@ -75,7 +75,15 @@ sub parent
= head2 get_status
This parses the DRBD status on the local or remote system . It returns a JSON - > decoded reference .
This parses the DRBD status on the local or remote system . The data collected is stored in the following hashes ;
- drbd::status:: <hostname> :: resource:: <resource_name> :: { ap - in - flight , congested , connection - state , peer - node - id , rs - in - flight }
- drbd::status:: <hostname> :: resource:: <resource_name> :: connection:: <peer_hostname> :: volume:: <volume> :: { has - online - verify - details , has - sync - details , out - of - sync , peer - client , peer - disk - state , pending , percent - in - sync , received , replication - state , resync - suspended , sent , unacked }
- # If the volume is resyncing, these additional values will be set:
- drbd::status:: <hostname> :: resource:: <resource_name> :: connection:: <peer_hostname> :: volume:: <volume> :: { db - dt MiB - s , db0 - dt0 MiB - s , db1 - dt1 MiB - s , estimated - seconds - to - finish , percent - resync - done , rs - db0 - sectors , rs - db1 - sectors , rs - dt - start - ms , rs - dt0 - ms , rs - dt1 - ms , rs - failed , rs - paused - ms , rs - same - csum , rs - total , want }
- drbd::status:: <hostname> :: resource:: <resource> :: devices::volume:: <volume> :: { al - writes , bm - writes , client , disk - state , lower - pending , minor , quorum , read , size , upper - pending , written }
If any data was stored in a previous call , it will be deleted before the new data is collected and stored .
Parameters ;
@ -108,7 +116,6 @@ sub get_status
my $ port = defined $ parameter - > { port } ? $ parameter - > { port } : "" ;
my $ remote_user = defined $ parameter - > { remote_user } ? $ parameter - > { remote_user } : "root" ;
my $ target = defined $ parameter - > { target } ? $ parameter - > { target } : "local" ;
my $ version = 0 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
password = > $ anvil - > Log - > secure ? $ password : $ anvil - > Words - > string ( { key = > "log_0186" } ) ,
port = > $ port ,
@ -154,9 +161,6 @@ sub get_status
# Parse the output.
my $ json = JSON - > new - > allow_nonref ;
my $ drbd_status = $ json - > decode ( $ output ) ;
print "===] Raw Output [=======================================================================================\n" ;
print $ output . "\n" ;
print "========================================================================================================\n" ;
foreach my $ hash_ref ( @ { $ drbd_status } )
my $ resource = $ hash_ref - > { name } ;
@ -174,10 +178,9 @@ sub get_status
} } ) ;
my $ count_i = @ { $ hash_ref - > { connections } } ;
print "hash_ref->{connections}: [" . $ hash_ref - > { connections } . "], count_i: [$count_i]\n" ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ count_i ; $ i + + )
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ count_i ; $ i + + )
print "i: [$i]\n" ;
#print "i: [$i]\n" ;
my $ peer_name = $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { name } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { peer_name = > $ peer_name } } ) ;
@ -195,11 +198,8 @@ sub get_status
} } ) ;
my $ count_j = @ { $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } } ;
print "hash_ref->{connections}->[${i}]->{peer_devices}: [" . $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } . "], count_j: [$count_j]\n" ;
for ( my $ j = 0 ; $ j < $ count_j ; $ j + + )
### TODO: What does this look like during a resync?
print "j: [$j]\n" ;
my $ volume = $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { volume } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { volume = > $ volume } } ) ;
@ -230,109 +230,90 @@ sub get_status
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::unacked" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { unacked } ,
} } ) ;
### NOTE: 03:54 < lge> t0, t1, ...: time stamps. db/dt (0,1,...): delta blocks per delta time: the "estimated average" resync rate in kB/s from tX to now.
# 03:57 < lge> time stamps and block gauges are send by the module, the rate is then calculated by the tool, so if there are funny numbers, you have to tool closely if the data from the module is already bogus, or if just the calculation in the tool is off.
