* Updated Database->archive_table() and ->_find_behind_databases() to loop through connected databases, instead of configured databases.
* Updated Network->get_ips() to only record the real MAC addresses on network interfaces (not bonds or bridges) in the "network::${host}::interface::${in_iface}::mac_address" hash. This should help avoid reboot loops caused by anvil-configure-host thinking the network needs to be reconfigured when it doesn't actually need to be.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* WIP - Continuing work on the new anvil-manage-server tool.
* Updated Database->get_anvils() to load information on the files available on each Anvil! system.
* Updated Database->insert_or_update_network_interfaces() to no longer take the 'timestamp' parameter.
* Removed all logging from Database->refresh_timestamp() to speed it up, given how often it will be called now.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug with anvil-manage-keys where a state_uuid entry recorded on one database may not be read from a machine reading from another database.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* DRBD is now configured to a ping-timeout of 3 seconds.
* Created Log->switches() that returnes the command line switches used by Anvil! tool command line calls based on the active log levels / secure logging. Appended this to all invocations of our tools.
* Updated Database->resync_databases() to now only skip 'jobs' and 'variables' tables with less than 10 record differences. All other differences will trigger a resync.
* Created System->_check_anvil_conf() that, as you might guess, checks in anvil.conf exists and created it (using defaults), if not. It also checks to see if the 'admin' group and user exists and creates them, if not.
* Updated anvil-daemon to check anvil.conf on start up and in each loop. Created the function check_journald() that checks (and sets, if needed) that journald logging is persistent.
* Made striker-manage-peers to check_if_configured on the Database->connect() when updating anvil.conf and the target UUID is the local machine. Also created a loop to make the reconnection a lot more robust.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Changed the alteeve repo RPM to the new cimmunity/enterprise repo
* Fixed a bug where 'fence_data::updated' was causing the fences web page to break.
* Fixed a bug in Database->insert_or_update_network_interfaces() where certain interfaces were being repeatedly added to the database.
* Fixed a bug in Database->_find_behind_databases() was marking DBs as behind even though they had less than 10 columns off.
* Fixed a bug in Get->host_name() where, if the host name was changed on disk but the environment variable was still the old name, it would cause the hostname to waffle back and forth and cause constant updated to /etc/hosts.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Cluster->check_stonith_config() that checks and, if needed, reconfigures a cluster's fencing (stonith) config.
* Updated scan-cluster to call Cluster->check_stonith_config() at the end of each call.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* The get_mmeory endpoint was completed.
* The get_replicated_storage endpoint was completed, though it requires testing and likely has issues.
To prepare for the get_status endpoint work, I needed to update ScanCore and modules to track the host_status. This commit contains the work needed for this.
* Updated ScanCore->post_scan_analysis_striker() to use configured fence devices (except PDUs) to check if a target host is off or on, in there is no host_ipmi interface. In all cases, if a machine can be confirmed on or off, the host_status is now updated.
* To support the above fence based power checks, updated scan-cluster to store the on-disk CIB in the new scan_cluster -> scan_cluster_cib colume.
* Updated ScanCore->parse_cib() to map stonith primitive IDs to fence agents. Updated ->parse_crm_mon() to not call if the executable doesn't exist to avoid unhelpful error messages in the logs when called from a Striker.
* Update DRBD->gather_data() to get the size data from /sys/block/drbd<minor>/size' x '/sys/block/drbd<minor>/queue/logical_block_size so it works when a device is Secondary (and can't be promoted).
* Updated Database->get_hosts_info() to record the short host name as well as the stored host name. Created ->update_host_status() as a wrapper to ->insert_or_update_hosts() that only updates the host status.
* Updated anvil-join-anvil to disabled ksm and ksmtuned daemons.
* Updated scancore and anvil-daemon to set the host_status to 'online' on startup.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Database->insert_or_update_storage_group_members() to use the host_uuid when trying to find existing members.
* Added the skeleton of a bunch of new json endpoints for the new UI features.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* This commit includes two unrelated test files for UI work, cgi-bin/get_anvil_status and cgi-bin/get_anvils.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>