diff --git a/Anvil/Tools.pm b/Anvil/Tools.pm
index c118f2ff..9b715ffc 100644
--- a/Anvil/Tools.pm
+++ b/Anvil/Tools.pm
@@ -972,6 +972,7 @@ sub _set_paths
exe => {
'anvil-change-password' => "/usr/sbin/anvil-change-password",
'anvil-daemon' => "/usr/sbin/anvil-daemon",
+ 'anvil-download-file' => "/usr/sbin/anvil-download-file",
'anvil-file-details' => "/usr/sbin/anvil-file-details",
'anvil-maintenance-mode' => "/usr/sbin/anvil-maintenance-mode",
'anvil-manage-firewall' => "/usr/sbin/anvil-manage-firewall",
diff --git a/Anvil/Tools/Database.pm b/Anvil/Tools/Database.pm
index 65097376..51576048 100644
--- a/Anvil/Tools/Database.pm
+++ b/Anvil/Tools/Database.pm
@@ -3494,7 +3494,7 @@ sub insert_or_update_jobs
$problem = 1;
- # Job name?
+ # Job title?
if (not $job_title)
$anvil->Log->entry({source => $file ? $file." -> ".$THIS_FILE : $THIS_FILE, line => $line ? $line." -> ".__LINE__ : __LINE__, level => 0, priority => "err", key => "log_0020", variables => { method => "Database->insert_or_update_jobs()", parameter => "job_title" }});
@@ -3527,6 +3527,8 @@ WHERE
job_name = ".$anvil->Database->quote($job_name)."
job_command = ".$anvil->Database->quote($job_command)."
+ job_data = ".$anvil->Database->quote($job_data)."
job_host_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($job_host_uuid)."
diff --git a/Anvil/Tools/Job.pm b/Anvil/Tools/Job.pm
index 09b112fa..4c96da28 100644
--- a/Anvil/Tools/Job.pm
+++ b/Anvil/Tools/Job.pm
@@ -166,6 +166,13 @@ sub get_job_details
job_uuid => $job_uuid,
+ #
+ if ((not $job_uuid) && ($anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'}))
+ {
+ $job_uuid = $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'};
+ }
if (not $anvil->Validate->is_uuid({uuid => $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'}}))
# It's not a UUID.
@@ -192,11 +199,11 @@ FROM
job_uuid = ".$anvil->Database->quote($anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'})."
- $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { query => $query }});
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { query => $query }});
my $results = $anvil->Database->query({query => $query, source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__});
my $count = @{$results};
- $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => {
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => {
results => $results,
count => $count,
@@ -208,18 +215,18 @@ WHERE
# If we're here, we're good. Load the details
$anvil->data->{jobs}{job_uuid} = $job_uuid;
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_host_uuid} = $results->[0]->[0];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_command} = $results->[0]->[1];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_data} = $results->[0]->[1];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_by} = $results->[0]->[2];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_at} = $results->[0]->[3];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_updated} = $results->[0]->[4];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_name} = $results->[0]->[5];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_progress} = $results->[0]->[6];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_title} = $results->[0]->[7];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_description} = $results->[0]->[8];
- $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_status} = $results->[0]->[9];
- $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => {
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_host_uuid} = defined $results->[0]->[0] ? $results->[0]->[0] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_command} = defined $results->[0]->[1] ? $results->[0]->[1] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_data} = defined $results->[0]->[2] ? $results->[0]->[2] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_by} = defined $results->[0]->[3] ? $results->[0]->[3] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_at} = defined $results->[0]->[4] ? $results->[0]->[4] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_updated} = defined $results->[0]->[5] ? $results->[0]->[5] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_name} = defined $results->[0]->[6] ? $results->[0]->[6] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_progress} = defined $results->[0]->[7] ? $results->[0]->[7] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_title} = defined $results->[0]->[8] ? $results->[0]->[8] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_description} = defined $results->[0]->[9] ? $results->[0]->[9] : "";
+ $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_status} = defined $results->[0]->[10] ? $results->[0]->[10] : "";
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => {
"jobs::job_uuid" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_uuid},
"jobs::job_host_uuid" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_host_uuid},
"jobs::job_command" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_command},
@@ -234,8 +241,6 @@ WHERE
"jobs::job_status" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_status},
- # Have we been asked to check another job is already running?
# See if the job was picked up by another running instance.
my $job_picked_up_by = $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_by};
if (($check) && ($job_picked_up_by))
@@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ SELECT
- job_command LIKE ".$anvil->Database->quote($program."%")."
