* This is an in-progress commit working on adding the Database methods. Much of it is copy/pasted from v2 and none of the new code is tested yet. It will certainly fail to compile.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>
* Created Convert->cidr() that will convert dotted decimal subnets to CIDR notation and vice versa.
* Created Database->get_local_id that returns the ID from striker.conf that matches the local host, if any,
* Created Get->network_details that returns the host name and a list of interfaces and their IP addresses (if any).
* Created System->call() that takes a shell call and returns the output.
* Created icon for the top-right bar that are "on" (lit up).
* Created a skeleton striker.conf file.
* Created the new scancore-database tool that will manage ScanCore databases.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <digimer@alteeve.ca>