From the gnome project; - network-wired-connected.png - network-wired-disconnected.png Anvil by Christopher T. Howlett from the Noun Project ( - anvil_icon.png Anvil and Hammer by Ivana Milchanska from the Noun Project ( - striker_icon.png Users by Edgar Vargas, US from the Noun Project ( - users_icon.png User by Wilson Joseph from the Noun Project ( - users_icon_2.png Question by Travis Avery from the Noun Project ( - help_icon.png Sync by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project ( - sync.png update by sofi from the Noun Project ( - update.png back by K from the Noun Project ( - back.png Refresh by Denis Klyuchnikov from the Noun Project ( - refresh.png configure by Gregor Cresnar from the Noun Project ( - striker_configure.png / configure-network.png customize by Trusted Icons from the Noun Project ( - configure_icon.png power by Blair Adams from the Noun Project ( - power_icon.png reset by Mooms from the Noun Project ( - reboot_icon.png Target by bezier master from the Noun Project ( - install_target.png Task by Ramesha from the Noun Project ( - tasks_icon.png Setup by Eucalyp from the Noun Project ( - build_icon.png configure by iconesia from the Noun Project ( - prep-host_icon.png Folder by Mint Shirt from the Noun Project ( - files_icon.png Broken Key by I Putu Kharismayadi from the Noun Project ( - broken_key.png Mail By unlimicon, ID from the Noun Project ( - email.png Mail server Mail Server by SBTS from the Noun Project ( - email_server.png Reader by Richa from the Noun Project - email_recipient.png Delete by Kavya from the Noun Project ( - delete.png instructions by Prettycons from the Noun Project ( - manifest.png Fence by P Thanga Vignesh from the Noun Project ( - fence.png uninterruptible power supply by Denis Shumaylov from the Noun Project ( - ups.png operation by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project ( - run.png