68 changed files with 4689 additions and 218 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
export const getEntityName = (id: string) => id.replace(/\d*$/, ''); |
export const getEntityNumber = (id: string) => |
Number.parseInt(id.replace(/^[^\d]*/, '')); |
export const getEntityParts = (id: string) => { |
let name = ''; |
let number = NaN; |
const matchResult = id.match(/^([^\d]*)(\d*)$/); |
if (matchResult) { |
const parts = matchResult; |
name = parts[1]; |
number = Number.parseInt(parts[2]); |
} |
return { name, number }; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
export const getHostNameDomain = (hostName: string) => |
hostName.replace(/^.*?[.]/, ''); |
export const getHostNamePrefix = (hostName: string) => |
hostName.replace(/-.*$/, ''); |
export const getShortHostName = (hostName: string) => |
hostName.replace(/[.].*$/, ''); |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
export const getShortHostName = (hostName: string) => |
hostName.replace(/[.].*$/, ''); |
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ |
export * from './getHostSSH'; |
export * from './poweroffHost'; |
export * from './rebootHost'; |
export * from './runManifest'; |
export * from './updateSystem'; |
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ |
import assert from 'assert'; |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { REP_PEACEFUL_STRING, REP_UUID } from '../../consts/REG_EXP_PATTERNS'; |
import SERVER_PATHS from '../../consts/SERVER_PATHS'; |
import { getAnvilData, job, sub } from '../../accessModule'; |
import { sanitize } from '../../sanitize'; |
import { stderr } from '../../shell'; |
export const runManifest: RequestHandler< |
{ manifestUuid: string }, |
undefined, |
RunManifestRequestBody |
> = (request, response) => { |
const { |
params: { manifestUuid }, |
body: { |
debug = 2, |
description: rawDescription, |
hosts: rawHostList = {}, |
password: rawPassword, |
} = {}, |
} = request; |
const description = sanitize(rawDescription, 'string'); |
const password = sanitize(rawPassword, 'string'); |
const hostList: ManifestExecutionHostList = {}; |
const handleAssertError = (assertError: unknown) => { |
stderr( |
`Failed to assert value when trying to run manifest ${manifestUuid}; CAUSE: ${assertError}`, |
); |
response.status(400).send(); |
}; |
try { |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(description), |
`Description must be a peaceful string; got: [${description}]`, |
); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(password), |
`Password must be a peaceful string; got [${password}]`, |
); |
const uniqueList: Record<string, boolean | undefined> = {}; |
const isHostListUnique = !Object.values(rawHostList).some( |
({ hostNumber, hostType, hostUuid }) => { |
const hostId = `${hostType}${hostNumber}`; |
assert( |
/^node[12]$/.test(hostId), |
`Host ID must be "node" followed by 1 or 2; got [${hostId}]`, |
); |
assert( |
REP_UUID.test(hostUuid), |
`Host UUID assigned to ${hostId} must be a UUIDv4; got [${hostUuid}]`, |
); |
const isIdDuplicate = Boolean(uniqueList[hostId]); |
const isUuidDuplicate = Boolean(uniqueList[hostUuid]); |
uniqueList[hostId] = true; |
uniqueList[hostUuid] = true; |
hostList[hostId] = { hostNumber, hostType, hostUuid, hostId }; |
return isIdDuplicate || isUuidDuplicate; |
}, |
); |
assert(isHostListUnique, `Each entry in hosts must be unique`); |
} catch (assertError) { |
handleAssertError(assertError); |
return; |
} |
let rawHostListData: AnvilDataHostListHash | undefined; |
let rawManifestListData: AnvilDataManifestListHash | undefined; |
let rawSysData: AnvilDataSysHash | undefined; |
try { |
({ |
hosts: rawHostListData, |
manifests: rawManifestListData, |
sys: rawSysData, |
} = getAnvilData<{ |
hosts?: AnvilDataHostListHash; |
manifests?: AnvilDataManifestListHash; |
sys?: AnvilDataSysHash; |
}>( |
{ hosts: true, manifests: true, sys: true }, |
{ |
predata: [ |
['Database->get_hosts'], |
[ |
'Striker->load_manifest', |
{ |
debug, |
manifest_uuid: manifestUuid, |
}, |
], |
], |
}, |
)); |
} catch (subError) { |
stderr( |
`Failed to get install manifest ${manifestUuid}; CAUSE: ${subError}`, |
); |
response.status(500).send(); |
return; |
} |
if (!rawHostListData || !rawManifestListData || !rawSysData) { |
response.status(404).send(); |
return; |
} |
const { host_uuid: hostUuidMapToData } = rawHostListData; |
const { |
manifest_uuid: { |
[manifestUuid]: { |
parsed: { name: manifestName }, |
}, |
}, |
} = rawManifestListData; |
const { hosts: { by_uuid: mapToHostNameData = {} } = {} } = rawSysData; |
const joinAnJobs: DBJobParams[] = []; |
let anParams: Record<string, string> | undefined; |
try { |
anParams = Object.values(hostList).reduce<Record<string, string>>( |
(previous, { hostId = '', hostUuid }) => { |
const hostName = mapToHostNameData[hostUuid]; |
const { anvil_name: anName } = hostUuidMapToData[hostUuid]; |
assert( |
anName && anName !== manifestName, |
`Host ${hostName} cannot be used for ${manifestName} because it belongs to ${anName}`, |
); |
joinAnJobs.push({ |
debug, |
file: __filename, |
job_command: SERVER_PATHS.usr.sbin['anvil-join-anvil'].self, |
job_data: `as_machine=${hostId},manifest_uuid=${manifestUuid}`, |
job_description: 'job_0073', |
job_host_uuid: hostUuid, |
job_name: `join_anvil::${hostId}`, |
job_title: 'job_0072', |
}); |
previous[`anvil_${hostId}_host_uuid`] = hostUuid; |
return previous; |
}, |
{ |
anvil_description: description, |
anvil_name: manifestName, |
anvil_password: password, |
}, |
); |
} catch (assertError) { |
handleAssertError(assertError); |
return; |
} |
try { |
const [newAnUuid] = sub('insert_or_update_anvils', { subParams: anParams }) |
.stdout as [string]; |
joinAnJobs.forEach((jobParams) => { |
jobParams.job_data += `,anvil_uuid=${newAnUuid}`; |
job(jobParams); |
}); |
} catch (subError) { |
stderr(`Failed to record new anvil node entry; CAUSE: ${subError}`); |
response.status(500).send(); |
return; |
} |
response.status(204).send(); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ |
import assert from 'assert'; |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { |
} from '../../consts/REG_EXP_PATTERNS'; |
import { sub } from '../../accessModule'; |
import { sanitize } from '../../sanitize'; |
import { stdout } from '../../shell'; |
export const buildManifest = ( |
...[request]: Parameters< |
RequestHandler< |
{ manifestUuid?: string }, |
undefined, |
BuildManifestRequestBody |
> |
> |
) => { |
const { |
body: { |
domain: rawDomain, |
hostConfig: { hosts: hostList = {} } = {}, |
networkConfig: { |
dnsCsv: rawDns, |
mtu: rawMtu = 1500, |
networks: networkList = {}, |
ntpCsv: rawNtp, |
} = {}, |
prefix: rawPrefix, |
sequence: rawSequence, |
} = {}, |
params: { manifestUuid: rawManifestUuid = 'new' }, |
} = request; |
stdout('Begin building install manifest.'); |
const dns = sanitize(rawDns, 'string'); |
assert(REP_IPV4_CSV.test(dns), `DNS must be an IPv4 CSV; got [${dns}]`); |
const domain = sanitize(rawDomain, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(domain), |
`Domain must be a peaceful string; got [${domain}]`, |
); |
const manifestUuid = sanitize(rawManifestUuid, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_UUID.test(manifestUuid), |
`Manifest UUID must be a UUIDv4; got [${manifestUuid}]`, |
); |
const mtu = sanitize(rawMtu, 'number'); |
assert(REP_INTEGER.test(String(mtu)), `MTU must be an integer; got [${mtu}]`); |
const ntp = sanitize(rawNtp, 'string'); |
if (ntp) { |
assert(REP_IPV4_CSV.test(ntp), `NTP must be an IPv4 CSV; got [${ntp}]`); |
} |
const prefix = sanitize(rawPrefix, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(prefix), |
`Prefix must be a peaceful string; got [${prefix}]`, |
); |
const sequence = sanitize(rawSequence, 'number'); |
assert( |
REP_INTEGER.test(String(sequence)), |
`Sequence must be an integer; got [${sequence}]`, |
); |
const { counts: networkCountContainer, networks: networkContainer } = |
Object.values(networkList).reduce<{ |
counts: Record<string, number>; |
networks: Record<string, string>; |
}>( |
( |
previous, |
{ |
networkGateway: rawGateway, |
networkMinIp: rawMinIp, |
networkNumber: rawNetworkNumber, |
networkSubnetMask: rawSubnetMask, |
networkType: rawNetworkType, |
}, |
) => { |
const networkType = sanitize(rawNetworkType, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(networkType), |
`Network type must be a peaceful string; got [${networkType}]`, |
); |
const networkNumber = sanitize(rawNetworkNumber, 'number'); |
assert( |
REP_INTEGER.test(String(networkNumber)), |
`Network number must be an integer; got [${networkNumber}]`, |
); |
const networkId = `${networkType}${networkNumber}`; |
const gateway = sanitize(rawGateway, 'string'); |
if (networkType === 'ifn') { |
assert( |
REP_IPV4.test(gateway), |
`Gateway of ${networkId} must be an IPv4; got [${gateway}]`, |
); |
} |
const minIp = sanitize(rawMinIp, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_IPV4.test(minIp), |
`Minimum IP of ${networkId} must be an IPv4; got [${minIp}]`, |
); |
const subnetMask = sanitize(rawSubnetMask, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_IPV4.test(subnetMask), |
`Subnet mask of ${networkId} must be an IPv4; got [${subnetMask}]`, |
); |
const { counts: countContainer, networks: networkContainer } = previous; |
const countKey = `${networkType}_count`; |
const countValue = countContainer[countKey] ?? 0; |
countContainer[countKey] = countValue + 1; |
const gatewayKey = `${networkId}_gateway`; |
const minIpKey = `${networkId}_network`; |
const subnetMaskKey = `${networkId}_subnet`; |
networkContainer[gatewayKey] = gateway; |
networkContainer[minIpKey] = minIp; |
networkContainer[subnetMaskKey] = subnetMask; |
return previous; |
}, |
{ counts: {}, networks: {} }, |
); |
const hostContainer = Object.values(hostList).reduce<Record<string, string>>( |
( |
previous, |
{ |
fences, |
hostNumber: rawHostNumber, |
hostType: rawHostType, |
ipmiIp: rawIpmiIp, |
networks, |
upses, |
}, |
) => { |
const hostType = sanitize(rawHostType, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(hostType), |
`Host type must be a peaceful string; got [${hostType}]`, |
); |
const hostNumber = sanitize(rawHostNumber, 'number'); |
assert( |
REP_INTEGER.test(String(hostNumber)), |
`Host number must be an integer; got [${hostNumber}]`, |
); |
const hostId = `${hostType}${hostNumber}`; |
const ipmiIp = sanitize(rawIpmiIp, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_IPV4.test(ipmiIp), |
`IPMI IP of ${hostId} must be an IPv4; got [${ipmiIp}]`, |
); |
const ipmiIpKey = `${hostId}_ipmi_ip`; |
previous[ipmiIpKey] = ipmiIp; |
Object.values(networks).forEach( |
({ |
networkIp: rawIp, |
networkNumber: rawNetworkNumber, |
networkType: rawNetworkType, |
}) => { |
const networkType = sanitize(rawNetworkType, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(networkType), |
`Network type must be a peaceful string; got [${networkType}]`, |
); |
const networkNumber = sanitize(rawNetworkNumber, 'number'); |
assert( |
REP_INTEGER.test(String(networkNumber)), |
`Network number must be an integer; got [${networkNumber}]`, |
); |
const networkId = `${networkType}${networkNumber}`; |
const ip = sanitize(rawIp, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_IPV4.test(ip), |
`IP of host network ${networkId} must be an IPv4; got [${ip}]`, |
); |
const networkIpKey = `${hostId}_${networkId}_ip`; |
previous[networkIpKey] = ip; |
}, |
); |
Object.values(fences).forEach( |
({ fenceName: rawFenceName, fencePort: rawPort }) => { |
const fenceName = sanitize(rawFenceName, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(fenceName), |
`Fence name must be a peaceful string; got [${fenceName}]`, |
