Local modifications to ClusterLabs/Anvil by Alteeve
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

712 lines
30 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use AN::Tools;
use Data::Dumper;
my $THIS_FILE = ($0 =~ /^.*\/(.*)$/)[0];
my $running_directory = ($0 =~ /^(.*?)\/$THIS_FILE$/)[0];
if (($running_directory =~ /^\./) && ($ENV{PWD}))
$running_directory =~ s/^\./$ENV{PWD}/;
my $an = AN::Tools->new();
# Print the html headers, with a new line to break the header from the body.
print $an->Template->get({file => "shared.html", name => "http_headers"})."\n";
# Set the log level to 2
$an->Log->level({set => 2});
# Read in our words file.
$an->Words->read({file => $an->data->{path}{directories}{'cgi-bin'}."/words.xml"});
# Turn off buffering so that the pinwheel will display while waiting for the SSH call(s) to complete.
$| = 1;
### Setup some variables.
$an->data->{form}{error_massage} = " ";
## Network stuff... The second octet auto-increments to handle N-number of netowrks. As such, we need to use
## a wider spread between the BCNs, SNs and IFNs than we had in v2.
# BCN starts at 10.(0+n)/16
$an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{subnet} = "";
$an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{netmask} = "";
$an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{pdu_octet3} = "1";
$an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{ups_octet3} = "2";
$an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{switch_octet3} = "3";
$an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{striker_octet3} = "4";
# SN starts at 10.(40+n)/16
$an->data->{'default'}{sn}{subnet} = "";
$an->data->{'default'}{sn}{netmask} = "";
# IFN starts at 10.(80+)/16
$an->data->{'default'}{ifn}{subnet} = "";
$an->data->{'default'}{ifn}{netmask} = "";
# Read in any CGI variables, if needed.
$an->data->{skin}{url} = $an->data->{path}{urls}{skins}."/".$an->Template->skin;
my $header = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "header", variables => { language => $an->Words->language }});
my $body = "";
# This will be true when the dashboard is unconfigured.
if (not $an->data->{cgi}{step}{value})
$body = config_step1($an);
elsif ($an->data->{cgi}{step}{value} eq "step1")
# Sanity check step1.
my $sane = sanity_check_step1($an);
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { sane => $sane }});
if ($sane)
# Step 1 was sanem show step 2.
$body = config_step2($an);
# No good
$body = config_step1($an);
$body = get_network_details_form($an);
my $buttons = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "button_bar"});
my $footer = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "footer"});
# Display the page.
my $template = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "master", variables => {
header => $header,
skin_url => $an->data->{path}{urls}{skins}."/".$an->Template->skin,
left_top_bar => " ",
center_top_bar => $an->data->{form}{error_massage},
right_top_bar => $buttons,
center_body => $body,
left_bottom_bar => " ",
center_bottom_bar => " ",
right_bottom_bar => " ",
footer => $footer,
print $template;
# Functions #
# This is step2 where the user maps their network.
sub config_step2
my ($an) = @_;
# We need to decide how many IFNs there is, decide if we have enough NICs and then build the form
# either complaining about insufficient NICs or a list of interfaces (single or bond, depending on
# iface count), the IPs to assign and mapping MACs to ifaces. We'll also offer an option to
# "blind-map" as we did in v2.
my $required_interfaces_for_single = 1 + $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value};
my $required_interfaces_for_bonds = 2 * $required_interfaces_for_single;
my $interface_count = keys %{$an->data->{interfaces}};
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
required_interfaces_for_single => $required_interfaces_for_single,
required_interfaces_for_bonds => $required_interfaces_for_bonds,
interface_count => $interface_count,
my $interface_options = [];
foreach my $interface (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$an->data->{interfaces}})
my $this_mac = $an->data->{interfaces}{$interface}{mac};
push @{$interface_options}, $this_mac."#!#".$this_mac." (".$interface.")";
my $problem = 0;
my $interface_form = "";
my $cgi = "";
my $links = [];
if ($interface_count >= $required_interfaces_for_bonds)
