* Renamed scan-storage to scan-lvm as we only really care about LVM data in this agent. A dedicated scan-drbd will be created later. Got the agent to parse the pvs/vgs/lvs data.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Server->migrate_virsh() to set 'servers' -> 'server_state' to 'migrating' and clear it again once the migation completes. Also added support for cold (frozen) versus live migrations.
* Updated Cluster->parse_cib() to check if a server with the server_state set to 'migrating' isn't actually migrating anymore and, if not, to clear that state. This is needed as scan-server will blindly ignore/skip any migrating server, and if a migration call is interrupted, the state could get stuck.
* Updated the 'servers' database table (and associated Database methods) to add columns for;
** server_ram_in_use - tracking RAM used by a running server
** server_configured_ram - RAM allocated to a running server (used with the above to alert a user and track _currently_ available RAM)
** server_updated_by_user - To be set by Striker tools to indicate when the user made a change that needs to push out to nodes / running server.
** server_boot_time - Tracks the unixtime when the server booted (to track uptime even if the server migrates across nodes).
* Created Get->anvil_name_from_uuid() to easily convert an Anvil! UUID into a name. Also created ->host_uuid_from_name() to translate a host name into a host UUID.
* Created Server->get_runtime() that translates a server name into a process ID and then uses that to determine how long (in seconds) it has been running. This is used when a server transitions from 'shut off' to 'running' to determine exactly when the server booted (current time - runtime).
* Renamed all 'Server->parse_definition' calls that used 'from_memory' to 'from_virsh' to clarify the data source.
* Made scan-hardware smarter about RAM change alerts.
* Updated scancore to load agent strings on startup so that processing pending alerts works properly.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created 'Cluster->which_node' that returns 'node1' or 'node2' to indicate which node a host is.
* Continued working on scan_cluster; decided to make it not host-dependent.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* More work done on Email->send_email() to, well, actually send email (which it isn't doing yet, but it's close).
* Updated Words->key() to include the bad key name when no entry for the requested key exists in the words.xml file.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug in Server->get_status() where the call to Storage->rsync's returned output checked for '!!errer!!' instead of '!!error!!'.
* Fixed a bug in Storage->rsync where, when no port was passed in, it would try to specify an empty port and fail.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Converted most 'eval { }' calls to localize $@ and test the output of the eval, instead of checking to see if $@ was set.
* Converted all 'local' hash references to instead use the short host name of the local machine as a new standard.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Cleaned up a lot of logging.
* Updated Cluster->parse_cib() to track if a stonith device has 'delay' set.
* Got a lot more work done on anvil-join-anvil's stonith processing, but it still isn't complete. Updated it to change shell user passwords as well.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Cluster->parse_cib() to take a CIB as a parameter.
* Fixed a bug in Database->get_hosts() where loading the host_ipmi value was filtered through Log->is_secure.
* Updated Striker->get_fence_data() to parse the switches to make it easier to map a fence agent's command line switches to STDIN arguments.
* Created System->parse_arguments() that converts a series of command line switches and their values into a hash. It's similar to Get->switches(), but works on any string.
* Continued work on anvil-join-anvil's fence configuration logic.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated striker to now only offer gateway for IFN networks. EL8 seems to ignore 'GATEWAY="x"' in interface configs which caused anvil-join-anvil to always think an interface needs to be updated. Updated as well to remove DNS entries set in interfaces that are not the default gateway.
* Fixed a bug where DNS entries were being missed, causing entries to be repeatedly added to the interface that was the gateway interface.
* In anvil-update-states, added Get->switches() so that verbosity switches are used.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed Database->get_ip_addresses() to clear stale IP addresses.
* Finished (for now, more testing needed) System->configure_ipmi! Also created System->test_ipmi() that handles trying lanplus and various password lengths, updating hosts -> host_ipmi on successful check.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Got more work done to System->configure_ipmi() to warm reset HP IPMI BMCs. It also now finds the IPMI user have started the password management.
* Created Words->shorten_string() that shortens a string to a number of bytes (as opposed to shortening to a character length).
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added calling 'debug => $debug' in System->X methods.
* Got more work done on System->configure_ipmi(). It should now determine if a BMC exists and pull the OEM and network details automatically.
* Updated anvil-configure-host to log more data in an attempt to find a reproducer for an odd bug where (apparently) a host was picking up the wrong job data meant for another host.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added the fix from the last commit for System->call to handle returned data without an ending newline to Remote->call.