); |
const fenceKey = `${hostId}_fence_${fenceName}`; |
const port = sanitize(rawPort, 'string'); |
assert( |
`Port of ${fenceName} must be a peaceful string; got [${port}]`, |
); |
previous[fenceKey] = port; |
}, |
); |
Object.values(upses).forEach( |
({ isUsed: rawIsUsed, upsName: rawUpsName }) => { |
const upsName = sanitize(rawUpsName, 'string'); |
assert( |
REP_PEACEFUL_STRING.test(upsName), |
`UPS name must be a peaceful string; got [${upsName}]`, |
); |
const upsKey = `${hostId}_ups_${upsName}`; |
const isUsed = sanitize(rawIsUsed, 'boolean'); |
if (isUsed) { |
previous[upsKey] = 'checked'; |
} |
}, |
); |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
let result: { name: string; uuid: string } | undefined; |
try { |
const [uuid, name] = sub('generate_manifest', { |
subModuleName: 'Striker', |
subParams: { |
dns, |
domain, |
manifest_uuid: manifestUuid, |
mtu, |
ntp, |
prefix, |
sequence, |
...networkCountContainer, |
...networkContainer, |
...hostContainer, |
}, |
}).stdout as [manifestUuid: string, anvilName: string]; |
result = { name, uuid }; |
} catch (subError) { |
throw new Error(`Failed to generate manifest; CAUSE: ${subError}`); |
} |
return result; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
import { AssertionError } from 'assert'; |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { buildManifest } from './buildManifest'; |
import { stderr } from '../../shell'; |
export const createManifest: RequestHandler = (...handlerArgs) => { |
const [, response] = handlerArgs; |
let result: Record<string, string> = {}; |
try { |
result = buildManifest(...handlerArgs); |
} catch (buildError) { |
stderr(`Failed to create new install manifest; CAUSE ${buildError}`); |
let code = 500; |
if (buildError instanceof AssertionError) { |
code = 400; |
} |
response.status(code).send(); |
return; |
} |
response.status(201).send(result); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { sub } from '../../accessModule'; |
import { stderr, stdout } from '../../shell'; |
export const deleteManifest: RequestHandler< |
{ manifestUuid: string }, |
undefined, |
{ uuids: string[] } |
> = (request, response) => { |
const { |
params: { manifestUuid: rawManifestUuid }, |
body: { uuids: rawManifestUuidList } = {}, |
} = request; |
const manifestUuidList: string[] = rawManifestUuidList |
? rawManifestUuidList |
: [rawManifestUuid]; |
manifestUuidList.forEach((uuid) => { |
stdout(`Begin delete manifest ${uuid}.`); |
try { |
sub('insert_or_update_manifests', { |
subParams: { delete: 1, manifest_uuid: uuid }, |
}); |
} catch (subError) { |
stderr(`Failed to delete manifest ${uuid}; CAUSE: ${subError}`); |
response.status(500).send(); |
return; |
} |
}); |
response.status(204).send(); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import buildGetRequestHandler from '../buildGetRequestHandler'; |
import { buildQueryResultReducer } from '../../buildQueryResultModifier'; |
export const getManifest: RequestHandler = buildGetRequestHandler( |
(response, buildQueryOptions) => { |
const query = ` |
manifest_uuid, |
manifest_name |
FROM manifests |
WHERE manifest_note != 'DELETED' |
ORDER BY manifest_name ASC;`;
const afterQueryReturn: QueryResultModifierFunction | undefined = |
buildQueryResultReducer<{ [manifestUUID: string]: ManifestOverview }>( |
(previous, [manifestUUID, manifestName]) => { |
previous[manifestUUID] = { |
manifestName, |
manifestUUID, |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
if (buildQueryOptions) { |
buildQueryOptions.afterQueryReturn = afterQueryReturn; |
} |
return query; |
}, |
); |
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { getAnvilData } from '../../accessModule'; |
import { getEntityParts } from '../../disassembleEntityId'; |
import { stderr, stdout } from '../../shell'; |
const handleSortEntries = <T extends [string, unknown]>( |
[aId]: T, |
[bId]: T, |
): number => { |
const { name: at, number: an } = getEntityParts(aId); |
const { name: bt, number: bn } = getEntityParts(bId); |
let result = 0; |
if (at === bt) { |
if (an > bn) { |
result = 1; |
} else if (an < bn) { |
result = -1; |
} |
} else if (at > bt) { |
result = 1; |
} else if (at < bt) { |
result = -1; |
} |
return result; |
}; |
/** |
* This handler sorts networks in ascending order. But, it groups IFNs at the |
* end of the list in ascending order. |
* |
* When the sort callback returns: |
* - positive, element `a` will get a higher index than element `b` |
* - negative, element `a` will get a lower index than element `b` |
* - zero, elements' index will remain unchanged |
*/ |
const handleSortNetworks = <T extends [string, unknown]>( |
[aId]: T, |
[bId]: T, |
): number => { |
const isAIfn = /^ifn/.test(aId); |
const isBIfn = /^ifn/.test(bId); |
const { name: at, number: an } = getEntityParts(aId); |
const { name: bt, number: bn } = getEntityParts(bId); |
let result = 0; |
if (at === bt) { |
if (an > bn) { |
result = 1; |
} else if (an < bn) { |
result = -1; |
} |
} else if (isAIfn) { |
result = 1; |
} else if (isBIfn) { |
result = -1; |
} else if (at > bt) { |
result = 1; |
} else if (at < bt) { |
result = -1; |
} |
return result; |
}; |
export const getManifestDetail: RequestHandler = (request, response) => { |
const { |
params: { manifestUUID }, |
} = request; |
let rawManifestListData: AnvilDataManifestListHash | undefined; |
try { |
({ manifests: rawManifestListData } = getAnvilData<{ |
manifests?: AnvilDataManifestListHash; |
}>( |
{ manifests: true }, |
{ |
predata: [['Striker->load_manifest', { manifest_uuid: manifestUUID }]], |
}, |
)); |
} catch (subError) { |
stderr( |
`Failed to get install manifest ${manifestUUID}; CAUSE: ${subError}`, |
); |
response.status(500).send(); |
return; |
} |
stdout( |
`Raw install manifest list:\n${JSON.stringify( |
rawManifestListData, |
null, |
2, |
); |
if (!rawManifestListData) { |
response.status(404).send(); |
return; |
} |
const { |
manifest_uuid: { |
[manifestUUID]: { |
parsed: { |
domain, |
fences: fenceUuidList = {}, |
machine, |
name, |
networks: { dns: dnsCsv, mtu, name: networkList, ntp: ntpCsv }, |
prefix, |
sequence, |
upses: upsUuidList = {}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
} = rawManifestListData; |
const manifestData: ManifestDetail = { |
domain, |
hostConfig: { |
hosts: Object.entries(machine) |
.sort(handleSortEntries) |
.reduce<ManifestDetailHostList>( |
( |
previous, |
[ |
hostId, |
{ |
fence = {}, |
ipmi_ip: ipmiIp, |
name: hostName, |
network, |
ups = {}, |
}, |
], |
) => { |
const { name: hostType, number: hostNumber } = |
getEntityParts(hostId); |
stdout(`host=${hostType},n=${hostNumber}`); |
// Only include node-type host(s).
if (hostType !== 'node') { |
return previous; |
} |
previous[hostId] = { |
fences: Object.entries(fence) |
.sort(handleSortEntries) |
.reduce<ManifestDetailFenceList>( |
(fences, [fenceName, { port: fencePort }]) => { |
const fenceUuidContainer = fenceUuidList[fenceName]; |
if (fenceUuidContainer) { |
const { uuid: fenceUuid } = fenceUuidContainer; |
fences[fenceName] = { |
fenceName, |
fencePort, |
fenceUuid, |
}; |
} |
return fences; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
hostName, |
hostNumber, |
hostType, |
ipmiIp, |
networks: Object.entries(network) |
.sort(handleSortNetworks) |
.reduce<ManifestDetailHostNetworkList>( |
(hostNetworks, [networkId, { ip: networkIp }]) => { |
const { name: networkType, number: networkNumber } = |
getEntityParts(networkId); |
stdout(`hostnetwork=${networkType},n=${networkNumber}`); |
hostNetworks[networkId] = { |
networkIp, |
networkNumber, |
networkType, |
}; |
return hostNetworks; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
upses: Object.entries(ups) |
.sort(handleSortEntries) |
.reduce<ManifestDetailUpsList>((upses, [upsName, { used }]) => { |
const upsUuidContainer = upsUuidList[upsName]; |
if (upsUuidContainer) { |
const { uuid: upsUuid } = upsUuidContainer; |
upses[upsName] = { |
isUsed: Boolean(used), |
upsName, |
upsUuid, |
}; |
} |
return upses; |
}, {}), |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
}, |
name, |
networkConfig: { |
dnsCsv, |
mtu: Number.parseInt(mtu), |
networks: Object.entries(networkList) |
.sort(handleSortNetworks) |
.reduce<ManifestDetailNetworkList>( |
( |
networks, |
[ |
networkId, |
{ |
gateway: networkGateway, |
network: networkMinIp, |
subnet: networkSubnetMask, |
}, |
], |
) => { |
const { name: networkType, number: networkNumber } = |
getEntityParts(networkId); |
stdout(`network=${networkType},n=${networkNumber}`); |
networks[networkId] = { |
networkGateway, |
networkMinIp, |
networkNumber, |
networkSubnetMask, |
networkType, |
}; |
return networks; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
ntpCsv, |
}, |
prefix, |
sequence: Number.parseInt(sequence), |
}; |
response.status(200).send(manifestData); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { dbQuery, getLocalHostName } from '../../accessModule'; |
import { |
getHostNameDomain, |
getHostNamePrefix, |
getShortHostName, |
} from '../../disassembleHostName'; |
import { stderr } from '../../shell'; |
export const getManifestTemplate: RequestHandler = (request, response) => { |
let localHostName = ''; |
try { |
localHostName = getLocalHostName(); |
} catch (subError) { |
stderr(String(subError)); |
response.status(500).send(); |
return; |
} |
const localShortHostName = getShortHostName(localHostName); |
const domain = getHostNameDomain(localHostName); |
const prefix = getHostNamePrefix(localShortHostName); |
let rawQueryResult: Array< |
[ |
fenceUUID: string, |
fenceName: string, |
upsUUID: string, |
upsName: string, |
manifestUuid: string, |
lastSequence: string, |
] |
>; |
try { |
({ stdout: rawQueryResult } = dbQuery( |
a.fence_uuid, |
a.fence_name, |
b.ups_uuid, |
b.ups_name, |
c.last_sequence |
FROM ( |
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY fence_name), |
fence_uuid, |
fence_name |
FROM fences |
ORDER BY fence_name |
) AS a |
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ups_name), |
ups_uuid, |
ups_name |
FROM upses |
ORDER BY ups_name |
) AS b ON a.row_number = b.row_number |
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY manifest_name DESC), |
SUBSTRING(manifest_name, '([\\d]*)$') AS INTEGER |
) AS last_sequence |
FROM manifests |
ORDER BY manifest_name DESC |
) AS c ON a.row_number = c.row_number;`,
)); |
} catch (queryError) { |
stderr(`Failed to execute query; CAUSE: ${queryError}`); |
response.status(500).send(); |
return; |
} |
const queryResult = rawQueryResult.reduce< |
Pick<ManifestTemplate, 'fences' | 'sequence' | 'upses'> |
>( |
(previous, [fenceUUID, fenceName, upsUUID, upsName, lastSequence]) => { |
const { fences, upses } = previous; |
if (fenceUUID) { |
fences[fenceUUID] = { |
fenceName, |
fenceUUID, |
}; |
} |
if (upsUUID) { |
upses[upsUUID] = { |
upsName, |
upsUUID, |
}; |
} |
if (lastSequence) { |
previous.sequence = Number.parseInt(lastSequence) + 1; |
} |
return previous; |
}, |
{ fences: {}, sequence: 1, upses: {} }, |
); |
const result: ManifestTemplate = { |
domain, |
prefix, |
...queryResult, |
}; |
response.status(200).send(result); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
export * from './createManifest'; |
export * from './deleteManifest'; |
export * from './getManifest'; |
export * from './getManifestDetail'; |
export * from './getManifestTemplate'; |
export * from './updateManifest'; |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
import { AssertionError } from 'assert'; |
import { RequestHandler } from 'express'; |
import { buildManifest } from './buildManifest'; |
import { stderr } from '../../shell'; |
export const updateManifest: RequestHandler = (...args) => { |
const [request, response] = args; |
