#!/usr/bin/perl # # This program will manage servers; Changing RAM, CPU cores, Growing virtual disks, adding virtual disks, # inserting and ejecting ISO images into virtual optical media. # # Exit codes; # 0 = Normal exit. # 1 = No database connection. # # TODO: # # USAGE: # - Show # - anvil-manage-server-storage --server srv01-fs37 # - ISO # - anvil-manage-server-storage --server srv01-fs37 --optical sda --insert /mnt/shared/files/CentOS-5.11-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso # - anvil-manage-server-storage --server srv01-fs37 --optical sda --eject # - Disk # - anvil-manage-server-storage --server srv01-fs37 --disk vdb --grow {+10GiB,150GiB} # use strict; use warnings; use Anvil::Tools; require POSIX; use Term::Cap; use Text::Diff; use Data::Dumper; my $THIS_FILE = ($0 =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)[0]; my $running_directory = ($0 =~ /^(.*?)\/$THIS_FILE$/)[0]; if (($running_directory =~ /^\./) && ($ENV{PWD})) { $running_directory =~ s/^\./$ENV{PWD}/; } # Turn off buffering so that the pinwheel will display while waiting for the SSH call(s) to complete. $| = 1; my $anvil = Anvil::Tools->new(); ### TODO: Remove this before final release $anvil->Log->level({set => 2}); $anvil->Log->secure({set => 1}); ########################################## # Read switches (target ([user@]host[:port]) and the file with the target's password. $anvil->Get->switches({list => [ "add", "anvil", "confirm", "disk", "eject", "grow", "insert", "optical", "server", "storage-group", ], man => $THIS_FILE}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => $anvil->data->{switches}}); $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, key => "log_0115", variables => { program => $THIS_FILE }}); # Connect to the database(s). If we have no connections, we'll proceed anyway as one of the 'run_once' tasks # is to setup the database server. $anvil->Database->connect(); $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, secure => 0, key => "log_0132"}); if (not $anvil->data->{sys}{database}{connections}) { # No databases, update the job, sleep for a bit and then exit. The daemon will pick it up and try # again after we exit. $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, 'print' => 1, level => 0, priority => "err", key => "error_0305"}); sleep 10; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } $anvil->Database->get_hosts(); $anvil->Database->get_anvils(); $anvil->Database->get_servers(); if ($anvil->data->{switches}{anvil}) { # Make sure they asked for a real anvil. $anvil->Get->anvil_from_switch({string => $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil}}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "switches::anvil_name" => $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_name}, "switches::anvil_uuid" => $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}, }}); } if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{server}) { # Show the list of servers. show_server_list($anvil); print "\nPlease specify which server you want to modify using '--server '.\n\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0}); } validate_server($anvil); if ($anvil->data->{switches}{optical}) { manage_optical($anvil); } elsif ($anvil->data->{switches}{disk}) { manage_disk($anvil); } else { show_server_details($anvil); } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0}); ############################################################################################################# # Functions # ############################################################################################################# sub load_storage { my ($anvil) = @_; # Host and server my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; # We need to know which volume groups the disks are on so that we can report how much free space is # available for either growing or adding a disk. $anvil->Get->available_resources({ debug => 2, anvil_uuid => $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}, }); # Load LVM and Storage Group data $anvil->Database->get_lvm_data({debug => 2}); # Load DRBD data from the database. $anvil->Database->get_drbd_data({debug => 2}); # Load DRBD resource data so that we can map DRBD resources / volumes to volume groups. my $drbd_resource = ""; foreach my $device_path (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}}) { my $on_lv = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}{$device_path}{on_lv}; $drbd_resource = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}{$device_path}{resource}; my $device_target = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}{$device_path}{target}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:device_path' => $device_path, 's2:on_lv' => $on_lv, 's3:drbd_resource' => $drbd_resource, 's4:device_target' => $device_target, }}); } # There should only ever be one, but it's not impossible for there to be multiple. foreach my $drbd_resource (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{drbd}{resource}}) { $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { drbd_resource => $drbd_resource }}); # Get the DRBD volume data load_drbd_data($anvil, $drbd_resource); } return($drbd_resource); } sub manage_disk { my ($anvil) = @_; my $anvil_uuid = defined $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} ? $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} : $anvil->Cluster->get_anvil_uuid(); my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $from_source = get_definition_source($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { anvil_uuid => $anvil_uuid, short_host_name => $short_host_name, server_name => $server_name, from_source => $from_source, }}); if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{disk}) { # If there's only one optical drive, select it automatically my $count = keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }}); if ($count == 1) { foreach my $device_target (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}}) { $anvil->data->{switches}{disk} = $device_target; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "switches::drive" => $anvil->data->{switches}{disk}, }}); last; } } if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{disk}) { # Can't proceed. print "\n[ Error ] - Please indicate the disk drive to work with using '--disk --drive '.\n\n"; show_server_details($anvil); $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } my $drbd_resource = load_storage($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { drbd_resource => $drbd_resource }}); foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, }}); foreach my $volume_number (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}}) { my $device_path = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{device_path}; next if $device_path eq "DELETED"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:volume_number' => $volume_number, 's2:device_path' => $device_path, }}); my $device_minor = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{device_minor}; my $volume_size = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{volume_size}; my $backing_disk = $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{backing_disk}; my $meta_disk = $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{meta_disk}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:device_minor' => $device_minor, 's2:volume_size' => $volume_size, 's3:backing_disk' => $backing_disk, 's4:meta_disk' => $meta_disk, }}); # Which volume group is the backing device in? foreach my $this_scan_lvm_lv_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}}) { next if not $this_scan_lvm_lv_name; my $this_scan_lvm_lv_path = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_path}; my $this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_on_vg}; my $this_scan_lvm_lv_uuid = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:this_scan_lvm_lv_name' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_name, 's2:this_scan_lvm_lv_path' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_path, 's3:this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg, 's4:this_scan_lvm_lv_uuid' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_uuid, }}); if ($backing_disk eq $this_scan_lvm_lv_path) { # What's the VG's UUID? $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg, }}); if (exists $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{vg}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg}) { my $scan_lvm_vg_uuid = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{vg}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_vg_uuid}; my $storage_group_uuid = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{vg}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{storage_group_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:scan_lvm_vg_uuid' => $scan_lvm_vg_uuid, 's2:storage_group_uuid' => $storage_group_uuid, }}); } } } # How much space can this LV grow into (this factors DR is already protected). $anvil->data->{server_name}{$server_name}{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$volume_number}{free_space} = get_max_free_space($anvil, $drbd_resource, $volume_number); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "server_name::${server_name}::drbd_resource::${drbd_resource}::volume::${volume_number}::free_space" => $anvil->data->{server_name}{$server_name}{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$volume_number}{free_space}." (".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $anvil->data->{server_name}{$server_name}{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$volume_number}{free_space}}).")", }}); } } } if (($anvil->data->{switches}{grow}) or ($anvil->data->{switches}{remove})) { my $device_target = $anvil->data->{switches}{disk}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { device_target => $device_target }}); if ($anvil->data->{switches}{disk} eq "#!SET!#") { # User didn't specify a device. show_server_details($anvil); print "\n[ Error ] - Please specify the disk drive target you want to work on.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } elsif (not exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}{$device_target}) { # Invalid device target show_server_details($anvil); print "\n[ Error ] - The disk drive target: [".$device_target."] wasn't found.