### Show the bonded ifaces form.
my $bcn_count = $an->data->{cgi}{bcn_count}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{bcn_count}{value} : 1;
foreach my $bcn (1..$bcn_count)
push @{$links}, "bcn_link".$bcn;
my $this_bcn_key = "bcn".$bcn;
my $this_ip_key = "bcn".$bcn."_ip";
my $this_subnet_key = "bcn".$bcn."_subnet";
my $this_iface1_key = "bcn".$bcn."_iface1_mac";
my $this_iface2_key = "bcn".$bcn."_iface2_mac";
$cgi .= $this_ip_key.",".$this_subnet_key.",".$this_iface1_key.",".$this_iface2_key.",";
my $this_ip = generate_ip($an, "bcn", 1, $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value});
my $this_ip_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_ip_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $this_subnet_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_subnet_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $this_iface1_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $this_iface2_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
# Build the interface select boxes...
my $this_iface1_form = $an->Template->select_form({
name => $this_iface1_key,
options => $interface_options,
blank => 1,
selected => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{value} : "",
class => $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear",
my $this_iface2_form = $an->Template->select_form({
name => $this_iface2_key,
options => $interface_options,
blank => 1,
selected => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{value} : "",
class => $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear",
# Assemble the form
$interface_form .= $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "bonded_interface_form", variables => {
field => $an->Words->string({key => "striker_0018", variables => { number => $bcn }}),
description => "#!string!striker_0019!#",
ip_key => $this_ip_key,
ip_value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_ip_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_ip_key}{value} : $this_ip,
ip_class => $this_ip_class,
subnet_key => $this_subnet_key,
subnet_value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_subnet_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_subnet_key}{value} : $an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{netmask},
subnet_class => $this_subnet_class,
iface1_select => $this_iface1_form,
iface2_select => $this_iface2_form,
my $ifn_count = $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value} : 1;
foreach my $ifn (1..$ifn_count)
push @{$links}, "ifn_link".$ifn;
my $this_ifn_key = "ifn".$ifn;
my $this_ip_key = "ifn".$ifn."_ip";
my $this_subnet_key = "ifn".$ifn."_subnet";
my $this_iface1_key = "ifn".$ifn."_iface1_mac";
my $this_iface2_key = "ifn".$ifn."_iface2_mac";
$cgi .= $this_ip_key.",".$this_subnet_key.",".$this_iface1_key.",".$this_iface2_key.",";
my $this_ip = generate_ip($an, "ifn", 1, $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value});
my $this_ip_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_ip_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $this_subnet_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_subnet_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $this_iface1_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $this_iface2_class = $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
# Build the interface select boxes...
my $this_iface1_form = $an->Template->select_form({
name => $this_iface1_key,
options => $interface_options,
blank => 1,
selected => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{value} : "",
class => $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface1_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear",
my $this_iface2_form = $an->Template->select_form({
name => $this_iface2_key,
options => $interface_options,
blank => 1,
selected => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{value} : "",
class => $an->data->{cgi}{$this_iface2_key}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear",
# Assemble the form
$interface_form .= $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "bonded_interface_form", variables => {
field => $an->Words->string({key => "striker_0022", variables => { number => $ifn }}),
description => "#!string!striker_0023!#",
ip_key => $this_ip_key,
ip_value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_ip_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_ip_key}{value} : $this_ip,
ip_class => $this_ip_class,
subnet_key => $this_subnet_key,
subnet_value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{$this_subnet_key}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{$this_subnet_key}{value} : $an->data->{'default'}{ifn}{netmask},
subnet_class => $this_subnet_class,
iface1_select => $this_iface1_form,
iface2_select => $this_iface2_form,
### Show the single iface per network form.
### TODO: Add a form for Gateway, DNS and which interface to use
# Gateway
my $say_default_gateway = "";
my $gateway_class = $an->data->{cgi}{gateway}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_gateway = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "gateway",
id => "gateway",
field => "#!string!striker_0035!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0036!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{gateway}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{gateway}{value} : $say_default_gateway,
class => $gateway_class,
extra => "",
my $dns_class = $an->data->{cgi}{dns}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_dns = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "dns",
id => "dns",
field => "#!string!striker_0037!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0038!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{dns}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{dns}{value} : ",",
