diff --git a/scancore-agents/scan-network/scan-network b/scancore-agents/scan-network/scan-network
index 6dbf70c2..9c961058 100755
--- a/scancore-agents/scan-network/scan-network
+++ b/scancore-agents/scan-network/scan-network
@@ -628,6 +628,10 @@ sub read_last_scan
my ($anvil) = @_;
+ ### NOTE: There is a bug somewhere where interfaces are periodically being added twice per host. This
+ ### checks for / cleans those up. Remove this when the core issue is resolved.
+ clear_duplicate_nics($anvil);
# Read in the old bridge data.
@@ -637,6 +641,123 @@ sub read_last_scan
+# There is a bug somewhere where interfaces are periodically being added twice per host. This checks
+# for / cleans those up. Remove this when the core issue is resolved.
+sub clear_duplicate_nics
+ my ($anvil) = @_;
+ my $query = "
+ network_interface_uuid,
+ network_interface_name,
+ network_interface_mac_address,
+ network_interface_operational
+ network_interfaces
+ network_interface_host_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($anvil->Get->host_uuid)."
+ network_interface_name ASC;";
+ $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, key => "log_0124", variables => { query => $query }});
+ my $results = $anvil->Database->query({query => $query, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__});
+ my $count = @{$results};
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ results => $results,
+ count => $count,
+ }});
+ foreach my $row (@{$results})
+ {
+ my $network_interface_uuid = $row->[0];
+ my $network_interface_name = $row->[1];
+ my $network_interface_mac_address = $row->[2];
+ my $network_interface_operational = $row->[3];
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ network_interface_uuid => $network_interface_uuid,
+ network_interface_name => $network_interface_name,
+ network_interface_mac_address => $network_interface_mac_address,
+ network_interface_operational => $network_interface_operational,
+ }});
+ if (not exists $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}{$network_interface_name})
+ {
+ $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}{$network_interface_name} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}{$network_interface_name}}, $network_interface_uuid;
+ $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_name} = $network_interface_name;
+ $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_mac_address} = $network_interface_mac_address;
+ $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_operational} = $network_interface_operational;
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ "duplicate_nics::network_interface_uuid::${network_interface_uuid}::network_interface_name" => $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_name},
+ "duplicate_nics::network_interface_uuid::${network_interface_uuid}::network_interface_mac_address" => $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_mac_address},
+ "duplicate_nics::network_interface_uuid::${network_interface_uuid}::network_interface_operational" => $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_operational},
+ }});
+ }
+ foreach my $network_interface_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}})
+ {
+ my $count = @{$anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}{$network_interface_name}};
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ 's1:network_interface_name' => $network_interface_name,
+ 's2:count' => $count,
+ }});
+ if ($count > 1)
+ {
+ # Duplicate! Is one of them marked as DELETED?
+ foreach my $network_interface_uuid (@{$anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}{$network_interface_name}})
+ {
+ # Is this one deleted?
+ my $network_interface_mac_address = $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_mac_address};
+ my $network_interface_operational = $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_operational};
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ network_interface_uuid => $network_interface_uuid,
+ network_interface_mac_address => $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_mac_address},
+ network_interface_operational => $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{network_interface_uuid}{$network_interface_uuid}{network_interface_operational},
+ }});
+ if ($network_interface_operational eq "DELETED")
+ {
+ # Take this one out.
+ $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, key => "log_0647", variables => {
+ name => $network_interface_name,
+ uuid => $network_interface_uuid,
+ }});
+ my $query = "DELETE FROM network_interfaces WHERE network_interface_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($network_interface_uuid).";";
+ $anvil->Database->write({query => $query, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__});
+ $count--;
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }});
+ }
+ last if $count == 1;
+ }
+ # If count is still > 1, we need to arbitrarily delete an interface.
+ if ($count > 1)
+ {
+ foreach my $network_interface_uuid (@{$anvil->data->{duplicate_nics}{seen}{$network_interface_name}})
+ {
+ $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, key => "log_0647", variables => {
+ name => $network_interface_name,
+ uuid => $network_interface_uuid,
+ }});
+ my $query = "DELETE FROM network_interfaces WHERE network_interface_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($network_interface_uuid).";";
+ $anvil->Database->write({query => $query, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__});
+ $count--;
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { count => $count }});
+ }
+ last if $count == 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $anvil->data->{duplicate_nics};
+ return(0);
sub load_ip_address_data
my ($anvil) = @_;
diff --git a/share/words.xml b/share/words.xml
index 91751fe8..6d61cb83 100644
--- a/share/words.xml
+++ b/share/words.xml
@@ -1876,6 +1876,7 @@ The file: [#!variable!file!#] needs to be updated. The difference is:
Synchronizing corosync config.
Reloading corosync config.
#!variable!program!# is disabled in anvil.conf. and '--force' was not used. Exiting.
+ [ Note ] - The network interface: [#!variable!name!#] with 'network_interface_uuid': [#!variable!uuid!#] is a duplicate, removing it from the database(s).
The host name: [#!variable!target!#] does not resolve to an IP address.
diff --git a/tools/scancore b/tools/scancore
index a5bba1c1..33efeb8c 100755
--- a/tools/scancore
+++ b/tools/scancore
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ while(1)
# If we're in maintenance mode, do nothing.
my $maintenance_mode = $anvil->System->maintenance_mode();
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { maintenance_mode => $maintenance_mode }});
if ($maintenance_mode)
# Sleep and skip.