* Updated Server->shutdown_virsh() to work without a database connection.
* Updated System->reboot_needed() to store/read from a cache file when the database is not available.
* Updated anvil-safe-start to remove the old --enable/disable/status switches, now that we use anvil-safe-start.service systemd unit.
* Reworked anvil-safe-stop to work without a database connection, and to work on DR hosts.
* Updated anvil-special-operations to add new tasks, but it's likely these new tasks aren't needed and will be removed very shortly.
* Added/updated multiple man pages.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated DRBD->get_status() to take the new 'host' paramter to allow the caller to define the hash key string used in the stored data.
* Updated Get->anvil_version() (and a few other places) to use the new 'striker-ui-api' shell user, replacing the 'apache' user.
* Updated Remote->test_access() to take the new 'close' parameter to close the SSH session used when testing access to the target.
* Fixed a logging bug in anvil-manage-power.
* Updated anvil-update-system to take the '--no-reboot' and 'clear-cache' command line switches.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Remote->call() to remove the 'background' parameter as it wasn't working.
* Updated anvil-manage-server-storage to use 'anvil-manage-server-storage' to adjust resources in a way that doesn't block.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Hit a bug where a server's definition file was written to disk while not being valid. Added logging in case it happens again, and additional safe-guards to help avoid it from recurring.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated anvil-manage-server-storage to the point where it can now insert and eject optical disks!
* Updated System->call to log parameters if 'shell_call' isn't set.
* Fixed a bug in anvil-manage-server process_interactive where an $anvil->data reference was being scoped.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Added call to System->configure_logind() to anvil-join-anvil and anvil-version-changes.
* Updated fence_pacemaker to add '--reboot' to the 'stonith_admin' call to ensure DRBD-triggered fence requests reboot instead of just turning nodes off.
This commit address issue #279.
Signed-off-by: digimer <digimer@gravitar.alteeve.com>
* Created Get->virsh_list_net() and Get->virsh_list_os() that call and parse osinfo-query directly to create lists of supported network interfaces and OS optimization options used when provisioning VMs. The later of which is used to replace the old language list of OSes, which was clunky and prone to missing valid options.
* Updated Get->available_resources() to remove the old anvil_dr1_host_uuid mechanism of finding and referencing DR resources.
* Started adding --network support to anvil-provision-server to allow users to specify a specific network bridge, MAC address and model to use for a new VM.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* In Cluster->parse_cib(), added parsers for node attributes and resource rules. Also stored the existence of and details of each under the server resources for easier referencing.
* Updated scan-server to check for / add DRBD fence rules as needed.
Scancore APC agent bugs;
* For clarity, converted all '#!no_value!#' and '#!no_connection!#' to use '!!' instead in APC scan agents.
* Fixed a bug to set/clear alerts related to phases disappearing to deal with concurrent logins from different hosts triggering false phase loss alerts.
* Fixed missing variables not being passed to alerts/log entries.
Started more work on anvil-manage-server, but on hold again while the DRBD fencing work is completed.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created DRBD->check_proxy_license() to do (some level of) sanity checks on the DRBD proxy license file.
* Updated DRBD->gather_data() to parse out the inside and outside ports for resource configs using proxy.
* Reworked DRBD->get_next_resource() to return 1, 3 or 7 TCP ports depending, with the new long_throw_ports parameter triggering the 7 ports.
* Added 'tcpdump' to the anvil-core requires list.
* Reworked scan-drbd to record the ports used in proxy configs. This required adding a check to change the 'scan_drbd_peer_tcp_port' column type to 'text' to support CSVs.
* Reworked anvil-manage-dr (needs testing!) to support "long-throw" DR configs.
* Updated anvil-safe-stop to check if the nodes are in the cluster before trying to migrate.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Reworked Network->bridge_info() to use 'ip' to get the list of bridges, and 'bridge' to find interfaces connected to the bridge.
* Added 'test' messages to Words->string().
* Fixed a bug in scan-lvm where mdadm based PVs didn't read the sector size properly.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated anvil-daemon to call anvil-manage-files on a per-minute basis to handle files added outside of the WebUI.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Added multiple new private methods to Network that help in managing the firewall.
* Updated Server->boot_server to manage the firewall after the server boots. Updated ->migrate_server to create a job, if a database connection exists, for the migration target to update it's firewall as soon after the server appears as possible.
* Updated ocf:server:alteeve to manage the firewall when called post-migration, in case there was no DB connection and the job above didn't run. Fixed a bug where the disk state wasn't being evaluated properly.
* Updated scan-server to check that the firewall is managed when a server state has changed.
* Updated anvil-daemon to run Network->manage_firewall on startup.
* Heavily reworked 'anvil-manage-server' to either just run 'Network->manage_firewall', or if passed '--server X', to wait for the server to appear for up to 1 minute, then to check that the firewall is managed (to capture servers being migrated to the host.)
* Removed firewall management from striker-prep-database.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Also removed the variables for the database name and DB user name, setting them statically now.
* Created Database->shutdown() to more kindly stop a local database server.
* Added 'check_db_in_use_states()' to anvil-daemon to clean any stale entries marking a database as in use.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created DRBD->_initialize_drbd() to makes sure the DRBD kernel module can load and tries to build the module, if necessary. This is meant to provide support for clients that can't access needed internet resource (or the internet at all).
