@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ my $THIS_FILE = "Database.pm";
# insert_or_update_ip_addresses
# insert_or_update_jobs
# insert_or_update_mail_servers
# insert_or_update_manifests
# insert_or_update_network_interfaces
# insert_or_update_notifications
# insert_or_update_mac_to_ip
@ -5059,6 +5060,273 @@ WHERE
= head2 insert_or_update_mail_servers
This updates ( or inserts ) a record in the 'manifests' table . This table is used to the "manifests" used to create and repair Anvil ! systems .
If there is an error , an empty string is returned . Otherwise , the record ' s UUID is returned .
Parameters ;
= head3 delete ( optional )
If set , the C << manifest_note >> is set to C << DELETED >> . When set to C << 1 >> , only the C << >> is required
= head3 uuid ( optional )
If set , only the corresponding database will be written to .
= head3 file ( optional )
If set , this is the file name logged as the source of any INSERTs or UPDATEs .
= head3 line ( optional )
If set , this is the file line number logged as the source of any INSERTs or UPDATEs .
= head3 manifest_uuid ( optional )
When set , this UUID is used to update an existing record . When not passed , the C << manifest_name >> is used to search for a match . If found , the associated UUID is used and the record is updated .
= head3 manifest_name ( required )
This is the name of the manifest . Generally , this is the name of the Anvil ! itself . It can be set to something more useful to the user , however .
= head3 manifest_last_ran ( required )
This is the unix time when the manifest was last used to ( re ) build an Anvil ! system . Set this to C << 0 >> if the manifest hasn ' t been used yet .
= head3 manifest_xml ( required )
This is the raw XML containing the manifest .
= head3 manifest_note ( optional )
This is a free - form field for saving notes about the mnaifest . If this is set to C << DELETED >> , it will be ignored in the web interface .
= cut
sub insert_or_update_mail_servers
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0125" , variables = > { method = > "Database->insert_or_update_mail_servers()" } } ) ;
my $ delete = defined $ parameter - > { 'delete' } ? $ parameter - > { 'delete' } : 0 ;
my $ uuid = defined $ parameter - > { uuid } ? $ parameter - > { uuid } : "" ;
my $ file = defined $ parameter - > { file } ? $ parameter - > { file } : "" ;
my $ line = defined $ parameter - > { line } ? $ parameter - > { line } : "" ;
my $ manifest_uuid = defined $ parameter - > { manifest_uuid } ? $ parameter - > { manifest_uuid } : "" ;
my $ manifest_name = defined $ parameter - > { manifest_name } ? $ parameter - > { manifest_name } : "" ;
my $ manifest_last_ran = defined $ parameter - > { manifest_last_ran } ? $ parameter - > { manifest_last_ran } : "" ;
my $ manifest_xml = defined $ parameter - > { manifest_xml } ? $ parameter - > { manifest_xml } : "" ;
my $ manifest_note = defined $ parameter - > { manifest_note } ? $ parameter - > { manifest_note } : "" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
'delete' = > $ delete ,
file = > $ file ,
line = > $ line ,
manifest_uuid = > $ manifest_uuid ,
manifest_name = > $ manifest_name ,
manifest_last_ran = > $ manifest_last_ran ,
manifest_xml = > $ manifest_xml ,
manifest_note = > $ manifest_note ,
} } ) ;
# INSERT, but make sure we have enough data first.
if ( not $ delete )
if ( not $ manifest_xml )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0020" , variables = > { method = > "Database->insert_or_update_manifests()" , parameter = > "manifest_xml" } } ) ;
return ( "" ) ;
if ( not $ manifest_name )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0020" , variables = > { method = > "Database->insert_or_update_manifests()" , parameter = > "manifest_name" } } ) ;
return ( "" ) ;
# If we don't have a network interface UUID, try to look one up using the MAC address
if ( not $ manifest_uuid )
# See if I know this NIC by referencing it's MAC and name. The name is needed because virtual
# devices can share the MAC with the real interface.
my $ query = "
manifest_name = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_name)."
; " ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
$ manifest_uuid = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { uuid = > $ uuid , query = > $ query , source = > $ file ? $ file . " -> " . $ THIS_FILE : $ THIS_FILE , line = > $ line ? $ line . " -> " . __LINE__ : __LINE__ } ) - > [ 0 ] - > [ 0 ] ;
$ manifest_uuid = "" if not defined $ manifest_uuid ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { manifest_uuid = > $ manifest_uuid } } ) ;
if ( ( $ link_only ) && ( not $ manifest_uuid ) )
