Created, but not finished, tools/anvil-report-usage that will print a report of server resource allocation and Anvil! resource availability.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated scan_network to properly mark virtio network interfaces as being full duplex. Also updated it to purge interfaces flagged as 'DELETED'.
* Updated the VM OS list.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated Network->find_matches() to take 'source' and 'line' parameters to help identify the source of issues with missing hashes.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Also removed the variables for the database name and DB user name, setting them statically now.
* Created Database->shutdown() to more kindly stop a local database server.
* Added 'check_db_in_use_states()' to anvil-daemon to clean any stale entries marking a database as in use.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated Database->resync_databases() to never run on non-striker machines. On Strikers, before a resync, _age_out_data() is called to clear old data in long-off databases.
* Created System->check_memory() that is loosely based on anvil-check-memory, but checks to see if it's being controlled by a systemctl started daemon and, if so, reads the RAM in use from it's status output.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Fixed a divide-by-zero bug in anvil-boot-server when no servers exist yet.
* Fixed a bug in anvil-daemon where the local databsae engine was being started when it shouldn't.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated the copywrite date to 2022.
* Updated the database resync to not run on machines host VMs to help reduce the chance of oom-killer terminating a VM.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Created DRBD->_initialize_drbd() to makes sure the DRBD kernel module can load and tries to build the module, if necessary. This is meant to provide support for clients that can't access needed internet resource (or the internet at all).
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated the logic of when to boot a node or DR host that was found to be off for unknown reasons to require both poewr and temperature to be OK, and checks against the new 'feature::scancore::disable::boot-unknown-stop' config variable.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Added 'configure_firewall()' to 'striker-prep-database' to explicitely open the postgresql service for all active zones.
* Did some general logging changes and cleanup around the same.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated Database->insert_or_update_states() to switch to an active UUID if the passed in UUID is not an active handle.
* Updated Database->query() to swutch to 'sys::database::read_uuid' if the passed in 'uuid' is not an active handle.
* Updated Database->_test_access() to return immediately if the passed in uuid is not an active handle.
* Started working on a Storage->get_storage_group_from_path() bug where the storage group isn't being returned.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Fixed a bug in anvil-daemon where striker-prep-database was always being called, when it shouldn't in some cases.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Reworked where and how Database->configure_pgsql() is called, and boosted logging around it (trying to debug a build test issues).
* Updated Database->configure_pgsql() to only check if the Anvil! user and DB exists if another step of the config happened.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Updated Database->archive_database() to return the full path to the dump file.
* Disabled enabling the postgresql daemon.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Created Database->backup_database() that creates a pg_dump of the active database.
* Created Database->load_database() that loads the database from a flat file, optionally creating a backup before doing so, and using iptables to block access during the process.
* Updated Database->configure_pgsql() to not start the postgresql daemon unless it just initialized the DB.
* Much work, not yet complete, to Database->connect() to stop after the first successful connection. Added logic that, if not connection was established and the host is a Striker, to load a peer's backup, if it exists, and then start the local daemon.
* Updated anvil-daemon to now have a section to run tasks on a ten minute cycle, which will later be used for the primary Striker to dump / copy its database to peer(s).
Signed-off-by: Madison Kelly <>
* More bugs fixed in anvil-manage-dr, tested repeatedly as a job and so far, so good. Other functionality still to come.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
* Got anvil-manage-dr to the point where it writes the updated resource configuration to enable DR support. (untexted)
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
Created Storage->get_vg_name() to assist with anvil-manage-dr, which is still a WIP.
Continued work on anvil-manage-dr (which exposed the issue that required the update to Database->get_storage_group_data().
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>