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Database->archive_database() to return the full path to the dump file.
* Disabled enabling the postgresql daemon.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Database->backup_database() that creates a pg_dump of the active database.
* Created Database->load_database() that loads the database from a flat file, optionally creating a backup before doing so, and using iptables to block access during the process.
* Updated Database->configure_pgsql() to not start the postgresql daemon unless it just initialized the DB.
* Much work, not yet complete, to Database->connect() to stop after the first successful connection. Added logic that, if not connection was established and the host is a Striker, to load a peer's backup, if it exists, and then start the local daemon.
* Updated anvil-daemon to now have a section to run tasks on a ten minute cycle, which will later be used for the primary Striker to dump / copy its database to peer(s).
Signed-off-by: Madison Kelly <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
Created Storage->get_vg_name() to assist with anvil-manage-dr, which is still a WIP.
Continued work on anvil-manage-dr (which exposed the issue that required the update to Database->get_storage_group_data().
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created ScanCore->agent_shutdown() that writes out the time the scan agent last ran, and how many databases were available when it last ran.
* Updated ScanCore->agent_startup() to read the the last run data created above.
* Updated Database->connect() to set 'sys::database::last_db_count' to the scan agent's recorded last DB count.
* Updated all agents to call ScanCore->agent_shutdown() at the end of their run.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Upped the aging of jobs and alerts data from 2 to 24 hours. Also added a check to prevent deleting a job of any age that is incomplete.
* Major update to anvil-configure-host to not touch the network unless something has actually changed. Not yet tested on a fresh system, will verify nothing broke in the CI tests this commit will trigger. Also changed it so that, if after reconfiguring the network it times out trying to reconnect to a database, it calls a reboot instead of simply exiting. Further, a reboot is now not called on exit unless something changed to require it.
* Updated Network->check_bonds() to return '1' if anything was done to heal a bond.
* Updated anvil-update-states to be more careful about clearing virsh bridges. Specifically, it checks to see if virsh is running and that the returned bridges aren't actually error codes.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Cluster->parse_cib() to not require a database connection (part of the work to make ocf:alteeve:server run without a DB)
* WIP: Continuing work on the ocf:alteeve:server RA to run without database connections.
* Updated the scancore daemon to explcitely check that all scan agent schemas are loaded in all databases on startup. This is to resolve resync issues on rebuilt strikers that may not yet have some schemas loaded when a DB resync runs.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated the scancore interval to 60 seconds.
* Updated Database->insert_or_update_health() so that 'delete' can find the health_uuid.
* Updated Convert->time() to return silently when passed '-1'.
* Fixed a bug scan-hardware to call Convert->round(). Also fixed it so it didn't set health scores of 0 for mismatch RAM when the RAM was not mismatched.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Bumped scancore's scan delay from 30 seconds to 60.
* Shorted the age-out time to 24 hours and again boosted the archive thresholds. As we get a feel for the amount of data collected on multi-Anvil! systems over time, we may continue to tune this.l
* Moved Database->archive_database() to be called daily by anvil-daemon, instead of during '->connect' calls.
* Added locking to Database->_age_out_data to avoid resyncs mid-purge. Also moved the power, temperature and ip_address columns into the same 'to_clean' hash as it was duplicate logic.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Database->_age_out_data() to delete records from the database that are old enough to no longer be useful. This is designed to significantly reduce the size of the database, allowing a better focus on performance.
* Changed Database->connect() to default to NOT check for resync, reworking the old 'no_resync' to 'check_for_resync', so that resync checks happen on demard, instead of by default.
* Updated get_tables_from_schema() to now allow 'schema_file' to be set to 'all', which then loads the schema files of all scan agents as well as the core anvil schema file. Fixed a bug where commented out tables were being counted.
* Re-enabled triggering resyncs on 'last_updated' differences.
* Fixed a bug in scan-ipmitool where the history_id column in history.scan_ipmitool_value was incorrect.
* Created a new tool called striker-show-db-counts that shows the number of records in all public and history schema tables for all databases.
* Updated anvil-update-states to detect when a libvirtd NAT'ed bridge exists and to delete it when found.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Words->center_text that takes a string (or string key) and centers it to a given string length, padding white spaces on either side of the string as needed.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Removed the checks for resync that limited resyncs on jobs and variables tables. That approach to minimize unnecessary resyncshas proven faulty, will find another way later.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* DRBD is now configured to a ping-timeout of 3 seconds.
* Created Log->switches() that returnes the command line switches used by Anvil! tool command line calls based on the active log levels / secure logging. Appended this to all invocations of our tools.
* Updated Database->resync_databases() to now only skip 'jobs' and 'variables' tables with less than 10 record differences. All other differences will trigger a resync.
* Created System->_check_anvil_conf() that, as you might guess, checks in anvil.conf exists and created it (using defaults), if not. It also checks to see if the 'admin' group and user exists and creates them, if not.
* Updated anvil-daemon to check anvil.conf on start up and in each loop. Created the function check_journald() that checks (and sets, if needed) that journald logging is persistent.
* Made striker-manage-peers to check_if_configured on the Database->connect() when updating anvil.conf and the target UUID is the local machine. Also created a loop to make the reconnection a lot more robust.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>