Local modifications to ClusterLabs/Anvil by Alteeve
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

567 lines
58 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Company: Alteeve's Niche, Inc.
License: GPL v2+
Author: Madison Kelly <mkelly@alteeve.ca>
<meta version="3.0.0" languages="en_CA,jp"/>
<!-- Canadian English -->
<language name="en_CA" long_name="Canadian English" description="Anvil! language file.">
<!-- Alert titles -->
<key name="alert_title_0001">Debug</key>
<key name="alert_title_0002">Information</key>
<key name="alert_title_0003">Notice</key>
<key name="alert_title_0004">Warning</key>
<key name="alert_title_0005">Critical</key>
<key name="alert_title_0006">Warning Cleared</key>
<key name="alert_title_0007">Critical Cleared</key>
<key name="alert_title_0008">Important</key> <!-- This is used for 'warning' level alerts that aren't a problem, but important information. -->
<!-- Messages for users (less technical than log entries), though sometimes used for logs, too. -->
<key name="message_0001">The host name: [#!variable!target!#] does not resolve to an IP address.</key>
<key name="message_0002">The connection to: [#!variable!target!#] on port: [#!variable!port!#] as the user: [#!variable!user!#] was refused. If you recently booted the target, it may be just about finished booting. It is normal for the connection to be refused for a brief time during the boot process.</key>
<key name="message_0003">There is no route to: [#!variable!target!#]. Is the machine in the process of booting up or powering off?</key>
<key name="message_0004">Timed out while waiting for a reply from: [#!variable!target!#]. Is the machine booting up? If so, please wait a minute or two and try again.</key>
<key name="message_0005">There was an unknown error while connecting to: [#!variable!target!#]. The error was: [#!variable!error!#]</key>
<key name="message_0006">We were unable to log in to: [#!variable!target!#]. Please check that the password is correct or that passwordless SSH is configured properly.</key>
<key name="message_0007">An SSH session was successfully opened to: [#!variable!target!#].</key>
<key name="message_0008">There was a problem establishing an SSH channel to the target: [#!variable!target!#].</key>
<key name="message_0009">The SSH session to: [#!variable!target!#] was successfully closed.</key>
<key name="message_0010">The SSH session to: [#!variable!target!#] was closed because 'no_cache' was set and there was an open SSH connection.</key>
<key name="message_0011">Wrote the system UUID to the file: [#!variable!file!#] to enable the web based tools to read this system's UUID.</key>
<key name="message_0012">Wrote the journald config file: [#!variable!file!#] to disable rate limiting to ensure high log levels are not lost.</key>
<key name="message_0013">The md5sum of: [#!variable!file!#] has changed since the daemon started.</key>
<key name="message_0014">Exiting to reload.</key>
<key name="message_0015">The reconfigure of the network has begun.</key>
<key name="message_0016">The hostname: [#!variable!hostname!#] has been set.</key>
<key name="message_0017">Failed to set the hostname: [#!variable!hostname!#]! The hostname is currently [#!variable!bad_hostname!#]. This is probably a program error.</key>
<key name="message_0018">What would you like the new password to be?</key>
<key name="message_0019">Please enter the password again to confirm.</key>
<key name="message_0020">About to update the local passwords (shell users, database and web interface).</key>
<key name="message_0021">Proceed? [y/N]</key>
<key name="message_0022">Aborting.</key>
<key name="message_0023">Auto-approved by command line switch, proceeding.</key>
<key name="message_0024">Updating the Striker user: [#!variable!user!#] password... </key>
<key name="message_0025">Done.</key>
<key name="message_0026">Updating the database user: [#!variable!user!#] password... </key>
<key name="message_0027">Updating the local config file: [#!variable!file!#] database password... </key>
<key name="message_0028">Updating the shell user: [#!variable!user!#] password... </key>
<key name="message_0029">Finished!
NOTE: You must update the password of any other system using this host's
database manually!