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } my $device = "disk"; my $alias = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{alias}; my $boot_order = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{boot_order}; my $say_boot = $boot_order eq "99" ? "--" : sprintf("%02d", $boot_order); my $type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{type}; my $address_type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{type}; my $address_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{bus}; my $driver_name = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{name}; my $device_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{device_bus}; my $driver_type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{type}; my $address_domain = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{domain}; my $address_slot = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{slot}; my $address_function = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{function}; my $device_path = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{path}; my $driver_io = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{io}; my $driver_cache = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{cache}; my $on_lv = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}{$device_path}{on_lv}; my $drbd_volume = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv_path}{$on_lv}{drbd}{volume}; my $max_free_space = $anvil->data->{server_name}{$server_name}{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$drbd_volume}{free_space}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's01:device_target' => $device_target, 's02:alias' => $alias, 's03:boot_order' => $boot_order, 's04:say_boot' => $say_boot, 's05:type' => $type, 's06:address_type' => $address_type, 's07:address_bus' => $address_bus, 's08:driver_name' => $driver_name, 's09:device_bus' => $device_bus, 's10:driver_type' => $driver_type, 's11:address_domain' => $address_domain, 's12:address_slot' => $address_slot, 's13:address_function' => $address_function, 's14:device_path' => $device_path, 's15:driver_io' => $driver_io, 's16:driver_cache' => $driver_cache, 's17:on_lv' => $on_lv, 's18:drbd_volume' => $drbd_volume, 's19:max_free_space' => $max_free_space." (".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space}).")", }}); #print "- Target: [".$device_target."], boot: [".$say_boot."], path: [".$device_path."], cache: [".$driver_cache."], driver type: [".$driver_type."]\n"; print "- Target: [".$device_target."], boot: [".$say_boot."], path: [".$device_path."], Available space: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space})."]\n"; # What are we doing? if ($anvil->data->{switches}{grow}) { manage_disk_grow($anvil, $drbd_resource, $drbd_volume, $max_free_space); } } elsif ($anvil->data->{switches}{add}) { manage_disk_add($anvil, $drbd_resource); } return(0); } sub manage_disk_add { my ($anvil, $drbd_resource) = @_; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { drbd_resource => $drbd_resource }}); my $anvil_uuid = defined $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} ? $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} : $anvil->Cluster->get_anvil_uuid(); my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $from_source = get_definition_source($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { anvil_uuid => $anvil_uuid, short_host_name => $short_host_name, server_name => $server_name, from_source => $from_source, }}); # Are they asking for an available amount of space? my $error_note = q| [ Note ] - The size can be in percent, ie: '50%' or '100%', a number in bytes, or a human-readable size. - Human readable sizes must NOT have a space between the number and letter suffix. Also, base2 - vs base10 notation! Ie: '1GiB' = 1,073,741,824 bytes', '1GB' == '1,000,000,000 bytes'. A single - letter used to denote size will be interpreted as base2. ie: '1G == 1GiB'. |; # Do we have a storage group? if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{'storage-group'}) { print "Please specify a storage group to use to add the new drive to.\n"; short_storage_groups($anvil, $anvil_uuid); $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Make sure that the passed my $storage_group_switch = $anvil->data->{switches}{'storage-group'}; my $storage_group_uuid = ""; my $storage_group_name = ""; if (exists $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_name}{$storage_group_switch}) { $storage_group_uuid = $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_name}{$storage_group_switch}{storage_group_uuid}; $storage_group_name = $storage_group_switch; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { storage_group_uuid => $storage_group_uuid, storage_group_name => $storage_group_name, }}); } elsif (exists $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_uuid}{$storage_group_switch}) { $storage_group_uuid = $storage_group_switch; $storage_group_name = $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_uuid}{$storage_group_switch}{group_name}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { storage_group_uuid => $storage_group_uuid, storage_group_name => $storage_group_name, }}); } # Did we get a valid disk size? my $free_space = $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_uuid}{$storage_group_uuid}{free_space}; my $add_size = $anvil->data->{switches}{add}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); if ($add_size =~ /^(\d+)%$/) { # This is valid my $percent = ".".$1; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { percent => $percent }}); $add_size = int($free_space * $percent); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } elsif ($add_size !~ /\d/) { # No digits, probably didn't set a value at all. print "\n[ Error ] - Please specify the size you would like to grow this disk by. The maximum size is: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $free_space})."].\n"; print $error_note."\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } elsif ($add_size !~ /^\d+$/) { # Size is not in bytes, try to convert it. my $bytes = $anvil->Convert->human_readable_to_bytes({ debug => 2, size => $add_size, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 'bytes' => $bytes }}); if ($bytes =~ /^\d+$/) { $add_size = $bytes; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } else { # Not a valid size. print "\n[ Error ] - The requested size: [".$add_size."] could not be interpreted.\n"; print $error_note."\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } # Still here? We're good to go. my $lv_command_size = 0; my $hr_size = $anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $add_size}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { hr_size => $hr_size }}); if ($add_size eq "100%") { # This is valid $add_size = "-l +100\%FREE"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } else { $hr_size =~ s/\s+//g; $add_size = "-L +".$hr_size; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } # What's the next free drive in the system, and what's the next free volume number? my $new_device_target = ""; my $target_prefix = ""; my $disk_device_bus = ""; my $disk_cache = ""; my $disk_io_policy = ""; my $drive_letter = "a"; foreach my $device_target (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}}) { $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { device_target => $device_target }}); if (not $disk_device_bus) { $target_prefix = ($device_target =~ /^(\w+)\w$/)[0]; $disk_device_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}{$device_target}{device_bus}; $disk_io_policy = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{io}; $disk_cache = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{cache}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { target_prefix => $target_prefix, disk_device_bus => $disk_device_bus, disk_io_policy => $disk_io_policy, disk_cache => $disk_cache, }}); last; } } for (0..25) { my $test_device = $target_prefix.$drive_letter; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { test_device => $test_device }}); if (not exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{disk}{target}{$test_device}) { # Found a free one. $new_device_target = $test_device; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { new_device_target => $new_device_target }}); last; } $drive_letter++; } if (not $new_device_target) { print "\n[ Error ] - Failed to find a new target device name.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } my $next_drbd_volume = ""; foreach my $this_host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd}{drbd_node}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->Get->host_uuid_from_name({debug => 2, host_name => $this_host}); my $short_host_name = $anvil->data->{hosts}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{short_host_name}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:this_host' => $this_host, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, }}); if ($next_drbd_volume eq "") { my $test_drbd_volume = 0; for (0..100) { if (not $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$test_drbd_volume}{device_path}) { # This is free. $next_drbd_volume = $test_drbd_volume; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { next_drbd_volume => $next_drbd_volume }}); last; } $test_drbd_volume++; next; } } if ($next_drbd_volume eq "") { print "\n[ Error ] - Failed to find a new DRBD volume to use.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } ### TODO: Make this work without the peer node being online. # The server is allowed to be running, but both nodes and any DR hosts this is replicating to # needs to be online. my $all_online = check_drbd_peer_access($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { all_online => $all_online }}); if (not $all_online) { print "\n[ Error ] - Adding a new disk requires all peers to be online.\n"; foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{peer}}) { my $say_access = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access_ip} ? "up." : "down!"; print " - Peer: [".$short_host_name."] is ".$say_access."\n"; } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Still alive? Ask the user to confirm. print "- New drive target: [".$new_device_target."], size: [".$hr_size."], bus: [".$disk_device_bus."], cache: [".$disk_cache."], IO policy: [".$disk_io_policy."]\n"; print "- Preparing to add a the drive: [".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume."] using the storage group: [".$storage_group_name."]...\n"; if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{confirm}) { print $anvil->Words->string({key => "message_0021"})." "; my $answer = ; chomp($answer); if ($answer !~ /^y/i) { print "Aborting.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0}); } # Test that we've lost access while waiting for the answer. my $all_online = check_drbd_peer_access($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { all_online => $all_online }}); if (not $all_online) { print "\n[ Error ] - It would appear that we've lost access to a peer while waiting for the answer.\n"; foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{peer}}) { my $say_access = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access_ip} ? "up." : "down!"; print " - Peer: [".$short_host_name."] is ".$say_access."\n"; } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } # Get the next free minor number my ($free_minor, undef) = $anvil->DRBD->get_next_resource({ debug => 2, minor_only => 1, anvil_uuid => $anvil_uuid, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { free_minor => $free_minor }}); # Create the new LVs foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; my $vg_name = $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_uuid}{$storage_group_uuid}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{vg_name}; my $vg_internal_uuid = $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group_uuid}{$storage_group_uuid}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{vg_internal_uuid}; my $new_lv_name = $server_name."