+ job_command LIKE ".$anvil->Database->quote("%".$program."%")."
job_progress != '100'
@@ -453,7 +458,6 @@ sub html_list
@@ -636,6 +640,29 @@ WHERE
$job_status =~ s/message_0058,!!downloaded!.*?!!,!!installed!.*?!!,!!verified!.*?!!,!!lines!.*?!!/message_0058,!!downloaded!$downloaded!!,!!installed!$installed!!,!!verified!$verified!!,!!lines!$lines!!/sm;
$anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "<< job_status" => $job_status }});
+ # This is used by 'anvil-download-file'
+ if ($job_status =~ /message_0142/gs)
+ {
+ ### NOTE: Left off here.
+# my $downloaded = $anvil->data->{counts}{downloaded} ? $anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $anvil->data->{counts}{downloaded}}) : 0;
+# my $installed = $anvil->data->{counts}{installed} ? $anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $anvil->data->{counts}{installed}}) : 0;
+# my $verified = $anvil->data->{counts}{verified} ? $anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $anvil->data->{counts}{verified}}) : 0;
+# my $lines = $anvil->data->{counts}{lines} ? $anvil->Convert->add_commas({number => $anvil->data->{counts}{lines}}) : 0;
+# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => {
+# "s1:counts::downloaded" => $anvil->data->{counts}{downloaded},
+# "s2:downloaded" => $downloaded,
+# "s3:counts::installed" => $anvil->data->{counts}{installed},
+# "s4:installed" => $installed,
+# "s5:counts::verified" => $anvil->data->{counts}{verified},
+# "s6:verified" => $verified,
+# "s7:counts::lines" => $anvil->data->{counts}{lines},
+# "s8:lines" => $lines,
+# }});
+# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { ">> job_status" => $job_status }});
+# $job_status =~ s/message_0142,!!downloaded!.*?!!,!!installed!.*?!!,!!verified!.*?!!,!!lines!.*?!!/message_0058,!!downloaded!$downloaded!!,!!installed!$installed!!,!!verified!$verified!!,!!lines!$lines!!/sm;
+# $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => $debug, list => { "<< job_status" => $job_status }});
+ }
$job_uuid = $anvil->Database->insert_or_update_jobs({
file => $THIS_FILE,
diff --git a/share/words.xml b/share/words.xml
index 9b6aa98d..2c250391 100644
--- a/share/words.xml
+++ b/share/words.xml
@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ About to try to download aproximately: [#!variable!packages!#] packages needed t
Reloading the firewall...
Restarting the firewall...
Changing the default zone to: [#!variable!zone!#].
+ * Download progress: [#!variable!percentage!# %], Downloaded: [#!variable!downloaded!#], Current rate: [#!variable!current_rate!#], Average Rate: [#!variable!average_rate!#], Time Running: [#!variable!running_time!#], Estimated left: [#!variable!estimated_left!#].
Starting: [#!variable!program!#].
@@ -794,6 +795,8 @@ Here we will inject 't_0006', which injects 't_0001' which has a variable: [#!st
Manager Install Target.
Enable or disable the 'Install Target' feature.
Update the 'Install Target' source files and refresh RPM repository.
+ Download a file
+ The referenced file will be downloaded by the target host.
The IP address will change. You will need to reconnect after applying these changes.
@@ -882,6 +885,8 @@ Failed to generate an RSA public key for the user: [#!variable!user!#]. The outp
Failed to backup: [#!variable!file!#], skipping.
The file to be downloaded: [#!variable!file!#], already exists. Either remove it, or call again with '--overwrite'.
Something went wrong moving the downloaded file from the temporary location: [#!variable!source_file!#] to the output: [#!variable!target_file!#]. Useful errors may be above this message.
+ The download job with UUID: [#!variable!job_uuid!#] is not valid.
+ The download job with UUID: [#!variable!job_uuid!#] is already being handled by another process.
diff --git a/tools/anvil-download-file b/tools/anvil-download-file
index fd958ac6..187cb61b 100755
--- a/tools/anvil-download-file
+++ b/tools/anvil-download-file
@@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
# progress of any other instances currently downloading files.
# Return codes:
-# 0 = Normal exit.
-# 1 = URL not found.
-# 2 = The requested URL was not found on the remote server.
-# 3 = The requested URL does not resolve to a known domain.
-# 4 = The requested URL failed because the remote host refused the connection.
-# 5 = The requested URL failed because there is no route to that host.
-# 6 = Abort requested, but UUID or PID not passed
-# 7 = The requested URL failed because the network is unreachable.
-# 8 = The file to download already exists.
-# 9 = Something went wrong moving the file from temp to the output directory.
+# 0 = Normal exit.
+# 1 = No database connections available
+# 2 = The requested URL was not found on the remote server.
+# 3 = The requested URL does not resolve to a known domain.
+# 4 = The requested URL failed because the remote host refused the connection.
+# 5 = The requested URL failed because there is no route to that host.
+# 6 = Abort requested, but UUID or PID not passed
+# 7 = The requested URL failed because the network is unreachable.
