WhensettoC<<1>>,thefile's size and md5sum have been confirmed to match on disk what is recorded in the database. When set to C<< 0 >>, the file _may_ be ready, but it probably isn'tyet.Anyprocessneedingthefileshouldcheckthatit'sreadybeforeusingit.
@ -8506,7 +8521,8 @@ sub insert_or_update_file_locations
* SELECT b.host_name, a.network_interface_uuid, a.network_interface_mac_address AS mac, a.network_interface_name AS name, a.network_interface_speed AS speed, a.network_interface_link_state AS link, a.network_interface_operational AS op, a.network_interface_duplex AS duplex, a.network_interface_medium AS medium, a.network_interface_bond_uuid AS bond_uuid, a.network_interface_bridge_uuid AS bridge_uuid FROM network_interfaces a, hosts b WHERE a.network_interface_host_uuid = b.host_uuid AND b.host_name LIKE 'an-a02%' AND a.network_interface_operational != 'DELETED' ORDER BY b.host_name ASC, a.network_interface_name ASC;
* SELECT b.host_name, a.bond_uuid, a.bond_name, a.bond_mode, a.bond_mtu AS mtu, a.bond_primary_interface AS primary, a.bond_active_interface AS active, a.bond_mac_address AS mac, a.bond_operational AS op, c.bridge_name, a.modified_date FROM bonds a, hosts b, bridges c WHERE a.bond_host_uuid = b.host_uuid AND a.bond_bridge_uuid = c.bridge_uuid AND (b.host_uuid = 'b4e46faf-0ebe-e211-a0d6-00262d0ca874' OR b.host_uuid = '4ba42b4e-9bf7-e311-a889-899427029de4') ORDER BY b.host_name ASC, a.bond_name ASC;
* SELECT b.host_name, a.bridge_uuid, a.bridge_name, a.bridge_id, a.bridge_mtu FROM bridges a, hosts b WHERE a.bridge_host_uuid = b.host_uuid AND b.host_name LIKE 'an-a02%' ORDER BY b.host_name ASC, a.bridge_name ASC;
* SELECT a.host_name, b.file_name, c.file_location_active FROM hosts a, files b, file_locations c WHERE a.host_uuid = c.file_location_host_uuid AND b.file_uuid = c.file_location_file_uuid ORDER BY b.file_name ASC, a.host_name ASC;
* SELECT a.host_name, b.file_name, c.file_location_active AS active, c.file_location_ready AS ready FROM hosts a, files b, file_locations c WHERE a.host_uuid = c.file_location_host_uuid AND b.file_uuid = c.file_location_file_uuid ORDER BY b.file_name ASC, a.host_name ASC;
* SELECT b.host_name, a.health_agent_name, a.health_source_name, a.health_source_weight FROM health a, hosts b WHERE b.host_uuid = a.health_host_uuid AND b.host_name LIKE 'an-a02%' order by b.host_name ASC, a.health_agent_name ASC, a.health_source_weight ASC;
file_location_file_uuiduuidnotnull,-- This is file to be moved to (or restored to) this machine.
file_location_host_uuiduuidnotnull,-- This is the sum as calculated when the file_location is first uploaded. Once recorded, it can't change.
file_location_activebooleannotnulldefaultTRUE,-- This is set to true when the file should be on Anvil! machines, triggering rsyncs when needed. When set to false, the file will be deleted from members, if they exist.
file_location_readybooleannotnulldefaultFALSE,-- This is set to true when the file is on the host with a good md5sum. If this is FALSE, any process needing this file should wait/loop until this goes TRUE
@ -3597,6 +3597,10 @@ The attempt to start the servers appears to have failed. The return code '0' was
We will wait: [#!variable!waiting!#] seconds and then try again. We'll give up if it keeps failing after: [#!variable!time_left!#] seconds.
<keyname="warning_0154">[ Warning ] - The file: [#!variable!file_path!#] needed to provision the server: [#!variable!server_name!#] was not found in the database yet.</key>
<keyname="warning_0155">[ Warning ] - The file: [#!variable!file_path!#] needed to provision the server: [#!variable!server_name!#] was not found in the database as being on this host yet.</key>
<keyname="warning_0156">[ Warning ] - The file: [#!variable!file_path!#] needed to provision the server: [#!variable!server_name!#] was found, but it's not ready yet.</key>
<keyname="warning_0157">[ Warning ] - Waiting for a bit, and then will check if files are ready.</key>
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { file_path => $file_path }});
$anvil->data->{file_uuid}{$file_path} = "" if not exists $anvil->data->{uuid}{$file_path}{file_uuid};
# What's this file's file_uuid?
my $file_uuid = $anvil->data->{file_uuid}{$file_path};
my $file_location_uuid = "";
if (not $file_uuid)
foreach my $this_file_uuid (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{files}{file_uuid}})
my $this_file_path = $anvil->data->{files}{file_uuid}{$this_file_uuid}{file_directory}."/".$anvil->data->{files}{file_uuid}{$this_file_uuid}{file_name};
$this_file_path =~ s/\/\//\//g;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
this_file_uuid => $this_file_uuid,
this_file_path => $this_file_path,
if ($this_file_path eq $file_path)
# Found it.
$file_uuid = $this_file_uuid;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { file_uuid => $file_uuid }});
# Did we find the file?
if (not $file_uuid)
# Nope.
$waiting = 1;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { waiting => $waiting }});
# This checks to make sure that the new 'file_locations' -> 'file_location_ready' column exists.
sub update_file_location_ready
my ($anvil) = @_;
foreach my $uuid (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{cache}{database_handle}})
my $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'file_locations' AND column_name = 'file_location_ready';";
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { query => $query }});
my $count = $anvil->Database->query({query => $query, uuid => $uuid, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__})->[0]->[0];
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }});