10 changed files with 751 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ |
import { Grid, menuClasses as muiMenuClasses } from '@mui/material'; |
import { FC, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import ActionGroup from '../ActionGroup'; |
import api from '../../lib/api'; |
import FlexBox from '../FlexBox'; |
import FormSummary from '../FormSummary'; |
import handleAPIError from '../../lib/handleAPIError'; |
import mailRecipientListSchema from './schema'; |
import ManageAlertOverride from './ManageAlertOverride'; |
import MessageGroup from '../MessageGroup'; |
import OutlinedInputWithLabel from '../OutlinedInputWithLabel'; |
import SelectWithLabel from '../SelectWithLabel'; |
import { BodyText, SmallText } from '../Text'; |
import UncontrolledInput from '../UncontrolledInput'; |
import useFormikUtils from '../../hooks/useFormikUtils'; |
/** |
* TODO: add descriptions to each item: |
* |
=head4 1 / critical |
Alerts at this level will go to all recipients, except for those ignoring the source system entirely. |
This is reserved for alerts that could lead to imminent service interruption or unexpected loss of redundancy. |
Alerts at this level should trigger alarm systems for all administrators as well as management who may be impacted by service interruptions. |
=head4 2 / warning |
This is used for alerts that require attention from administrators. Examples include intentional loss of redundancy caused by load shedding, hardware in pre-failure, loss of input power, temperature anomalies, etc. |
Alerts at this level should trigger alarm systems for administrative staff. |
=head4 3 / notice |
This is used for alerts that are generally safe to ignore, but might provide early warnings of developing issues or insight into system behaviour.
Alerts at this level should not trigger alarm systems. Periodic review is sufficient. |
=head4 4 / info |
This is used for alerts that are almost always safe to ignore, but may be useful in testing and debugging.
*/ |
const LEVEL_OPTIONS: SelectItem<number>[] = [ |
{ |
displayValue: ( |
<FlexBox spacing={0}> |
<BodyText inheritColour fontWeight="inherit"> |
Critical |
</BodyText> |
<SmallText inheritColour whiteSpace="normal"> |
Alerts that could lead to imminent service interruption or unexpected |
loss of redundancy. |
</SmallText> |
</FlexBox> |
), |
value: 1, |
}, |
{ |
displayValue: ( |
<FlexBox spacing={0}> |
<BodyText inheritColour fontWeight="inherit"> |
Warning |
</BodyText> |
<SmallText inheritColour whiteSpace="normal"> |
Alerts that require attention from administrators, such as redundancy |
loss due to load shedding, hardware in pre-failure, input power loss, |
temperature anomalies, etc. |
</SmallText> |
</FlexBox> |
), |
value: 2, |
}, |
{ |
displayValue: ( |
<FlexBox spacing={0}> |
<BodyText inheritColour fontWeight="inherit"> |
Notice |
</BodyText> |
<SmallText inheritColour whiteSpace="normal"> |
Alerts that are generally safe to ignore, but might provide early |
warnings of developing issues or insight into system behaviour. |
</SmallText> |
</FlexBox> |
), |
value: 3, |
}, |
{ |
displayValue: ( |
<FlexBox spacing={0}> |
<BodyText inheritColour fontWeight="inherit"> |
Info |
</BodyText> |
<SmallText inheritColour whiteSpace="normal"> |
Alerts that are almost always safe to ignore, but may be useful in |
testing and debugging. |
</SmallText> |
</FlexBox> |
), |
value: 4, |
}, |
]; |
const MAP_TO_LEVEL_LABEL: Record<number, string> = { |
1: 'Critical', |
2: 'Warning', |
3: 'Notice', |
4: 'Info', |
}; |
const AddMailRecipientForm: FC<AddMailRecipientFormProps> = (props) => { |
const { |
alertOverrideTargetOptions, |
mailRecipientUuid, |
previousFormikValues, |
tools, |
} = props; |
const mrUuid = useMemo<string>( |
() => mailRecipientUuid ?? uuidv4(), |
[mailRecipientUuid], |
); |
const formikUtils = useFormikUtils<MailRecipientFormikValues>({ |