class => $dns_class,
extra => "",
# Which interface gets the route?
my $default_dg_iface = defined $an->data->{cgi}{dg_iface}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{dg_iface}{value} : "ifn_link1";
my $dg_iface_select = $an->Template->select_form({
name => "dg_iface",
options => $links,
blank => 0,
selected => $default_dg_iface,
class => $an->data->{cgi}{dg_iface}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear",
my $dg_iface_class = $an->data->{cgi}{dg_iface}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_dg_iface = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_select_form", variables => {
field => "#!string!striker_0039!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0040!#",
'select' => "",
# Hostname
my $say_default_hostname = $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{value}."-striker0".$an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value}.".".$an->data->{cgi}{domain}{value};
my $hostname_class = $an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_hostname = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "hostname",
id => "hostname",
field => "#!string!striker_0016!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0017!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{value} : $say_default_hostname,
class => $hostname_class,
extra => "",
# Admin user
my $say_default_striker_user = "striker";
my $striker_user_class = $an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_striker_user = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "striker_user",
id => "striker_user",
field => "#!string!striker_0031!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0032!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{value} : $say_default_striker_user,
class => $striker_user_class,
extra => "",
# Password
my $say_default_striker_password = "";
my $striker_password_class = $an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_striker_password = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "striker_password",
id => "striker_password",
field => "#!string!striker_0033!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0034!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{value} : $say_default_striker_password,
class => $striker_password_class,
extra => "",
# Get the table that shows the current interface states.
my $interface_states = get_network_details_form($an);
# Store the previous CGI variables and display the new fields.
my $step2_body = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "config_step2", variables => {
step1_welcome_title_id => "",
step1_welcome_message_id => "",
organization => $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{value},
prefix => $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{value},
domain => $an->data->{cgi}{domain}{value},
sequence => $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value},
ifn_count => $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value},
interface_form => $interface_form,
interface_states => $interface_states,
striker_user_form => $say_striker_user,
striker_password_form => $say_striker_password,
gateway_form => $say_gateway,
dns_form => $say_dns,
hostname_form => $say_hostname,
cgi_list => $cgi."gateway,hostname,striker_user,striker_password",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { step2_body => $step2_body }});
# This sanity-checks step 2 and returns '1' if there was a problem.
sub sanity_check_step2
my ($an) = @_;
# This will flip if we run into a problem. We start by running through step1's sanity checks again.
# This should only fail is someone was passing raw data to us and screwed something up.
my $sane = sanity_check_step1($an);
# Do we have a host name, striker user and password?
if ((not defined $an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{value}) or (not $an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{value}))
$an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::hostname::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{hostname}{alert} }});
if ((not defined $an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{value}) or (not $an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{value}))
$an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::striker_user::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{striker_user}{alert} }});
if ((not defined $an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{value}) or (not $an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{value}))
$an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::striker_password::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{striker_password}{alert} }});
# Now it gets a bit tricker as we'll need to loop through the BCNs and IFNs.
my $bcn_count = $an->data->{cgi}{bcn_count}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{bcn_count}{value} : 1;
foreach my $bcn (1..$bcn_count)
my $this_bcn_key = "bcn".$bcn;
my $this_ip_key = "bcn".$bcn."_ip";
my $this_subnet_key = "bcn".$bcn."_subnet";
my $this_iface1_key = "bcn".$bcn."_iface1_mac";
my $this_iface2_key = "bcn".$bcn."_iface2_mac";
# If I only have the iface1, we'll create a non-bonded interface (even if the option for a
# bond was presented to the user). So to be sane, we need a valid IP, subnet
my $ifn_count = $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value} : 1;
foreach my $ifn (1..$ifn_count)
my $this_ifn_key = "ifn".$ifn;
my $this_ip_key = "ifn".$ifn."_ip";
my $this_subnet_key = "ifn".$ifn."_subnet";
my $this_iface1_key = "ifn".$ifn."_iface1_mac";
my $this_iface2_key = "ifn".$ifn."_iface2_mac";
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { sane => $sane }});
# This sanity-checks step 1 and returns '1' if there was a problem.
sub sanity_check_step1
my ($an) = @_;
