@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ my $THIS_FILE = "System.pm";
### Methods;
# call
# change_apache_password
# change_shell_user_password
# check_daemon
# check_memory
@ -186,6 +187,167 @@ sub call
return ( $ output ) ;
= head2 change_apache_password
This changes the password used to connet to Striker 's web interface. If the C<< .htpasswd >> file isn' t found , this method will effectively enable the password feature .
The return code will be C << 255 >> on internal error . Otherwise , it will be the code returned from the C << passwd >> call .
Parameters ;
= head3 new_password ( required )
This is the new password to set . The user should be encouraged to select a good ( long ) password .
= head3 password ( optional )
If you are changing the apache password on a remote machine , this is the password used to connect to that machine . If not passed , an attempt to connect with passwordless SSH will be made ( but this won ' t be the case in most instances ) . Ignored if C << target >> is not given .
= head3 port ( optional , default 22 )
This is the TCP port number to use if connecting to a remote machine over SSH . Ignored if C << target >> is not given .
= head3 remote_user ( optional , default root )
If C << target >> is set and we ' re changing the password for a remote user , this is the user we B << log into >> the remote machine as , B << not >> the user whose password we will change .
= head3 target ( optional )
This is the IP address or ( resolvable ) host name of the target machine whose user account you want to change the password
= head3 user ( optional , default 'sys::apache::user' or 'admin' )
This is the apache user name to use . If another name existed before in C << . htpasswd >> , that old user name will be removed .
= cut
sub change_apache_password
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
my $ new_password = defined $ parameter - > { new_password } ? $ parameter - > { new_password } : "" ;
my $ password = defined $ parameter - > { password } ? $ parameter - > { password } : "" ;
my $ port = defined $ parameter - > { port } ? $ parameter - > { port } : "" ;
my $ remote_user = defined $ parameter - > { remote_user } ? $ parameter - > { remote_user } : $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { apache } { user } ;
my $ target = defined $ parameter - > { target } ? $ parameter - > { target } : "" ;
my $ user = defined $ parameter - > { user } ? $ parameter - > { user } : "" ;
my $ return_code = 255 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , secure = > 0 , list = > {
user = > $ user ,
target = > $ target ,
port = > $ port ,
remote_user = > $ remote_user ,
new_password = > $ anvil - > Log - > secure ? $ new_password : "--" ,
password = > $ anvil - > Log - > secure ? $ password : "--" ,
} } ) ;
# Set the user to 'admin' if it's not set.
if ( not $ user )
$ user = "admin" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , secure = > 0 , list = > { user = > $ user } } ) ;
# OK, what about a password?
if ( not $ new_password )
# Um...
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0020" , variables = > { method = > "Systeme->change_apache_password()" , parameter = > "new_password" } } ) ;
return ( $ return_code ) ;
# Only the root user can do this!
# $< == real UID, $> == effective UID
if ( ( $< != 0 ) && ( $> != 0 ) )
# Not root
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0156" , variables = > { method = > "Systeme->change_apache_password()" } } ) ;
return ( $ return_code ) ;
# Read httpd.conf and make sure apache is configured for .htpasswd.
my $ httpd_conf = $ anvil - > Storage - > read_file ( {
file = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'httpd.conf' } ,
debug = > $ debug ,
target = > $ target ,
port = > $ port ,
remote_user = > $ remote_user ,
password = > $ password ,
} ) ;
if ( $ httpd_conf eq "!!error!!" )
# We're done.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , secure = > 0 , list = > { httpd_conf = > $ httpd_conf } } ) ;
return ( $ return_code ) ;
my $ rewrite = 0 ;
my $ new_file = "" ;
my $ in_directory = 0 ;
foreach my $ line ( split /\n/ , $ httpd_conf )
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , secure = > 0 , list = > { line = > $ line } } ) ;
if ( $ in_directory )
if ( $ line =~ /^(\s+)AllowOverride None/i )
# We need to update.
my $ space = $ 1 ;
$ rewrite = 1 ;
$ new_file . = $ space . "AllowOverride AuthConfig\n" ;
next ;
elsif ( $ line eq "</Directory>" )
$ in_directory = 0 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , secure = > 0 , list = > { in_directory = > $ in_directory } } ) ;
elsif ( $ line eq '<Directory "/var/www/html">' )
$ in_directory = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , secure = > 0 , list = > { in_directory = > $ in_directory } } ) ;
$ new_file . = $ line . "\n" ;
if ( $ rewrite )
# Back it up first.
my $ backup_file = $ anvil - > Storage - > backup ( {
file = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'httpd.conf' } ,
debug = > $ debug ,
target = > $ target ,
port = > $ port ,
remote_user = > $ remote_user ,
password = > $ password ,
} ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { backup_file = > $ backup_file } } ) ;
if ( $ backup_file )
# Proceed.
$ anvil - > Storage - > write_file ( {
body = > $ new_file ,
debug = > $ debug ,
file = > $ anvil - > data - > { path } { configs } { 'httpd.conf' } ,
overwrite = > 1 ,
secure = > 0 ,
target = > $ target ,
port = > $ port ,
remote_user = > $ remote_user ,
password = > $ password ,
} ) ;
return ( $ return_code ) ;
= head2 change_shell_user_password
This changes the password for a shell user account . It can change the password on either the local or a remote machine .