const { |
params: { manifestUuid }, |
} = request; |
let result: Record<string, string> = {}; |
try { |
result = buildManifest(...args); |
} catch (buildError) { |
stderr( |
`Failed to update install manifest ${manifestUuid}; CAUSE: ${buildError}`, |
); |
let code = 500; |
if (buildError instanceof AssertionError) { |
code = 400; |
} |
response.status(code).send(); |
return; |
} |
response.status(200).send(result); |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import express from 'express'; |
import { |
createManifest, |
deleteManifest, |
getManifest, |
getManifestDetail, |
getManifestTemplate, |
updateManifest, |
} from '../lib/request_handlers/manifest'; |
const router = express.Router(); |
router |
.delete('/', deleteManifest) |
.delete('/manifestUuid', deleteManifest) |
.get('/', getManifest) |
.get('/template', getManifestTemplate) |
.get('/:manifestUUID', getManifestDetail) |
.post('/', createManifest) |
.put('/:manifestUuid', updateManifest); |
export default router; |
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ |
type ManifestOverview = { |
manifestName: string; |
manifestUUID: string; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailNetwork = { |
networkGateway: string; |
networkMinIp: string; |
networkNumber: number; |
networkSubnetMask: string; |
networkType: string; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailNetworkList = { |
[networkId: string]: ManifestDetailNetwork; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailFence = { |
fenceName: string; |
fencePort: string; |
fenceUuid: string; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailFenceList = { |
[fenceId: string]: ManifestDetailFence; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailHostNetwork = { |
networkIp: string; |
networkNumber: number; |
networkType: string; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailHostNetworkList = { |
[networkId: string]: ManifestDetailHostNetwork; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailUps = { |
isUsed: boolean; |
upsName: string; |
upsUuid: string; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailUpsList = { |
[upsId: string]: ManifestDetailUps; |
}; |
type ManifestDetailHostList = { |
[hostId: string]: { |
fences: ManifestDetailFenceList; |
hostName: string; |
hostNumber: number; |
hostType: string; |
ipmiIp: string; |
networks: ManifestDetailHostNetworkList; |
upses: ManifestDetailUpsList; |
}; |
}; |
type ManifestDetail = { |
domain: string; |
hostConfig: { |
hosts: ManifestDetailHostList; |
}; |
name: string; |
networkConfig: { |
dnsCsv: string; |
mtu: number; |
networks: ManifestDetailNetworkList; |
ntpCsv: string; |
}; |
prefix: string; |
sequence: number; |
}; |
type ManifestExecutionHost = { |
hostId?: string; |
hostNumber: number; |
hostType: string; |
hostUuid: string; |
}; |
type ManifestExecutionHostList = { |
[hostId: string]: ManifestExecutionHost; |
}; |
type ManifestTemplate = { |
domain: string; |
fences: { |
[fenceUUID: string]: { |
fenceName: string; |
fenceUUID: string; |
}; |
}; |
prefix: string; |
sequence: number; |
upses: { |
[upsUUID: string]: { |
upsName: string; |
upsUUID: string; |
}; |
}; |
}; |
type BuildManifestRequestBody = Omit<ManifestDetail, 'name'>; |
type RunManifestRequestBody = { |
debug?: number; |
description: string; |
hosts: ManifestExecutionHostList; |
password: string; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
import { ReactElement, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; |
import AnHostConfigInputGroup from './AnHostConfigInputGroup'; |
import AnIdInputGroup, { |
} from './AnIdInputGroup'; |
import AnNetworkConfigInputGroup, { |
} from './AnNetworkConfigInputGroup'; |
import FlexBox from '../FlexBox'; |
const DEFAULT_NETWORK_LIST: ManifestNetworkList = { |
bcn1: { |
networkMinIp: '', |
networkNumber: 1, |
networkSubnetMask: '', |
networkType: 'bcn', |
}, |
sn1: { |
networkMinIp: '', |
networkNumber: 1, |
networkSubnetMask: '', |
networkType: 'sn', |
}, |
ifn1: { |
networkMinIp: '', |
networkNumber: 1, |
networkSubnetMask: '', |
networkType: 'ifn', |
}, |
}; |
const AddManifestInputGroup = < |
M extends { |
[K in |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP]: string; |
}, |
>({ |
formUtils, |
knownFences, |
knownUpses, |
previous: { |
hostConfig: previousHostConfig, |
networkConfig: previousNetworkConfig = {}, |
...previousAnId |
} = {}, |
}: AddManifestInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => { |
const { networks: previousNetworkList = DEFAULT_NETWORK_LIST } = |
previousNetworkConfig; |
const [networkList, setNetworkList] = |
useState<ManifestNetworkList>(previousNetworkList); |
const networkListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(networkList), |
[networkList], |
); |
return ( |
<FlexBox> |
<AnIdInputGroup formUtils={formUtils} previous={previousAnId} /> |
<AnNetworkConfigInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
networkListEntries={networkListEntries} |
previous={previousNetworkConfig} |
setNetworkList={setNetworkList} |
/> |
<AnHostConfigInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
knownFences={knownFences} |
knownUpses={knownUpses} |
networkListEntries={networkListEntries} |
previous={previousHostConfig} |
/> |
</FlexBox> |
); |
}; |
export default AddManifestInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
import { ReactElement, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import AnHostInputGroup from './AnHostInputGroup'; |
import Grid from '../Grid'; |
const INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST_CONFIG = 'an-host-config-input'; |
const DEFAULT_HOST_LIST: ManifestHostList = { |
node1: { |
hostNumber: 1, |
hostType: 'node', |
}, |
node2: { |
hostNumber: 2, |
hostType: 'node', |
}, |
}; |
const AnHostConfigInputGroup = <M extends MapToInputTestID>({ |
formUtils, |
knownFences = {}, |
knownUpses = {}, |
networkListEntries, |
previous: { hosts: previousHostList = DEFAULT_HOST_LIST } = {}, |
}: AnHostConfigInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => { |
const hostListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(previousHostList), |
[previousHostList], |
); |
const knownFenceListValues = useMemo( |
() => Object.values(knownFences), |
[knownFences], |
); |
const knownUpsListValues = useMemo( |
() => Object.values(knownUpses), |
[knownUpses], |
); |
const hostListGridLayout = useMemo<GridLayout>( |
() => |
hostListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
(previous, [hostId, previousHostArgs]) => { |
const { |
fences: previousFenceList = {}, |
hostNumber, |
hostType, |
ipmiIp, |
networks: previousNetworkList = {}, |
upses: previousUpsList = {}, |
}: ManifestHost = previousHostArgs; |
const fences = knownFenceListValues.reduce<ManifestHostFenceList>( |
(fenceList, { fenceName }) => { |
const { [fenceName]: { fencePort = '' } = {} } = |
previousFenceList; |
fenceList[fenceName] = { fenceName, fencePort }; |
return fenceList; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
const networks = networkListEntries.reduce<ManifestHostNetworkList>( |
(networkList, [networkId, { networkNumber, networkType }]) => { |
const { [networkId]: { networkIp = '' } = {} } = |
previousNetworkList; |
networkList[networkId] = { |
networkIp, |
networkNumber, |
networkType, |
}; |
return networkList; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
const upses = knownUpsListValues.reduce<ManifestHostUpsList>( |
(upsList, { upsName }) => { |
const { [upsName]: { isUsed = true } = {} } = previousUpsList; |
upsList[upsName] = { isUsed, upsName }; |
return upsList; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
const cellId = `${INPUT_GROUP_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AHC}-${hostId}`; |
previous[cellId] = { |
children: ( |
<AnHostInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
hostId={hostId} |
hostNumber={hostNumber} |
hostType={hostType} |
previous={{ fences, ipmiIp, networks, upses }} |
/> |
), |
md: 3, |
sm: 2, |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
[ |
formUtils, |
hostListEntries, |
knownFenceListValues, |
knownUpsListValues, |
networkListEntries, |
], |
); |
return ( |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }} |
layout={hostListGridLayout} |
spacing="1em" |
/> |
); |
}; |
export default AnHostConfigInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ |
import { ReactElement, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import FlexBox from '../FlexBox'; |
import Grid from '../Grid'; |
import InputWithRef from '../InputWithRef'; |
import OutlinedInputWithLabel from '../OutlinedInputWithLabel'; |
import { InnerPanel, InnerPanelBody, InnerPanelHeader } from '../Panels'; |
import SwitchWithLabel from '../SwitchWithLabel'; |
import { |
buildIPAddressTestBatch, |
buildPeacefulStringTestBatch, |
} from '../../lib/test_input'; |
import { BodyText } from '../Text'; |
const INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST = 'an-host-input'; |
const MAP_TO_AH_INPUT_HANDLER: MapToManifestFormInputHandler = { |
fence: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { hostId = '', fenceId = '', fenceName = '' }, |
value: fencePort, |
} = input; |
const { |
hostConfig: { |
hosts: { [hostId]: host }, |
}, |
} = container; |
const { fences = {} } = host; |
fences[fenceId] = { |
fenceName, |
fencePort, |
}; |
host.fences = fences; |
}, |
host: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { hostId = '', hostNumber: rawHostNumber = '', hostType = '' }, |
} = input; |
const hostNumber = Number.parseInt(rawHostNumber, 10); |
container.hostConfig.hosts[hostId] = { |
hostNumber, |
hostType, |
}; |
}, |
ipmi: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { hostId = '' }, |
value: ipmiIp, |
} = input; |
const { |
hostConfig: { |
hosts: { [hostId]: host }, |
}, |
} = container; |
host.ipmiIp = ipmiIp; |
}, |
network: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { |
hostId = '', |
networkId = '', |
networkNumber: rawNetworkNumber = '', |
networkType = '', |
}, |
value: networkIp, |
} = input; |
const { |
hostConfig: { |
hosts: { [hostId]: host }, |
}, |
} = container; |
const { networks = {} } = host; |
const networkNumber = Number.parseInt(rawNetworkNumber, 10); |
networks[networkId] = { |
networkIp, |
networkNumber, |
networkType, |
}; |
host.networks = networks; |
}, |
ups: (container, input) => { |
const { |
checked: isUsed, |
dataset: { hostId = '', upsId = '', upsName = '' }, |
} = input; |
const { |
hostConfig: { |
hosts: { [hostId]: host }, |
}, |
} = container; |
const { upses = {} } = host; |
upses[upsId] = { |
isUsed, |
upsName, |
}; |
host.upses = upses; |
}, |
}; |
const GRID_COLUMNS = { xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }; |
const GRID_SPACING = '1em'; |
const buildInputIdAHFencePort = (hostId: string, fenceId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST}-${hostId}-${fenceId}-port`; |
const buildInputIdAHIpmiIp = (hostId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST}-${hostId}-ipmi-ip`; |
const buildInputIdAHNetworkIp = (hostId: string, networkId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST}-${hostId}-${networkId}-ip`; |
const buildInputIdAHUpsPowerHost = (hostId: string, upsId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST}-${hostId}-${upsId}-power-host`; |
const AnHostInputGroup = <M extends MapToInputTestID>({ |
formUtils: { |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
buildInputUnmountFunction, |
setMessage, |
}, |
hostId, |
hostNumber, |
hostType, |
previous: { |
fences: fenceList = {}, |
ipmiIp: previousIpmiIp, |
networks: networkList = {}, |
upses: upsList = {}, |
} = {}, |
// Props that depend on others.