# These are set during a resync
# $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{resource}{$resource}{connection}{$peer_name}{volume}{$volume}{'has-online-verify-details'} = $hash_ref->{connections}->[$i]->{peer_devices}->[$j]->{'has-online-verify-details'};
# key: [db/dt [MiB/s]] -> [86.88]
# key: [db0/dt0 [MiB/s]] -> [86.88]
# key: [db1/dt1 [MiB/s]] -> [93.05]
# key: [estimated-seconds-to-finish] -> [213]
# key: [percent-resync-done] -> [3.35]
# key: [rs-db0-sectors] -> [1405248]
# key: [rs-db1-sectors] -> [933440]
# key: [rs-dt-start-ms] -> [7898]
# key: [rs-dt0-ms] -> [7898]
# key: [rs-dt1-ms] -> [4898]
# key: [rs-failed] -> [0]
# key: [rs-paused-ms] -> [0]
# key: [rs-same-csum] -> [1405248]
# key: [rs-total] -> [41940408]
# key: [want] -> [0]
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] } )
print "key: [$key] -> [" . $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { $ key } . "]\n" ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'db-dt MiB-s' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'db/dt [MiB/s]' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'db/dt [MiB/s]' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'db0-dt0 MiB-s' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'db0/dt0 [MiB/s]' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'db0/dt0 [MiB/s]' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'db1-dt1 MiB-s' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'db1/dt1 [MiB/s]' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'db1/dt1 [MiB/s]' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'estimated-seconds-to-finish' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'estimated-seconds-to-finish' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'estimated-seconds-to-finish' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'percent-resync-done' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'percent-resync-done' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'percent-resync-done' } : 100 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-db0-sectors' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-db0-sectors' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-db0-sectors' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-db1-sectors' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-db1-sectors' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-db1-sectors' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-dt-start-ms' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-dt-start-ms' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-dt-start-ms' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-dt0-ms' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-dt0-ms' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-dt0-ms' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-dt1-ms' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-dt1-ms' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-dt1-ms' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-failed' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-failed' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-failed' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-paused-ms' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-paused-ms' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-paused-ms' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-same-csum' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-same-csum' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-same-csum' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-total' } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-total' } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { 'rs-total' } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { want } = defined $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { want } ? $ hash_ref - > { connections } - > [ $ i ] - > { peer_devices } - > [ $ j ] - > { want } : 0 ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::db-dt MiB-s" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'db-dt MiB-s' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::db0-dt0 MiB-s" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'db0-dt0 MiB-s' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::db1-dt1 MiB-s" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'db1-dt1 MiB-s' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::estimated-seconds-to-finish" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'estimated-seconds-to-finish' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::percent-resync-done" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'percent-resync-done' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-db0-sectors" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-db0-sectors' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-db1-sectors" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-db1-sectors' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-dt-start-ms" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-dt-start-ms' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-dt0-ms" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-dt0-ms' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-dt1-ms" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-dt1-ms' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-failed" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-failed' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-paused-ms" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-paused-ms' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-same-csum" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-same-csum' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::rs-total" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { 'rs-total' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::connection::${peer_name}::volume::${volume}::want" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { connection } { $ peer_name } { volume } { $ volume } { want } ,
} } ) ;
print "========================================================================================================\n" ;
die ;
print "===] Full Dump [========================================================================================\n" ;
print Dumper $ drbd_status ;
print "========================================================================================================\n" ;
my $ count = @ { $ drbd_status } ;
print "Array count: [$count]\n" ;
foreach my $ hash_ref ( @ { $ drbd_status } )
my $ count = keys % { $ hash_ref } ;
print "Hash count: [$count]\n" ;
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ hash_ref } )
$ count_i = @ { $ hash_ref - > { devices } } ;
#print "hash_ref->{devices}: [".$hash_ref->{devices}."], count_i: [$count_i]\n";
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ count_i ; $ i + + )
if ( ref ( $ hash_ref - > { $ key } ) eq "HASH" )
print "key: [$key] is a hash\n" ;
print Dumper $ hash_ref - > { $ key } ;
elsif ( ref ( $ hash_ref - > { $ key } ) eq "ARRAY" )
print "key: [$key] is an array\n" ;
print Dumper $ hash_ref - > { $ key } ;
print "key: [$key] -> [" . $ hash_ref - > { $ key } . "]\n" ;