# This will flip if we run into a problem.
my $sane = 1;
# Organization just needs *something*
if ((not defined $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{value}) or (not $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{value}))
$an->data->{cgi}{organization}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::organization::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{alert} }});
# The prefix needs to be alphanumeric and be between 1 ~ 5 chatacters.
if ((not $an->Validate->is_alphanumeric({string => $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{value}})) or (length($an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{value}) > 5))
$an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::prefix::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{alert} }});
# We can use Validate to check the domain.
if (not $an->Validate->is_domain_name({name => $an->data->{cgi}{domain}{value}}))
$an->data->{cgi}{domain}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::domain::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{domain}{alert} }});
# The sequence and IFN count need to be integers.
if (not $an->Validate->is_positive_integer({number => $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value}}))
$an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::sequence::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{alert} }});
if (not $an->Validate->is_positive_integer({number => $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value}}))
$an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 1, list => { sane => $sane, "cgi::ifn_count::alert" => $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{alert} }});
# Make sure we have enough interfaces.
my $required_interfaces_for_single = 1 + $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value};
my $interface_count = keys %{$an->data->{interfaces}};
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
required_interfaces_for_single => $required_interfaces_for_single,
interface_count => $interface_count,
if ($interface_count < $required_interfaces_for_single)
# Build the error message.
my $say_message = $an->Words->string({key => "striker_error_0001", variables => {
interface_count => $interface_count,
required_interfaces_for_single => $required_interfaces_for_single,
# Not enough interfaces found.
$an->data->{form}{error_massage} = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "error_message", variables => { error_message => $say_message }});
# We're not sane
$an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{alert} = 1;
$sane = 0;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { sane => $sane }});
# This is step 1 in asking the user how to configure Striker.
sub config_step1
my ($an) = @_;
# TODO: Later, this will be a check to see if we've configured this Striker before and, if so, offer
# an option to restore.
my $reload_old_config = "";
if (1)
### TODO: ...
# Old config exists. Load the detail and present the option to reload.
my $organization_class = $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_organization = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "organization",
id => "organization",
field => "#!string!striker_0003!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0004!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{organization}{value} : "",
class => $organization_class,
extra => "",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { say_organization => $say_organization }});
my $prefix_class = $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_prefix = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "prefix",
id => "prefix",
field => "#!string!striker_0005!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0006!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{prefix}{value} : "",
class => $prefix_class,
extra => "maxlength=\"5\"",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { say_prefix => $say_prefix }});
my $domain_class = $an->data->{cgi}{domain}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_domain = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_text_form", variables => {
name => "domain",
id => "domain",
field => "#!string!striker_0007!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0008!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{domain}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{domain}{value} : "",
class => $domain_class,
extra => "maxlength=\"255\"",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { say_domain => $say_domain }});
my $sequence_class = $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_sequence = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_number_form", variables => {
name => "sequence",
id => "sequence",
field => "#!string!striker_0009!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0010!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{sequence}{value} : "",
class => $sequence_class,
extra => "maxlength=\"2\"",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { say_domain => $say_domain }});
my $ifn_count_class = $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{alert} ? "input_alert" : "input_clear";
my $say_ifn_count = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "input_number_form", variables => {
name => "ifn_count",
id => "ifn_count",
field => "#!string!striker_0011!#",
description => "#!string!striker_0012!#",
value => defined $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value} ? $an->data->{cgi}{ifn_count}{value} : "",
class => $ifn_count_class,
extra => "maxlength=\"2\"",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { say_ifn_count => $say_ifn_count }});
my $step1_body = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "config_step1", variables => {
step1_welcome_title_id => "",
step1_welcome_message_id => "",
organization_form => $say_organization,
prefix_form => $say_prefix,
domain_form => $say_domain,
sequence_form => $say_sequence,
ifn_count_form => $say_ifn_count,
cgi_list => "organization,prefix,domain,sequence,ifn_count",
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { step1_body => $step1_body }});
# This reads the network status XML file and loads the data into $an->data->{network}{{...}.
sub get_network_details
my ($an) = @_;
### TODO: Daemonize this or solve selinux issues
### Refresh the network.xml
#$an->System->call({shell_call => $an->data->{path}{exe}{'scancore-update-states'}});
# Now read the network.xml
my $file = $an->data->{path}{directories}{html}."/status/network.xml";
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { file => $file }});