hostLabel = `${hostType} ${hostNumber}`, |
}: AnHostInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => { |
const fenceListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(fenceList), |
[fenceList], |
); |
const networkListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(networkList), |
[networkList], |
); |
const upsListEntries = useMemo(() => Object.entries(upsList), [upsList]); |
const isShowUpsListGrid = useMemo( |
() => Boolean(upsListEntries.length), |
[upsListEntries.length], |
); |
const inputIdAHHost = useMemo( |
() => `${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST}-${hostId}`, |
[hostId], |
); |
const inputIdAHIpmiIp = useMemo(() => buildInputIdAHIpmiIp(hostId), [hostId]); |
const inputCellIdAHIpmiIp = useMemo( |
() => `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AH}-${hostId}-ipmi-ip`, |
[hostId], |
); |
const fenceListGridLayout = useMemo( |
() => |
fenceListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
(previous, [fenceId, { fenceName, fencePort }]) => { |
const cellId = `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AH}-${hostId}-${fenceId}-port`; |
const inputId = buildInputIdAHFencePort(hostId, fenceId); |
const inputLabel = `Port on ${fenceName}`; |
previous[cellId] = { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'fence', |
'data-host-id': hostId, |
'data-fence-id': fenceId, |
'data-fence-name': fenceName, |
}} |
id={inputId} |
label={inputLabel} |
value={fencePort} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
`${hostId} ${inputLabel}`, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputId); |
}, |
{ onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputId) }, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputId, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(inputId)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
[ |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
fenceListEntries, |
hostId, |
setMessage, |
], |
); |
const networkListGridLayout = useMemo( |
() => |
networkListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
(previous, [networkId, { networkIp, networkNumber, networkType }]) => { |
const cellId = `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AH}-${hostId}-${networkId}-ip`; |
const inputId = buildInputIdAHNetworkIp(hostId, networkId); |
const inputLabel = `${networkType.toUpperCase()} ${networkNumber} IP`; |
previous[cellId] = { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'network', |
'data-host-id': hostId, |
'data-network-id': networkId, |
'data-network-number': networkNumber, |
'data-network-type': networkType, |
}} |
id={inputId} |
label={inputLabel} |
value={networkIp} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIPAddressTestBatch( |
`${hostId} ${inputLabel}`, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputId); |
}, |
{ onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputId) }, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputId, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(inputId)} |
onUnmount={buildInputUnmountFunction(inputId)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
[ |
networkListEntries, |
hostId, |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
buildInputUnmountFunction, |
setMessage, |
], |
); |
const upsListGridLayout = useMemo( |
() => |
upsListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
(previous, [upsId, { isUsed, upsName }]) => { |
const cellId = `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AH}-${hostId}-${upsId}-power-host`; |
const inputId = buildInputIdAHUpsPowerHost(hostId, upsId); |
const inputLabel = `Uses ${upsName}`; |
previous[cellId] = { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<SwitchWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'ups', |
'data-host-id': hostId, |
'data-ups-id': upsId, |
'data-ups-name': upsName, |
}} |
checked={isUsed} |
id={inputId} |
label={inputLabel} |
/> |
} |
valueType="boolean" |
/> |
), |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
[hostId, upsListEntries], |
); |
const upsListGrid = useMemo( |
() => |
isShowUpsListGrid && ( |
<Grid |
columns={GRID_COLUMNS} |
layout={upsListGridLayout} |
spacing={GRID_SPACING} |
/> |
), |
[isShowUpsListGrid, upsListGridLayout], |
); |
return ( |
<InnerPanel mv={0}> |
<InnerPanelHeader> |
<BodyText>{hostLabel}</BodyText> |
</InnerPanelHeader> |
<InnerPanelBody> |
<input |
hidden |
id={inputIdAHHost} |
readOnly |
data-handler="host" |
data-host-id={hostId} |
data-host-number={hostNumber} |
data-host-type={hostType} |
/> |
<FlexBox> |
<Grid |
columns={GRID_COLUMNS} |
layout={{ |
...networkListGridLayout, |
[inputCellIdAHIpmiIp]: { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'ipmi', |
'data-host-id': hostId, |
}} |
id={inputIdAHIpmiIp} |
value={previousIpmiIp} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIPAddressTestBatch( |
`${hostId} ${INPUT_LABEL_AH_IPMI_IP}`, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputIdAHIpmiIp); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputIdAHIpmiIp), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputIdAHIpmiIp, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction( |
inputIdAHIpmiIp, |
)} |
onUnmount={buildInputUnmountFunction(inputIdAHIpmiIp)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
...fenceListGridLayout, |
}} |
spacing={GRID_SPACING} |
/> |
{upsListGrid} |
</FlexBox> |
</InnerPanelBody> |
</InnerPanel> |
); |
}; |
export { |
buildInputIdAHFencePort, |
buildInputIdAHIpmiIp, |
buildInputIdAHNetworkIp, |
buildInputIdAHUpsPowerHost, |
}; |
export default AnHostInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ |
import { ReactElement } from 'react'; |
import Grid from '../Grid'; |
import InputWithRef from '../InputWithRef'; |
import OutlinedInputWithLabel from '../OutlinedInputWithLabel'; |
import { |
buildNumberTestBatch, |
buildPeacefulStringTestBatch, |
} from '../../lib/test_input'; |
const INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_ID = 'an-id-input'; |
const INPUT_LABEL_AI_DOMAIN = 'Domain name'; |
const INPUT_LABEL_AI_PREFIX = 'Prefix'; |
const INPUT_LABEL_AI_SEQUENCE = 'Sequence'; |
const AnIdInputGroup = < |
M extends { |
[K in |
| typeof INPUT_ID_AI_SEQUENCE]: string; |
}, |
>({ |
formUtils: { |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
setMessage, |
}, |
previous: { |
domain: previousDomain, |
prefix: previousPrefix, |
sequence: previousSequence, |
} = {}, |
}: AnIdInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => ( |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }} |
layout={{ |
'an-id-input-cell-prefix': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
value={previousPrefix} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
() => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_AI_PREFIX); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(INPUT_ID_AI_PREFIX), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_AI_PREFIX, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(INPUT_ID_AI_PREFIX)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
'an-id-input-cell-domain': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
value={previousDomain} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
() => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_AI_DOMAIN); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(INPUT_ID_AI_DOMAIN), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_AI_DOMAIN, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(INPUT_ID_AI_DOMAIN)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
'an-id-input-cell-sequence': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
value={previousSequence} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildNumberTestBatch( |
() => { |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(INPUT_ID_AI_SEQUENCE), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_AI_SEQUENCE, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(INPUT_ID_AI_SEQUENCE)} |
required |
valueType="number" |
/> |
), |
}, |
}} |
spacing="1em" |
/> |
); |
export default AnIdInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ |
import { ReactElement, useCallback, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import NETWORK_TYPES from '../../lib/consts/NETWORK_TYPES'; |
import AnNetworkInputGroup from './AnNetworkInputGroup'; |
import buildObjectStateSetterCallback from '../../lib/buildObjectStateSetterCallback'; |
import Grid from '../Grid'; |
import IconButton from '../IconButton'; |
import InputWithRef from '../InputWithRef'; |
import OutlinedInputWithLabel from '../OutlinedInputWithLabel'; |
import { |
buildIpCsvTestBatch, |
buildNumberTestBatch, |
} from '../../lib/test_input'; |
const INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK_CONFIG = 'an-network-config-input'; |
const DEFAULT_DNS_CSV = ','; |
const assertIfn = (type: string) => type === 'ifn'; |
const assertMn = (type: string) => type === 'mn'; |
const AnNetworkConfigInputGroup = < |
M extends MapToInputTestID & { |
[K in |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP]: string; |
}, |
>({ |
formUtils, |
networkListEntries, |
previous: { |
dnsCsv: previousDnsCsv = DEFAULT_DNS_CSV, |
mtu: previousMtu, |
ntpCsv: previousNtpCsv, |
} = {}, |
setNetworkList, |
}: AnNetworkConfigInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => { |
const { |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
setMessage, |
setMessageRe, |
} = formUtils; |
const getNetworkNumber = useCallback( |
( |
type: string, |
{ |
input = networkListEntries, |
end = networkListEntries.length, |
}: { |
input?: Array<[string, ManifestNetwork]>; |
end?: number; |
} = {}, |
) => { |
const limit = end - 1; |
let netNum = 0; |
input.every(([, { networkType }], networkIndex) => { |
if (networkType === type) { |
netNum += 1; |
} |
return networkIndex < limit; |
}); |
return netNum; |
}, |
[networkListEntries], |
); |
const networkTypeOptions = useMemo<SelectItem[]>( |
() => |
||||[key, value]) => ({ |
displayValue: value, |
value: key, |
})), |
[], |
); |
const buildNetwork = useCallback( |
({ |
networkMinIp = '', |
networkSubnetMask = '', |
networkType = 'ifn', |
// Params that depend on others.