_".$next_drbd_volume; my $backing_disk = "/dev/".$vg_name."/".$new_lv_name; my $shell_call = "if [ -e '".$backing_disk."' ]; then echo 'LV: [".$backing_disk."] already exists.'; else ".$anvil->data->{path}{exe}{lvcreate}." ".$add_size." -n ".$new_lv_name." ".$vg_name."; fi;"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:vg_name' => $vg_name, 's4:vg_internal_uuid' => $vg_internal_uuid, 's5:new_lv_name' => $new_lv_name, 's6:backing_disk' => $backing_disk, 's7:shell_call' => $shell_call, }}); # Record this for updating the DRBD resource. $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{minor} = $free_minor; $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{backing_disk} = $backing_disk; $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{seen} = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "new_drbd::${short_host_name}::resource::${drbd_resource}::volume::${next_drbd_volume}::minor" => $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{minor}, "new_drbd::${short_host_name}::resource::${drbd_resource}::volume::${next_drbd_volume}::backing_disk" => $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{backing_disk}, "new_drbd::${short_host_name}::resource::${drbd_resource}::volume::${next_drbd_volume}::seen" => $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{seen}, }}); # This lets us insert the new volume as needed. $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { }}); if ($host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid) { print " - Creating the new local LV: [".$backing_disk."]..."; my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to create the new local logical volume: [".$backing_disk."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==========\n"; print "The creation of the new replicatedd disk is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } } else { my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $use_network = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}; print " - Creating the new LV on the peer: [".$short_host_name.":".$backing_disk."], via: [".$use_ip." (".$use_network.")]"; my ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to create the peer: [".$short_host_name."]'s logical volume: [".$backing_disk."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==] STDOUT [========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==] STDERR [========\n"; print $error."\n"; print "====================\n"; print "The creation of the new replicated disk is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } } } } # Update the DRBD config file. my $new_res_file = ""; my $drbd_res_file = $anvil->data->{path}{directories}{drbd_resources}."/".$drbd_resource.".res"; my $drbd_res_body = $anvil->Storage->read_file({file => $drbd_res_file}); my $in_on_host = ""; my $in_volume = ""; foreach my $line (split /\n/, $drbd_res_body) { $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { line => $line }}); if ($line =~ /on\s+(.*?)\s/) { $in_on_host = $1; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { line => $line }}); $new_res_file .= $line."\n"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { new_res_file => $new_res_file }}); next; } if (($in_on_host) && ($line =~ /volume\s+(\d+)\s/)) { $in_volume = $1; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { in_volume => $in_volume }}); $new_res_file .= $line."\n"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { new_res_file => $new_res_file }}); $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$in_on_host}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$in_volume}{seen} = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "new_drbd::${in_on_host}::resource::${drbd_resource}::volume::${in_volume}::seen" => $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$in_on_host}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$in_volume}{seen}, }}); next; } if ($line =~ /}/) { if ($in_volume) { $in_volume = ""; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { in_volume => $in_volume }}); } elsif ($in_on_host) { # This is where we insert the new volume, if we've not seen it yet. if (not $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$in_on_host}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{seen}) { # Insert the line. $new_res_file .= $line." volume ".$next_drbd_volume." { device /dev/drbd_".$drbd_resource."_".$next_drbd_volume." minor ".$anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{minor}."; disk ".$anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$in_on_host}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{backing_disk}."; meta-disk internal; } "; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { new_res_file => $new_res_file }}); $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$in_on_host}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{seen} = 1; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "new_drbd::${in_on_host}::resource::${drbd_resource}::volume::${in_volume}::seen" => $anvil->data->{new_drbd}{$in_on_host}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$in_volume}{seen}, }}); next; } } } $new_res_file .= $line."\n"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { new_res_file => $new_res_file }}); } $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { new_res_file => $new_res_file }}); my $difference = diff \$drbd_res_body, \$new_res_file, { STYLE => 'Unified' }; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { difference => $difference }}); # Write the file to a test file and verify it's sane, my $test_file = $anvil->data->{path}{directories}{temp}."/test-".$drbd_resource.".res"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { test_file => $test_file }}); my ($problem) = $anvil->Storage->write_file({ debug => 2, backup => 0, overwrite => 1, file => $test_file, body => $new_res_file, user => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644", }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { problem => $problem }}); # Validate. print "- Testing the updated DRBD resource config file to ensure the new volumes are cromulent..."; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." --config-to-test ".$test_file." --config-to-exclude ".$drbd_res_file." sh-nop"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { # Something went wrong. print " Failed! [ Error ] - The new DRBD resource config appears to be invalid, which is likely a program error. The new [ Error ] - config was written to the test file: [".$test_file."]. [ Error ] - The test to confirm it was valid exited with the return code: [".$return_code."], expected '0'. [ Error ] - The output, if anything, was: ==== ".$output." ==== "; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } print " Success!\n"; # Remove the test file. unlink $test_file; # Backup the res file so we can tell the user where the current config was backed up to in # case they need to restore it. print "- Writing out the updated DRBD config file.\n"; my ($backup_file) = $anvil->Storage->backup({file => $drbd_res_file}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { backup_file => $backup_file }}); # Write out the new file. ($problem) = $anvil->Storage->write_file({ debug => 2, backup => 0, overwrite => 1, file => $drbd_res_file, body => $new_res_file, user => "root", group => "root", mode => "0644", }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { backup_file => $backup_file }}); # # Copy this to our peers. print "- Copying the new resource file to out peers.\n"; foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; next if $host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid; my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $destination = "root\@".$use_ip.":".$anvil->data->{path}{directories}{drbd_resources}."/"; $destination =~ s/\/\//\//g; print " - Copying: [".$drbd_res_file."] to: [".$short_host_name.":".$destination."] via: [".$use_ip."]\n"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { use_ip => $use_ip, destination => $destination, }}); my $failed = $anvil->Storage->rsync({ debug => 2, destination => $destination, source => $drbd_res_file, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { failed => $failed }}); if ($failed) { print " [ Error ] - There was a problem copying the new config file! Unable to proceed. [ Error ] - Manual intervention to complete the update is required! "; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } } # Create the metadata. print "- Creating the replicated storage metadata on the new backing devices now.\n"; foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." --force create-md --max-peers=3 ".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:shell_call' => $shell_call, }}); # Create the metadata, but don't exit on failure in case the metadata was created in # a previous pass. if ($host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid) { print " - Creating the meta-data on the new local volume: [".$next_drbd_volume."]..."; my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); ### Return codes # 0 == Success # 1 == ? # 3 == Configuration not found. if ($return_code) { print " Warning!\n"; print "[ Warning ] - When trying to create the local meta-data on: [".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume."]\n"; print "[ Warning ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ Warning ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==========\n"; print "We will try to proceed anyway.\n"; } else { print " Done!\n"; } } else { my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $use_network = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}; print " - Creating the meta-data on the peer: [".$short_host_name.":".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume."], via: [".$use_ip." (".$use_network.")]"; my ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Warning!\n"; print "[ Warning ] - When trying to create the peer: [".$short_host_name."]'s meta-data on: [".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume."]\n"; print "[ Warning ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ Warning ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==] STDOUT [========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==] STDERR [========\n"; print $error."\n"; print "====================\n"; print "We will try to proceed anyway.\n"; } else { print " Done!\n"; } } } } ### NOTE: The call to 'drbdadm adjust ' hangs, hard, until the same command is run on the peers. ### To deal with this, we register jobs to run 'anvil-special-operations' on the peers, then we ### call adjust here. # Adjust to start/connect. foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{'anvil-special-operations'}." --task refresh-drbd-resource --resource ".$drbd_resource.