* Got more work done on System->update_hosts(). It's able to add new hosts, but misses the short and FQDN host names. Need to fix that and the verify existing / manual entries aren't molested.
Signed-off-by: digimer <digimer@pulsar.alteeve.com>
* Created Get->trusted_hosts() that finds the dashboards the host uses and, if the host is in an Anvil!, the peers in the same anvil.
* Created (but not finished yet) System->update_hosts() that will add and edit entries for all IPs to trusted hosts.
* Fixed a logging bug in Striker->load_manifest().
* Fixed a bug in System->call where, the the output from the shell call didn't end in a new-line, it would not parse the return code and lease the return code string appended to the shell output.
* Fixed a big in System->change_shell_user_password() where a new-line (\n) meant for the shell call wasn't escaped properly. There was also a duplicate 'return_code' variable preventing the actual return code from being read.
* Got more work done on anvil-join-anvil to update the hacluster password (when needed).
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Update striker manifest run to add an entry into the 'anvils' table, and pass the anvil_uuid to the jobs rather than the various host_uuid's.
* Fixed a bug in the 'anvils' SQL procedure that copied data into the history schema (a few columns were missing).
* Updated anvil-configure-host to reboot when finished to be certain network changes have taken effect. Also updated the handling of virsh bridges to delete the autostart symlinks if libvirtd daemon isn't running.
* Added some logic to anvil-daemon to call 'anvil-update-states' with the -v{1,3} flag depending on the active debug level.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Database->get_hosts() to store 'host_key' and 'host_uuid' data.
* Created Database->get_ssh_keys().
* Fixed a couple bugs where Get->host_type() now returns 'striker' but tests checked for 'dashboard'.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated System->generate_state_json() where when the full host name was short, it wouldn't set the short host name properly.
* Fixed a bug in 'tools/anvil-manage-power' where the node wouldn't mark the reboot as complete. Resolves issue #11.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated 'variables' -> 'variable_source_uuid' to type 'uuid' and removed the 'not null' constraint.
* Updated Database->insert_or_update_variables() to check/update 'variables_source_table' and 'variables_source_uuid'.
* Created the 'trusts' database table which will, when done, tell anvil-daemon which users@machines to trust (setup passwordkess SSH).
* Created (but not finished) System->manage_authorized_keys() and moved the logic over to it from anvil-daemon.
* Changed the host types "dashboard" to "striker".
* Moved the following methods from 'System' to 'Get';
** System->get_host_type to Get->host_type
** System->get_bridges to Get->bridges
** System->get_free_memory to Get->free_memory
** System->get_os_type to Get->os_type
** System->get_uptime to Get->uptime
* Updated striker to include the host_uuid for the 'node1', 'node2' and (if chosen) 'dr1' when running a job manifest.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created System->disable_daemon.
* Fixed a bug in Database->insert_or_update_bonds() where the bridge_uuid was an empty string instead of NULL.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a couple logging bugs in System->call().
* Fixed a bug in anvil-daemon where it was trying to setup setuid-C wrappers on non-dashboards.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug in System->generate_state_json() where interfaces connected to a bridge were constantly having their 'network_interface_bond_uuid' cleared and reset.
* Finished (for now) the jquery code to update the network interface list when preparing the network interface configuration of a new node or DR host.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Got the menu for mapping a host's network displaying (much work still to be done).
* Updated the anvil.js funtion to run dependent on the page being shown. For the main menu, the json is now properly reread and display updated as json content changes.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed unclear error logging in Network->find_matches().
* Updated System->generate_state_json() Striker->parse_all_status_json() to determine if another machine can be reached from the local dashboard. If it can be reached, the first matching interface and IP are recorded.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added missing foreign key references to the SQL schema.
* Added support to tools/anvil-update-states to connect bonds to bridges, as appropriate.
* Finished the logic in test.pl to pull the network data (with connections between bridges, bonds and interfaces) needed for the WebUI.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added recording the last-change order for network interfaces in System->generate_state_json() so that the most recently unplugged and plugged back in interfaces can be tracked.
* Worked out a faster way to ping scan subnets with nmap in striker-scan-network. Dropped average scan time from 35 minutes to 4~5 minutes for a /16 subnet.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Database->get_hosts_info() (though it's not at all finished) that will write out a unified JSON file contain all data known about all hosts/Anvil! systems. This will be later used to create the WebUI parts.
