@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {
} from 'react' ;
import { Box , Dialog , DialogProps , InputAdornment } from '@mui/material' ;
import { DataSizeUnit } from 'format-data-size' ;
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid' ;
import Autocomplete from './Autocomplete' ;
import ContainedButton , { ContainedButtonProps } from './ContainedButton' ;
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ import {
} from '../types/TestInputFunction' ;
import { BodyText , HeaderText } from './Text' ;
import OutlinedLabeledInputWithSelect from './OutlinedLabeledInputWithSelect' ;
import ConfirmDialog from './ConfirmDialog' ;
type InputMessage = Partial < Pick < MessageBoxProps , ' type ' | ' text ' > > ;
@ -119,6 +121,10 @@ type AnvilUUIDMapToData = {
[ uuid : string ] : OrganizedAnvilDetailMetadataForProvisionServer ;
} ;
type FileUUIDMapToData = {
[ uuid : string ] : FileMetadataForProvisionServer ;
} ;
type StorageGroupUUIDMapToData = {
[ uuid : string ] : OrganizedStorageGroupMetadataForProvisionServer ;
} ;
@ -149,13 +155,14 @@ type FilterAnvilsFunction = (
} ;
type VirtualDiskStates = {
maxes : bigint [ ] ;
stateIds : string [ ] ;
inputMaxes : string [ ] ;
inputSizeMessages : Array < InputMessage | undefined > ;
inputSizes : string [ ] ;
inputStorageGroupUUIDMessages : Array < InputMessage | undefined > ;
inputStorageGroupUUIDs : string [ ] ;
inputUnits : DataSizeUnit [ ] ;
maxes : bigint [ ] ;
sizes : bigint [ ] ;
} ;
@ -428,13 +435,14 @@ const createSelectItemDisplay = ({
) ;
const organizeAnvils = ( data : AnvilDetailMetadataForProvisionServer [ ] ) = > {
const anvi lFiles : Record < string , FileMetadataForProvisionServer > = { } ;
const al lFiles : Record < string , FileMetadataForProvisionServer > = { } ;
const result = data . reduce < {
anvils : OrganizedAnvilDetailMetadataForProvisionServer [ ] ;
anvilSelectItems : SelectItem [ ] ;
anvilUUIDMapToData : AnvilUUIDMapToData ;
files : FileMetadataForProvisionServer [ ] ;
fileSelectItems : SelectItem [ ] ;
fileUUIDMapToData : FileUUIDMapToData ;
storageGroups : OrganizedStorageGroupMetadataForProvisionServer [ ] ;
storageGroupSelectItems : SelectItem [ ] ;
storageGroupUUIDMapToData : StorageGroupUUIDMapToData ;
@ -516,7 +524,7 @@ const organizeAnvils = (data: AnvilDetailMetadataForProvisionServer[]) => {
fileUUIDs . push ( fileUUID ) ;
anvi lFiles [ fileUUID ] = file ;
al lFiles [ fileUUID ] = file ;
} ) ;
const resultAnvil = {
@ -581,18 +589,20 @@ const organizeAnvils = (data: AnvilDetailMetadataForProvisionServer[]) => {
anvilUUIDMapToData : { } ,
files : [ ] ,
fileSelectItems : [ ] ,
fileUUIDMapToData : { } ,
storageGroups : [ ] ,
storageGroupSelectItems : [ ] ,
storageGroupUUIDMapToData : { } ,
} ,
) ;
Object . values ( anvi lFiles ) . forEach ( ( distinctFile ) = > {
Object . values ( al lFiles ) . forEach ( ( distinctFile ) = > {
result . files . push ( distinctFile ) ;
result . fileSelectItems . push ( {
displayValue : distinctFile.fileName ,
value : distinctFile.fileUUID ,
} ) ;
result . fileUUIDMapToData [ distinctFile . fileUUID ] = distinctFile ;
