!variable!new_pv_free_bytes!# bytes). This is expected if you grew the PV to use a grown disk.
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) free space has increased in size from: [#!variable!old_pv_free!#] (#!variable!old_pv_free_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_pv_free!#] (#!variable!new_pv_free_bytes!# bytes).
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) has returned. This is normal if the VG is on a removable medium like a USB disk.
The volume group: [#!variable!old_vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) has changed to: [#!variable!new_vg_name!#].
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) attribute bits have changed from: [#!variable!old_attributes!#] to: [#!variable!new_attributes!#].
The attribute bits are:
1 - Permissions: (w)riteable, (r)ead-only
2 - Resi(z)eable
3 - E(x)ported
4 - (p)artial: one or more physical volumes belonging to the volume group are missing from the system
5 - Allocation policy: (c)ontiguous, c(l)ing, (n)ormal, (a)nywhere
6 - (c)lustered, (s)hared
The volume group: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) extent size has changed from: [#!variable!old_vg_extent_size!#] (#!variable!old_vg_extent_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_pv_size!#] (#!variable!new_pv_size_bytes!# bytes). This should never happen...
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) has increased in size from: [#!variable!old_vg_size!#] (#!variable!old_vg_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_vg_size!#] (#!variable!new_vg_size_bytes!# bytes). This is the expected if you added a PV to this VG.
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) has decreased in size from: [#!variable!old_vg_size!#] (#!variable!old_vg_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_vg_size!#] (#!variable!new_vg_size_bytes!# bytes).
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) free space has decreased in size from: [#!variable!old_vg_free!#] (#!variable!old_vg_free_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_vg_free!#] (#!variable!new_vg_free_bytes!# bytes). This is expected if you grew an existing LV or created a new one.
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) free space has increased in size from: [#!variable!old_vg_free!#] (#!variable!old_vg_free_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_vg_free!#] (#!variable!new_vg_free_bytes!# bytes). This is expected if you removed an old LV.
The new physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) has been found.
Assigned to VG: [#!variable!vg_name!#]
Attribute bits: [#!variable!attributes!#]
PV Size: ...... [#!variable!pv_size!#] (#!variable!pv_size_bytes!# bytes)
Free Space: ... [#!variable!pv_free!#] (#!variable!pv_free_bytes!# bytes)
Sector Size: .. [#!variable!pv_sector_size!#] (#!variable!pv_sector_size_bytes!# bytes)
The attribute bits are:
1 - (d)uplicate, (a)llocatable, (u)sed
2 - e(x)ported
3 - (m)issing
The new volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) has been found.
Attribute bits: [#!variable!attributes!#]
VG Size: ...... [#!variable!vg_size!#] (#!variable!vg_size_bytes!# bytes)
Free Space: ... [#!variable!vg_free!#] (#!variable!vg_free_bytes!# bytes)
Extent Size: .. [#!variable!extent_size!#] (#!variable!extent_size_bytes!# bytes)
The attribute bits are:
1 - Permissions: (w)riteable, (r)ead-only
2 - Resi(z)eable
3 - E(x)ported
4 - (p)artial: one or more physical volumes belonging to the volume group are missing from the system
5 - Allocation policy: (c)ontiguous, c(l)ing, (n)ormal, (a)nywhere
6 - (c)lustered, (s)hared
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) has returned. This is normal if the LV is on a removable medium like a USB disk.
The logical volume: [#!variable!old_lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) has changed to: [#!variable!new_lv_name!#].
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) attribute bits have changed from: [#!variable!old_attributes!#] to: [#!variable!new_attributes!#].
The attribute bits are:
1 - Volume type:
* (C)ache,
* (m)irrored,
* (M)irrored without initial sync,
* (o)rigin,
* (O)rigin with merging snapshot,
* (r)aid,
* (R)aid without initial sync,
* (s)napshot,
* merging (S)napshot,
* (p)vmove,
* (v)irtual,
* mirror or raid (i)mage,
* mirror or raid (I)mage out-of-sync,
* mirror (l)og device,
* under (c)onversion,
* thin (V)olume,
* (t)hin pool,
* (T)hin pool data,
* v(d)o pool,
* v(D)o pool data,
* raid or pool m(e)tadata or pool metadata spare.
2 - Permissions:
* (w)riteable,
* (r)ead-only,
* (R)ead-only activation of non-read-only volume
3 - Allocation policy:
* (a)nywhere,
* (c)ontiguous,
* (i)nherited,
* c(l)ing,
* (n)ormal This is capitalised if the volume is currently locked against allocation changes, for example during pvmove.
4 - fixed (m)inor
5 - State:
* (a)ctive,
* (h)istorical,
* (s)uspended,
* (I)nvalid snapshot,
* invalid (S)uspended snapshot,
* snapshot (m)erge failed,
* suspended snapshot (M)erge failed,
* mapped (d)evice present without tables,
* mapped device present with (i)nactive table,
* thin-pool (c)heck needed,
* suspended thin-pool (C)heck needed,
* (X) unknown
6 - device
* (o)pen,
* (X) unknown
7 - Target type:
* (C)ache,
* (m)irror,
* (r)aid,
* (s)napshot,
* (t)hin,
* (u)nknown,
* (v)irtual.