$anvil->Log->switches; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:shell_call' => $shell_call, }}); next if $host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid; my ($job_uuid) = $anvil->Database->insert_or_update_jobs({ debug => 2, job_command => $shell_call, job_data => "adjust=".$drbd_resource, job_name => "server::add_disk::rescan", job_title => "job_0465", job_description => "job_0466", job_progress => 0, job_host_uuid => $host_uuid, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { job_uuid => $job_uuid }}); print "- Registered a job with job UUID: [".$job_uuid."] to reload the resource config on the host: [".$short_host_name."].\n"; } } print "- Adjusting the local resource: [".$drbd_resource."] to pick up the new config.\n"; print "[ NOTE ] - If this hangs, make sure 'anvil-daemon' is running on the peers.\n"; $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." adjust ".$drbd_resource; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({ debug => 2, background => 1, shell_call => $shell_call, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); # Find which node is currently Primary and use that host to force primary to start sync. If none, # force here. print "- Waiting for all peers to connect the new volume..."; my $waiting = 1; my $wait_until = time + 60; while ($waiting) { $anvil->DRBD->get_status({debug => 2}); my $peers_connected = 1; my $disks_ready = 0; foreach my $this_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{peers}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{peers}{$this_host_name}{host_uuid}; my $connection_state = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{connection}{$this_host_name}{'connection-state'}; my $node_id = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{connection}{$this_host_name}{'peer-node-id'}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:this_host_name' => $this_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:connection_state' => $connection_state, 's4:node_id' => $node_id, }}); if (lc($connection_state) ne "connected") { $peers_connected = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { peers_connected => $peers_connected }}); } } if ($peers_connected) { # Make sure all disks are attached. $disks_ready = 1; $anvil->data->{peers}{$short_host_name}{disk_state} = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{devices}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{'disk-state'}; $anvil->data->{peers}{$short_host_name}{role} = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{role}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "peers::${short_host_name}::disk_state" => $anvil->data->{peers}{$short_host_name}{disk_state}, }}); foreach my $peer_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{connection}}) { my $peer_disk_state = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{connection}{$peer_name}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{'peer-disk-state'}; my $replication_state = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{connection}{$peer_name}{volume}{$next_drbd_volume}{'replication-state'}; my $role = $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{connection}{$peer_name}{'peer-role'}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:peer_name' => $peer_name, 's2:peer_disk_state' => $peer_disk_state, 's3:replication_state' => $replication_state, 's4:role' => $role, }}); if (lc($replication_state) ne "established") { $disks_ready = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { peers_connected => $peers_connected }}); } $anvil->data->{peers}{$peer_name}{disk_state} = $peer_disk_state; $anvil->data->{peers}{$peer_name}{role} = $role; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "peers::${peer_name}::disk_state" => $anvil->data->{peers}{$peer_name}{disk_state}, }}); } } if ($disks_ready) { $waiting = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { waiting => $waiting }}); } else { if (time > $wait_until) { print " Failed!\n[ Error ] - The peers did not connect in the expected period of time.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } sleep 2; } } print " Done!\n"; print "- Peers are connected! Checking if the new volume requires initial sync.\n"; my $all_inconsistent = 1; my $primary_on_host = ""; foreach my $peer_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{peers}}) { my $disk_state = $anvil->data->{peers}{$peer_name}{disk_state}; my $role = $anvil->data->{peers}{$peer_name}{role}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { peer_name => $peer_name, disk_state => $disk_state, role => $role, }}); if (lc($disk_state) ne "inconsistent") { $all_inconsistent = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { all_inconsistent => $all_inconsistent }}); } if (lc($role) eq "primary") { $primary_on_host = $peer_name; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { primary_on_host => $primary_on_host }}); } } if ($all_inconsistent) { print "- Initial sync required!\n"; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." primary ".$drbd_resource." --force"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); # Which node should be forced primary? if (not $primary_on_host) { # We'll make it primary. $primary_on_host = $short_host_name; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { primary_on_host => $primary_on_host }}); } my $primary_on_host_uuid = $anvil->Get->host_uuid_from_name({debug => 2, host_name => $primary_on_host}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { primary_on_host_uuid => $primary_on_host_uuid }}); if ($primary_on_host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid) { print "- Forcing primary locally... "; my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); # Return code of '0' is success. if ($return_code) { print "Failed! [ Error ] - There was a problem trying to force the new volume: [".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume."] to Primary. [ Error ] - Attempted this using the shell call: [".$shell_call."]. [ Error ] - Expected the return code '0' but got: [".$return_code."]. The output, if any, was: ========== ".$output." ========== [ Error ] - Once corrected, please manually add the new volume to the server. "; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Now demote it again. $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." secondary ".$drbd_resource; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); print "Success!\n"; } else { my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $use_network = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}; print " - The resource is primary on the peer: [".$short_host_name."], forcing primary there via: [".$use_ip." (".$use_network.")]"; my ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print "Failed! [ Error ] - There was a problem trying to force the new volume: [".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume."] to Primary. [ Error ] - Attempted this using the shell call: [".$shell_call."]. [ Error ] - Expected the return code '0' but got: [".$return_code."]. The output, if any, was: ========== ".$output." ========== [ Error ] - Once corrected, please manually add the new volume to the server. "; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Now demote it again. $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." secondary ".$drbd_resource; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); print "Success!\n"; } } else { print "Initial sync does not appear to be required.\n"; } =cut my $startup_needed = 1; my $local_role = defined $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{role} ? $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$short_host_name}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{role} : ""; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { local_role => $local_role }}); # Create the DRBD metadata. For this, we don't fail. foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." --force create-md --max-peers=3 ".$drbd_resource."/".$next_drbd_volume; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's7:shell_call' => $shell_call, }}); if ($host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid) { print " - Creating the new local LV: [".$backing_disk."]..."; my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to create the new local logical volume: [".$backing_disk."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==========\n"; print "The creation of the new replicatedd disk is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } } else { my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $use_network = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}; print " - Creating the new LV on the peer: [".$short_host_name.":".$backing_disk."], via: [".$use_ip." (".$use_network.")]"; my ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to create the peer's logical volume: [".$backing_disk."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==] STDOUT [========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==] STDERR [========\n"; print $error."\n"; print "====================\n"; print "The creation of the new replicated disk is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } } } } =cut return(0); } sub manage_disk_grow { my ($anvil, $drbd_resource, $drbd_volume, $max_free_space) = @_; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:drbd_resource' => $drbd_resource, 's2:drbd_volume' => $drbd_volume, 's3:max_free_space' => $max_free_space, }}); my $anvil_uuid = defined $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} ? $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} : $anvil->Cluster->get_anvil_uuid(); my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $from_source = get_definition_source($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { anvil_uuid => $anvil_uuid, short_host_name => $short_host_name, server_name => $server_name, from_source => $from_source, }}); # Are they asking for an available amount of space? my $error_note = q| [ Note ] - The size can be in percent, ie: '50%' or '100%', a number in bytes, or a human-readable size. - Human readable sizes must NOT have a space between the number and letter suffix. Also, base2 - vs base10 notation! Ie: '1GiB' = 1,073,741,824 bytes', '1GB' == '1,000,000,000 bytes'. A single - letter used to denote size will be interpreted as base2. ie: '1G == 1GiB'. |; my $add_size = $anvil->data->{switches}{grow}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); if ($add_size =~ /^(\d+)%$/) { # This is valid my $percent = ".".$1; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { percent => $percent }}); $add_size = int($max_free_space * $percent); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } elsif ($add_size !~ /\d/) { # No digits, probably didn't set a value at all. print "\n[ Error ] - Please specify the size you would like to grow this disk by. The maximum size is: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space})."].\n"; print $error_note."\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } elsif ($add_size !