# Can't INSERT.
return ( "" ) ;
if ( $ delete )
if ( not $ manifest_uuid )
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0020" , variables = > { method = > "Database->insert_or_update_manifests()" , parameter = > "manifest_uuid" } } ) ;
return ( "" ) ;
# Delete it
my $ query = "SELECT manifest_note FROM manifests WHERE manifest_uuid = " . $ anvil - > Database - > quote ( $ manifest_uuid ) . ";" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
my $ results = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { uuid = > $ uuid , query = > $ query , source = > $ file ? $ file . " -> " . $ THIS_FILE : $ THIS_FILE , line = > $ line ? $ line . " -> " . __LINE__ : __LINE__ } ) ;
my $ count = @ { $ results } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
results = > $ results ,
count = > $ count ,
} } ) ;
if ( $ count )
my $ old_manifest_note = $ results - > [ 0 ] - > [ 0 ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { old_manifest_note = > $ old_manifest_note } } ) ;
if ( $ old_manifest_note ne "DELETED" )
my $ query = "
manifest_note = 'DELETED' ,
modified_date = ".$anvil->Database->quote($anvil->data->{sys}{database}{timestamp})."
manifest_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_uuid)."
; " ;
$ anvil - > Database - > write ( { uuid = > $ uuid , query = > $ query , source = > $ file ? $ file . " -> " . $ THIS_FILE : $ THIS_FILE , line = > $ line ? $ line . " -> " . __LINE__ : __LINE__ } ) ;
return ( $ manifest_uuid ) ;
# Not found.
return ( "" ) ;
# Now, if we're inserting or updating, we'll need to require different bits.
if ( $ manifest_uuid )
# Update
my $ query = "
manifest_name ,
manifest_last_ran ,
manifest_xml ,
manifest_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_uuid)." ;
" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
my $ results = $ anvil - > Database - > query ( { uuid = > $ uuid , query = > $ query , uuid = > $ uuid , source = > $ file ? $ file . " -> " . $ THIS_FILE : $ THIS_FILE , line = > $ line ? $ line . " -> " . __LINE__ : __LINE__ } ) ;
my $ count = @ { $ results } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
results = > $ results ,
count = > $ count ,
} } ) ;
if ( not $ count )
# I have a manifest_uuid but no matching record. Probably an error.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0216" , variables = > { uuid_name = > "manifest_uuid" , uuid = > $ manifest_uuid } } ) ;
return ( "" ) ;
foreach my $ row ( @ { $ results } )
manifest_name ,
manifest_last_ran ,
manifest_xml ,
my $ old_manifest_name = $ row - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ old_manifest_last_ran = $ row - > [ 1 ] ;
my $ old_manifest_xml = $ row - > [ 2 ] ;
my $ old_manifest_note = $ row - > [ 3 ] ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
old_manifest_name = > $ old_manifest_name ,
old_manifest_last_ran = > $ old_manifest_last_ran ,
old_manifest_xml = > $ old_manifest_xml ,
old_manifest_note = > $ old_manifest_note ,
} } ) ;
# Anything to update? This is a little extra complicated because if a variable was
# not passed in, we want to not compare it.
if ( ( $ manifest_name ne $ old_manifest_name ) or
( $ manifest_last_ran ne $ old_manifest_last_ran ) or
( $ manifest_xml ne $ old_manifest_xml ) or
( $ manifest_note ne $ old_manifest_note ) )
# UPDATE any rows passed to us.
my $ query = "
manifest_name = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_name)." ,
manifest_last_ran = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_last_ran)." ,
manifest_xml = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_xml)." ,
manifest_note = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_note)." ,
modified_date = ".$anvil->Database->quote($anvil->data->{sys}{database}{timestamp})."
manifest_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_uuid)."
; " ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Database - > write ( { uuid = > $ uuid , query = > $ query , uuid = > $ uuid , source = > $ file ? $ file . " -> " . $ THIS_FILE : $ THIS_FILE , line = > $ line ? $ line . " -> " . __LINE__ : __LINE__ } ) ;
$ manifest_uuid = $ anvil - > Get - > uuid ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { manifest_uuid = > $ manifest_uuid } } ) ;
my $ query = "
manifest_uuid ,
manifest_name ,
manifest_last_ran ,
manifest_xml ,
manifest_note ,
".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_uuid)." ,
".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_name)." ,
".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_last_ran)." ,
".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_xml)." ,
".$anvil->Database->quote($manifest_note)." ,
) ;
" ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { query = > $ query } } ) ;
$ anvil - > Database - > write ( { uuid = > $ uuid , query = > $ query , uuid = > $ uuid , source = > $ file ? $ file . " -> " . $ THIS_FILE : $ THIS_FILE , line = > $ line ? $ line . " -> " . __LINE__ : __LINE__ } ) ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , key = > "log_0126" , variables = > { method = > "Database->insert_or_update_network_interfaces()" } } ) ;
return ( $ manifest_uuid ) ;
= head2 insert_or_update_network_interfaces
This updates ( or inserts ) a record in the 'interfaces' table . This table is used to store physical network interface information .