initialValues: previousFormikValues ?? { |
[mrUuid]: { |
alertOverrides: {}, |
email: '', |
language: 'en_CA', |
level: 2, |
name: '', |
uuid: mrUuid, |
}, |
}, |
onSubmit: (values, { setSubmitting }) => { |
const { [mrUuid]: mailRecipient } = values; |
const { confirm } = tools; |
let actionProceedText: string = 'Add'; |
let errorMessage: React.ReactNode = <>Failed to add mail recipient.</>; |
let method: 'post' | 'put' = 'post'; |
let successMessage: React.ReactNode = <>Mail recipient added.</>; |
let titleText: string = `Add mail recipient with the following?`; |
let url: string = '/mail-recipient'; |
if (previousFormikValues) { |
actionProceedText = 'Update'; |
errorMessage = <>Failed to update mail server.</>; |
method = 'put'; |
successMessage = <>Mail recipient updated.</>; |
titleText = `Update ${} with the following?`; |
url += `/${mrUuid}`; |
} |
const { alertOverrides, uuid, ...mrBody } = mailRecipient; |
confirm.prepare({ |
actionProceedText, |
content: <FormSummary entries={mrBody} />, |
onCancelAppend: () => setSubmitting(false), |
onProceedAppend: () => { |
confirm.loading(true); |
api[method](url, mrBody) |
.then(() => confirm.finish('Success', { children: successMessage })) |
.catch((error) => { |
const emsg = handleAPIError(error); |
emsg.children = ( |
<> |
{errorMessage} {emsg.children} |
</> |
); |
confirm.finish('Error', emsg); |
}) |
.finally(() => setSubmitting(false)); |
}, |
titleText, |
}); |
||||; |
}, |
validationSchema: mailRecipientListSchema, |
}); |
const { disabledSubmit, formik, formikErrors, handleChange } = formikUtils; |
const emailChain = useMemo<string>(() => `${mrUuid}.email`, [mrUuid]); |
const levelChain = useMemo<string>(() => `${mrUuid}.level`, [mrUuid]); |
const nameChain = useMemo<string>(() => `${mrUuid}.name`, [mrUuid]); |
return ( |
<Grid |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 2 }} |
component="form" |
container |
onSubmit={(event) => { |
event.preventDefault(); |
formik.submitForm(); |
}} |
spacing="1em" |
> |
<Grid item xs={1}> |
<UncontrolledInput |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
id={nameChain} |
label="Recipient name" |
name={nameChain} |
onChange={handleChange} |
required |
value={formik.values[mrUuid].name} |
/> |
} |
/> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item xs={1}> |
<UncontrolledInput |
input={ |
<OutlinedInputWithLabel |
id={emailChain} |
label="Recipient email" |
name={emailChain} |
onChange={handleChange} |
required |
value={formik.values[mrUuid].email} |
/> |
} |
/> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item xs={1}> |
<UncontrolledInput |
input={ |
<SelectWithLabel |
id={levelChain} |
label="Alert level" |
name={levelChain} |
onChange={formik.handleChange} |
required |
selectItems={LEVEL_OPTIONS} |
selectProps={{ |
MenuProps: { |
sx: { |
[`& .${muiMenuClasses.paper}`]: { |
maxWidth: { md: '60%', lg: '40%' }, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
renderValue: (value) => MAP_TO_LEVEL_LABEL[value], |
}} |
value={formik.values[mrUuid].level} |
/> |
} |
/> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item width="100%"> |
<ManageAlertOverride |
alertOverrideTargetOptions={alertOverrideTargetOptions} |
formikUtils={formikUtils} |
mailRecipientUuid={mrUuid} |
/> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item width="100%"> |
<MessageGroup count={1} messages={formikErrors} /> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item width="100%"> |
<ActionGroup |
actions={[ |
{ |
background: 'blue', |
children: previousFormikValues ? 'Update' : 'Add', |
disabled: disabledSubmit, |
type: 'submit', |
}, |
]} |
/> |
</Grid> |
</Grid> |
); |
}; |
export default AddMailRecipientForm; |
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ |
import { Grid } from '@mui/material'; |
import { FC, useMemo } from 'react'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import Autocomplete from '../Autocomplete'; |
