Commit Graph

2098 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
650dc6eb80 * Finished Storage->compress(). Also added some missing 'port' parameters (reads and passes) in a few different Storage methods.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-27 17:19:03 -04:00
deb8965a38 Merge branch 'master' of
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-26 20:43:17 -04:00
08176a5711 * Updated Database->_archive_table() to remove double-// in paths.
* Started work on Database->compress.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-26 20:10:02 -04:00
b29bfd4c59 * Added some logging to the archive method.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-26 20:07:03 -04:00
b436500a54 * Started working on getting database archiving working. It's close to done, but needs testing/debugging and other finery.
* Created Database->get_host_from_uuid() that takes a host UUID and returns the host's name.
* Reworked Network->find_matches() to return both the match's IP and subnet.
* Finished getting tools/striker-initialize-host to add all known peers to the target, using IPs on the target's available subnet.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-26 01:53:52 -04:00
b1a175baa0 * Finished Network->load_ips().
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-23 11:10:07 -04:00
934c9b1286 * Updated logging to now log anything with 'priority' set to a new 'anvil.alert.log' file (while still also logging as normal to anvil.log). This should make it easier to watch for alert messages.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-22 21:17:30 -04:00
f750e087f6 * Prepped .spec for -27 release.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-20 23:09:17 -04:00
af6e2c076d * Fixed a tricky deep recursion bug in Network->is_local when the passed in host was an empty string. Also created a cache system where a host name that has been checked before is immediately returned, without needing to run through the logic in 'is_local', which gets called quite frequently.
* Updated the loop detection logic in Log->entry where processing large strings was triggering it when it shouldn't.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-20 22:55:49 -04:00
32bcdbe6d3 * Removed Network->is_remote, standardized on Network->is_local, and flipped calls to it to be more sensible (is_local -> local call -> else remote call). Also fixed a deep recursion issue with ->is_local where, given that it logs (which calls Storage methods which have local/remote invocations), would loop.
* Fixed a bug where '$target' being preset to 'local' was causing bad calls to 'Remote->call'.
* Updated Storage->change_mode and -> change_owner to work locally and on remote hosts.
* Barely started work on striker->process_anvil_menu().

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-19 00:57:33 -04:00
a7f93c59ea * Reworked striker-parse-oui and striker-scan-network to always lower-case the MAC address.
* Updated striker-scan-network to only run once per day unless --force or a given --network is used. This avoids repeated scans when the anvil-daemon restarts frequently for whatever reason.
* Fixed (for real this time) Convert->time's handling of the 'long' parameter.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-18 11:40:38 -04:00
4d0a02ce74 * Fixed a bug in Database->get_local_uuid() where ->is_local() was being called incorrectly.
* Added job parsing to tools/striker-parse-oui and tools/striker-scan-network, and enabled them in anvil-daemon.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-17 13:08:11 -04:00
1d13e669a7 * Created the new tools/striker-scan-network tool that ping scans a network range and records the discovered hosts in the new 'mac_to_ip' table. Also created Database->insert_or_update_mac_to_ip() to handle the new table.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-16 23:23:02 -04:00
7e960f1632 * Created the 'oui' database table that stores the parsed OUI data, as processed by the new 'tools/striker-parse-oui' tool. Also created Database->insert_or_update_oui() to handle inserts and updates.
* Fixed a bug in Convert->time() where the suffix was long when it should have been short, and vice-versa.
* Updated Network->download() to check if the target file exists and, if so, to abort unless 'overwrite' is given or the existing file is 0-bytes long. Also updated it to not exit on immediate error after the wget call and instead check to see if a zero-byte file exists and remove it, if so.
* Created Validate->is_hex() to check hexadecimal strings.
* Updated Words->clean_spaces() to remove MS-DOS-style ^M cr/lf characters.
* Updated anvil-daemon to have a section for periodic tasks that run daily, and added striker-parse-oui as well as moved striker-manage-install-target refresh to that check. Also made those tools run on dashboards only.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-16 01:57:59 -04:00
7cdd2f60e9 * Created Network->download() to handle downloading a file on the local system. Created ->bridge_info() to parse 'bridge' output. Created ->load_ips() to load IP address information from the database (as opposed to ->get_ips() which queries a system).
* Created Database->insert_or_update_bridge_interfaces() to handle updating the new bridge_interfaces database table that records which network interfaces are connected to which bridges.
* Added 'bridge_mac' and 'bridge_mtu' to the 'bridges' table.
* Started Server->map_network which will, eventually, try to map MAC addresses to IPs and record server -> vnetX -> bridge data. Made getting a server status target-dependent.