networkGateway = assertIfn(networkType) ? '' : undefined, |
networkNumber = getNetworkNumber(networkType) + 1, |
}: Partial<ManifestNetwork> = {}): { |
network: ManifestNetwork; |
networkId: string; |
} => ({ |
network: { |
networkGateway, |
networkMinIp, |
networkNumber, |
networkSubnetMask, |
networkType, |
}, |
networkId: uuidv4(), |
}), |
[getNetworkNumber], |
); |
const setNetwork = useCallback( |
(key: string, value?: ManifestNetwork) => |
setNetworkList(buildObjectStateSetterCallback(key, value)), |
[setNetworkList], |
); |
const handleNetworkTypeChange = useCallback<AnNetworkTypeChangeEventHandler>( |
( |
{ networkId: targetId, networkType: previousType }, |
{ target: { value } }, |
) => { |
const newType = String(value); |
let isIdMatch = false; |
let newTypeNumber = 0; |
const newList = networkListEntries.reduce<ManifestNetworkList>( |
(previous, [networkId, networkValue]) => { |
const { networkNumber: initnn, networkType: initnt } = networkValue; |
let networkNumber = initnn; |
let networkType = initnt; |
if (networkId === targetId) { |
isIdMatch = true; |
networkType = newType; |
setMessageRe(RegExp(networkId)); |
} |
const isTypeMatch = networkType === newType; |
if (isTypeMatch) { |
newTypeNumber += 1; |
} |
if (isIdMatch) { |
if (isTypeMatch) { |
networkNumber = newTypeNumber; |
} else if (networkType === previousType) { |
networkNumber -= 1; |
} |
previous[networkId] = { |
...networkValue, |
networkNumber, |
networkType, |
}; |
} else { |
previous[networkId] = networkValue; |
} |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
setNetworkList(newList); |
}, |
[networkListEntries, setMessageRe, setNetworkList], |
); |
const handleNetworkRemove = useCallback<AnNetworkCloseEventHandler>( |
({ networkId: rmId, networkType: rmType }) => { |
let isIdMatch = false; |
let networkNumber = 0; |
const newList = networkListEntries.reduce<ManifestNetworkList>( |
(previous, [networkId, networkValue]) => { |
if (networkId === rmId) { |
isIdMatch = true; |
} else { |
const { networkType } = networkValue; |
if (networkType === rmType) { |
networkNumber += 1; |
} |
previous[networkId] = isIdMatch |
? { ...networkValue, networkNumber } |
: networkValue; |
} |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
setNetworkList(newList); |
}, |
[networkListEntries, setNetworkList], |
); |
const networksGridLayout = useMemo<GridLayout>(() => { |
let result: GridLayout = {}; |
result = networkListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
( |
previous, |
[ |
networkId, |
{ |
networkGateway, |
networkMinIp, |
networkNumber, |
networkSubnetMask, |
networkType, |
}, |
], |
) => { |
const cellId = `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_ANC}-${networkId}`; |
const isFirstNetwork = networkNumber === 1; |
const isIfn = assertIfn(networkType); |
const isMn = assertMn(networkType); |
const isOptional = isMn || !isFirstNetwork; |
previous[cellId] = { |
children: ( |
<AnNetworkInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
networkId={networkId} |
networkNumber={networkNumber} |
networkType={networkType} |
networkTypeOptions={networkTypeOptions} |
onClose={handleNetworkRemove} |
onNetworkTypeChange={handleNetworkTypeChange} |
previous={{ |
gateway: networkGateway, |
minIp: networkMinIp, |
subnetMask: networkSubnetMask, |
}} |
readonlyNetworkName={!isOptional} |
showCloseButton={isOptional} |
showGateway={isIfn} |
/> |
), |
md: 3, |
sm: 2, |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
result, |
); |
return result; |
}, [ |
formUtils, |
networkListEntries, |
networkTypeOptions, |
handleNetworkRemove, |
handleNetworkTypeChange, |
]); |
return ( |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }} |
layout={{ |
...networksGridLayout, |
'an-network-config-cell-add-network': { |
children: ( |
<IconButton |
mapPreset="add" |
onClick={() => { |
const { network: newNet, networkId: newNetId } = buildNetwork(); |
setNetwork(newNetId, newNet); |
}} |
/> |
), |
display: 'flex', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
md: 3, |
sm: 2, |
}, |
'an-network-config-input-cell-dns': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
value={previousDnsCsv} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIpCsvTestBatch( |
() => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
'an-network-config-input-cell-ntp': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
value={previousNtpCsv} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIpCsvTestBatch( |
() => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP)} |
/> |
), |
}, |
'an-network-config-input-cell-mtu': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
inputProps={{ placeholder: '1500' }} |
value={previousMtu} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildNumberTestBatch( |
() => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU)} |
valueType="number" |
/> |
), |
}, |
}} |
spacing="1em" |
/> |
); |
}; |
export default AnNetworkConfigInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ |
import { ReactElement, ReactNode, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import NETWORK_TYPES from '../../lib/consts/NETWORK_TYPES'; |
import Grid from '../Grid'; |
import IconButton from '../IconButton'; |
import InputWithRef from '../InputWithRef'; |
import OutlinedInputWithLabel from '../OutlinedInputWithLabel'; |
import { InnerPanel, InnerPanelBody, InnerPanelHeader } from '../Panels'; |
import SelectWithLabel from '../SelectWithLabel'; |
import { buildIPAddressTestBatch } from '../../lib/test_input'; |
const INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK = 'an-network-input'; |
const MAP_TO_AN_INPUT_HANDLER: MapToManifestFormInputHandler = { |
gateway: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { networkId = '' }, |
value, |
} = input; |
const { |
networkConfig: { networks }, |
} = container; |
networks[networkId].networkGateway = value; |
}, |
minip: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { networkId = '' }, |
value, |
} = input; |
const { |
networkConfig: { networks }, |
} = container; |
networks[networkId].networkMinIp = value; |
}, |
network: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { networkId = '', networkNumber: rawNn = '', networkType = '' }, |
} = input; |
const { |
networkConfig: { networks }, |
} = container; |
const networkNumber = Number.parseInt(rawNn, 10); |
networks[networkId] = { |
networkNumber, |
networkType, |
} as ManifestNetwork; |
}, |
subnetmask: (container, input) => { |
const { |
dataset: { networkId = '' }, |
value, |
} = input; |
const { |
networkConfig: { networks }, |
} = container; |
networks[networkId].networkSubnetMask = value; |
}, |
}; |
const buildInputIdANGateway = (networkId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK}-${networkId}-gateway`; |
const buildInputIdANMinIp = (networkId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK}-${networkId}-min-ip`; |
const buildInputIdANNetworkType = (networkId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK}-${networkId}-network-type`; |
const buildInputIdANSubnetMask = (networkId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK}-${networkId}-subnet-mask`; |
const AnNetworkInputGroup = <M extends MapToInputTestID>({ |
formUtils: { |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
buildInputUnmountFunction, |
setMessage, |
}, |
inputGatewayLabel = 'Gateway', |
inputMinIpLabel = 'IP address', |
inputSubnetMaskLabel = 'Subnet mask', |
networkId, |
networkNumber, |
networkType, |
networkTypeOptions, |
onClose, |
onNetworkTypeChange, |
previous: { |
gateway: previousGateway, |
minIp: previousIpAddress, |
subnetMask: previousSubnetMask, |
} = {}, |
readonlyNetworkName: isReadonlyNetworkName, |
showCloseButton: isShowCloseButton, |
showGateway: isShowGateway, |
}: AnNetworkInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => { |
const networkName = useMemo( |
() => `${NETWORK_TYPES[networkType]} ${networkNumber}`, |
[networkNumber, networkType], |
); |
const inputCellIdGateway = useMemo( |
() => `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AN}-${networkId}-gateway`, |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputCellIdIp = useMemo( |
() => `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AN}-${networkId}-ip`, |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputCellIdSubnetMask = useMemo( |
() => `${INPUT_CELL_ID_PREFIX_AN}-${networkId}-subnet-mask`, |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputIdANNetwork = useMemo( |
() => `${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK}-${networkId}`, |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputIdGateway = useMemo( |
() => buildInputIdANGateway(networkId), |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputIdMinIp = useMemo( |
() => buildInputIdANMinIp(networkId), |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputIdNetworkType = useMemo( |
() => buildInputIdANNetworkType(networkId), |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputIdSubnetMask = useMemo( |
() => buildInputIdANSubnetMask(networkId), |
[networkId], |
); |
const inputCellGatewayDisplay = useMemo( |
() => (isShowGateway ? undefined : 'none'), |
[isShowGateway], |
); |
const closeButtonElement = useMemo<ReactNode>( |
() => |
isShowCloseButton && ( |
<IconButton |
mapPreset="close" |
iconProps={{ fontSize: 'small' }} |
onClick={(...args) => { |
onClose?.call(null, { networkId, networkType }, ...args); |
}} |
sx={{ |
padding: '.2em', |
position: 'absolute', |
right: '-.6rem', |
top: '-.2rem', |
}} |
/> |
), |
[isShowCloseButton, networkId, networkType, onClose], |
); |
const inputGatewayElement = useMemo<ReactNode>(() => { |
let result: ReactNode; |
if (isShowGateway && inputIdGateway) { |
result = ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'gateway', |
'data-network-id': networkId, |
}} |
id={inputIdGateway} |
label={inputGatewayLabel} |
value={previousGateway} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIPAddressTestBatch( |
`${networkName} ${inputGatewayLabel}`, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputIdGateway); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputIdGateway), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputIdGateway, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(inputIdGateway)} |
onUnmount={buildInputUnmountFunction(inputIdGateway)} |
required={isShowGateway} |
/> |
); |
} |
return result; |
}, [ |
isShowGateway, |
inputIdGateway, |
networkId, |
inputGatewayLabel, |
previousGateway, |
networkName, |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
buildInputUnmountFunction, |
setMessage, |
]); |
return ( |
<InnerPanel mv={0}> |
<InnerPanelHeader> |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<SelectWithLabel |
id={inputIdNetworkType} |
isReadOnly={isReadonlyNetworkName} |
onChange={(...args) => { |
onNetworkTypeChange?.call( |
null, |
{ networkId, networkType }, |
...args, |
); |
}} |
selectItems={networkTypeOptions} |
selectProps={{ |
renderValue: () => networkName, |
}} |
value={networkType} |
/> |
} |
/> |
{closeButtonElement} |
</InnerPanelHeader> |
<InnerPanelBody> |
<input |
hidden |
id={inputIdANNetwork} |
readOnly |
data-handler="network" |
data-network-id={networkId} |
data-network-number={networkNumber} |
data-network-type={networkType} |
/> |
<Grid |
layout={{ |
[inputCellIdIp]: { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'minip', |
'data-network-id': networkId, |
}} |
id={inputIdMinIp} |
label={inputMinIpLabel} |
value={previousIpAddress} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIPAddressTestBatch( |
`${networkName} ${inputMinIpLabel}`, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputIdMinIp); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputIdMinIp), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputIdMinIp, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(inputIdMinIp)} |
onUnmount={buildInputUnmountFunction(inputIdMinIp)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
[inputCellIdSubnetMask]: { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
baseInputProps={{ |
'data-handler': 'subnetmask', |
'data-network-id': networkId, |
}} |
id={inputIdSubnetMask} |
label={inputSubnetMaskLabel} |
value={previousSubnetMask} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildIPAddressTestBatch( |