} ) ;
return result ;
@ -863,7 +873,7 @@ const createVirtualDiskForm = (
return (
< Box
key = { ` ps-virtual-disk- ${ vdIndex } ` }
key = { ` ps-virtual-disk- ${ get ( 'stateIds' ) } ` }
sx = { {
display : 'flex' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
@ -952,54 +962,59 @@ const createVirtualDiskForm = (
const addVirtualDisk = ( {
existingVirtualDisks : virtualDisks = {
maxe s: [ ] ,
stateId s: [ ] ,
inputMaxes : [ ] ,
inputSizeMessages : [ ] ,
inputSizes : [ ] ,
inputStorageGroupUUIDMessages : [ ] ,
inputStorageGroupUUIDs : [ ] ,
inputUnits : [ ] ,
maxes : [ ] ,
sizes : [ ] ,
} ,
stateId = uuidv4 ( ) ,
inputMax = '0' ,
inputSize = '' ,
inputSizeMessage = undefined ,
inputStorageGroupUUID = '' ,
inputStorageGroupUUIDMessage = undefined ,
setVirtualDisks ,
size = BIGINT_ZERO ,
} : {
existingVirtualDisks? : VirtualDiskStates ;
max? : bigint ;
stateId? : string ;
inputMax? : string ;
inputSize? : string ;
inputSizeMessage? : InputMessage | undefined ;
inputStorageGroupUUID? : string ;
inputStorageGroupUUIDMessage? : InputMessage | undefined ;
inputUnit? : DataSizeUnit ;
max? : bigint ;
setVirtualDisks? : Dispatch < SetStateAction < VirtualDiskStates > > ;
size? : bigint ;
} = { } ) = > {
const {
maxe s,
stateId s,
inputMaxes ,
inputSizeMessages ,
inputSizes ,
inputStorageGroupUUIDMessages ,
inputStorageGroupUUIDs ,
inputUnits ,
maxes ,
sizes ,
} = virtualDisks ;
maxe s. push ( max ) ;
stateId s. push ( stateId ) ;
inputMaxes . push ( inputMax ) ;
inputSizeMessages . push ( inputSizeMessage ) ;
inputSizes . push ( inputSize ) ;
inputStorageGroupUUIDMessages . push ( inputStorageGroupUUIDMessage ) ;
inputStorageGroupUUIDs . push ( inputStorageGroupUUID ) ;
inputUnits . push ( inputUnit ) ;
maxes . push ( max ) ;
sizes . push ( size ) ;
setVirtualDisks ? . call ( null , { . . . virtualDisks } ) ;
@ -1020,6 +1035,9 @@ const ProvisionServerDialog = ({
> ( [ ] ) ;
const [ anvilUUIDMapToData , setAnvilUUIDMapToData ] =
useState < AnvilUUIDMapToData > ( { } ) ;
const [ fileUUIDMapToData , setFileUUIDMapToData ] = useState < FileUUIDMapToData > (
{ } ,
) ;
const [ storageGroupUUIDMapToData , setStorageGroupUUIDMapToData ] =
useState < StorageGroupUUIDMapToData > ( { } ) ;
@ -1084,6 +1102,9 @@ const ProvisionServerDialog = ({
string [ ]
> ( [ ] ) ;
const [ isOpenProvisionConfirmDialog , setIsOpenProvisionConfirmDialog ] =
useState < boolean > ( false ) ;
const inputTests : InputTestBatches = {
serverName : {
defaults : {
@ -1433,12 +1454,14 @@ const ProvisionServerDialog = ({
anvilSelectItems : ueAnvilSelectItems ,
anvilUUIDMapToData : ueAnvilUUIDMapToData ,
fileSelectItems : ueFileSelectItems ,
fileUUIDMapToData : ueFileUUIDMapToData ,
storageGroupSelectItems : ueStorageGroupSelectItems ,
storageGroupUUIDMapToData : ueStorageGroupUUIDMapToData ,
} = organizeAnvils ( data . anvils ) ;
setAllAnvils ( ueAllAnvils ) ;
setAnvilUUIDMapToData ( ueAnvilUUIDMapToData ) ;
setFileUUIDMapToData ( ueFileUUIDMapToData ) ;
setStorageGroupUUIDMapToData ( ueStorageGroupUUIDMapToData ) ;
setAnvilSelectItems ( ueAnvilSelectItems ) ;