~ /^\d+$/) { # Size is not in bytes, try to convert it. my $bytes = $anvil->Convert->human_readable_to_bytes({ debug => 2, size => $add_size, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 'bytes' => $bytes }}); if ($bytes =~ /^\d+$/) { $add_size = $bytes; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } else { # Not a valid size. print "\n[ Error ] - The requested size: [".$add_size."] could not be interpreted.\n"; print $error_note."\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } # Make sure they're asking for a reasonable size if ($add_size < 4194304) { # Must be a typo, this is less than the size of a single extent. print "\n[ Error ] - The requested size: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $add_size})."] is too small, it's less than an single extent.\n"; print $error_note."\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } elsif ($add_size > $max_free_space) { # Not enough space. print "\n[ Error ] - The requested size: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $add_size})."] is too large. The available size is: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space})."]\n"; print $error_note."\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } ### TODO: Make this work without the peer node being online. # The server is allowed to be running, but both nodes and any DR hosts this is replicating to # needs to be online. my $all_online = check_drbd_peer_access($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { all_online => $all_online }}); if (not $all_online) { print "\n[ Error ] - Growing the storage requires all peers to be online.\n"; foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{peer}}) { my $say_access = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access_ip} ? "up." : "down!"; print " - Peer: [".$short_host_name."] is ".$say_access."\n"; } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Still here? We're good to go. my $lv_command_size = 0; my $hr_size = $anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $add_size}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { hr_size => $hr_size }}); if ($add_size eq "100%") { # This is valid $add_size = "-l +100\%FREE"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } else { $hr_size =~ s/\s+//g; $add_size = "-L +".$hr_size; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { add_size => $add_size }}); } print "- Preparing to grow the storage by: [".$hr_size."]...\n"; if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{confirm}) { print $anvil->Words->string({key => "message_0021"})." "; my $answer = ; chomp($answer); if ($answer !~ /^y/i) { print "Aborting.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0}); } # Test that we've lost access while waiting for the answer. my $all_online = check_drbd_peer_access($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { all_online => $all_online }}); if (not $all_online) { print "\n[ Error ] - It would appear that we've lost access to a peer while waiting for the answer.\n"; foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{peer}}) { my $say_access = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access_ip} ? "up." : "down!"; print " - Peer: [".$short_host_name."] is ".$say_access."\n"; } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; my $backing_disk = $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$drbd_volume}{backing_disk}; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{lvextend}." ".$add_size." ".$backing_disk; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:backing_disk' => $backing_disk, 's4:shell_call' => $shell_call, }}); if ($host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid) { print " - Extending local LV: [".$backing_disk."]..."; my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to grow the local logical volume: [".$backing_disk."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==========\n"; print "The extension of the resource is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; print "[ Warning ] - Do NOT re-run this command! The backing devices may not have mis-matched sized!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } } else { my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $use_network = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}; print " - Extending peer: [".$short_host_name.":".$backing_disk."], via: [".$use_ip." (".$use_network.")]"; my ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to grow the peer's logical volume: [".$backing_disk."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==] STDOUT [========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==] STDERR [========\n"; print $error."\n"; print "====================\n"; print "The extension of the resource is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; print "[ Warning ] - Do NOT re-run this command! The backing devices may not have mis-matched sized!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } } } } # Locally, we'll call DRBD to resize. print "- Extending backing devices complete. Now extending DRBD resource/volume... "; my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{drbdadm}." resize ".$drbd_resource."/".$drbd_volume; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); if ($return_code) { print " Error!\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - When trying to grow the DRBD device: [".$drbd_resource."/".$drbd_volume."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - using the command: [".$shell_call."]\n"; print "[ FAILED ] - The return code: [".$return_code."] was received, expected '0'. Output, if any:\n"; print "==========\n"; print $output."\n"; print "==========\n"; print "The extension of the resource is incomplete, manual intervention is required!!\n"; print "[ Note ] - All backing devices have been grown. Manually resolving the drbd grow\n"; print "[ Note ] - error should complete the drive expansion!\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { print " Done!\n"; } # Call scan-lvm and scan-drbd to make sure the databases are updated. print "- Calling scancore agents to ensure the database has the new storage config recorded.\n"; foreach my $agent ("scan-drbd", "scan-lvm") { $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, key => "log_0740", variables => { agent => $agent }}); my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{directories}{scan_agents}."/".$agent."/".$agent.$anvil->Log->switches(); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); foreach my $host_type ("node", "dr") { foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, }}); if ($host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid) { print " - Running scan agent: [".$agent."] locally..."; my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); print " Done!\n"; } else { my $use_ip = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}; my $use_network = $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}; print " - Running scan agent: [".$agent."] on: [".$short_host_name."] via: [".$use_ip." (".$use_network.")]..."; my ($output, $error, $return_code) = $anvil->Remote->call({ shell_call => $shell_call, target => $use_ip, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, error => $error, return_code => $return_code, }}); print " Done!\n"; } } } } print "[ Success ] - Expansion is complete!\n"; print "[ Note ] - Depending on your OS, you may need to power the server off, and then power it back on\n"; print "[ Note ] - for the new space to be visible. Typically, powering off the server from the guest OS\n"; print "[ Note ] - and waiting for the Anvil! to boot it back up will do the job nicely.\n"; return(0); } sub manage_optical { my ($anvil) = @_; my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $from_source = get_definition_source($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { short_host_name => $short_host_name, server_name => $server_name, from_source => $from_source, }}); if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{optical}) { # If there's only one optical drive, select it automatically my $count = keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }}); if ($count == 1) { foreach my $device_target (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}}) { $anvil->data->{switches}{optical} = $device_target; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "switches::drive" => $anvil->data->{switches}{optical}, }}); last; } } if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{optical}) { # Can't proceed. print "\n[ Error ] - Please indicate the optical drive to work with using '--optical '.\n\n"; show_server_details($anvil); $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } my $device_target = $anvil->data->{switches}{optical}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { device_target => $device_target }}); if ($anvil->data->{switches}{optical} eq "#!SET!#") { # User didn't specify a device. show_server_details($anvil); print "\n[ Error ] - Please specify the optical disk target you want to work on.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } elsif (not exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}) { # Invalid device target show_server_details($anvil); print "\n[ Error ] - The optical device target: [".$device_target."] wasn't found.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } my $eject_first = 0; my $alias = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{alias}; my $boot_order = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{boot_order}; my $say_boot = $boot_order eq "99" ? "--" : sprintf("%02d", $boot_order); my $type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{type}; my $address_type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{address}{type}; my $address_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{address}{bus}; my $driver_name = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{name}; my $device_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{device_bus}; my $driver_type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{type}; my $address_controller = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{address}{controller}; my $address_unit = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{address}{unit}; my $address_target = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{address}{target}; my $device_path = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{cdrom}{target}{$device_target}{path}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's01:device_target' => $device_target, 's02:alias' => $alias, 's03:boot_order' => $boot_order, 's04:say_boot' => $say_boot, 's05:type' => $type, 's06:address_type' => $address_type, 's07:address_bus' => $address_bus, 's08:driver_name' => $driver_name, 's09:device_bus' => $device_bus, 's10:driver_type' => $driver_type, 's11:address_controller' => $address_controller, 's12:address_unit' => $address_unit, 's13:address_target' => $address_target, 's14:device_path' => $device_path, }}); # Without a --source, the result is an eject. my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{setsid}." --wait ".$anvil->data->{path}{exe}{virsh}." change-media ".