# Parse...
my $xml = XML::Simple->new();
my $data = "";
my $network = "";
eval { $data = $xml->XMLin($file, KeyAttr => { interface => 'name', key => 'name' }, ForceArray => [ 'interface', 'key' ]) };
if ($@)
chomp $@;
my $error = "[ Error ] - The was a problem reading: [$file]. The error was:\n";
$error .= "===========================================================\n";
$error .= $@."\n";
$error .= "===========================================================\n";
$an->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 0, priority => "err", raw => $error});
foreach my $interface (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$data->{interface}})
$an->data->{interfaces}{$interface} = {
mac => $data->{interface}{$interface}{mac},
speed => $data->{interface}{$interface}{speed},
'link' => $data->{interface}{$interface}{'link'}
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => {
"interfaces::${interface}::mac" => $an->data->{interfaces}{$interface}{mac},
"interfaces::${interface}::speed" => $an->data->{interfaces}{$interface}{speed},
"interfaces::${interface}::link" => $an->data->{interfaces}{$interface}{'link'},
sub get_network_details_form
my ($an) = @_;
my $file = $an->data->{path}{directories}{html}."/status/network.xml";
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { file => $file }});
my $xml = XML::Simple->new();
my $data = "";
my $network = "";
eval { $data = $xml->XMLin($file, KeyAttr => { interface => 'name', key => 'name' }, ForceArray => [ 'interface', 'key' ]) };
if ($@)
chomp $@;
my $error = "[ Error ] - The was a problem reading: [$file]. The error was:\n";
$error .= "===========================================================\n";
$error .= $@."\n";
$error .= "===========================================================\n";
$an->Log->entry({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 0, priority => "err", raw => $error});
my $interface_list = "";
$network = $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "network_header"});
foreach my $interface (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$data->{interface}})
$interface_list .= "$interface,";
$network .= $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "network_entry", variables => {
#mac => $data->{interface}{$interface}{mac},
mac => "",
mac_id => $interface."_mac",
name => $interface,
name_id => $interface."_name",
#speed => $data->{interface}{$interface}{speed},
speed => "",
speed_id => $interface."_speed",
#'link' => $data->{interface}{$interface}{'link'},
'link' => "",
link_id => $interface."_link",
$interface_list =~ s/,$//;
$network .= $an->Template->get({file => "main.html", name => "network_footer", variables => { interface_list => $interface_list }});
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 3, list => { network => $network }});
# This is a rudimentary function for generating default Striker IPs.
sub generate_ip
my ($an, $network, $network_sequence, $device_sequence) = @_;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
network => $network,
network_sequence => $network_sequence,
device_sequence => $device_sequence,
# An empty string is returned if we can't make a sane guess at what should be set.
my $ip = "";
# The subnet's second octet will be '+X' where 'X' is the sequence.
my $default_ip = $an->data->{'default'}{$network}{subnet};
my $default_netmark = $an->data->{'default'}{$network}{netmask};
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
default_ip => $default_ip,
default_netmark => $default_netmark,
if (($an->Validate->is_ipv4({ip => $default_ip})) && ($an->Validate->is_ipv4({ip => $default_netmark})))
# Valid values.
my ($ip_octet1, $ip_octet2, $ip_octet3, $ip_octet4) = (split/\./, $default_ip);
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
ip_octet1 => $ip_octet1,
ip_octet2 => $ip_octet2,
ip_octet3 => $ip_octet3,
ip_octet4 => $ip_octet4,
if ($default_netmark eq "")
# We can work with this.
$ip_octet2 += $network_sequence;
$ip_octet3 = $an->data->{'default'}{bcn}{striker_octet3};
$ip_octet4 = $device_sequence;
$ip = $ip_octet1.".".$ip_octet2.".".$ip_octet3.".".$ip_octet4;
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => {
"s1:ip_octet2" => $ip_octet2,
"s2:ip_octet3" => $ip_octet3,
"s3:ip_octet4" => $ip_octet4,
"s4:ip" => $ip,
# Something wrong with our defaults.
$ip = "#!error!#";
$an->Log->variables({source => $THIS_FILE, line => __LINE__, level => 2, list => { ip => $ip }});