+# 8 = The file to download already exists.
+# 9 = Something went wrong moving the file from temp to the output directory.
+# 10 = URL not found.
+# 11 = The --job-uuid is invalid
+# 12 = The --job-uuid is already being handled by another process
@@ -42,6 +45,14 @@ my $anvil = Anvil::Tools->new();
$anvil->Log->level({set => 2});
$anvil->Log->secure({set => 1});
+$anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, secure => 0, key => "log_0132"});
+if (not $anvil->data->{sys}{database}{connections})
+ # No databases, exit.
+ $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, 'print' => 1, level => 0, key => "error_0003"});
+ $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1});
$anvil->data->{switches}{abort} = "";
$anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'} = "";
@@ -59,7 +70,14 @@ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list
'switches::url' => $anvil->data->{switches}{url},
+# If I don't have --abort or --url, see if there is a job waiting
+if ((not $anvil->data->{switches}{abort}) && (not $anvil->data->{switches}{url}))
+ get_job_details($anvil);
+# Do what now?
if ($anvil->data->{switches}{abort})
# Kill the other download
@@ -85,6 +103,107 @@ $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 0});
# Private functions. #
+# This loads a job's details, or looks for unclaimed jobs that aren't finished.
+sub get_job_details
+ my ($anvil) = @_;
+ # If I don't have a job-uuid, see if any jobs are pending
+ if (not $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'})
+ {
+ my $job_uuid = $anvil->Job->get_job_uuid({debug => 2, program => $THIS_FILE});
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { job_uuid => $job_uuid }});
+ if ($anvil->Validate->is_uuid({uuid => $job_uuid}))
+ {
+ # Got one!
+ $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'} = $job_uuid;
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 'switches::job-uuid' => $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'} }});
+ }
+ }
+ # If we've got a job-uuid, load the details.
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { 'switches::job-uuid' => $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'} }});
+ if ($anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'})
+ {
+ my $problem = $anvil->Job->get_job_details({
+ debug => 2,
+ check => 1,
+ });
+ # If 'problem' is '1', the job-uuid is bad. If it's '2', it's already being handled by
+ # another process. In either case, we're not going to handle this.
+ if (not $problem)
+ {
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ problem => $problem,
+ "jobs::job_uuid" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_uuid},
+ "jobs::job_host_uuid" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_host_uuid},
+ "jobs::job_command" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_command},
+ "jobs::job_data" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_data},
+ "jobs::job_picked_up_by" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_by},
+ "jobs::job_picked_up_at" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_at},
+ "jobs::job_updated" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_updated},
+ "jobs::job_name" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_name},
+ "jobs::job_progress" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_progress},
+ "jobs::job_title" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_title},
+ "jobs::job_description" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_description},
+ "jobs::job_status" => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_status},
+ }});
+ # Store the job-uuid in the switches hash.
+ $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'} = $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_uuid};
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "switches::job-uuid" => $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'} }});
+ }
+ elsif ($problem eq "1")
+ {
+ # Bad UUID
+ $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, 'print' => 1, level => 1, key => "error_0061", variables => { job_uuid => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_uuid} }});
+ $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 11});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Job is already being handled by another active process.
+ $anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, 'print' => 1, level => 1, key => "error_0062", variables => { job_uuid => $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_uuid} }});
+ $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 12});
+ }
+ # Pull apart the job-data and feed them into the switches hash
+ if ($anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'})
+ {
+ foreach my $pair (split/,/, $anvil->data->{jobs}{job_data})
+ {
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { pair => $pair }});
+ my ($variable, $value) = ($pair =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/);
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
+ variable => $variable,
+ value => $value,
+ }});
+ $anvil->data->{switches}{$variable} = $value;
+ $anvil->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { "switches::${variable}" => $anvil->data->{switches}{$variable} }});
+ }
+ }
+ # If "job_picked_up_by" is set, clear it. (It won't be running because we did 'check'
+ # earlier)
+ if ($anvil->data->{jobs}{job_picked_up_by})
+ {
+ $anvil->Job->clear({
+ debug => 2,
+ job_uuid => $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'},
+ });
+ }
+ # Mark it as 1% done.
+ $anvil->Job->update_progress({
+ debug => 2,
+ job_uuid => $anvil->data->{switches}{'job-uuid'},
+ });
+ }
+ return(0);
sub download_file
my ($anvil) = @_;
@@ -109,7 +228,7 @@ sub download_file
if (($url !~ /^ftp\:\/\//) && ($url !~ /^http\:\/\//) && ($url !~ /^https\:\/\//))
$anvil->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, 'print' => 1, level => 1, key => "log_0286", variables => { url => $url }});
- $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 1});
+ $anvil->nice_exit({exit_code => 10});
# If the target file exists, exit.