import FlexBox from '../FlexBox'; |
import IconButton from '../IconButton'; |
import SelectWithLabel from '../SelectWithLabel'; |
import { BodyText, SmallText } from '../Text'; |
import UncontrolledInput from '../UncontrolledInput'; |
const LEVEL_OPTIONS: SelectItem<number>[] = [ |
{ displayValue: 'Critical', value: 1 }, |
{ displayValue: 'Warning', value: 2 }, |
{ displayValue: 'Notice', value: 3 }, |
{ displayValue: 'Info', value: 4 }, |
]; |
const AlertOverrideInputGroup: FC<AlertOverrideInputGroupProps> = (props) => { |
const { |
alertOverrideTargetOptions, |
alertOverrideUuid, |
mailRecipientUuid: mrUuid, |
formikUtils, |
} = props; |
const aoUuid = useMemo<string>( |
() => alertOverrideUuid ?? uuidv4(), |
[alertOverrideUuid], |
); |
const { formik } = formikUtils; |
const { |
values: { [mrUuid]: mailRecipient }, |
} = formik; |
const { |
alertOverrides: { [aoUuid]: alertOverride }, |
} = mailRecipient; |
const overrideChain = useMemo<string>( |
() => `${mrUuid}.alertOverrides.${aoUuid}`, |
[aoUuid, mrUuid], |
); |
const targetChain = useMemo<string>( |
() => `${overrideChain}.target`, |
[overrideChain], |
); |
const levelChain = useMemo<string>( |
() => `${overrideChain}.level`, |
[overrideChain], |
); |
return ( |
<Grid |
alignItems="center" |
columns={{ xs: 1, sm: 10 }} |
container |
justifyContent="stretch" |
spacing="1em" |
> |
<Grid item xs={6}> |
<Autocomplete |
getOptionLabel={(option) =>} |
id={targetChain} |
isOptionEqualToValue={(option, value) => option.uuid === value.uuid} |
label="Target" |
noOptionsText="No node or subnode found." |
onChange={(event, value) => |
formik.setFieldValue(targetChain, value, true) |
} |
openOnFocus |
options={alertOverrideTargetOptions} |
renderOption={(optionProps, option) => ( |
<li {...optionProps} key={`${option.node}-${option.uuid}`}> |
{option.type === 'node' ? ( |
<FlexBox spacing={0}> |
<BodyText inheritColour>{}</BodyText> |
<SmallText inheritColour>{option.description}</SmallText> |
</FlexBox> |
) : ( |
<BodyText inheritColour paddingLeft=".6em"> |
{} |
</BodyText> |
)} |
</li> |
)} |
value={} |
/> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item flexGrow={1}> |
<UncontrolledInput |
input={ |
<SelectWithLabel |
id={levelChain} |
label="Alert level" |
name={levelChain} |
onChange={formik.handleChange} |
selectItems={LEVEL_OPTIONS} |
value={alertOverride.level} |
/> |
} |
/> |
</Grid> |
<Grid item width="min-content"> |
<IconButton |
mapPreset="delete" |
onClick={() => { |
formik.setFieldValue(overrideChain, undefined, true); |
}} |
size="small" |
/> |
</Grid> |
</Grid> |
); |
}; |
export default AlertOverrideInputGroup; |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
import { FC } from 'react'; |
import AddMailRecipientForm from './AddMailRecipientForm'; |
const EditMailRecipientForm: FC<EditMailRecipientFormProps> = (props) => ( |
<AddMailRecipientForm {...props} /> |
); |
export default EditMailRecipientForm; |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
import { FC } from 'react'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import AlertOverrideInputGroup from './AlertOverrideInputGroup'; |
import List from '../List'; |
import useChecklist from '../../hooks/useChecklist'; |
const ManageAlertOverride: FC<ManageAlertOverrideProps> = (props) => { |
const { |
alertOverrideTargetOptions, |
formikUtils, |
mailRecipientUuid: mrUuid, |
} = props; |
const { formik } = formikUtils; |
const { |
values: { [mrUuid]: mailRecipient }, |
} = formik; |
const { alertOverrides } = mailRecipient; |
const { hasChecks } = useChecklist(alertOverrides); |
return ( |
<List |
allowAddItem |
disableDelete={!hasChecks} |
edit |
header="Alert override rules" |
listEmpty="No alert overrides(s)" |
listItems={alertOverrides} |
onAdd={() => { |
const aoUuid = uuidv4(); |
formik.setValues((previous) => { |
const current = { ...previous }; |
