With this new system, a 'primary_db' is chosen (first connected DB UUID when sorted) and only it does resyncs. Further, resyncs have been pulled from all tools except anvil-daemon. So with this new system, the chances of duplicate, simultaneous resyncs should be removed (hopefully for real this time).
* Database->check_agent_data() no longer calls a resync after loading a
* Removed the Database->coonnect() 'all' parameter
* The database used to read from is now always the same as the primary,
even if there is a local DB.
* Database->connect() 'check_for_resync' parameter can now be set to
'2', which means "check for resync _if_ I am primary", where '1' still
checks for resync no matter what.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>