$server_name." --path ".$device_target." --update --live --config"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); if ($anvil->data->{switches}{insert}) { # Make sure the new target exists. my $iso = $anvil->data->{switches}{insert}; if (not -f $iso) { print "[ Error ] - The target: [".$iso."] doesn't exist, can't insert it into the optical drive.\n"; update_definition($anvil, "undefine"); $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } else { $shell_call .= " --source ".$anvil->data->{switches}{insert}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); } } # If the server is running, update the on-disk and in-DB definition. print "Defining the server: [".$server_name."] to prepare for 'virsh' modification of the server.\n"; update_definition($anvil, "define"); # Now we can modify the server using virsh. if ($anvil->data->{switches}{insert}) { print "- Inserting: [".$anvil->data->{switches}{insert}."] into the drive: [".$device_target."].\n"; } elsif ($anvil->data->{switches}{eject}) { print "- Ejecting: [".$device_path."] from: [".$device_target."].\n"; } else { # Show the ISO in the drive. if ($device_path) { print "- Drive: [".$device_target."] has the disc image: [".$device_path."] inserted currently.\n"; print "- Use '--eject' to eject the disc.\n"; print "- Use '--insert /mnt/shared/files/' to replace it with a different disc image.\n"; } else { print "- Drive: [".$device_target."] currently has no disc image inserted.\n"; print "- Use '--insert /mnt/shared/files/' to insert a disc image.\n"; } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0}); } my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:output' => $output, 's2:return_code' => $return_code, }}); print "'virsh' Output: [".$output."]\n"; print "Updating the stored definition and undefining the server now:\n"; update_definition($anvil, "undefine"); print "Done!\n"; return(0); } sub get_definition_source { my ($anvil) = @_; my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $server_uuid = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_uuid}; my $server_state = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_state}; my $server_host_uuid = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_host_uuid}; my $from_source = ""; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { short_host_name => $short_host_name, server_name => $server_name, server_uuid => $server_uuid, server_state => $server_state, from_source => $from_source, }}); $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh} = "" if not exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh}; $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_disk} = "" if not exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_disk}; $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_db} = "" if not exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_db}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "server::${short_host_name}::${server_name}::from_virsh" => $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh}, "server::${short_host_name}::${server_name}::from_disk" => $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_disk}, "server::${short_host_name}::${server_name}::from_db" => $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_db}, }}); if (($server_state eq "running") && ($server_host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid()) && (exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh})) { $from_source = "from_virsh"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { from_source => $from_source }}); } elsif (exists $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_disk}) { $from_source = "from_disk"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { from_source => $from_source }}); } else { $from_source = "from_db"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { from_source => $from_source }}); } return($from_source); } sub show_server_details { my ($anvil) = @_; my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $host_uuid = $anvil->Get->host_uuid; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's2:server_name' => $server_name, }}); # Load storage data my $drbd_resource = load_storage($anvil); my $from_source = get_definition_source($anvil); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { from_source => $from_source }}); foreach my $device ("disk", "cdrom") { if ($device eq "disk") { print "\nDisk Drives:\n"; } else { print "\nOptical Drives:\n"; } $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { device => $device }}); next if $device ne "cdrom" && $device ne "disk"; foreach my $device_target (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}}) { my $alias = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{alias}; my $boot_order = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{boot_order}; my $say_boot = $boot_order eq "99" ? "--" : sprintf("%02d", $boot_order); my $type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{type}; my $address_type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{type}; my $address_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{bus}; my $driver_name = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{name}; my $device_bus = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{device_bus}; my $driver_type = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{type}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's01:device_target' => $device_target, 's02:alias' => $alias, 's03:boot_order' => $boot_order, 's04:say_boot' => $say_boot, 's05:type' => $type, 's06:address_type' => $address_type, 's07:address_bus' => $address_bus, 's08:driver_name' => $driver_name, 's09:device_bus' => $device_bus, 's10:driver_type' => $driver_type, }}); if ($device eq "disk") { my $address_domain = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{domain}; my $address_slot = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{slot}; my $address_function = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{function}; my $device_path = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{path}; my $driver_io = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{io}; my $driver_cache = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{driver}{cache}; my $on_lv = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}{$device_path}{on_lv}; my $drbd_resource = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{device}{$device_path}{resource}; my $drbd_volume = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv_path}{$on_lv}{drbd}{volume}; my $resource_size = $anvil->data->{drbd}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{resource_name}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$drbd_volume}{volume_size}; my $lv_name = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv_path}{$on_lv}{scan_lvm_lv_name}; my $lv_size = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_size}; my $metadata_size = $lv_size - $resource_size; my $max_free_space = get_max_free_space($anvil, $drbd_resource, $drbd_volume); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's01:address_domain' => $address_domain, 's02:address_slot' => $address_slot, 's03:address_function' => $address_function, 's04:device_path' => $device_path, 's05:driver_io' => $driver_io, 's06:driver_cache' => $driver_cache, 's07:on_lv' => $on_lv, 's08:lv_name' => $lv_name, 's09:drbd_resource' => $drbd_resource, 's10:drbd_volume' => $drbd_volume, 's11:resource_size' => $anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $resource_size})." (".$anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $resource_size}).")", 's12:lv_size' => $anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $lv_size})."] (".$anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $lv_size}).")", 's13:metadata_size' => $anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $metadata_size})."] (".$anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $metadata_size}).")", 's14:max_free_space' => $max_free_space." (".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space}).")", }}); print "- Target: [".$device_target."], boot: [".$say_boot."], Replication Volume: [".$drbd_resource."/".$drbd_volume."]\n"; print " |- Resource / LV / Metadata sizes: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $resource_size})." / ".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $lv_size})." / ".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $metadata_size})."], free space: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space})."]\n"; #print " |- Resource / LV / Metadata sizes: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $resource_size})." / ".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $lv_size})." / ".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $metadata_size})."], free space: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space})."], cache: [".$driver_cache."], IO Policy: [".$driver_io."]\n"; } else { my $address_controller = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{controller}; my $address_unit = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{unit}; my $address_target = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{address}{target}; my $device_path = ""; if (defined $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{path}) { $device_path = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{$from_source}{device}{$device}{target}{$device_target}{path}; } $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:address_controller' => $address_controller, 's2:address_unit' => $address_unit, 's3:address_target' => $address_target, 's4:device_path' => $device_path, }}); print "- Target: [".$device_target."], boot: [".$say_boot."], ISO: [".$device_path."]\n"; } } } print "\n"; print "Sub-Nodes:\n"; show_volume($anvil, $drbd_resource, "node"); my $dr_count = keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{dr}{short_host_name}}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { dr_count => $dr_count }}); if ($dr_count) { print "DR Hosts:\n"; show_volume($anvil, $drbd_resource, "dr"); } return(0); } sub check_drbd_peer_access { my ($anvil) = @_; my $all_online = 1; foreach my $this_host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd}{drbd_node}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->Get->host_uuid_from_name({debug => 2, host_name => $this_host}); my $short_host_name = $anvil->data->{hosts}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{short_host_name}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:this_host' => $this_host, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's3:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, }}); next if $host_uuid eq $anvil->Get->host_uuid; # This is used to store the IP we used to access the peer. If no access is available, this # shows which hosts are not available. $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access_ip} = ""; $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access_network} = ""; my $access = 0; my $matches = $anvil->Network->find_access({ debug => 2, target => $this_host, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { matches => $matches }}); foreach my $preferred_network ("bcn", "mn", "ifn", "sn") { $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { preferred_network => $preferred_network }}); foreach my $network_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{network_access}}) { next if $access; next if $network_name !