* Fixed a bug where ip_addresses could break resync when 2+ machines had the same IP (ie:
* Updated logging of DB transactions to show the DB host's IP instead of the UUID.
* Updated Get->date_and_time to take a 'use_utc' parameter to return the time using GMT time instead of the host's TZ.
* Updated anvil-daemon to periodically call tools/anvil-update-states. Also upadted anvil-daemon to delay daily jobs by 2 hours except for the dashboard with the highest sorted UUID to minimize dual runs of tasks that only need to run once per day per cluster.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed minor bugs in tools/anvil-configure-host, tools/anvil-manage-files, and tools/striker-get-peer-data
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated System->host_name to work locally and on remote targets.
* Renamed all 'hostname' instances to 'host_name' to standardize on a spelling throughout the program.
* Removed use of and dependency on 'hostname'.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Tools->refresh to reload anvil.conf in one call.
* Created Anvil::Tools::Network to hold network-related tasks.
** Created Network->is_remote() that tests to see if a string (containing a target) refers to the remote machine (versus a local machine). Updated all previous checks to use this new method.
** Moved Get->network_details() and Get->network() to the new Network module. Renamed Get->network() to Network->get_network().
** Made Network->get_ips() work locally and remotely.
** Created Network->find_matches() that compares two scanned machines IPs (via two previous calls to Network->get_ips())
* Created Database->manage_anvil_conf() that will add, update or remove a given database connection in a local or remote anvil.conf file.
* Fixed bugs in Storage->backup() where the bash calls were quite broken. I'm not sure how it ever worked before... x_x
* Updated anvil-daemon to not initialize a database unless it's running on dashboard. Also added a check at the startup of anvil-daemon where it will go into a loop waiting for a database to become available, re-reading anvil.conf each loop.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Cleaned up the striker->add_sync_peer() function to more clearly differentiate the ssh port from the pgsql port.
* Improved the HTML form to not have the browser treat host login fields as credentials to autofill or save.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created tools/anvil-check-memory to report how much RAM is used by a given program.
* Added documentation for some previously undocumented methods.
* Updated Database->archive_database() to take the 'tables' parameter.
* Updated Storage->scan_directory() to record a directory's mode and type, even when recursive isn't used.
* Finished System->check_memory().
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to now NOT stop a DRBD resource unless 'stop_drbd_resources'.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>