import createMuiTheme, { Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles/createMuiTheme'; import { PANEL_BACKGROUND, TEXT, PURPLE, BLUE, DISABLED, BORDER_RADIUS, } from '../lib/consts/DEFAULT_THEME'; const theme: Theme = createMuiTheme({ palette: { primary: { main: PANEL_BACKGROUND, }, secondary: { main: TEXT, }, background: { paper: PANEL_BACKGROUND, }, }, typography: { fontFamily: 'Roboto Condensed', fontWeightRegular: 200, fontSize: 14, }, overrides: { MuiSwitch: { switchBase: { // Controls default (unchecked) color for the thumb color: TEXT, }, root: { padding: 8, }, track: { borderRadius: BORDER_RADIUS, border: 3, backgroundColor: PURPLE, opacity: 1, '$checked$checked + &': { // Controls checked color for the track backgroundColor: BLUE, opacity: 1, }, '$disabled$disabled + &': { backgroundColor: DISABLED, }, }, thumb: { color: TEXT, borderRadius: BORDER_RADIUS, }, }, }, }); export default theme;