~ /^$preferred_network/; my $target_ip = $anvil->data->{network_access}{$network_name}{target_ip_address}; my $test_access = $anvil->Remote->test_access({target => $target_ip}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:network_name' => $network_name, 's2:target_ip' => $target_ip, 's3:test_access' => $test_access, }}); if ($test_access) { # We're good. $access = 1; $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip} = $target_ip; $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network} = $network_name; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:access' => $access, "s2:peer::${short_host_name}::access::ip" => $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{ip}, "s3:peer::${short_host_name}::access::network" => $anvil->data->{peer}{$short_host_name}{access}{network}, }}); } } } if (not $access) { $all_online = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { all_online => $all_online }}); } } return($all_online); } sub get_max_free_space { my ($anvil, $drbd_resource, $drbd_volume) = @_; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's01:drbd_resource' => $drbd_resource, 's02:drbd_volume' => $drbd_volume, }}); my $max_free_space = 0; foreach my $this_host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd}{drbd_node}}) { my $drbd_path = $anvil->data->{drbd}{drbd_node}{$this_host}{config}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$drbd_volume}{drbd_path}; my $drbd_path_by_res = $anvil->data->{drbd}{drbd_node}{$this_host}{config}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$drbd_volume}{drbd_path_by_res}; my $backing_lv = $anvil->data->{drbd}{drbd_node}{$this_host}{config}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{volume}{$drbd_volume}{backing_lv}; my $lv_name = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$this_host}{lv_path}{$backing_lv}{scan_lvm_lv_name} ? $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$this_host}{lv_path}{$backing_lv}{scan_lvm_lv_name} : ""; my $on_vg = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$this_host}{lv}{$lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_on_vg} ? $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$this_host}{lv}{$lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_on_vg} : ""; my $vg_free_space = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$this_host}{vg}{$on_vg}{scan_lvm_vg_free} ? $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$this_host}{vg}{$on_vg}{scan_lvm_vg_free} : 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's01:this_host' => $this_host, 's02:drbd_path' => $drbd_path, 's03:drbd_path_by_res' => $drbd_path_by_res, 's04:backing_lv' => $backing_lv, 's05:on_vg' => $on_vg, 's06:vg_free_space' => $vg_free_space." (".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $vg_free_space}).")", }}); if ((not $max_free_space) or ($vg_free_space < $max_free_space)) { $max_free_space = $vg_free_space; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { max_free_space => $max_free_space." (".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $max_free_space}).")", }}); } } return($max_free_space); } sub load_drbd_data { my ($anvil, $drbd_resource) = @_; my $query = " SELECT a.host_uuid, b.scan_drbd_resource_xml, c.scan_drbd_volume_number, c.scan_drbd_volume_device_path, c.scan_drbd_volume_device_minor, c.scan_drbd_volume_size FROM hosts a, scan_drbd_resources b, scan_drbd_volumes c WHERE a.host_uuid = b.scan_drbd_resource_host_uuid AND b.scan_drbd_resource_uuid = c.scan_drbd_volume_scan_drbd_resource_uuid AND b.scan_drbd_resource_name = ".$anvil->Database->quote($drbd_resource)." ;"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { query => $query }}); my $results = $anvil->Database->query({query => $query, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); my $count = @{$results}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { results => $results, count => $count, }}); foreach my $row (@{$results}) { my $host_uuid = $row->[0]; my $short_host_name = $anvil->data->{hosts}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{short_host_name}; my $host_type = $anvil->data->{hosts}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{host_type}; my $scan_drbd_volume_number = $row->[2]; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, 's2:host_type' => $host_type, 's3:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's4:scan_drbd_volume_number' => $scan_drbd_volume_number, }}); $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$scan_drbd_volume_number}{device_path} = $row->[3]; $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$scan_drbd_volume_number}{device_minor} = $row->[4]; $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$scan_drbd_volume_number}{volume_size} = $row->[5]; $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid} = $host_uuid; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "s1:drbd_resource::${drbd_resource}::host_uuid::${host_uuid}::volume_number::${scan_drbd_volume_number}::device_path" => $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$scan_drbd_volume_number}{device_path}, "s2:drbd_resource::${drbd_resource}::host_uuid::${host_uuid}::volume_number::${scan_drbd_volume_number}::device_minor" => $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$scan_drbd_volume_number}{device_minor}, "s3:drbd_resource::${drbd_resource}::host_uuid::${host_uuid}::volume_number::${scan_drbd_volume_number}::volume_size" => $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$scan_drbd_volume_number}{volume_size}, "s4:drbd_resource::${drbd_resource}::host_type::${host_type}::short_host_name::${short_host_name}::host_uuid" => $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}, }}); if (not exists $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{xml}) { $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{xml} = $row->[1]; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "drbd_resource::${drbd_resource}::xml" => $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{xml}, }}); $anvil->DRBD->parse_resource({ debug => 2, xml => $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{xml}, }); } } return(0); } sub show_volume { my ($anvil, $drbd_resource, $host_type) = @_; my $anvil_uuid = defined $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} ? $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} : $anvil->Cluster->get_anvil_uuid(); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { anvil_uuid => $anvil_uuid }}); foreach my $short_host_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}}) { my $host_uuid = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_type}{$host_type}{short_host_name}{$short_host_name}{host_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:host_uuid' => $host_uuid, }}); print " |- Name: [".$short_host_name."], UUID: [".$host_uuid."]\n"; foreach my $volume_number (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}}) { my $device_path = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{device_path}; my $device_minor = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{device_minor}; my $volume_size = $anvil->data->{drbd_resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{volume_size}; my $backing_disk = $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{backing_disk}; my $meta_disk = $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{meta_disk}; my $storage_group_uuid = $anvil->data->{new}{resource}{$drbd_resource}{host_uuid}{$host_uuid}{volume_number}{$volume_number}{storage_group_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:volume_number' => $volume_number, 's2:device_path' => $device_path, 's3:device_minor' => $device_minor, 's4:volume_size' => $volume_size, 's5:backing_disk' => $backing_disk, 's6:meta_disk' => $meta_disk, 's7:storage_group_uuid' => $storage_group_uuid, }}); my $storage_group_name = ""; my $storage_group_size = 0; my $storage_group_free_space = 0; if (($storage_group_uuid) && ($anvil_uuid) && (exists $anvil->data->{anvil_resources}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group}{$storage_group_uuid})) { $storage_group_name = $anvil->data->{storage_groups}{storage_group_uuid}{$storage_group_uuid}{storage_group_name}; $storage_group_size = $anvil->data->{anvil_resources}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group}{$storage_group_uuid}{vg_size}; $storage_group_free_space = $anvil->data->{anvil_resources}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group}{$storage_group_uuid}{free_size}; } $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:storage_group_size' => $storage_group_size, 's2:storage_group_free_space' => $storage_group_free_space, }}); print " |- Volume: [".$volume_number."], backing device: [".$backing_disk."], DRBD minor: [".$device_minor."], size: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $volume_size})."]\n"; print " ^- In storage group: [".$storage_group_name."], size: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $storage_group_size})."], free: [".$anvil->Convert->bytes_to_human_readable({'bytes' => $storage_group_free_space})."]\n"; # How much space is available in the storage group this volume is in? foreach my $this_scan_lvm_lv_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}}) { my $this_scan_lvm_lv_path = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_path}; my $this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_on_vg}; my $this_scan_lvm_lv_uuid = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{lv}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_name}{scan_lvm_lv_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:this_scan_lvm_lv_name' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_name, 's2:this_scan_lvm_lv_path' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_path, 's3:this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg, 's4:this_scan_lvm_lv_uuid' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_uuid, }}); if ($backing_disk eq $this_scan_lvm_lv_path) { # What's the VG's UUID? $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg' => $this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg, }}); if (exists $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{vg}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg}) { my $scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{vg}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg}{scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid}; my $storage_group_uuid = $anvil->data->{lvm}{host_name}{$short_host_name}{vg}{$this_scan_lvm_lv_on_vg}{storage_group_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid' => $scan_lvm_vg_internal_uuid, 's2:storage_group_uuid' => $storage_group_uuid, }}); if ($storage_group_uuid) { my $vg_size = $anvil->data->{anvil_resources}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group}{$storage_group_uuid}{vg_size}; my $free_size = $anvil->data->{anvil_resources}{$anvil_uuid}{storage_group}{$storage_group_uuid}{free_size}; } } } } } } return(0); } sub validate_server { my ($anvil) = @_; $anvil->Get->server_from_switch({ debug => 2, string => $anvil->data->{switches}{server}, anvil_uuid => $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "switches::server_name" => $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}, "switches::server_uuid" => $anvil->data->{switches}{server_uuid}, }}); if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{server_uuid}) { show_server_list($anvil); if ($anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}) { # Not found on the requested Anvil! node. print "\nThe server: [".