# if ($key eq "connections")
# {
# # Receive-Buffer Size in flight?
# $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{$key} = $hash_ref->{$key};
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "drbd::status::${host}::${key}" => $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{$key} }});
# }
# elsif ($key eq "")
# {
# #
# $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} = $hash_ref->{$key};
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "drbd::status::${host}::" => $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} }});
# }
# elsif ($key eq "")
# {
# #
# $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} = $hash_ref->{$key};
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "drbd::status::${host}::" => $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} }});
# }
# elsif ($key eq "")
# {
# #
# $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} = $hash_ref->{$key};
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "drbd::status::${host}::" => $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} }});
# }
# elsif ($key eq "")
# {
# #
# $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} = $hash_ref->{$key};
# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "drbd::status::${host}::" => $anvil->data->{drbd}{status}{$host}{} }});
# }
# else
# {
# print "Key: [".$key."] ========================================================================================\n";
# print Dumper $hash_ref->{$key};
# }
#print "i: [$i], [".$hash_ref->{devices}->[$i]."]\n";
my $ volume = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { volume } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > { volume = > $ volume } } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'al-writes' } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { 'al-writes' } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'bm-writes' } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { 'bm-writes' } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { client } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { client } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'disk-state' } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { 'disk-state' } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'lower-pending' } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { 'lower-pending' } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { minor } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { minor } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { quorum } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { quorum } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'read' } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { 'read' } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { size } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { size } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'upper-pending' } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { 'upper-pending' } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { written } = $ hash_ref - > { devices } - > [ $ i ] - > { written } ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > $ debug , list = > {
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::al-writes" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'al-writes' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::bm-writes" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'bm-writes' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::client" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { client } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::disk-state" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'disk-state' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::lower-pending" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'lower-pending' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::minor" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { minor } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::quorum" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { quorum } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::read" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'read' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::size" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { size } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::upper-pending" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { 'upper-pending' } ,
"drbd::status::${host}::resource::${resource}::devices::volume::${volume}::written" = > $ anvil - > data - > { drbd } { status } { $ host } { resource } { $ resource } { devices } { volume } { $ volume } { written } ,
} } ) ;
# foreach my $key (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$hash_ref})
# {
# next if $key eq "name";
# next if $key eq "role";
# next if $key eq "node-id";
# next if $key eq "suspended";
# next if $key eq "write-ordering";
# next if $key eq "connections";
# next if $key eq "devices";
# print "Key: [$key] -> [".$hash_ref->{$key}."]\n";
# }
print "========================================================================================================\n" ;
foreach my $ hash_ref ( @ { $ drbd_status - > [ 0 ] - > { connections } } )
#print "Hash ref: [".$hash_ref."]\n";
my $ peer_name = $ hash_ref - > { name } ;
print "Connection: [" . $ peer_name . "]\n" ;
print "- ap-in-flight: ... [" . $ hash_ref - > { 'ap-in-flight' } . "]\n" ;
print "- Connection state: [" . $ hash_ref - > { 'connection-state' } . "]\n" ;
print "- Peer role: ...... [" . $ hash_ref - > { 'peer-role' } . "]\n" ;
print "- rs-in-flight: ... [" . $ hash_ref - > { 'rs-in-flight' } . "]\n" ;
print "========================================================================================================\n" ;
die ;
return ( 0 ) ;