`${networkName} ${inputSubnetMaskLabel}`, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputIdSubnetMask); |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputIdSubnetMask), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputIdSubnetMask, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction( |
inputIdSubnetMask, |
)} |
onUnmount={buildInputUnmountFunction(inputIdSubnetMask)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
[inputCellIdGateway]: { |
children: inputGatewayElement, |
display: inputCellGatewayDisplay, |
}, |
}} |
spacing="1em" |
/> |
</InnerPanelBody> |
</InnerPanel> |
); |
}; |
export { |
buildInputIdANGateway, |
buildInputIdANMinIp, |
buildInputIdANNetworkType, |
buildInputIdANSubnetMask, |
}; |
export default AnNetworkInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
import { ReactElement } from 'react'; |
import { |
} from './AnIdInputGroup'; |
import { |
} from './AnNetworkConfigInputGroup'; |
import AddManifestInputGroup from './AddManifestInputGroup'; |
const EditManifestInputGroup = < |
M extends { |
[K in |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_DNS |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_MTU |
| typeof INPUT_ID_ANC_NTP]: string; |
}, |
>({ |
formUtils, |
knownFences, |
knownUpses, |
previous, |
}: EditManifestInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => ( |
<AddManifestInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
knownFences={knownFences} |
knownUpses={knownUpses} |
previous={previous} |
/> |
); |
export default EditManifestInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,572 @@ |
import { FC, ReactNode, useCallback, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; |
import API_BASE_URL from '../../lib/consts/API_BASE_URL'; |
import AddManifestInputGroup from './AddManifestInputGroup'; |
import { |
} from './AnIdInputGroup'; |
import { |
} from './AnHostInputGroup'; |
import { |
} from './AnNetworkInputGroup'; |
import { |
} from './AnNetworkConfigInputGroup'; |
import api from '../../lib/api'; |
import ConfirmDialog from '../ConfirmDialog'; |
import EditManifestInputGroup from './EditManifestInputGroup'; |
import FlexBox from '../FlexBox'; |
import FormDialog from '../FormDialog'; |
import handleAPIError from '../../lib/handleAPIError'; |
import IconButton from '../IconButton'; |
import List from '../List'; |
import MessageGroup, { MessageGroupForwardedRefContent } from '../MessageGroup'; |
import { Panel, PanelHeader } from '../Panels'; |
import periodicFetch from '../../lib/fetchers/periodicFetch'; |
import RunManifestInputGroup, { |
buildInputIdRMHost, |
} from './RunManifestInputGroup'; |
import Spinner from '../Spinner'; |
import { BodyText, HeaderText } from '../Text'; |
import useConfirmDialogProps from '../../hooks/useConfirmDialogProps'; |
import useFormUtils from '../../hooks/useFormUtils'; |
import useIsFirstRender from '../../hooks/useIsFirstRender'; |
import useProtectedState from '../../hooks/useProtectedState'; |
const MSG_ID_API = 'api'; |
const getFormData = ( |
...[{ target }]: DivFormEventHandlerParameters |
): APIBuildManifestRequestBody => { |
const { elements } = target as HTMLFormElement; |
const { value: domain } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const { value: prefix } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const { value: rawSequence } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const { value: dnsCsv } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const { value: rawMtu } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const { value: ntpCsv } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const mtu = Number.parseInt(rawMtu, 10); |
const sequence = Number.parseInt(rawSequence, 10); |
return Object.values(elements).reduce<APIBuildManifestRequestBody>( |
(previous, element) => { |
const { id: inputId } = element; |
if (RegExp(`^${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_HOST}`).test(inputId)) { |
const input = element as HTMLInputElement; |
const { |
dataset: { handler: key = '' }, |
} = input; |
MAP_TO_AH_INPUT_HANDLER[key]?.call(null, previous, input); |
} else if (RegExp(`^${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_AN_NETWORK}`).test(inputId)) { |
const input = element as HTMLInputElement; |
const { |
dataset: { handler: key = '' }, |
} = input; |
MAP_TO_AN_INPUT_HANDLER[key]?.call(null, previous, input); |
} |
return previous; |
}, |
{ |
domain, |
hostConfig: { hosts: {} }, |
networkConfig: { |
dnsCsv, |
mtu, |
networks: {}, |
ntpCsv, |
}, |
prefix, |
sequence, |
}, |
); |
}; |
const getRunFormData = ( |
mdetailHosts: ManifestHostList, |
...[{ target }]: DivFormEventHandlerParameters |
): APIRunManifestRequestBody => { |
const { elements } = target as HTMLFormElement; |
const { value: description } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const { value: password } = elements.namedItem( |
) as HTMLInputElement; |
const hosts = Object.entries(mdetailHosts).reduce< |
APIRunManifestRequestBody['hosts'] |
>((previous, [hostId, { hostNumber, hostType }]) => { |
const inputId = buildInputIdRMHost(hostId); |
const { value: hostUuid } = elements.namedItem(inputId) as HTMLInputElement; |
previous[hostId] = { hostNumber, hostType, hostUuid }; |
return previous; |
}, {}); |
return { description, hosts, password }; |
}; |
const ManageManifestPanel: FC = () => { |
const isFirstRender = useIsFirstRender(); |
const confirmDialogRef = useRef<ConfirmDialogForwardedRefContent>({}); |
const addManifestFormDialogRef = useRef<ConfirmDialogForwardedRefContent>({}); |
const editManifestFormDialogRef = useRef<ConfirmDialogForwardedRefContent>( |
{}, |
); |
const runManifestFormDialogRef = useRef<ConfirmDialogForwardedRefContent>({}); |
const messageGroupRef = useRef<MessageGroupForwardedRefContent>({}); |
const [confirmDialogProps, setConfirmDialogProps] = useConfirmDialogProps(); |
const [hostOverviews, setHostOverviews] = useProtectedState< |
APIHostOverviewList | undefined |
>(undefined); |
const [isEditManifests, setIsEditManifests] = useState<boolean>(false); |
const [isLoadingHostOverviews, setIsLoadingHostOverviews] = |
useProtectedState<boolean>(true); |
const [isLoadingManifestDetail, setIsLoadingManifestDetail] = |
useProtectedState<boolean>(true); |
const [isLoadingManifestTemplate, setIsLoadingManifestTemplate] = |
useProtectedState<boolean>(true); |
const [isSubmittingForm, setIsSubmittingForm] = |
useProtectedState<boolean>(false); |
const [manifestDetail, setManifestDetail] = useProtectedState< |
APIManifestDetail | undefined |
>(undefined); |
const [manifestTemplate, setManifestTemplate] = useProtectedState< |
APIManifestTemplate | undefined |
>(undefined); |
const { data: manifestOverviews, isLoading: isLoadingManifestOverviews } = |
periodicFetch<APIManifestOverviewList>(`${API_BASE_URL}/manifest`, { |
refreshInterval: 60000, |
}); |
const formUtils = useFormUtils( |
[ |
], |
messageGroupRef, |
); |
const { isFormInvalid, setMessage } = formUtils; |
const runFormUtils = useFormUtils( |
[ |
], |
messageGroupRef, |
); |
const { isFormInvalid: isRunFormInvalid } = runFormUtils; |
const { |
hostConfig: { hosts: mdetailHosts = {} } = {}, |
name: mdetailName, |
uuid: mdetailUuid, |
} = useMemo<Partial<APIManifestDetail>>( |
() => manifestDetail ?? {}, |
[manifestDetail], |
); |
const { |
domain: mtemplateDomain, |
fences: knownFences, |
prefix: mtemplatePrefix, |
sequence: mtemplateSequence, |
upses: knownUpses, |
} = useMemo<Partial<APIManifestTemplate>>( |
() => manifestTemplate ?? {}, |
[manifestTemplate], |
); |
const submitForm = useCallback( |
({ |
body, |
getErrorMsg, |
method, |
successMsg, |
url, |
}: { |
body: Record<string, unknown>; |
getErrorMsg: (parentMsg: ReactNode) => ReactNode; |
method: 'post' | 'put'; |
successMsg: ReactNode; |
url: string; |
}) => { |
setIsSubmittingForm(true); |
api[method](url, body) |
.then(() => { |
setMessage(MSG_ID_API, { |
children: successMsg, |
}); |
}) |
.catch((apiError) => { |
const emsg = handleAPIError(apiError); |
emsg.children = getErrorMsg(emsg.children); |
setMessage(MSG_ID_API, emsg); |
}) |
.finally(() => { |
setIsSubmittingForm(false); |
}); |
}, |
[setIsSubmittingForm, setMessage], |
); |
const addManifestFormDialogProps = useMemo<ConfirmDialogProps>( |
() => ({ |
actionProceedText: 'Add', |
content: ( |
<AddManifestInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
knownFences={knownFences} |
knownUpses={knownUpses} |
previous={{ |
domain: mtemplateDomain, |
prefix: mtemplatePrefix, |
sequence: mtemplateSequence, |
}} |
/> |
), |
onSubmitAppend: (...args) => { |
const body = getFormData(...args); |
setConfirmDialogProps({ |
actionProceedText: 'Add', |
content: <></>, |
onProceedAppend: () => { |
submitForm({ |
body, |
getErrorMsg: (parentMsg) => ( |
<>Failed to add install manifest. {parentMsg}</> |
), |
method: 'post', |
successMsg: 'Successfully added install manifest', |
url: '/manifest', |
}); |
}, |
titleText: `Add install manifest?`, |
}); |
confirmDialogRef.current.setOpen?.call(null, true); |
}, |
titleText: 'Add an install manifest', |
}), |
[ |
formUtils, |
knownFences, |
knownUpses, |
mtemplateDomain, |
mtemplatePrefix, |
mtemplateSequence, |
setConfirmDialogProps, |
submitForm, |
], |
); |
const editManifestFormDialogProps = useMemo<ConfirmDialogProps>( |
() => ({ |
actionProceedText: 'Edit', |
content: ( |
<EditManifestInputGroup |
formUtils={formUtils} |
knownFences={knownFences} |
knownUpses={knownUpses} |
previous={manifestDetail} |
/> |
), |
onSubmitAppend: (...args) => { |
const body = getFormData(...args); |
setConfirmDialogProps({ |
actionProceedText: 'Edit', |
content: <></>, |
onProceedAppend: () => { |
submitForm({ |
body, |
getErrorMsg: (parentMsg) => ( |
<>Failed to update install manifest. {parentMsg}</> |
), |
method: 'put', |
successMsg: `Successfully updated install manifest ${mdetailName}`, |
url: `/manifest/${mdetailUuid}`, |
}); |
}, |
titleText: `Update install manifest ${mdetailName}?`, |
}); |
confirmDialogRef.current.setOpen?.call(null, true); |
}, |
loading: isLoadingManifestDetail, |
titleText: `Update install manifest ${mdetailName}`, |
}), |
[ |
formUtils, |
knownFences, |
knownUpses, |
manifestDetail, |
isLoadingManifestDetail, |
mdetailName, |
setConfirmDialogProps, |
submitForm, |
mdetailUuid, |
], |
); |
const runManifestFormDialogProps = useMemo<ConfirmDialogProps>( |
() => ({ |
actionProceedText: 'Run', |
content: ( |
<RunManifestInputGroup |
formUtils={runFormUtils} |
knownFences={knownFences} |
knownHosts={hostOverviews} |
knownUpses={knownUpses} |
previous={manifestDetail} |
/> |
), |
loading: isLoadingManifestDetail, |
onSubmitAppend: (...args) => { |
const body = getRunFormData(mdetailHosts, ...args); |
setConfirmDialogProps({ |
actionProceedText: 'Run', |
content: <></>, |
onProceedAppend: () => { |
submitForm({ |
body, |
getErrorMsg: (parentMsg) => ( |
<>Failed to run install manifest. {parentMsg}</> |
), |
method: 'put', |
successMsg: `Successfully ran install manifest ${mdetailName}`, |
url: `/command/run-manifest/${mdetailUuid}`, |
}); |
}, |
titleText: `Run install manifest ${mdetailName}?`, |
}); |
confirmDialogRef.current.setOpen?.call(null, true); |
}, |
titleText: `Run install manifest ${mdetailName}`, |
}), |
[ |
runFormUtils, |
knownFences, |
hostOverviews, |
knownUpses, |
manifestDetail, |
isLoadingManifestDetail, |
mdetailName, |
mdetailHosts, |
setConfirmDialogProps, |
submitForm, |
mdetailUuid, |
], |
); |
const getManifestDetail = useCallback( |
(manifestUuid: string, finallyAppend?: () => void) => { |
setIsLoadingManifestDetail(true); |
api |
.get<APIManifestDetail>(`manifest/${manifestUuid}`) |
.then(({ data }) => { |
data.uuid = manifestUuid; |
setManifestDetail(data); |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
handleAPIError(error); |
}) |
.finally(() => { |
setIsLoadingManifestDetail(false); |
finallyAppend?.call(null); |
}); |
}, |
[setIsLoadingManifestDetail, setManifestDetail], |
); |
const listElement = useMemo( |
() => ( |
<List |
allowEdit |
allowItemButton={isEditManifests} |
edit={isEditManifests} |
header |
listEmpty="No manifest(s) registered." |
listItems={manifestOverviews} |
onAdd={() => { |