@ -1463,216 +1486,295 @@ const ProvisionServerDialog = ({
} , [ initLimits ] ) ;
return (
< Dialog
{ . . . {
fullWidth : true ,
maxWidth : 'sm' ,
open ,
PaperComponent : Panel ,
PaperProps : { sx : { overflow : 'visible' } } ,
} }
< PanelHeader >
< HeaderText text = "Provision a Server" / >
< / PanelHeader >
< Box
sx = { {
display : 'flex' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
maxHeight : '50vh' ,
overflowY : 'scroll' ,
paddingBottom : '.6em' ,
paddingTop : '.6em' ,
'& > :not(:first-child)' : {
marginTop : '1em' ,
} ,
< >
< Dialog
{ . . . {
fullWidth : true ,
maxWidth : 'sm' ,
open ,
PaperComponent : Panel ,
PaperProps : { sx : { overflow : 'visible' } } ,
} }
< Box sx = { { display : 'flex' , flexDirection : 'column' } } >
< OutlinedInputWithLabel
id = "ps-server-name"
label = "Server name"
inputProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
setInputServerNameValue ( value ) ;
< PanelHeader >
< HeaderText text = "Provision a Server" / >
< / PanelHeader >
< Box
sx = { {
display : 'flex' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
maxHeight : '50vh' ,
overflowY : 'scroll' ,
paddingBottom : '.6em' ,
paddingTop : '.6em' ,
'& > :not(:first-child)' : {
marginTop : '1em' ,
} ,
} }
< Box sx = { { display : 'flex' , flexDirection : 'column' } } >
< OutlinedInputWithLabel
id = "ps-server-name"
label = "Server name"
inputProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
setInputServerNameValue ( value ) ;
testInput ( { inputs : { serverName : { value } } } ) ;
} ,
value : inputServerNameValue ,
} }
inputLabelProps = { {
isNotifyRequired : inputServerNameValue.length === 0 ,
} }
messageBoxProps = { inputServerNameMessage }
/ >
< / Box >
{ createOutlinedSlider (
'ps-cpu-cores' ,
'CPU cores' ,
inputCPUCoresValue ,
messageBoxProps : inputCPUCoresMessage ,
sliderProps : {
onChange : ( value ) = > {
const newCPUCoresValue = value as number ;
if ( newCPUCoresValue !== inputCPUCoresValue ) {
setInputCPUCoresValue ( newCPUCoresValue ) ;
const { maxCPUCores : newCPUCoresMax } = updateLimits ( {
cpuCores : newCPUCoresValue ,
} ) ;
testInput ( {
inputs : {
cpuCores : {
max : newCPUCoresMax ,
value : newCPUCoresValue ,
} ,
} ,
} ) ;
} ,
max : inputCPUCoresMax ,
min : inputCPUCoresMin ,
} ,
} ,
) }
< OutlinedLabeledInputWithSelect
id = "ps-memory"
label = "Memory"
messageBoxProps = { inputMemoryMessage }
inputWithLabelProps = { {
inputProps : {
endAdornment : createMaxValueButton (
` ${ inputMemoryMax } ${ inputMemoryUnit } ` ,
onButtonClick : ( ) = > {
setInputMemoryValue ( inputMemoryMax ) ;
changeMemory ( { cmValue : memoryMax } ) ;
} ,
} ,
) ,
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
handleInputMemoryValueChange ( { value } ) ;
} ,
type : 'number' ,
value : inputMemoryValue ,
} ,
inputLabelProps : {
isNotifyRequired : memory === BIGINT_ZERO ,
} ,
} }
selectWithLabelProps = { {
selectProps : {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
const selectedUnit = value as DataSizeUnit ;
testInput ( { inputs : { serverName : { value } } } ) ;
handleInputMemoryValueChange ( { unit : selectedUnit } ) ;
} ,
