diff --git a/AN/Tools.pm b/AN/Tools.pm
index 2e44d22b..aa026d11 100755
--- a/AN/Tools.pm
+++ b/AN/Tools.pm
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ sub new
# Set my search directory to @INC + $ENV{'PATH'}, minus directories that don't exist. We trigger this
# build by passing in an empty directory list.
- $an->Storage->search_directories({ directories => "" });
+ $an->Storage->search_directories({directories => 1});
# I need to read the initial words early.
$an->Words->read({file => $an->data->{path}{words}{'an-tools.xml'}});
diff --git a/AN/Tools.t b/AN/Tools.t
index 829318e2..e6883b5d 100755
--- a/AN/Tools.t
+++ b/AN/Tools.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use utf8;
our $VERSION="3.0.0";
# Call in the test module, telling it how many tests to expect to run.
-use Test::More tests => 28;
+use Test::More tests => 30;
# Load my module via 'use_ok' test.
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ like($an->Words, qr/^AN::Tools::Words=HASH\(0x\w+\)$/, "Verifying that '\$an->Al
my $array1 = $an->Storage->search_directories;
my $a1_count = @{$array1};
cmp_ok($a1_count, '>', 0, "Verifying that \$an->Storage->search_directories has at least one entry. Found: [$a1_count] directories.");
$an->Storage->search_directories({directories => "/root,/usr/bin,/some/fake/directory"});
my $array2 = $an->Storage->search_directories;
my $a2_count = @{$array2};
@@ -71,13 +72,49 @@ cmp_ok($an->data->{foo}{baz}{2}, 'eq', 'I had a $dollar = sign and split with ta
### AN::Tools::Words methods
# Make sure we can read words files
-is($an->Words->read({file =>$an->data->{path}{words}{'an-tools.xml'}}), 0, "Verifying that '\$an->Words->read' properly returned '0' when asked to read the AN::Tools's words file.");
+is($an->Words->read({file => $an->data->{path}{words}{'an-tools.xml'}}), 0, "Verifying that '\$an->Words->read' properly returned '0' when asked to read the AN::Tools's words file.");
is($an->Words->read({file => ''}), 1, "Verifying that '\$an->Words->read' properly returned '1' when asked to read a works file without a file being passed.");
is($an->Words->read({file => '/tmp/dummy.xml'}), 2, "Verifying that '\$an->Words->read' properly returned '2' when asked to read a non-existent file.");
### NOTE: At this time, we don't test for unreadable files (rc = 3) or general read faults as set by XML::Simple (rc = 4).
-# Make sure we can read strings.
+# Make sure we can read raw strings.
is($an->Words->key({key => 't_0001'}), "Test replace: [#!variable!test!#].", "Verifying that '\$an->Words->key' returned the Canadian English 't_0001' string.");
is($an->Words->key({key => 't_0001', language => 'jp'}), "テスト いれかえる: [#!variable!test!#]。", "Verifying that '\$an->Words->read' returned the Japanese 't_0001' string.");
is($an->Words->key({key => 't_0003', language => 'jp'}), "#!not_found!#", "Verifying that '\$an->Words->read' returned '#!not_found!#' for the missing 't_0003' key.");
+# Make sure we can read processed strings.
+ key => 't_0005',
+ variables => {
+ test => "result!",
+ first => "1st",
+ second => "2nd",
+ },
+}), "
+This is a multi-line test string with various items to insert.
+It also has some #!invalid!# replacement #!keys!# to test the escaping and restoring.
+Here is the default output language: [en_CA]
+Here we will inject 't_0000': [Test replace: [result!].]
+Here we will inject 't_0002' with its embedded variables: [Test Out of order: [2nd] replace: [1st].]
+Here we will inject 't_0006', which injects 't_0001' which has a variable: [This string embeds 't_0001': [Test replace: [result!].]].
+", "Verifying string processing in the default (Canadian English) language.");
+ language => 'jp',
+ key => 't_0005',
+ variables => {
+ test => "result!",
+ first => "1st",
+ second => "2nd",
+ },
+}), "
+ここで、「t_0000」を挿入します:[テスト いれかえる: [result!]。]
+ここでは、 「t_0002」に埋め込み変数を挿入します:「テスト、 整理: [2nd]/[1st]。」
+ここでは変数 「この文字列には「t_0001」が埋め込まれています:「テスト いれかえる: [result!]。」」を持つ 「t_0001」を注入する 「t_0006」を注入します。
+", "Verifying string processing in Japanese.")
diff --git a/AN/Tools/Words.pm b/AN/Tools/Words.pm
index 8c68719f..d50cda73 100755
--- a/AN/Tools/Words.pm
+++ b/AN/Tools/Words.pm
@@ -515,6 +515,9 @@ sub string
+ # In some multi-line strings, the last line will be '\t\t'. We clean this up.
+ $string =~ s/\t\t$//;
#print $THIS_FILE." ".__LINE__."; [ Debug ] - string: [$string]\n";
diff --git a/AN/an-tools.xml b/AN/an-tools.xml
index cf66c80f..fecda804 100644
--- a/AN/an-tools.xml
+++ b/AN/an-tools.xml
@@ -19,6 +19,17 @@ This is the AN::Tools master 'words' file.
Test Out of order: [#!variable!second!#] replace: [#!variable!first!#].
+This is a multi-line test string with various items to insert.
+It also has some #!invalid!# replacement #!keys!# to test the escaping and restoring.
+Here is the default output language: [#!data!defaults::languages::output!#]
+Here we will inject 't_0000': [#!string!t_0001!#]
+Here we will inject 't_0002' with its embedded variables: [#!string!t_0002!#]
+Here we will inject 't_0006', which injects 't_0001' which has a variable: [#!string!t_0006!#].
+ This string embeds 't_0001': [#!string!t_0001!#]
@@ -30,5 +41,16 @@ This is the AN::Tools master 'words' file.
テスト、 整理: [#!variable!second!#]/[#!variable!first!#]。
+ここでは、 「t_0002」に埋め込み変数を挿入します:「#!string!t_0002!#」
+ここでは変数 「#!string!t_0006!#」を持つ 「t_0001」を注入する 「t_0006」を注入します。
+ この文字列には「t_0001」が埋め込まれています:「#!string!t_0001!#」