8 - Newly-allocated data blocks are overwritten with blocks of (z)eroes before use.
9 - Volume Health, where there are currently three groups of attributes identified:
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) is on a volume group that has changed its name from: [#!variable!old_lv_on_vg!#] to: [#!variable!new_lv_on_vg!#].
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) has increased in size from: [#!variable!old_lv_size!#] (#!variable!old_lv_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_lv_size!#] (#!variable!new_lv_size_bytes!# bytes). This is expected when an LV is extended.
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) has decreased in size from: [#!variable!old_lv_size!#] (#!variable!old_lv_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_lv_size!#] (#!variable!new_lv_size_bytes!# bytes). This is expected when an LV is shrunk.
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) device path has changed from: [#!variable!old_lv_path!#] to: [#!variable!new_lv_path!#].
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) list of physical volumes is spans has changed from: [#!variable!old_lv_on_pvs!#] to: [#!variable!new_lv_on_pvs!#].
The new logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) has been found.
Attribute bits: [#!variable!attributes!#]
LV on VG: ..... [#!variable!lv_on_vg!#]
LV Size: ...... [#!variable!lv_size!#] (#!variable!lv_size_bytes!# bytes)
Device path: .. [#!variable!lv_path!#]
Using PV(s): .. [#!variable!lv_on_pvs!#]
The attribute bits are:
1 - Volume type:
* (C)ache,
* (m)irrored,
* (M)irrored without initial sync,
* (o)rigin,
* (O)rigin with merging snapshot,
* (r)aid,
* (R)aid without initial sync,
* (s)napshot,
* merging (S)napshot,
* (p)vmove,
* (v)irtual,
* mirror or raid (i)mage,
* mirror or raid (I)mage out-of-sync,
* mirror (l)og device,
* under (c)onversion,
* thin (V)olume,
* (t)hin pool,
* (T)hin pool data,
* v(d)o pool,
* v(D)o pool data,
* raid or pool m(e)tadata or pool metadata spare.
2 - Permissions:
* (w)riteable,
* (r)ead-only,
* (R)ead-only activation of non-read-only volume
3 - Allocation policy:
* (a)nywhere,
* (c)ontiguous,
* (i)nherited,
* c(l)ing,
* (n)ormal This is capitalised if the volume is currently locked against allocation changes, for example during pvmove.
4 - fixed (m)inor
5 - State:
* (a)ctive,
* (h)istorical,
* (s)uspended,
* (I)nvalid snapshot,
* invalid (S)uspended snapshot,
* snapshot (m)erge failed,
* suspended snapshot (M)erge failed,
* mapped (d)evice present without tables,
* mapped device present with (i)nactive table,
* thin-pool (c)heck needed,
* suspended thin-pool (C)heck needed,
* (X) unknown
6 - device
* (o)pen,
* (X) unknown
7 - Target type:
* (C)ache,
* (m)irror,
* (r)aid,
* (s)napshot,
* (t)hin,
* (u)nknown,
* (v)irtual.
8 - Newly-allocated data blocks are overwritten with blocks of (z)eroes before use.
9 - Volume Health, where there are currently three groups of attributes identified:
The volume group: [#!variable!vg_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#]) has vanished! If this is a removable device, like a USB drive, this is OK. Otherwise, it could be the sign of a disk failure.
The logical volume: [#!variable!lv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#]) has been lost. This is normal if the LV is on a removable medium like a USB disk. Otherwise, it could be the sign of a disk failure.
The physical volume: [#!variable!pv_name!#] (UUID: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#]) sector size changed from: [#!variable!old_pv_sector_size!#] (#!variable!old_pv_sector_size_bytes!# bytes) to: [#!variable!new_pv_sector_size!#] (#!variable!new_pv_sector_size_bytes!# bytes). This should not happen, unless the storage behind the PV was somehow rebuilt without recreating the LVM metadata.
The physical volume with the internal UUID: [#!variable!internal_uuid!#] (name: [#!variable!pv_name!#]) has a duplicate entry! Deleting the one with the scan_lvm_pv_uuid: [#!variable!pv_uuid!#].
The volume group with the internal UUID: [#!variable!internal_uuid!#] (name: [#!variable!vg_name!#]) has a duplicate entry! Deleting the one with the scan_lvm_vg_uuid: [#!variable!vg_uuid!#].
The logical volume with the internal UUID: [#!variable!internal_uuid!#] (name: [#!variable!lv_name!#]) has a duplicate entry! Deleting the one with the scan_lvm_lv_uuid: [#!variable!lv_uuid!#].
Starting: [#!variable!program!#].
[ NOTE ] - Please update lvm.conf to remove the filter: filter = [ "r|/dev/drbd*|" ]
[ Warning ] - Failed to find the sector size for: [#!variable!device!#] This should be in the path: [#!variable!sector_path!#]. Assuming the sector size of: [#!variable!sector_size!#], but this could be incorrect.