* Updated Server->shutdown_virsh() to work without a database connection.
* Updated System->reboot_needed() to store/read from a cache file when the database is not available.
* Updated anvil-safe-start to remove the old --enable/disable/status switches, now that we use anvil-safe-start.service systemd unit.
* Reworked anvil-safe-stop to work without a database connection, and to work on DR hosts.
* Updated anvil-special-operations to add new tasks, but it's likely these new tasks aren't needed and will be removed very shortly.
* Added/updated multiple man pages.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* In DRBD->get_next_resource(), implemented a "hold" system where the DRBD minor and TCP port(s) returned are marked as being held for one minute. So subsequent calls won't use the same numbers.
* In anvil-daemon, added a check in run_jobs() where only one instance of a given job command will be started per 2-second loop. This should help reduce the chance of simultaneous race confitions in general.
* Removed from anvil-provision-server and most other tools the call to Job->get_job_uuid(). If the program is called without the job_uuid, don't try to find it. This allows a human (or script) to make repeated calls to a program without one of those calls running a pending job instead.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, $anvil->hostname() would call 'hostnamectl' and get a dbus error during shutdown, which would then cause the hostname to be changed to the error in the database.
* Fixed a bug in Cluster->boot_server() where it would never verify that a server has started successfully.
* Updated Database->get_ip_addresses() to store the IPs we manage in 'ip_addresses::<ip_address_address>::X'.
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to work from command line calls, though more testing is still needed.
* Started work on 'anvil-rename-server', but haven't gotten far with it yet.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Cluster->parse_quorum() to check if a node is quorate as 'have-quorum' in the pacemaker CIB doesn't appear to be super accurate during startup.
* Fixed a bug in striker-manage-install-target where if a node didn't have any registered IPs, it would break before generating the repo data.
* Fixed a bug in anvil-join-anvil where if the database had to be reconnected, the job data was lost.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>