addManifestFormDialogRef.current.setOpen?.call(null, true); |
}} |
onEdit={() => { |
setIsEditManifests((previous) => !previous); |
}} |
onItemClick={({ manifestName, manifestUUID }) => { |
setManifestDetail({ |
name: manifestName, |
uuid: manifestUUID, |
} as APIManifestDetail); |
editManifestFormDialogRef.current.setOpen?.call(null, true); |
getManifestDetail(manifestUUID); |
}} |
renderListItem={(manifestUUID, { manifestName }) => ( |
<FlexBox fullWidth row> |
<IconButton |
disabled={isEditManifests} |
mapPreset="play" |
onClick={() => { |
setManifestDetail({ |
name: manifestName, |
uuid: manifestUUID, |
} as APIManifestDetail); |
runManifestFormDialogRef.current.setOpen?.call(null, true); |
getManifestDetail(manifestUUID); |
}} |
variant="normal" |
/> |
<BodyText>{manifestName}</BodyText> |
</FlexBox> |
)} |
/> |
), |
[getManifestDetail, isEditManifests, manifestOverviews, setManifestDetail], |
); |
const panelContent = useMemo( |
() => |
isLoadingHostOverviews || |
isLoadingManifestTemplate || |
isLoadingManifestOverviews ? ( |
<Spinner /> |
) : ( |
listElement |
), |
[ |
isLoadingHostOverviews, |
isLoadingManifestOverviews, |
isLoadingManifestTemplate, |
listElement, |
], |
); |
const messageArea = useMemo( |
() => ( |
<MessageGroup |
count={1} |
defaultMessageType="warning" |
ref={messageGroupRef} |
/> |
), |
[], |
); |
if (isFirstRender) { |
api |
.get<APIManifestTemplate>('/manifest/template') |
.then(({ data }) => { |
setManifestTemplate(data); |
}) |
.catch((error) => { |
handleAPIError(error); |
}) |
.finally(() => { |
setIsLoadingManifestTemplate(false); |
}); |
api |
.get<APIHostOverviewList>('/host', { params: { types: 'node' } }) |
.then(({ data }) => { |
setHostOverviews(data); |
}) |
.catch((apiError) => { |
handleAPIError(apiError); |
}) |
.finally(() => { |
setIsLoadingHostOverviews(false); |
}); |
} |
return ( |
<> |
<Panel> |
<PanelHeader> |
<HeaderText>Manage manifests</HeaderText> |
</PanelHeader> |
{panelContent} |
</Panel> |
<FormDialog |
{...addManifestFormDialogProps} |
disableProceed={isFormInvalid} |
loadingAction={isSubmittingForm} |
preActionArea={messageArea} |
ref={addManifestFormDialogRef} |
scrollContent |
/> |
<FormDialog |
{...editManifestFormDialogProps} |
disableProceed={isFormInvalid} |
loadingAction={isSubmittingForm} |
preActionArea={messageArea} |
ref={editManifestFormDialogRef} |
scrollContent |
/> |
<FormDialog |
{...runManifestFormDialogProps} |
disableProceed={isRunFormInvalid} |
loadingAction={isSubmittingForm} |
preActionArea={messageArea} |
ref={runManifestFormDialogRef} |
scrollContent |
/> |
<ConfirmDialog |
closeOnProceed |
{...confirmDialogProps} |
ref={confirmDialogRef} |
/> |
</> |
); |
}; |
export default ManageManifestPanel; |
@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ |
import { styled } from '@mui/material'; |
import { ReactElement, useMemo, useRef } from 'react'; |
import INPUT_TYPES from '../../lib/consts/INPUT_TYPES'; |
import FlexBox from '../FlexBox'; |
import Grid from '../Grid'; |
import InputWithRef, { InputForwardedRefContent } from '../InputWithRef'; |
import OutlinedInputWithLabel from '../OutlinedInputWithLabel'; |
import SelectWithLabel from '../SelectWithLabel'; |
import { buildPeacefulStringTestBatch } from '../../lib/test_input'; |
import { BodyText, MonoText } from '../Text'; |
const INPUT_ID_PREFIX_RUN_MANIFEST = 'run-manifest-input'; |
const INPUT_LABEL_RM_AN_DESCRIPTION = 'Description'; |
const INPUT_LABEL_RM_AN_PASSWORD = 'Password'; |
const INPUT_LABEL_RM_AN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD = 'Confirm password'; |
const MANIFEST_PARAM_NONE = '--'; |
const EndMono = styled(MonoText)({ |
justifyContent: 'end', |
}); |
const buildInputIdRMHost = (hostId: string): string => |
`${INPUT_ID_PREFIX_RM_HOST}-${hostId}`; |
const RunManifestInputGroup = <M extends MapToInputTestID>({ |
formUtils: { |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
setMessage, |
}, |
knownFences = {}, |
knownHosts = {}, |
knownUpses = {}, |
previous: { domain: anDomain, hostConfig = {}, networkConfig = {} } = {}, |
}: RunManifestInputGroupProps<M>): ReactElement => { |
const passwordRef = useRef<InputForwardedRefContent<'string'>>({}); |
const { hosts: initHostList = {} } = hostConfig; |
const { |
dnsCsv, |
mtu, |
networks: initNetworkList = {}, |
} = networkConfig; |
const hostListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(initHostList), |
[initHostList], |
); |
const knownFenceListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(knownFences), |
[knownFences], |
); |
const knownHostListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(knownHosts), |
[knownHosts], |
); |
const knownUpsListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(knownUpses), |
[knownUpses], |
); |
const networkListEntries = useMemo( |
() => Object.entries(initNetworkList), |
[initNetworkList], |
); |
const hostOptionList = useMemo( |
() => |
||||<SelectItem>(([, { hostName, hostUUID }]) => ({ |
displayValue: hostName, |
value: hostUUID, |
})), |
[knownHostListEntries], |
); |
const { |
headers: hostHeaderRow, |
hosts: hostSelectRow, |
hostNames: hostNewNameRow, |
} = useMemo( |
() => |
hostListEntries.reduce<{ |
headers: GridLayout; |
hosts: GridLayout; |
hostNames: GridLayout; |
}>( |
(previous, [hostId, { hostName, hostNumber, hostType }]) => { |
const { headers, hosts, hostNames } = previous; |
const prettyId = `${hostType}${hostNumber}`; |
headers[`run-manifest-column-header-cell-${hostId}`] = { |
children: <BodyText>{prettyId}</BodyText>, |
}; |
const inputId = buildInputIdRMHost(hostId); |
const inputLabel = `${prettyId} host`; |
hosts[`run-manifest-host-cell-${hostId}`] = { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<SelectWithLabel |
id={inputId} |
label={inputLabel} |
selectItems={hostOptionList} |
value="" |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
inputLabel, |
() => { |
setMessage(inputId); |
}, |
{ onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction(inputId) }, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(inputId, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction(inputId)} |
required |
/> |
), |
}; |
hostNames[`run-manifest-new-host-name-cell-${hostId}`] = { |
children: ( |
<MonoText> |
{hostName}.{anDomain} |
</MonoText> |
), |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{ |
headers: { |
'run-manifest-column-header-cell-offset': {}, |
}, |
hosts: { |
'run-manifest-host-cell-header': { |
children: <BodyText>Uses host</BodyText>, |
}, |
}, |
hostNames: { |
'run-manifest-new-host-name-cell-header': { |
children: <BodyText>New hostname</BodyText>, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
), |
[ |
anDomain, |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
hostListEntries, |
hostOptionList, |
setMessage, |
], |
); |
const { |
gateway: defaultGatewayGridLayout, |
hostNetworks: hostNetworkRowList, |
} = useMemo( |
() => |
networkListEntries.reduce<{ |
gateway: GridLayout; |
hostNetworks: GridLayout; |
}>( |
( |
previous, |
[networkId, { networkGateway, networkNumber, networkType }], |
) => { |
const { gateway, hostNetworks } = previous; |
const idPrefix = `run-manifest-host-network-cell-${networkId}`; |
const networkShortName = `${networkType.toUpperCase()}${networkNumber}`; |
hostNetworks[`${idPrefix}-header`] = { |
children: <BodyText>{networkShortName}</BodyText>, |
}; |
hostListEntries.forEach(([hostId, { networks = {} }]) => { |
const { |
[networkId]: { networkIp: ip = MANIFEST_PARAM_NONE } = {}, |
} = networks; |
hostNetworks[`${idPrefix}-${hostId}-ip`] = { |
children: <MonoText>{ip}</MonoText>, |
}; |
}); |
const cellId = 'run-manifest-gateway-cell'; |
if (networkGateway && !gateway[cellId]) { |
gateway[cellId] = { |
children: <EndMono>{networkGateway}</EndMono>, |
}; |
} |
return previous; |
}, |
{ |
gateway: { |
'run-manifest-gateway-cell-header': { |
children: <BodyText>Gateway</BodyText>, |
}, |
}, |
hostNetworks: {}, |
}, |
), |
[hostListEntries, networkListEntries], |
); |
const hostFenceRowList = useMemo( |
() => |
knownFenceListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
(previous, [fenceUuid, { fenceName }]) => { |
const idPrefix = `run-manifest-fence-cell-${fenceUuid}`; |
previous[`${idPrefix}-header`] = { |
children: <BodyText>Port on {fenceName}</BodyText>, |
}; |
hostListEntries.forEach(([hostId, { fences = {} }]) => { |
const { [fenceName]: { fencePort = MANIFEST_PARAM_NONE } = {} } = |
fences; |
previous[`${idPrefix}-${hostId}-port`] = { |
children: <MonoText>{fencePort}</MonoText>, |
}; |
}); |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
[hostListEntries, knownFenceListEntries], |
); |
const hostUpsRowList = useMemo( |
() => |
knownUpsListEntries.reduce<GridLayout>( |
(previous, [upsUuid, { upsName }]) => { |
const idPrefix = `run-manifest-ups-cell-${upsUuid}`; |
previous[`${idPrefix}-header`] = { |
children: <BodyText>Uses {upsName}</BodyText>, |
}; |
hostListEntries.forEach(([hostId, { upses = {} }]) => { |
const { [upsName]: { isUsed = false } = {} } = upses; |
previous[`${idPrefix}-${hostId}-is-used`] = { |
children: <MonoText>{isUsed ? 'yes' : 'no'}</MonoText>, |
}; |
}); |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
), |
[hostListEntries, knownUpsListEntries], |
); |
const confirmPasswordProps = useMemo(() => { |
const inputTestBatch = buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
() => { |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction( |
), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_RM_AN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD, { children: message }); |
}, |
); |
const onFirstRender = buildInputFirstRenderFunction( |
); |
inputTestBatch.tests.push({ |
onFailure: () => { |
children: <>Confirm password must match password.</>, |
}); |
}, |
test: ({ value }) => passwordRef.current.getValue?.call(null) === value, |
}); |
return { |
inputTestBatch, |
onFirstRender, |
}; |
}, [ |
buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction, |
buildInputFirstRenderFunction, |
setMessage, |
]); |
return ( |
<FlexBox> |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 2 }} |
layout={{ |
'run-manifest-input-cell-an-description': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
() => { |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction( |
), |
}, |
(message) => { |
children: message, |
}); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction( |
)} |
required |
/> |
), |
sm: 2, |
}, |
'run-manifest-input-cell-an-password': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
type={INPUT_TYPES.password} |
/> |
} |
inputTestBatch={buildPeacefulStringTestBatch( |
() => { |
}, |
{ |
onFinishBatch: buildFinishInputTestBatchFunction( |
), |
}, |
(message) => { |
setMessage(INPUT_ID_RM_AN_PASSWORD, { children: message }); |
}, |
)} |
onFirstRender={buildInputFirstRenderFunction( |
)} |
ref={passwordRef} |
required |
/> |
), |
}, |
'run-manifest-input-cell-an-confirm-password': { |
children: ( |
<InputWithRef |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
type={INPUT_TYPES.password} |
/> |
} |
required |
{...confirmPasswordProps} |
/> |
), |
}, |
}} |
spacing="1em" |
/> |
<Grid |
alignItems="center" |
columns={{ xs: hostListEntries.length + 1 }} |
layout={{ |
...hostHeaderRow, |
...hostSelectRow, |
...hostNewNameRow, |
...hostNetworkRowList, |
...hostFenceRowList, |
...hostUpsRowList, |
}} |
columnSpacing="1em" |
rowSpacing="0.4em" |
/> |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 2 }} |
layout={{ |
...defaultGatewayGridLayout, |
'run-manifest-dns-csv-cell-header': { |
children: <BodyText>DNS</BodyText>, |
}, |
'run-manifest-dns-csv-cell': { |
children: <EndMono>{dnsCsv}</EndMono>, |
}, |
'run-manifest-ntp-csv-cell-header': { |
children: <BodyText>NTP</BodyText>, |
}, |
'run-manifest-ntp-csv-cell': { |
children: <EndMono>{ntpCsv}</EndMono>, |
}, |
'run-manifest-mtu-cell-header': { |
children: <BodyText>MTU</BodyText>, |
}, |
'run-manifest-mtu-cell': { |
children: <EndMono>{mtu}</EndMono>, |
}, |
}} |
spacing="0.4em" |
/> |
</FlexBox> |
); |
}; |
export { |
buildInputIdRMHost, |
}; |
export default RunManifestInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
import ManageManifestPanel from './ManageManifestPanel'; |
export default ManageManifestPanel; |