current[mrUuid].alertOverrides[aoUuid] = { |
level: 2, |
target: null, |
uuid: aoUuid, |
}; |
return current; |
}); |
}} |
renderListItem={(uuid) => ( |
<AlertOverrideInputGroup |
alertOverrideTargetOptions={alertOverrideTargetOptions} |
alertOverrideUuid={uuid} |
formikUtils={formikUtils} |
mailRecipientUuid={mrUuid} |
/> |
)} |
/> |
); |
}; |
export default ManageAlertOverride; |
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ |
import { FC, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; |
import AddMailRecipientForm from './AddMailRecipientForm'; |
import { toAnvilOverviewList } from '../../lib/api_converters'; |
import CrudList from '../CrudList'; |
import EditMailRecipientForm from './EditMailRecipientForm'; |
import { BodyText } from '../Text'; |
import useActiveFetch from '../../hooks/useActiveFetch'; |
import useFetch from '../../hooks/useFetch'; |
const ManageMailRecipient: FC = () => { |
const [alertOverrides, setAlertOverrides] = useState< |
APIAlertOverrideOverviewList | undefined |
>(); |
const { altData: nodes, loading: loadingNodes } = useFetch< |
APIAnvilOverviewArray, |
APIAnvilOverviewList |
>('/anvil', { mod: toAnvilOverviewList }); |
const alertOverrideTargetOptions = useMemo<AlertOverrideTarget[] | undefined>( |
() => |
nodes && |
Object.values(nodes) |
.sort((a, b) => |
.reduce<AlertOverrideTarget[]>((options, node) => { |
options.push({ |
description: node.description, |
name:, |
node: node.uuid, |
type: 'node', |
uuid: node.uuid, |
}); |
Object.values(node.hosts) |
.sort((a, b) => |
.forEach((subnode) => { |
if (subnode.type === 'dr') return; |
options.push({ |
name:, |
node: node.uuid, |
type: 'subnode', |
uuid: subnode.uuid, |
}); |
}); |
return options; |
}, []), |
[nodes], |
); |
const { fetch: getAlertOverrides, loading: loadingAlertOverrides } = |
useActiveFetch<APIAlertOverrideOverviewList>({ |
onData: (data) => setAlertOverrides(data), |
url: '/alert-override', |
}); |
const formikAlertOverrides = useMemo< |
AlertOverrideFormikValues | undefined |
>(() => { |
if (!alertOverrides) return undefined; |
const groups: Record<string, number> = {}; |
return Object.values(alertOverrides).reduce<AlertOverrideFormikValues>( |
(previous, value) => { |
const { level, node, subnode, uuid } = value; |
groups[node.uuid] = groups[node.uuid] ? groups[node.uuid] + 1 : 1; |
previous[uuid] = { |
level, |
target: |
groups[node.uuid] > 1 |
? { |
name:, |
node: node.uuid, |
type: 'node', |
uuid: node.uuid, |
} |
: { |
name:, |
node: node.uuid, |
type: 'subnode', |
uuid: subnode.uuid, |
}, |
uuid, |
}; |
return previous; |
}, |
{}, |
); |
}, [alertOverrides]); |
return ( |
<> |
<CrudList<APIMailRecipientOverview, APIMailRecipientDetail> |
addHeader="Add mail recipient" |
editHeader={(entry) => `Update ${entry?.name}`} |
entriesUrl="/mail-recipient" |
getAddLoading={(previous) => previous || loadingNodes} |
getDeleteErrorMessage={({ children, }) => ({ |
||||, |
children: <>Failed to delete mail recipient(s). {children}</>, |
})} |
getDeleteHeader={(count) => |
`Delete the following ${count} mail recipient(s)?` |
} |
getDeleteSuccessMessage={() => ({ |
children: <>Successfully deleted mail recipient(s).</>, |
})} |
getEditLoading={(previous) => previous || loadingAlertOverrides} |
onItemClick={(base, ...args) => { |
const [, mailRecipientUuid] = args; |
base(...args); |
getAlertOverrides(undefined, { |
params: { 'mail-recipient': mailRecipientUuid }, |
}); |
}} |
renderAddForm={(tools) => |
alertOverrideTargetOptions && ( |
<AddMailRecipientForm |
alertOverrideTargetOptions={alertOverrideTargetOptions} |
tools={tools} |
/> |
) |
} |
renderDeleteItem={(mailRecipientList, { key }) => { |
const mr = mailRecipientList?.[key]; |
return <BodyText>{mr?.name}</BodyText>; |
}} |
renderEditForm={(tools, mailRecipient) => |
alertOverrideTargetOptions && |
mailRecipient && |
formikAlertOverrides && ( |