$anvil->data->{switches}{server}."] was not found on the Anvil! node: [".$anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_name}."]. Valid servers are above.\n\n"; } else { # Not found at all. print "\nThe server: [".$anvil->data->{switches}{server}."] was not found. Valid servers are above.\n\n"; } $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } print "Working with the server: [".$anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}."], UUID: [".$anvil->data->{switches}{server_uuid}."]\n"; my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $server_uuid = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_uuid}; my $server_definition = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_definition_xml}; my $server_host_uuid = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_host_uuid}; my $server_state = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_state}; my $anvil_uuid = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_anvil_uuid}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:server_name' => $server_name, 's3:server_uuid' => $server_uuid, 's4:server_definition' => $server_definition, 's5:server_host_uuid' => $server_host_uuid, 's6:server_state' => $server_state, 's7:anvil_uuid' => $anvil_uuid, }}); if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}) { $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} = $anvil_uuid; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:switches::anvil_uuid' => $anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}, }}); } if ($server_state eq "DELETED") { print "The server: [".$server_name."] has been deleted.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Parse the definition. $anvil->Server->parse_definition({ debug => 3, host => $short_host_name, server => $server_name, source => "from_db", definition => $server_definition, }); # Can we read the XML definition? $anvil->Server->get_status({ debug => 2, server => $server_name, host => $short_host_name, }); if (not $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh}{xml}) { # The server isn't actually running... Not here anyway. if ($server_state eq "running") { my $server_host_name = $anvil->Database->get_host_from_uuid({ short => 1, host_uuid => $server_host_uuid, }); print "The server: [".$server_name."] appears to be running on: [".$server_host_name."], please run this on that host.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } } return(0); } # Update the definition on disk and in the DB, and define or undefine if requested. sub update_definition { my ($anvil, $task) = @_; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { task => $task }}); my $short_host_name = $anvil->Get->short_host_name; my $server_name = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_name}; my $server_uuid = $anvil->data->{switches}{server_uuid}; my $server_definition = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_definition_xml}; my $server_host_uuid = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_host_uuid}; my $server_state = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_state}; my $definition_file = $anvil->data->{path}{directories}{shared}{definitions}."/".$server_name.".xml"; my $server_running_here = 0; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:short_host_name' => $short_host_name, 's2:server_name' => $server_name, 's3:server_uuid' => $server_uuid, 's4:server_definition' => $server_definition, 's5:server_host_uuid' => $server_host_uuid, 's6:server_state' => $server_state, 's7:definition_file' => $definition_file, }}); # See if the server is running locally my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{setsid}." --wait ".$anvil->data->{path}{exe}{virsh}." list --name"; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 's1:output' => $output, 's2:return_code' => $return_code, }}); foreach my $this_server (split/\n/, $output) { $this_server = $anvil->Words->clean_spaces({string => $this_server}); next if not $this_server; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { this_server => $this_server }}); if ($this_server eq $server_name) { $server_running_here = 1; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { server_running_here => $server_running_here }}); last; } } my $disk_definition = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_disk}{xml} ? $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_disk}{xml} : ""; my $virsh_definition = $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh}{xml} ? $anvil->data->{server}{$short_host_name}{$server_name}{from_virsh}{xml} : ""; my $use_definition = ""; if (($server_running_here) or (($server_state eq "running") && ($virsh_definition))) { # Get the live definition if ($server_running_here) { my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{setsid}." --wait ".$anvil->data->{path}{exe}{virsh}." dumpxml --inactive ".$server_name; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); my ($live_virsh_definition, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { live_virsh_definition => $live_virsh_definition, return_code => $return_code, }}); my ($problem) = $anvil->Server->parse_definition({ server => $server_name, source => "from_virsh", definition => $live_virsh_definition, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { problem => $problem }}); if (not $problem) { $use_definition = $live_virsh_definition; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { use_definition => $use_definition }}); $anvil->Server->parse_definition({ debug => 3, host => $short_host_name, server => $server_name, source => "from_virsh", definition => $live_virsh_definition, }); } else { $use_definition = $virsh_definition; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { use_definition => $use_definition }}); $anvil->Server->parse_definition({ debug => 3, host => $short_host_name, server => $server_name, source => "from_virsh", definition => $virsh_definition, }); } } else { $use_definition = $virsh_definition; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { use_definition => $use_definition }}); $anvil->Server->parse_definition({ debug => 3, host => $short_host_name, server => $server_name, source => "from_virsh", definition => $virsh_definition, }); } } else { $use_definition = $disk_definition; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { use_definition => $use_definition }}); $anvil->Server->parse_definition({ debug => 3, host => $short_host_name, server => $server_name, source => "from_disk", definition => $virsh_definition, }); } if (not $use_definition) { # What?! print "[ Error ] - Failed to find an on disk or from virsh definition for the server: [".$server_name."]. Unable to proceed.\n"; $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1}); } # Update the stored definition $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_definition_xml} = $use_definition; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "servers::server_uuid::${server_uuid}::server_definition_xml" => $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_definition_xml}, }}); # Update the on-disk definition my ($failed) = $anvil->Storage->write_file({ secure => 1, file => $definition_file, body => $use_definition, overwrite => 1, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { failed => $failed }}); my $server_definition_uuid = $anvil->Database->insert_or_update_server_definitions({ debug => 2, server_definition_xml => $use_definition, server_definition_server_uuid => $server_uuid, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { server_definition_uuid => $server_definition_uuid }}); if ($task eq "define") { # Define the server. my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{setsid}." --wait ".$anvil->data->{path}{exe}{virsh}." define ".$definition_file, $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__}); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); } elsif ($task eq "undefine") { # Undefine the server. my $shell_call = $anvil->data->{path}{exe}{setsid}." --wait ".$anvil->data->{path}{exe}{virsh}." undefine ".$server_name, $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { shell_call => $shell_call }}); my ($output, $return_code) = $anvil->System->call({ debug => 2, shell_call => $shell_call, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, }); $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { output => $output, return_code => $return_code, }}); } return(0); } sub show_server_list { my ($anvil) = @_; # Loop through all Anvil! nodes, then all server in that Anvil! foreach my $anvil_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{anvils}{anvil_name}}) { my $anvil_uuid = $anvil->data->{anvils}{anvil_name}{$anvil_name}{anvil_uuid}; my $anvil_description = $anvil->data->{anvils}{anvil_name}{$anvil_name}{anvil_description}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { anvil_name => $anvil_name, anvil_uuid => $anvil_uuid, anvil_description => $anvil_description, }}); if (($anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid}) && ($anvil->data->{switches}{anvil_uuid} ne $anvil_uuid)) { next; } print "\nAnvil! Node: [".$anvil_name."], UUID: [".$anvil_uuid."] - Description: [".$anvil_description."]\n"; my $server_count = 0; if (exists $anvil->data->{servers}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{server_name}) { $server_count = keys %{$anvil->data->{servers}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{server_name}}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { server_count => $server_count }}); } if (not $server_count) { print "- No servers on this node yet\n"; } else { foreach my $server_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{servers}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{server_name}}) { my $server_uuid = $anvil->data->{servers}{anvil_uuid}{$anvil_uuid}{server_name}{$server_name}{server_uuid}; my $server_state = $anvil->data->{servers}{server_uuid}{$server_uuid}{server_state}; $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { server_name => $server_name, server_uuid => $server_uuid, server_state => $server_state, }}); next if $server_state eq "DELETED"; print "^- Server: [".$server_name."], UUID: [".$server_uuid."]\n"; } } } return(0); }