* Added the 'debug' parameter to System->enable_daemon.
* Fixed a bug where the old 'Tools.sql' files was being referenced instead of the new 'anvil.sql'.
* Added the 'debug' parameter to Database->initialize and Database->write. Also made it enable the postgresql daemon when initializing the DB.
* Added the 'debug' parameter to Get->host_uuid.
* Fixed the old anvil.conf variable from defaults::log::db_transactions to sys::database::log_transactions.
* Fixed a bad replacement variable name in anvil.sql.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
We've decided to give up on trying to keep ScanCore, AN::Tools and Striker as three separate things. We had originally hoped to make ScanCore easily separatable from the Anvil!, but this was adding increasing complexity to the project and complexity is the enemy of reliability.
In this release, AN::Tools becomes Anvil::Tools, all configuration files move to /etc/anvil and all programs and data files move to /usr/sbin/anvil. Words files are now merged, as are SQL schemas (ScanCore agents will still maintain their own, later). The journald tag has changed from 'an-tools' to 'anvil'.
Other changes;
* Tools.t has been updated to handle existing tests. New methods and parameters still need to have tests added though.
* Added a simple test.pl script used for testing things outside the main program. It will be removed before final release.
* Added the simple 'watch_logs' bash script to more easily tail output.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>