value : inputMemoryUnit ,
} ,
value : inputServerNameValue ,
} }
/ >
{ virtualDisks . stateIds . map ( ( vdStateId , vdIndex ) = >
createVirtualDiskForm (
virtualDisks ,
vdIndex ,
setVirtualDisks ,
storageGroupSelectItems ,
includeStorageGroupUUIDs ,
updateLimits ,
storageGroupUUIDMapToData ,
testInput ,
) ,
) }
< SelectWithLabel
disableItem = { ( value ) = > value === inputDriverISOFileUUID }
hideItem = { ( value ) = > ! includeFileUUIDs . includes ( value ) }
id = "ps-install-image"
inputLabelProps = { {
isNotifyRequired : inputServerNameValue.length === 0 ,
isNotifyRequired : inputInstallISOFileUUID .length === 0 ,
} }
messageBoxProps = { inputServerNameMessage }
/ >
< / Box >
{ createOutlinedSlider ( 'ps-cpu-cores' , 'CPU cores' , inputCPUCoresValue , {
messageBoxProps : inputCPUCoresMessage ,
sliderProps : {
onChange : ( value ) = > {
const newCPUCoresValue = value as number ;
if ( newCPUCoresValue !== inputCPUCoresValue ) {
setInputCPUCoresValue ( newCPUCoresValue ) ;
const { maxCPUCores : newCPUCoresMax } = updateLimits ( {
cpuCores : newCPUCoresValue ,
} ) ;
testInput ( {
inputs : {
cpuCores : { max : newCPUCoresMax , value : newCPUCoresValue } ,
} ,
} ) ;
} ,
max : inputCPUCoresMax ,
min : inputCPUCoresMin ,
} ,
} ) }
< OutlinedLabeledInputWithSelect
id = "ps-memory"
label = "Memory"
messageBoxProps = { inputMemoryMessage }
inputWithLabelProps = { {
inputProps : {
endAdornment : createMaxValueButton (
` ${ inputMemoryMax } ${ inputMemoryUnit } ` ,
onButtonClick : ( ) = > {
setInputMemoryValue ( inputMemoryMax ) ;
changeMemory ( { cmValue : memoryMax } ) ;
} ,
} ,
) ,
label = "Install ISO"
messageBoxProps = { inputInstallISOMessage }
selectItems = { fileSelectItems }
selectProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
handleInputMemoryValueChange ( { value } ) ;
const newInstallISOFileUUID = value as string ;
handleInputInstallISOFileUUIDChange ( newInstallISOFileUUID ) ;
} ,
type : 'number' ,
value : inputMemoryValue ,
} ,
inputLabelProps : {
isNotifyRequired : memory === BIGINT_ZERO ,
} ,
} }
selectWithLabelProps = { {
selectProps : {
onClearIndicatorClick : ( ) = >
handleInputInstallISOFileUUIDChange ( '' ) ,
value : inputInstallISOFileUUID ,
} }
/ >
< SelectWithLabel
disableItem = { ( value ) = > value === inputInstallISOFileUUID }
hideItem = { ( value ) = > ! includeFileUUIDs . includes ( value ) }
id = "ps-driver-image"
label = "Driver ISO"
messageBoxProps = { inputDriverISOMessage }
selectItems = { fileSelectItems }
selectProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
const selectedUnit = value as DataSizeUnit ;
const newDriverISOFileUUID = value as string ;
handleInputMemoryValueChange ( { unit : selectedUnit } ) ;
handleInputDriverISOFileUUIDChange ( newDriverISOFileUUID ) ;
} ,
value : inputMemoryUnit ,
} ,
} }
/ >
{ virtualDisks . maxes . map ( ( max , vdIndex ) = >
createVirtualDiskForm (
virtualDisks ,
vdIndex ,
setVirtualDisks ,
storageGroupSelectItems ,
includeStorageGroupUUIDs ,
updateLimits ,
storageGroupUUIDMapToData ,
testInput ,
) ,
) }
< SelectWithLabel
disableItem = { ( value ) = > value === inputDriverISOFileUUID }
