alteeve-repo-setup \- Tool used to configure the Anvil! repository.
\fI\,<command> \/\fR[\fI\,options\/\fR]
alteeve-repo-setup \- This tool configures the local repository needed to install the Anvil! Intelligent Availability™ platform. The repository will be based on the OS running on this system. For example, if the host is RHEL 8, the repo will be configured for 'rhel-8'. Similarly, if this host is CentOS 8 Stream, the repo will be configured for 'centos-8-stream'.
There are two main repos for the Anvil! system;
- community: This repo is free for use, and tracks the latest available release of the Anvil! platform.
For support on the Community version is provided through;
* Alteeve Wiki -
* Alteeve Support -