@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ |
import { Box, BoxProps } from '@mui/material'; |
import { FC } from 'react'; |
import { Box, BoxProps, SxProps, Theme } from '@mui/material'; |
import { FC, useMemo } from 'react'; |
const InnerPanelBody: FC<BoxProps> = ({ sx, ...innerPanelBodyRestProps }) => ( |
<Box |
{...{ |
...innerPanelBodyRestProps, |
sx: { |
padding: '.3em .7em', |
const InnerPanelBody: FC<BoxProps> = ({ sx, ...innerPanelBodyRestProps }) => { |
const combinedSx = useMemo<SxProps<Theme>>( |
() => ({ |
position: 'relative', |
zIndex: 20, |
||||, |
}, |
}} |
/> |
); |
||||, |
}), |
[sx], |
); |
return ( |
<Box padding=".3em .7em" {...innerPanelBodyRestProps} sx={combinedSx} /> |
); |
}; |
export default InnerPanelBody; |
@ -1,9 +1,74 @@ |
/** |
* Checks whether specified `key` is unset in given object. Always returns |
* `true` when overwrite is allowed. |
*/ |
const checkUnset = <S extends BaseObject>( |
obj: S, |
key: keyof S, |
{ isOverwrite = false }: { isOverwrite?: boolean } = {}, |
): boolean => !(key in obj) || isOverwrite; |
const defaultObjectStatePropSetter = <S extends BaseObject>( |
...[, result, key, value]: Parameters<ObjectStatePropSetter<S>> |
): ReturnType<ObjectStatePropSetter<S>> => { |
if (value !== undefined) { |
result[key] = value; |
} |
}; |
const buildObjectStateSetterCallback = |
<S extends Record<string, unknown>>(key: keyof S, value: S[keyof S]) => |
({ [key]: toReplace, ...restPrevious }: S): S => |
({ |
...restPrevious, |
[key]: value, |
} as S); |
<S extends BaseObject>( |
key: keyof S, |
value?: S[keyof S], |
{ |
guard = () => true, |
set = defaultObjectStatePropSetter, |
}: BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackOptions<S> = {}, |
): BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackReturnType<S> => |
(previous: S): S => { |
const { [key]: toReplace, ...restPrevious } = previous; |
const result = { ...restPrevious } as S; |
if (guard(previous, key, value)) { |
set(previous, result, key, value); |
} |
return result; |
}; |
export const buildProtectedObjectStateSetterCallback = <S extends BaseObject>( |
key: keyof S, |
value?: S[keyof S], |
{ |
isOverwrite, |
guard = (o, k) => checkUnset(o, k, { isOverwrite }), |
set, |
}: BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackOptions<S> = {}, |
): BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackReturnType<S> => |
buildObjectStateSetterCallback(key, value, { isOverwrite, guard, set }); |
export const buildRegExpObjectStateSetterCallback = |
<S extends BaseObject>( |
re: RegExp, |
value?: S[keyof S], |
{ |
set = defaultObjectStatePropSetter, |
}: Pick<BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackOptions<S>, 'set'> = {}, |
) => |
(previous: S): S => { |
const result: S = {} as S; |
Object.keys(previous).forEach((key) => { |
const k = key as keyof S; |
if (re.test(key)) { |
set(previous, result, k, value); |
} else { |
result[k] = previous[k]; |
} |
}); |
return result; |
}; |
export default buildObjectStateSetterCallback; |
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ |
const NETWORK_TYPES: Record<string, string> = { |
bcn: 'Back-Channel Network', |
ifn: 'Internet-Facing Network', |
mn: 'Migration Network', |
sn: 'Storage Network', |
}; |
export default NETWORK_TYPES; |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import { REP_IPV4_CSV } from '../consts/REG_EXP_PATTERNS'; |
import testNotBlank from './testNotBlank'; |
const buildIpCsvTestBatch: BuildInputTestBatchFunction = ( |
inputName, |
onSuccess, |
{ isRequired, onFinishBatch, ...defaults } = {}, |
onIpCsvTestFailure, |
) => ({ |
defaults: { ...defaults, onSuccess }, |
isRequired, |
onFinishBatch, |
tests: [ |
{ |
test: testNotBlank, |
}, |
{ |
onFailure: (...args) => { |
onIpCsvTestFailure( |
<> |
{inputName} must be one or more valid IPv4 addresses separated by |
comma(s); without trailing comma. |
</>, |
...args, |
); |
}, |
test: ({ value }) => REP_IPV4_CSV.test(value as string), |
}, |
], |
}); |
export default buildIpCsvTestBatch; |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
type APIManifestOverview = { |
manifestName: string; |
manifestUUID: string; |
}; |
type APIManifestOverviewList = { |
[manifestUUID: string]: APIManifestOverview; |
}; |
type APIManifestDetail = ManifestAnId & { |
hostConfig: ManifestHostConfig; |
name: string; |
networkConfig: ManifestNetworkConfig; |
uuid?: string; |
}; |
type APIManifestTemplateFence = { |
fenceName: string; |
fenceUUID: string; |
}; |
type APIManifestTemplateUps = { |
upsName: string; |
upsUUID: string; |
}; |
type APIManifestTemplateFenceList = { |
[fenceUuid: string]: APIManifestTemplateFence; |
}; |
type APIManifestTemplateUpsList = { |
[upsUuid: string]: APIManifestTemplateUps; |
}; |
type APIManifestTemplate = { |
domain: string; |
fences: APIManifestTemplateFenceList; |
prefix: string; |
sequence: number; |
upses: APIManifestTemplateUpsList; |
}; |
type APIBuildManifestRequestBody = Omit<APIManifestDetail, 'name' | 'uuid'>; |
type APIRunManifestRequestBody = { |
description: string; |
hosts: { |
[hostId: string]: { |
hostNumber: number; |
hostType: string; |
hostUuid: string; |
}; |
}; |
password: string; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
type BaseObject<T = unknown> = Record<number | string | symbol, T>; |
type ObjectStatePropGuard<S extends BaseObject> = ( |
previous: S, |
key: keyof S, |
value?: S[keyof S], |
) => boolean; |
type ObjectStatePropSetter<S extends BaseObject> = ( |
previous: S, |
result: S, |
key: keyof S, |
value?: S[keyof S], |
) => void; |
type BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackOptions<S extends BaseObject> = { |
guard?: ObjectStatePropGuard<S>; |
isOverwrite?: boolean; |
set?: ObjectStatePropSetter<S>; |
}; |
type BuildObjectStateSetterCallbackReturnType<S extends BaseObject> = ( |
previous: S, |
) => S; |
@ -1,16 +1,29 @@ |
type CreatableComponent = Parameters<typeof import('react').createElement>[0]; |
type IconButtonPresetMapToStateIcon = 'edit' | 'visibility'; |
type IconButtonPresetMapToStateIconBundle = |
| 'add' |
| 'close' |
| 'edit' |
| 'play' |
| 'visibility'; |
type IconButtonMapToStateIcon = Record<string, CreatableComponent>; |
type IconButtonStateIconBundle = { |
iconType: CreatableComponent; |
iconProps?: import('@mui/material').SvgIconProps; |
}; |
type IconButtonMapToStateIconBundle = Record<string, IconButtonStateIconBundle>; |
type IconButtonVariant = 'contained' | 'normal'; |
type IconButtonMouseEventHandler = |
import('@mui/material').IconButtonProps['onClick']; |
type IconButtonOptionalProps = { |
defaultIcon?: CreatableComponent; |
iconProps?: import('@mui/material').SvgIconProps; |
mapPreset?: IconButtonPresetMapToStateIcon; |
mapToIcon?: IconButtonMapToStateIcon; |
mapPreset?: IconButtonPresetMapToStateIconBundle; |
mapToIcon?: IconButtonMapToStateIconBundle; |
state?: string; |
variant?: IconButtonVariant; |
}; |
@ -1 +1,7 @@ |
type InnerPanelProps = import('@mui/material').BoxProps; |
type InnerPanelOptionalProps = { |
headerMarginOffset?: number | string; |
mv?: number | string; |
}; |
type InnerPanelProps = InnerPanelOptionalProps & |
import('@mui/material').BoxProps; |
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ |
type ManifestAnId = { |
domain: string; |
prefix: string; |
sequence: number; |
}; |
type ManifestNetwork = { |
networkGateway?: string; |
networkMinIp: string; |
networkNumber: number; |
networkSubnetMask: string; |
networkType: string; |
}; |
type ManifestNetworkList = { |
[networkId: string]: ManifestNetwork; |
}; |
type ManifestNetworkConfig = { |
dnsCsv: string; |
/** Max Transmission Unit (MTU); unit: bytes */ |
mtu: number; |
networks: ManifestNetworkList; |
ntpCsv: string; |
}; |
type ManifestHostFenceList = { |
[fenceId: string]: { |
fenceName: string; |
fencePort: string; |
}; |
}; |
type ManifestHostNetworkList = { |
[networkId: string]: { |
networkIp: string; |
networkNumber: number; |
networkType: string; |
}; |
}; |
type ManifestHostUpsList = { |
[upsId: string]: { |
isUsed: boolean; |
upsName: string; |
}; |
}; |
type ManifestHost = { |
fences?: ManifestHostFenceList; |
hostName?: string; |
hostNumber: number; |
hostType: string; |
ipmiIp?: string; |
networks?: ManifestHostNetworkList; |
upses?: ManifestHostUpsList; |
}; |
type ManifestHostList = { |
[hostId: string]: ManifestHost; |
}; |
type ManifestHostConfig = { |
hosts: ManifestHostList; |
}; |
type ManifestFormInputHandler = ( |
container: APIBuildManifestRequestBody, |
input: HTMLInputElement, |
) => void; |
type MapToManifestFormInputHandler = Record<string, ManifestFormInputHandler>; |
/** ---------- Component types ---------- */ |
type AnIdInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
previous?: Partial<ManifestAnId>; |
}; |
type AnIdInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AnIdInputGroupOptionalProps & { |
formUtils: FormUtils<M>; |
}; |
type AnNetworkEventHandlerPreviousArgs = { |
networkId: string; |
} & Pick<ManifestNetwork, 'networkType'>; |
type AnNetworkCloseEventHandler = ( |
args: AnNetworkEventHandlerPreviousArgs, |
...handlerArgs: Parameters<IconButtonMouseEventHandler> |
) => ReturnType<IconButtonMouseEventHandler>; |
type AnNetworkTypeChangeEventHandler = ( |
args: AnNetworkEventHandlerPreviousArgs, |
...handlerArgs: Parameters<SelectChangeEventHandler> |
) => ReturnType<SelectChangeEventHandler>; |
type AnNetworkInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
inputGatewayLabel?: string; |
inputMinIpLabel?: string; |
inputSubnetMaskLabel?: string; |
onClose?: AnNetworkCloseEventHandler; |
onNetworkTypeChange?: AnNetworkTypeChangeEventHandler; |
previous?: { |
gateway?: string; |
minIp?: string; |
subnetMask?: string; |
}; |
readonlyNetworkName?: boolean; |
showCloseButton?: boolean; |
showGateway?: boolean; |
}; |
type AnNetworkInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AnNetworkInputGroupOptionalProps & { |
formUtils: FormUtils<M>; |
networkId: string; |
networkNumber: number; |
networkType: string; |
networkTypeOptions: SelectItem[]; |
}; |
type AnHostInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
hostLabel?: string; |
previous?: Pick<ManifestHost, 'fences' | 'ipmiIp' | 'networks' | 'upses'>; |
}; |
type AnHostInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AnHostInputGroupOptionalProps & { |
formUtils: FormUtils<M>; |
hostId: string; |
hostNumber: number; |
hostType: string; |
}; |
type AnNetworkConfigInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
previous?: Partial<ManifestNetworkConfig>; |
}; |
type AnNetworkConfigInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AnNetworkConfigInputGroupOptionalProps & { |
formUtils: FormUtils<M>; |
networkListEntries: Array<[string, ManifestNetwork]>; |
setNetworkList: import('react').Dispatch< |
import('react').SetStateAction<ManifestNetworkList> |
>; |
}; |
type AnHostConfigInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
knownFences?: APIManifestTemplateFenceList; |
knownUpses?: APIManifestTemplateUpsList; |
previous?: Partial<ManifestHostConfig>; |
}; |
type AnHostConfigInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AnHostConfigInputGroupOptionalProps & { |
formUtils: FormUtils<M>; |
networkListEntries: Array<[string, ManifestNetwork]>; |
}; |
type AddManifestInputGroupOptionalProps = Pick< |
AnHostConfigInputGroupOptionalProps, |
'knownFences' | 'knownUpses' |
> & { |
previous?: Partial<ManifestAnId> & { |
hostConfig?: Partial<ManifestHostConfig>; |
networkConfig?: Partial<ManifestNetworkConfig>; |
}; |
}; |
type AddManifestInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AddManifestInputGroupOptionalProps & { |
formUtils: FormUtils<M>; |
}; |
type EditManifestInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
AddManifestInputGroupProps<M>; |
type RunManifestInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
knownHosts?: APIHostOverviewList; |
}; |
type RunManifestInputGroupProps<M extends MapToInputTestID> = |
RunManifestInputGroupOptionalProps & AddManifestInputGroupProps<M>; |
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ |
type MessageSetterFunction = ( |
type MessageSetter = ( |
message?: import('../components/MessageBox').Message, |
) => void; |
Reference in new issue