* Worked on anvil-update-states to parse and record bridge data.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-12 00:32:32 -04:00
183d2d9cce * Updated Storage->backup to append a short UUID to the timestamp to prevent issues if the same file is backed up twice in the same clock second. Also fixed a bug with remote_user parameter not having a default.
* Finished the detection of and handling of initialization of a host when the host has no Internet access.
* Disabled (for now) anvil-daemon's check_ssh_keys function.
* Fixed a couple small bugs elsewhere.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-04 22:36:39 -04:00
65a27ba2f8 * Created Network->check_internet() that, well, checks to see if a machine has access to the Internet or not.
* Moved System->is_local to Network->is_local, and System->ping to Network->ping.
* Added a check to tools/striker-get-peer-data that will report if the target has Internet access or not.
* Cleaned up the form that prompts the user to enter their Red Hat credentials.
* Updated tools/anvil-manage-keys (and related code) to no longer distinguish by user. If a target is flagged as changed, it is removed from the root and all user's known_hosts files.
* Updated Storage->write_file() and ->update_file() to accept the 'backup' parameter to control if an file that exists is backed up before being updated/replaced.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-04 00:40:30 -04:00
f65a2897a7 * Prepped v3.0.26 RPM release
* Fixed minor bugs in tools/anvil-configure-host, tools/anvil-manage-files, and tools/striker-get-peer-data

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-02 17:23:03 -04:00
3a86bed694 * Fixed tools/striker-initialize-host so that it set the hostname on the target, not locally.
* Updated System->host_name to work locally and on remote targets.
* Renamed all 'hostname' instances to 'host_name' to standardize on a spelling throughout the program.
* Removed use of and dependency on 'hostname'.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-02 15:39:21 -04:00
b57546e663 * Fixed a bug in Database->manage_anvil_conf() where the wrong password and port was being set.
* Fixed a bug in Get->host_uuid() where the call to get the host UUID from dmidecode was broken.
* Updated striker -> Initialize host to allow the user to set the host name of a node or host being initialized, allowing it to be registered with Red Hat under the proper name and make it easier to track which machine is which during initial Anvil! build.
* Fixed a few minor bugs with variable insertions into translated strings.
* Updated striker-initialize-host to use a progressive progress value rather than statically assigned steps.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-10-02 02:04:22 -04:00
3e01537209 * Updated how bad keys are removed. No longer are speciifc lines removed by number, but now all entries for the given target in the known_hosts file is removed.
* Updated the pxe.txt file to now write a caller for anvil-update-issue in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ifup-local to have the /etc/issue file is updated as soon as the network is brought up, before the GDM login prompt is shown.
* Fixed a couple bugs in tools/anvil-manage-keys, including to ensure that the permissions are retained when a file is updated.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-27 23:21:24 -04:00
6bca354d87 * More progress on managing/removing back keys. Updated it to have jobs list one or more state_uuid(s) to be removed, instead of bulk-removing all found back keys. Created the web interface to let the user select the keys to be deleted. Works partially now, but bugs need to be removed.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-27 01:31:29 -04:00
566ec896ca * Created tools/anvil-manage-keys to handle user requests to remove bad keys from known_hosts files for target machines that have been rebuilt or replaced.
* Added a check to Remote->call() where, when a connect attempt fails because of a changed/bad key, it is reported as such to the user/logs and an entry is recorded in the state file.
* Started adding a Striker menu function showing users a list of bad keys in known_hosts files and the ability to remove old keys.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-26 01:06:16 -04:00
37f36fe99c * Updated kickstart to write the basic tools/anvil-update-issue to a freshly installed machine and run it from cron.
* Updated Remote->call() to detect when a connection fails because the target's known_hosts entry has changed. Still need to add the function to report this to the user.
* Fixed a bug where new-lines in Words->parse_banged_string() where a double-banged word string's variable value would cause an infinite loop.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-24 23:35:31 -04:00
2ca19699b8 * Added abunch of required packages to tools/striker-manage-install-target to support installing offline nodes, DR hosts and Striker dashboards.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-24 11:39:09 -04:00
ed048a5483 * Fixed a bug in Database->get_local_uuid() where it was calling the now-removed Get->network_details().
* Bumped the logging in and fixed a compile-time bug in striker-prep-database.
* Bumped the anvil.spec release to .25.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-23 21:00:35 -04:00
ffceb2312d * Fixed a few bugs in the .spec file.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-23 12:52:04 -04:00
c68d0a2920 * Updated the repo spec to release -24.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-22 23:39:04 -04:00
b9a0cc4d56 * Finished the initial tools/striker-initialize-host!