hideItem = { ( value ) = > ! includeFileUUIDs . includes ( value ) }
id = "ps-install-image"
inputLabelProps = { {
isNotifyRequired : inputInstallISOFileUUID.length === 0 ,
} }
label = "Install ISO"
messageBoxProps = { inputInstallISOMessage }
selectItems = { fileSelectItems }
selectProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
const newInstallISOFileUUID = value as string ;
handleInputInstallISOFileUUIDChange ( newInstallISOFileUUID ) ;
} ,
onClearIndicatorClick : ( ) = >
handleInputInstallISOFileUUIDChange ( '' ) ,
value : inputInstallISOFileUUID ,
} }
/ >
< SelectWithLabel
disableItem = { ( value ) = > value === inputInstallISOFileUUID }
hideItem = { ( value ) = > ! includeFileUUIDs . includes ( value ) }
id = "ps-driver-image"
label = "Driver ISO"
messageBoxProps = { inputDriverISOMessage }
selectItems = { fileSelectItems }
selectProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
const newDriverISOFileUUID = value as string ;
handleInputDriverISOFileUUIDChange ( newDriverISOFileUUID ) ;
} ,
onClearIndicatorClick : ( ) = > handleInputDriverISOFileUUIDChange ( '' ) ,
value : inputDriverISOFileUUID ,
} }
/ >
< SelectWithLabel
disableItem = { ( value ) = > ! includeAnvilUUIDs . includes ( value ) }
id = "ps-anvil"
inputLabelProps = { {
isNotifyRequired : inputAnvilValue.length === 0 ,
} }
label = "Anvil node pair"
messageBoxProps = { inputAnvilMessage }
selectItems = { anvilSelectItems }
selectProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
const newAnvilUUID : string = value as string ;
onClearIndicatorClick : ( ) = >
handleInputDriverISOFileUUIDChange ( '' ) ,
value : inputDriverISOFileUUID ,
} }
/ >
< SelectWithLabel
disableItem = { ( value ) = > ! includeAnvilUUIDs . includes ( value ) }
id = "ps-anvil"
inputLabelProps = { {
isNotifyRequired : inputAnvilValue.length === 0 ,
} }
label = "Anvil node pair"
messageBoxProps = { inputAnvilMessage }
selectItems = { anvilSelectItems }
selectProps = { {
onChange : ( { target : { value } } ) = > {
const newAnvilUUID : string = value as string ;
handleInputAnvilValueChange ( newAnvilUUID ) ;
} ,
onClearIndicatorClick : ( ) = > handleInputAnvilValueChange ( '' ) ,
renderValue : ( value ) = > {
const { anvilName : rvAnvilName = ` Unknown ${ value } ` } =
anvilUUIDMapToData [ value as string ] ? ? { } ;
handleInputAnvilValueChange ( newAnvilUUID ) ;
} ,
onClearIndicatorClick : ( ) = > handleInputAnvilValueChange ( '' ) ,
renderValue : ( value ) = > {
const { anvilName : rvAnvilName = ` Unknown ${ value } ` } =
anvilUUIDMapToData [ value as string ] ? ? { } ;
return rvAnvilName ;
} ,
value : inputAnvilValue ,
return rvAnvilName ;
} ,
value : inputAnvilValue ,
} }
/ >
< Autocomplete
id = "ps-optimize-for-os"
extendRenderInput = { ( { inputLabelProps = { } } ) = > {
inputLabelProps . isNotifyRequired =
inputOptimizeForOSValue === null ;
} }
isOptionEqualToValue = { ( option , value ) = > option . key === value . key }
label = "Optimize for OS"
messageBoxProps = { inputOptimizeForOSMessage }
noOptionsText = "No matching OS"
onChange = { ( event , value ) = > {
