* It's technically done, but I know bugs remain.
* Updated Jobs->update_progress() to take 'file' and 'line' to make it
easier in the logs to see the origin of the message, when logging the
* Created Network->modify_connection() to update network manager
variables. Created ->reset_connection() to take an interface down and
bring it back up again.
* Fixed a bug in scan-network where the device_to_uuid hash wasn't being
Signed-off-by: digimer <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
@ -755,6 +755,30 @@ The XML that failed sanity check was:
<keyname="error_0480">[ Error ] - The wanted interface: [#!variable!interface_name!#] which should have the MAC address: [#!variable!mac_address!#] was not found in Network Manager. Unable to proceed.</key>
<keyname="error_0481">[ Error ] - Failed to delete the 'connection.interface-name', got: [#!variable!output!#] and it should bhave been blank, aborting!</key>
<keyname="error_0482">[ Error ] - Failed to create the 'match.interface-name' value. Expected: [#!variable!new_name!#,#!variable!old_device!#], got: [#!variable!output!#], aborting!</key>
<keyname="error_0483">[ Error ] - The attempt to add the bond: [#!variable!bond_name!#] failed! The return code was: [#!variable!return_code!#]. The output, if any, was:
<keyname="error_0484">[ Error ] - The attempt to add the network link: [#!variable!link_name!#] to the bond: [#!variable!bond_name!#] failed! The return code was: [#!variable!return_code!#]. The output, if any, was:
<keyname="error_0485">[ Error ] - The attempt to add the bridge: [#!variable!bridge_name!# failed! The return code was: [#!variable!return_code!#]. The output, if any, was:
<keyname="error_0486">[ Error ] - The attempt to add the device: [#!variable!on_device!#] to the bridge: [#!variable!bridge_name!#] failed! The return code was: [#!variable!return_code!#]. The output, if any, was:
<keyname="error_0487">[ Error ] - The subnet_mask: [#!variable!subnet_mask!#] is not valid. It must be either a CIDR notation, or a dotted-decimal mask that can be translated to CIDR notation.</key>
<keyname="error_0488">[ Error ] - Can't find a device to assign the: [#!variable!network!#] IP address: [#!variable!ip_address!#/#!variable!subnet_mask!#] to!</key>
<keyname="error_0489">[ Error ] - Failed to map the IP address: [#!variable!ip_address!#] to a network manager connection UUID!</key>
<keyname="error_0490">[ Error ] - Both the netbios name: [#!variable!wanted_link_name!#] and the old device name: [#!variable!old_device!#] are the same, 'match.interface-name' would break!</key>
<!-- Files templates -->
<!-- NOTE: Translating these files requires an understanding of which lines are translatable -->
@ -3296,7 +3320,29 @@ proceeding.
<keyname="message_0389">Rebooting NOW! The job will restart on reboot.</key>
<keyname="message_0390">Checking if the bond: [#!variable!bond_name!#] exists or not.</key>
<keyname="message_0391">- It does, its UUID is: [#!variable!nm_uuid!#].</key>
<keyname="message_0392">- The bond: [#!variable!bond_name!#] doesn't exist. Will create it using the primary interface: [#!variable!link1_name!#] (MAC: [#!variable!link1_mac!#], NM UUID: [#!variable!link1_nm_uuid!#) and the backup interface: : [#!variable!link2_name!#] (MAC: [#!variable!link2_mac!#], NM UUID: [#!variable!link2_nm_uuid!#).</key>
<keyname="message_0392">- The bond: [#!variable!bond_name!#] doesn't exist. Will create it using the primary interface: [#!variable!link1_name!#] (MAC: [#!variable!link1_mac!#], NM UUID: [#!variable!link1_nm_uuid!#) and the backup interface: [#!variable!link2_name!#] (MAC: [#!variable!link2_mac!#], NM UUID: [#!variable!link2_nm_uuid!#).</key>
<keyname="message_0393">Checking to see if the IP address: [#!variable!ip_address!#/#!variable!subnet_mask!#] is assigned to: [#!variable!device!#] yet.</key>
<keyname="message_0394"> - Done! Rescanning the network config.</key>
<keyname="message_0395">- The interface: [#!variable!link_name!#] (#!variable!nm_uuid!#) is already a member of the bond.</key>
<keyname="message_0396">- The interface: [#!variable!link_name!#] (#!variable!nm_uuid!#) is a member of the bond: [#!variable!old_bond!#], switching it to this bond.</key>
<keyname="message_0397">- The interface: [#!variable!link_name!#] (#!variable!nm_uuid!#) needs to be connected to the bond.</key>
<keyname="message_0398">- The IP exists, checking if it needs to be updated.</key>
<keyname="message_0399"> - Connecting the interface: [#!variable!link_name!#] to the bond: [#!variable!bond_name!#].</key>
<keyname="message_0400">Checking if the bridge: [#!variable!bridge_name!#] exists and that it is on: [#!variable!on_device!#]</key>
<keyname="message_0401">- The bridge exists!</key>
<keyname="message_0402">- The IP address is on: [#!variable!current_device!#], will move the IP.</key>
<keyname="message_0403"> - Resetting the device: [#!variable!device!#] (#!variable!device_uuid!#) to make sure the new config takes effect.</key>
<keyname="message_0404">- Checking that the device: [#!variable!on_device!#] is connected to this bridge.</key>
<keyname="message_0405">- The device is connected to the bridge already.</key>
<keyname="message_0406">- The device is on the bridge: [#!variable!on_device_parent!#], moving it.</key>
<keyname="message_0407">- The device is not on this bridge, connecting it.</key>
<keyname="message_0408"> - Disabling DHCP on the device: [#!variable!device!#] (#!variable!device_uuid!#).</key>
<keyname="message_0409"> - Connecting it now.</key>
<keyname="message_0410">- The current subnet mask is: [#!variable!current_subnet_mask!#], will update.</key>
<keyname="message_0411">- The current gateway is: [#!variable!current_gateway!#], will update.</key>
<keyname="message_0412">- The current DNS is: [#!variable!current_dns!#], will update.</key>
<keyname="message_0413">- No update is needed.</key>
<keyname="message_0414">- The IP address needs to be assigned.</key>
<!-- Translate names (protocols, etc) -->
<keyname="name_0001">Normal Password</key><!-- none in mail-server -->