* Started work on Get->available_resources() that will take an 'anvil_uuid' and figure out what resources are still available for use by new servers or that can be added to existing servers.
* Fixed a bug in ScanCore->agent_startup() where tables weren't being generated properly from the agent's SQL file.
* Made Storage->change_mode() return silently if it's called without a mode being passed. This happens frequently and is harmless so it's not worth filling the logs with errors.
* Renamed the 'start_time' key to 'at_start' when recording files' MD5 sums in Storage->record_md5sums and ->check_md5sums.
* When we moved the directory scan logic out of the 'scancore' daemon and into 'Storage->scan_directory', the logic to record scan agent names in 'scancore::agent::<file>' was removed. This broke a few things and, so, it was restored when it was found that a file starts with 'scan-' and the directory matches the scancore agent directory.
* Moved the 'scancore' daemon's 'load_agent_strings' to 'Words'
* Updated Words->parse_banged_string() to look for variables in the format 'value=X:units=Y' and translate it properly.
* Fixed a bug in scan-ipmitool where discovered sensor INSERT SQL queries were queued, but not committed.
* Fixed a bug in scan-storcli where a while loop was broken, preventing execution.
* Fixed a bug in the 'scancore' daemon where it wouldn't exit if sums changed. Fixed a bug where alerts weren't being sent between loops. Fixed a bug where command-line log level wasn't surviving inside the main loop.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated Database->insert_or_update_temperature() to accespt a 'delete' parameter (which, surprise, deletes a record).
* Updated (but not yet tested) the RPM .spec to require that 'core' and the other three packages are required to be the same version.
* Updated scan-ipmitool and scan-storcli scan agents to now delete temperature data belonging to lost sensors.
* Fixed tools/striker-manage-install-target to add multiple missing packages.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Updated the servers table to remove the 'not null' constraints on the server_start_after_server_uuid, server_pre_migration_file_uuid and server_post_migration_file_uuid columns.
* Updated ScanCore->agent_startup() to connect to the database(s) when there isn't a table list.
* Updated Server->migrate_virsh() to test for DB access before making DB calls (to allow ocf:alteeve:server to function even if all ScanCore DBs are offline).
* Updated ocf:alteeve:server to connect to the databases (though work without it), and changed '$FILE_NAME' to be 'ocf:alteeve:server' (to make logging more legible)
* Created the skeleton for 'scan-storage'.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created 'Cluster->which_node' that returns 'node1' or 'node2' to indicate which node a host is.
* Continued working on scan_cluster; decided to make it not host-dependent.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Renamed the scan-network skeleton scan agent to scan-hardware and started work on it based on the M2 version.
* Updated Database->get_recipients() to take the 'include_deleted' parameter, and changed the default behaviour to only return active records.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* More work done on Email->send_email() to, well, actually send email (which it isn't doing yet, but it's close).
* Updated Words->key() to include the bad key name when no entry for the requested key exists in the words.xml file.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Dropped support for supporting imperial measurements in generated emails.
* Created Database->get_alerts() to read in alert data and ->get_recipients() to get the list of alert recipients.
* SQL Schema changes;
** Added 'alert_processed' to 'alerts' to track what alerts have been processed.
** Changed 'recipient_new_level' to 'recipient_level' now that we're only using 'notifications' as a per-host override for user/hosts alert levels.
** Removed 'recipient_units' as we're no longer supporting non-metric values.
* Updated Alert->register() to take strings for the alert level (which gets translated to integers).
* Created Email->get_current_server() to returned the mail_server_uuid of the active mail server (if any). Created ->send_alerts() to process unprocessed alerts and send emails to recipients.
* Updated Words->parse_banged_string() to take the 'language' parameter.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Got email server configuration under way. A mail server can now be configured via Email->_configure_for_server(), but more work is needed on when to switch between configs.
* Fixed some logging of passwords that wasn't being checked to see if secure logging was enabled or not.
* Fixed a bug in Striker where the back arrow in email config sub-sections weren't going back to the main email menu.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Database->get_recipients() (from what used to be get_alert_recipients), as well as ->get_mail_servers() and ->insert_or_update_notifications().
* Renamed 'recipients -> notification_anvil_uuid' to 'notification_host_uuid'.
* Started work on scancore -> check_email.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Fixed a bug in Accounts->read_cookies where, when a user's hash had expired, the logged error message didn't show the user's name.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>