* Created Tools->refresh to reload anvil.conf in one call.
* Created Anvil::Tools::Network to hold network-related tasks.
** Created Network->is_remote() that tests to see if a string (containing a target) refers to the remote machine (versus a local machine). Updated all previous checks to use this new method.
** Moved Get->network_details() and Get->network() to the new Network module. Renamed Get->network() to Network->get_network().
** Made Network->get_ips() work locally and remotely.
** Created Network->find_matches() that compares two scanned machines IPs (via two previous calls to Network->get_ips())
* Created Database->manage_anvil_conf() that will add, update or remove a given database connection in a local or remote anvil.conf file.
* Fixed bugs in Storage->backup() where the bash calls were quite broken. I'm not sure how it ever worked before... x_x
* Updated anvil-daemon to not initialize a database unless it's running on dashboard. Also added a check at the startup of anvil-daemon where it will go into a loop waiting for a database to become available, re-reading anvil.conf each loop.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-22 23:36:59 -04:00
a54e0d4e22 * Made a fair bit more progress on tools/striker-manage-install-target. It now registers a system with Red Hat and attaches appropriate subscriptions, updates the OS and (tries) to install anvil-{node,dr}.
* Fixed a bug in Remote->call where a shell call that ended in a newline would work, but throw an error and not get the return code.
* Created Database->get_job_details() which takes a job_uuid and returns the job details, if found.
* Fixed a bug in Jobs->update_progress() where 'clear' wasn't removing the old job_progress data.
* Added the parameters 'no_files' to skip stat'ing/recording non-directories, and 'search_for' which will set the parent directory in 'scan::searched' and stop scanning if found. This allows this method to act as a directory tree scanner and as a search engine.
* Created Striker->get_local_repo() that builds a repo file body suitable for adding to peers, nodes and DR hosts.
* Fixed bugs in the Striker WebUI related to initializing a target node / DR host.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-18 18:48:09 -04:00
badaa39b7a * Got the node/dr host initialization form to the point where it can test access and decide if it should show the Red Hat account form. Decided that for M3, node/dr host setup will now be a four-stage process; initial install (over PXE), initialization (install the proper anvil-{node,dr} RPM and connect to the database), setup/map the network, and then add to an Anvil! pair.
* Updated striker to no longer try to SSH to a remote machine. To enable this, we'd have to give apache a shell and an SSH key, which is dumb and dangerous when considered.
* Created tools/striker-get-peer-data which is meant to be invoked as the 'admin' user (via a setuid c-wrapper). It collects basic data about a target machine and reports what it finds on STDOUT. It gets the password for the target via the database.
* Updated anvil-daemon to check/create/update setuid c-wrapper(s), which for now is limited to call_striker-initialize-host.
* Created Anvil/Tools/ to store Striker web-specific methods, including get_peer_data() which calls tools/striker-initialize-host via the setuid admin call_striker-initialize-host c-wrapper.
* In order to allow striker via apache to read a peer's anvil.version, which it can no longer do over SSH, any connection to a peer where the anvil.version is read is cached as /etc/anvil/anvil.<peer>.version. When Get->anvil_version is called as 'apache', this file is read instead.
* Updated Database->resync_databases() and ->_find_behind_databases() to ignore the 'states' table.
* Created tools/striker-initialize-host which will be called as a job to initialize a node/dr host.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-16 00:17:02 -04:00
6f74ca376b * Created anvil-daemon->check_setuid_wrappers() function that will dynamically create setuid c-wrappers on daemon startup, when needed.
* Updated variable names to clarify their purpose in striker.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-11 12:58:57 -04:00
99e1e4faf2 * Figured out how to collect a peer's data. Passwords are passed via the 'state' table. Created a setuid c-wrapper as well.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-10 23:11:25 -04:00
2906a42d96 * Created tools/striker-get-peer-data that will query a target's host UUID and host name. It's meant to be called by apache, avoiding apache itself needing to call ssh against a target machine.
* Fixed a bug in Storage->read_file() where a remote read, where the remote user wasn't specified, would cause the call to hange.
* Cleaned up striker->add_sync_peer() to use more clear variable names.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-09 23:51:30 -04:00
b8816382b8 * Created Log->is_secure() to more cleanly handle conditional logging of strings with passwords or passwords directly. Updated log entries that could benefit from this method to use it.
* Cleaned up the striker->add_sync_peer() function to more clearly differentiate the ssh port from the pgsql port.