* Also created, but also not finished, Network->load_interfces() that will work sort of like ->load_ups, but include all interfaces regardless of if they have an IP or not.
* Fixed a bug where the new bridge_interface_note parameter didn't exist in the Database->insert_or_update_bridge_interfaces() method.
* Updated anvil-update-states() to only write out the JSON/XML files if it's running on a dashboard. For nodes and DR hosts, it just needs to update the database.
* Created a new hook in anvil-daemon that will call tasks on a machine that is configured.
* As per RHEL 8.1 release notes, changed the package 'dnf-utils' to 'yum-utils' in the packages to load for install target repos.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added 'ip_address_note' to the 'ip_addresses' table as there was no column convenient for flagging as DELETEd.
* Added 'uuid' to Database->insert_or_update_file_locations() and ->insert_or_update_files(), and actually used it in all ->inser_or_update_X() methods.
* Added 'delete' as a parameter to Database->insert_or_update_ip_addresses() to allow simple deletion of a referenced IP address.
* Addressed a few 'undefined variable' errors.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug where '$target' being preset to 'local' was causing bad calls to 'Remote->call'.
* Updated Storage->change_mode and -> change_owner to work locally and on remote hosts.
* Barely started work on striker->process_anvil_menu().
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Moved System->is_local to Network->is_local, and System->ping to Network->ping.
* Added a check to tools/striker-get-peer-data that will report if the target has Internet access or not.
* Cleaned up the form that prompts the user to enter their Red Hat credentials.
* Updated tools/anvil-manage-keys (and related code) to no longer distinguish by user. If a target is flagged as changed, it is removed from the root and all user's known_hosts files.
* Updated Storage->write_file() and ->update_file() to accept the 'backup' parameter to control if an file that exists is backed up before being updated/replaced.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated System->host_name to work locally and on remote targets.
* Renamed all 'hostname' instances to 'host_name' to standardize on a spelling throughout the program.
* Removed use of and dependency on 'hostname'.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug in Get->host_uuid() where the call to get the host UUID from dmidecode was broken.
* Updated striker -> Initialize host to allow the user to set the host name of a node or host being initialized, allowing it to be registered with Red Hat under the proper name and make it easier to track which machine is which during initial Anvil! build.
* Fixed a few minor bugs with variable insertions into translated strings.
* Updated striker-initialize-host to use a progressive progress value rather than statically assigned steps.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Remote->call() to detect when a connection fails because the target's known_hosts entry has changed. Still need to add the function to report this to the user.
* Fixed a bug where new-lines in Words->parse_banged_string() where a double-banged word string's variable value would cause an infinite loop.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Tools->refresh to reload anvil.conf in one call.
* Created Anvil::Tools::Network to hold network-related tasks.
** Created Network->is_remote() that tests to see if a string (containing a target) refers to the remote machine (versus a local machine). Updated all previous checks to use this new method.
** Moved Get->network_details() and Get->network() to the new Network module. Renamed Get->network() to Network->get_network().
** Made Network->get_ips() work locally and remotely.
** Created Network->find_matches() that compares two scanned machines IPs (via two previous calls to Network->get_ips())
* Created Database->manage_anvil_conf() that will add, update or remove a given database connection in a local or remote anvil.conf file.
* Fixed bugs in Storage->backup() where the bash calls were quite broken. I'm not sure how it ever worked before... x_x
* Updated anvil-daemon to not initialize a database unless it's running on dashboard. Also added a check at the startup of anvil-daemon where it will go into a loop waiting for a database to become available, re-reading anvil.conf each loop.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Cleaned up the striker->add_sync_peer() function to more clearly differentiate the ssh port from the pgsql port.
* Improved the HTML form to not have the browser treat host login fields as credentials to autofill or save.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created tools/anvil-check-memory to report how much RAM is used by a given program.
* Added documentation for some previously undocumented methods.
* Updated Database->archive_database() to take the 'tables' parameter.
* Updated Storage->scan_directory() to record a directory's mode and type, even when recursive isn't used.
* Finished System->check_memory().
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to now NOT stop a DRBD resource unless 'stop_drbd_resources'.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated DRBD->get_devices() to store data all under 'drbd::config::<host>::x'.
* Created Server->find() that takes a target and collects the servers running on it.
* Updated System->check_storage() to redirect all calls STDERR to /dev/null to supress errors about failing to open /dev/drbdX when LVM's filter isn't setup.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>