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package AN::Tools::Alert;
# This module contains methods used to handle alerts and errors.
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "3.0.0";
my $THIS_FILE = "";
### Methods;
# error
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Provides all methods related warnings and alerts.
use AN::Tools;
# Get a common object handle on all AN::Tools modules.
my $an = AN::Tools->new();
# Access to methods using '$an->Alert->X'. Example using 'find';
my $foo_path = $an->Storage->find({file => "foo"});
=head1 METHODS
Methods in the core module;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return ($self);
# Get a handle on the AN::Tools object. I know that technically that is a sibling module, but it makes more
# sense in this case to think of it as a parent.
sub parent
my $self = shift;
my $parent = shift;
$self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS} = $parent if $parent;
return ($self->{HANDLE}{TOOLS});
# Public methods #
=head2 error
# Later, this will support all the translation and logging methods. For now, just print the error and exit.
sub error
my $self = shift;
my $parameter = shift;
my $an = $self->parent;
# $an->Log->entry({log_level => 2, title_key => "tools_log_0001", title_variables => { function => "error" }, message_key => "tools_log_0002", file => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__});
# # Setup default values
# my $title_key = $parameter->{title_key} ? $parameter->{title_key} : $an->String->get({key => "an_0004"});
# my $title_variables = $parameter->{title_variables} ? $parameter->{title_variables} : "";
# my $message_key = $parameter->{message_key} ? $parameter->{message_key} : $an->String->get({key => "an_0005"});
# my $message_variables = $parameter->{message_variables} ? $parameter->{message_variables} : "";
# my $code = $parameter->{code} ? $parameter->{code} : 1;
# my $file = $parameter->{file} ? $parameter->{file} : $an->String->get({key => "an_0006"});
# my $line = $parameter->{line} ? $parameter->{line} : "";
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; title_key: [$title_key], title_variables: [$title_variables], message_key: [$message_key], message_variables: [$message_variables], code: [$code], file: [$file], line: [$line]\n";
# # It is possible for this to become a run-away call, so this helps
# # catch when that happens.
# $an->_error_count($an->_error_count + 1);
# if ($an->_error_count > $an->_error_limit)
# {
# print "Infinite loop detected while trying to print an error:\n";
# print "- title_key: [$title_key]\n";
# print "- title_variables: [$title_variables]\n";
# print "- message_key: [$message_key]\n";
# print "- message_variables: [$title_variables]\n";
# print "- code: [$code]\n";
# print "- file: [$file]\n";
# print "- line: [$line]\n";
# die "Infinite loop detected while trying to print an error, exiting.\n";
# }
# # If the 'code' is empty and 'message' is "error_\d+", strip that code
# # off and use it as the error code.
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; code: [$code], message_key: [$message_key]\n";
# if ((not $code) && ($message_key =~ /error_(\d+)/))
# {
# $code = $1;
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; code: [$code], message_key: [$message_key]\n";
# }
# # If the title is a key, translate it.
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; title_key: [$title_key]\n";
# if ($title_key =~ /\w+_\d+$/)
# {
# $title_key = $an->String->get({
# key => $title_key,
# variables => $title_variables,
# });
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; title_key: [$title_key]\n";
# }
# # If the message is a key, translate it.
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; message_key: [$message_key]\n";
# if ($message_key =~ /\w+_\d+$/)
# {
# $message_key = $an->String->get({
# key => $message_key,
# variables => $message_variables,
# });
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; message_key: [$message_key]\n";
# }
# # Set my error string
# my $fatal_heading = $an->String->get({key => "an_0002"});
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; fatal_heading: [$fatal_heading]\n";
# my $readable_line = $an->Readable->comma($line);
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; readable_line: [$readable_line]\n";
# ### TODO: Copy this to 'warning'.
# # At this point, the title and message keys are the actual messages.
# my $error = "\n".$an->String->get({
# key => "an_0007",
# variables => {
# code => $code,
# heading => $fatal_heading,
# file => $file,
# line => $readable_line,
# title => $title_key,
# message => $message_key,
# },
# })."\n\n";
# #print "$THIS_FILE ".__LINE__."; error: [$error]\n";
# # Set the internal error flags
# $an->Alert->_set_error($error);
# $an->Alert->_set_error_code($code);
# # Append "exiting" to the error string if it is fatal.
# $error .= $an->String->get({key => "an_0008"})."\n";
# # Write a copy of the error to the log.
# $an->Log->entry({file => $THIS_FILE, level => 0, raw => $error});
# # If this is a browser calling us, print the footer so that the loading pinwheel goes away.
# {
# $an->Striker->_footer();
# }
# # Don't actually die, but do print the error, if fatal errors have been globally disabled (as is done
# # in the tests).
# if (not $an->Alert->no_fatal_errors)
# {
# {
# print "<pre>\n";
# print "$error\n" if not $an->Alert->no_fatal_errors;
# print "</pre>\n";
# }
# else
# {
# print "$error\n" if not $an->Alert->no_fatal_errors;
# }
# $an->data->{sys}{footer_printed} = 1;
# $an->nice_exit({exit_code => $code});
# }
# return ($code);