* Improved the HTML form to not have the browser treat host login fields as credentials to autofill or save.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-08 22:54:47 -04:00
b51f87bdcc * Figured out a way to prevent browsers (for now, at least) from treating the node/host login form from saving passwords or pre-filling passwords.
* Updated Get->cgi to not include any passwords in the cgi_string that is recorded for refresh.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-07 08:15:11 -04:00
db1afb766e * Fixed a bug in Words->parse_banged_string() where a variable being inserted that ended in a new-line would break the variable insertion into the string.
* Switched the icons for prep'ing a node or DR host and building an Anvil!.
* Started work on the node/dr host initial setup webUI.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-05 21:21:03 -04:00
bc341809ca * Finished (for now) ocf:alteeve:server! It can boot, migrate and stop a server cleanly. It still checks to see if DRBD needs to be started and does so when needed, but it won't stop it anymore.
* Fixed a couple typos in tools/anvil-check-memory that prevented it from running.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-04 18:58:43 -04:00
8a2c86d088 * Renamed striker-configure-host (back) to anvil-configure-host, and started updating it to work on any machine type.
* Created tools/anvil-check-memory to report how much RAM is used by a given program.
* Added documentation for some previously undocumented methods.
* Updated Database->archive_database() to take the 'tables' parameter.
* Updated Storage->scan_directory() to record a directory's mode and type, even when recursive isn't used.
* Finished System->check_memory().
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to now NOT stop a DRBD resource unless 'stop_drbd_resources'.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-09-03 14:07:39 -04:00
c0dd34334e * Fixed another bug in making ocf:alteeve:server work in pacemaker.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-21 01:14:10 -04:00
ed2e83a1a4 * Fixed a few more bugs in 'ocf:alteeve:anvil', but it's still failing when invoked by pacemaker.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-20 23:46:59 -04:00
f5caec52dc * Made DRBD->allow_two_primaries() smarter about finding the 'target_node_id' when it wasn't passed.
* Fixed a couple bugs, and now ocf:alteeve:server properly can pull and push servers between nodes.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-20 00:59:41 -04:00
113a44ecc6 * Got 'migrate_to' working in ocf:alteeve:server. 'migrate_from' still needs work.
* Created DRBD->allow_two_primaries() and ->reload_defaults() that enables (and resets/disables) dual-primary operation (allow-two-primaries=yes), used to enable live migration.
* Created Remote->test_access() that simply verifies that a remote target can be accessed (as a given user).
* Created Server->migrate() that actually migrates a server. It can push already, and pull will be added next.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-16 01:41:47 -04:00
7db542b9b0 * Fixed a bug where definition files that used '<source file='X'/>' instead of '<source dev='X'/>' for the backing block device for disks.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-14 01:48:36 -04:00
873ed3e2b0 * Fixed some typo bugs.
* Added stop_drbd_resources() to ocf:alteeve:server.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-12 23:15:13 -04:00
dff74102db * Create (but not yet tested) Server->shutdown() to, well, shutdown servers.
* Modified Server->boot() to now only work locally. Also updated it to optionally take the XML definition path for the server to boot.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-10 01:35:08 -04:00
d224be9344 * Created DRBD->manage_resource() that allows for up/down/primary/secondary'ing a resource on a local or remote system.
* Created Server->boot() that starts a server and verifies that it did actually start.
* Got ocf:anvil:server smarter about starting DRBD resources, properly handing resources where auto-promote isn't enabled. The 'start' process is now complete (baring bugs).

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-08 22:58:21 -04:00
b1ddf945e2 * Got ocf:alteeve:server working again to boot servers. It's now smarter, knowing when the server is running locally already (success), running on the other node (hard error) and running on DR (fatal error).
* Updated DRBD->get_devices() to store data all under 'drbd::config::<host>::x'.
* Created Server->find() that takes a target and collects the servers running on it.
* Updated System->check_storage() to redirect all calls STDERR to /dev/null to supress errors about failing to open /dev/drbdX when LVM's filter isn't setup.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-08 01:10:38 -04:00
324ef351fe * Updated DRBD->get_devices() to properly identify the peer node, when run on an actual node in the cluster (not DR or Striker).
* Created System->active_lv() that, surprise, activates an inactive logical volume. Also created ->check_storage() that parses out the LVM data.
* Fixed a bug in tools/fence_pacemaker that was preventing it from compiling and running.
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to validate the target server's storage.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-06 23:31:35 -04:00
16f79ca244 * Created System->get_bridges() that gets a list of bridges (and connected interfaces, and data). Also created ->get_free_memory() that returns the amount of available RAM.
* Got ocf:alteeve:server validating bridges.

Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
2019-08-03 01:38:12 -04:00