* Updated Server->shutdown_virsh() to work without a database connection.
* Updated System->reboot_needed() to store/read from a cache file when the database is not available.
* Updated anvil-safe-start to remove the old --enable/disable/status switches, now that we use anvil-safe-start.service systemd unit.
* Reworked anvil-safe-stop to work without a database connection, and to work on DR hosts.
* Updated anvil-special-operations to add new tasks, but it's likely these new tasks aren't needed and will be removed very shortly.
* Added/updated multiple man pages.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Remote->call() to remove the 'background' parameter as it wasn't working.
* Updated anvil-manage-server-storage to use 'anvil-manage-server-storage' to adjust resources in a way that doesn't block.
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>