<EditMailRecipientForm |
alertOverrideTargetOptions={alertOverrideTargetOptions} |
mailRecipientUuid={mailRecipient.uuid} |
previousFormikValues={{ |
[mailRecipient.uuid]: { |
alertOverrides: formikAlertOverrides, |
...mailRecipient, |
}, |
}} |
tools={tools} |
/> |
) |
} |
renderListItem={(uuid, { name }) => <BodyText>{name}</BodyText>} |
/> |
</> |
); |
}; |
export default ManageMailRecipient; |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
import AddMailRecipientForm from './AddMailRecipientForm'; |
import ManageMailRecipient from './ManageMailRecipient'; |
export { AddMailRecipientForm, ManageMailRecipient }; |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import * as yup from 'yup'; |
import buildYupDynamicObject from '../../lib/buildYupDynamicObject'; |
const alertLevelSchema = yup.number().oneOf([1, 2, 3, 4]); |
const alertOverrideSchema = yup.object({ |
level: alertLevelSchema.required(), |
target: yup.object({ |
type: yup.string().oneOf(['node', 'subnode']).required(), |
uuid: yup.string().uuid().required(), |
}), |
uuid: yup.string().uuid().required(), |
}); |
const alertOverrideListSchema = yup.lazy((entries) => |
yup.object(buildYupDynamicObject(entries, alertOverrideSchema)), |
); |
const mailRecipientSchema = yup.object({ |
alertOverrides: alertOverrideListSchema, |
email: yup.string().email().required(), |
language: yup.string().oneOf(['en_CA']).optional(), |
level: alertLevelSchema.required(), |
name: yup.string().required(), |
uuid: yup.string().uuid().required(), |
}); |
const mailRecipientListSchema = yup.lazy((entries) => |
yup.object(buildYupDynamicObject(entries, mailRecipientSchema)), |
); |
export default mailRecipientListSchema; |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
type APIAlertOverrideOverview = { |
level: number; |
mailRecipient: APIMailRecipientOverview; |
node: { name: string; uuid: string }; |
subnode: { name: string; short: string; uuid: string }; |
uuid: string; |
}; |
type APIAlertOverrideOverviewList = { |
[uuid: string]: APIAlertOverrideOverview; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
type APIMailRecipientOverview = { name: string; uuid: string }; |
type APIMailRecipientOverviewList = { |
[uuid: string]: APIMailRecipientOverview; |
}; |
type APIMailRecipientDetail = APIMailRecipientOverview & { |
email: string; |
language: string; |
level: number; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
type AlertOverrideTarget = { |
description?: string; |
name: string; |
node: string; |
type: 'node' | 'subnode'; |
uuid: string; |
}; |
type AlertOverrideFormikAlertOverride = { |
level: number; |
target: AlertOverrideTarget | null; |
uuid: string; |
}; |
type AlertOverrideFormikValues = { |
[uuid: string]: AlertOverrideFormikAlertOverride; |
}; |
type MailRecipientFormikMailRecipient = APIMailRecipientDetail & { |
alertOverrides: AlertOverrideFormikValues; |
}; |
type MailRecipientFormikValues = { |
[uuid: string]: MailRecipientFormikMailRecipient; |
}; |
/** AddMailRecipientForm */ |
type AddMailRecipientFormOptionalProps = { |
mailRecipientUuid?: string; |
previousFormikValues?: MailRecipientFormikValues; |
}; |
type AddMailRecipientFormProps = AddMailRecipientFormOptionalProps & { |
alertOverrideTargetOptions: AlertOverrideTarget[]; |
tools: CrudListFormTools; |
}; |
/** EditMailRecipientForm */ |
type EditMailRecipientFormProps = Required<AddMailRecipientFormProps>; |
/** ManageAlertOverride */ |
type ManageAlertOverrideProps = Required< |
Pick< |
AddMailRecipientFormProps, |
'alertOverrideTargetOptions' | 'mailRecipientUuid' |
> |
> & { |
formikUtils: FormikUtils<MailRecipientFormikValues>; |
}; |
/** AlertOverrideInputGroup */ |
type AlertOverrideInputGroupOptionalProps = { |
alertOverrideUuid?: string; |
}; |
type AlertOverrideInputGroupProps = AlertOverrideInputGroupOptionalProps & |
ManageAlertOverrideProps; |
Reference in new issue