Local modifications to ClusterLabs/Anvil by Alteeve
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# This is an example script to feed to 'striker-auto-initialize-all'.
# Common values #
# This is the listed owner, department or organization who this Anvil! serves.
base::organization_name = Alteeve's Niche!
# The prefix for the Anvil! system. The can be up to five characters long.
base::prefix = an
# This is the domain to use for the Anvil! and member machine host names.
base::domain = alteeve.com
# These are the DNS server to use when configuring networks, comma separated.
base::dns =,
# This is the default gateway for the IFN
base::gateway =
# This is the IFN network on which the gateway will be configured.
base::gateway_network = ifn1
# This is the startup password for newly built nodes and DR hosts we'll be integrating.
base::password::current = Initial1
# This is the password to set for all systems.
base::password::desired = super secret password
# Striker configurations #
### NOTE: 'striker::1::' is the Striker that will merge the dashboards, initialize nodes / DR, create the
### install manifest (and fence devices / upses), and assemble the nodes. As such, 'striker::1::' is
### required!
striker::1::network::ifn::1::ip =
striker::1::network::ifn::1::subnet_mask =
striker::1::network::ifn::1::link::1::mac = 52:54:00:df:03:e
striker::1::network::ifn::1::link::2::mac = 52:54:00:45:6e:5d
striker::1::network::bcn::1::ip =
striker::1::network::bcn::1::subnet_mask =
striker::1::network::bcn::1::link::1::mac = 52:54:00:d9:24:52
striker::1::network::bcn::1::link::2::mac = 52:54:00:aa:4d:e0
striker::2::network::ifn::1::ip =
striker::2::network::ifn::1::subnet_mask =
striker::2::network::ifn::1::link::1::mac = 52:54:00:41:1f:7d
striker::2::network::ifn::1::link::2::mac = 52:54:00:33:f7:de
striker::2::network::bcn::1::ip =
striker::2::network::bcn::1::subnet_mask =
striker::2::network::bcn::1::link::1::mac = 52:54:00:b8:34:a7
striker::2::network::bcn::1::link::2::mac = 52:54:00:30:f9:db