setInputOptimizeForOSValue ( value ) ;
} }
options = { osAutocompleteOptions }
value = { inputOptimizeForOSValue }
/ >
< / Box >
< Box
sx = { {
display : 'flex' ,
flexDirection : 'row' ,
justifyContent : 'flex-end' ,
marginTop : '1em' ,
width : '100%' ,
} }
/ >
< Autocomplete
id = "ps-optimize-for-os"
extendRenderInput = { ( { inputLabelProps = { } } ) = > {
inputLabelProps . isNotifyRequired = inputOptimizeForOSValue === null ;
< ContainedButton
disabled = { ! testInput ( { isIgnoreOnCallbacks : true } ) }
onClick = { ( ) = > {
setIsOpenProvisionConfirmDialog ( true ) ;
} }
< / ContainedButton >
< / Box >
< / Dialog >
{ isOpenProvisionConfirmDialog && (
< ConfirmDialog
actionProceedText = "Provision"
content = {
< Box sx = { { display : 'flex' , flexDirection : 'column' } } >
< BodyText
text = { ` Server ${ inputServerNameValue } will be created on anvil node pair ${ anvilUUIDMapToData [ inputAnvilValue ] . anvilName } with the following properties: ` }
/ >
< BodyText text = { ` CPU: ${ inputCPUCoresValue } core(s) ` } / >
< BodyText
text = { ` Memory: ${ inputMemoryValue } ${ inputMemoryUnit } ` }
/ >
{ virtualDisks . stateIds . map ( ( vdStateId , vdIndex ) = > (
< BodyText
key = { ` ps-virtual-disk- ${ vdStateId } -summary ` }
text = { ` Virtual disk ${ vdIndex } : ${
virtualDisks . inputSizes [ vdIndex ]
} $ { virtualDisks . inputUnits [ vdIndex ] } on $ {
storageGroupUUIDMapToData [
virtualDisks . inputStorageGroupUUIDs [ vdIndex ]
] . storageGroupName
} ` }
/ >
) ) }
< BodyText
text = { ` Install ISO: ${ fileUUIDMapToData [ inputInstallISOFileUUID ] . fileName } ` }
/ >
< BodyText
text = { ` Driver ISO: ${
fileUUIDMapToData [ inputDriverISOFileUUID ] ? . fileName ? ? 'none'
} ` }
/ >
< BodyText
text = { ` Optimize for OS: ${ inputOptimizeForOSValue ? . label } ` }
/ >
< / Box >
dialogProps = { { open : isOpenProvisionConfirmDialog } }
onCancel = { ( ) = > {
setIsOpenProvisionConfirmDialog ( false ) ;
} }
label = "Optimize for OS"
messageBoxProps = { inputOptimizeForOSMessage }
noOptionsText = "No matching OS"
onChange = { ( event , value ) = > {
setInputOptimizeForOSValue ( value ) ;
onProceed = { ( ) = > {
// const requestBody = {
// serverName: inputServerNameValue,
// cpuCores: inputCPUCoresValue,
// memory,
// virtualDisks: virtualDisks.stateIds.map((vdStateId, vdIndex) => ({
// size: virtualDisks.sizes[vdIndex],
// storageGroupUUID: virtualDisks.inputStorageGroupUUIDs[vdIndex],
// })),
// installISOFileUUID: inputInstallISOFileUUID,
// driverISOFileUUID: inputDriverISOFileUUID,
// anvilUUID: inputAnvilValue,
// optimizeForOS: inputOptimizeForOSValue?.key,
// };
setIsOpenProvisionConfirmDialog ( false ) ;
} }
options = { osAutocompleteOptions }
value = { inputOptimizeForOSValue }
titleText = { ` Provision ${ inputServerNameValue } ? ` }
/ >
< / Box >
< Box
sx = { {
display : 'flex' ,
flexDirection : 'row' ,
justifyContent : 'flex-end' ,
marginTop : '1em' ,
width : '100%' ,
} }
< ContainedButton disabled = { ! testInput ( { isIgnoreOnCallbacks : true } ) } >
< / ContainedButton >
< / Box >
< / Dialog >
) }
< / >
) ;
} ;