<key name="message_0030">Failed to write the new password to the temporary file: [#!variable!file!#]. Please check the logs for details.</key>
<key name="message_0031">Beginning configuration of local system.</key>
<key name="message_0032">Peer: [#!variable!peer!#], database: [#!variable!name!#], UUID: [#!variable!uuid!#]</key>
<key name="message_0033">Clearing update cache and checking for available updates.</key>
<key name="message_0034"><![CDATA[Logged in as: [<span class="fixed_width">#!data!sys::users::user_name!#</span>]]]></key>
<key name="message_0035">Downloading approximately: [#!variable!size!#] worth of updates.</key>
<key name="message_0036">ERROR: There was a problem with the OS update process. Please check the system logs for more details.</key>
<key name="message_0037">Downloading complete. Installation of updates now underway.</key>
<key name="message_0038">Updates finished. Verifying now.</key>
<key name="message_0039">System update complete! The kernel was updated, so a reboot is required.</key>
<key name="message_0040">System update complete! A reboot is not required.</key>
<key name="message_0041">This system has been placed into maintenance mode.</key>
<key name="message_0042">This system was already in maintenance mode, nothing changed.</key>
<key name="message_0043">This system has been removed from maintenance mode.</key>
<key name="message_0044">This system was not in maintenance mode, nothing changed.</key>
<key name="message_0045">Bad call. Usage:
Set maintenance mode: #!variable!program!# --set 1
Clear maintenance mode: #!variable!program!# --set 0
Report maintenance mode: #!variable!program!#
<key name="message_0046">This system is in maintenance mode.</key>
<key name="message_0047">This system is NOT in maintenance mode.</key>
<key name="message_0048">This system has been set to need a reboot.</key>
<key name="message_0049">This system was already set to need a reboot, nothing changed.</key>
<key name="message_0050">This system has has been set to no longer need a reboot.</key>
<key name="message_0051">This system was not in maintenance mode, nothing changed.</key>
<key name="message_0052">Bad call. Usage:
Set that a reboot is required: #!variable!program!# --set 1
Clear the need for a reboot: #!variable!program!# --set 0
Report if a reboot is needed: #!variable!program!#
<key name="message_0053">This system needs to be rebooted.</key>
<key name="message_0054">This system does NOT need to be rebooted.</key>
<key name="message_0055">Exiting to '--run-once' switch.</key>
<!-- Log entries -->
<key name="log_0001">Starting: [#!variable!program!#].</key>
<key name="log_0002">
This is a "test" entry.
It is multiple lines with single quotes ['] and double-quotes (") and here are random brackets{!}.
It also has replacement variables: [#!variable!first!#] and [#!variable!second!#].
<key name="log_0003">This is a test log entry that contains a secret [#!variable!password!#]!</key>
<key name="log_0004">This is a test log entry at log level 2.</key>
<key name="log_0005">This is a test log entry at log level 3.</key>
<key name="log_0006">This is a test log entry at log level 4.</key>
<key name="log_0007">This is a test critical log entry.</key>
<key name="log_0008">This is a test error log entry.</key>
<key name="log_0009">This is a test alert log entry.</key>
<key name="log_0010">This is a test emergency log entry.</key>
<key name="log_0011">About to run the shell command: [#!variable!shell_call!#]</key>
<key name="log_0012">About to read the file: [#!variable!shell_call!#]</key>
<key name="log_0013">About to write the file: [#!variable!shell_call!#]</key>
<key name="log_0014">[ Error ] - There was a problem running the shell command: [#!variable!shell_call!#]. The error was: [#!variable!error!#].</key>
<key name="log_0015">[ Error ] - There was a problem reading the file: [#!variable!shell_call!#]. The error was: [#!variable!error!#].</key>
<key name="log_0016">[ Error ] - There was a problem writing the file: [#!variable!shell_call!#]. The error was: [#!variable!error!#].</key>
<key name="log_0017">Output: [#!variable!line!#].</key>
<key name="log_0018">About to open the directory: [#!variable!directory!#]</key>
<key name="log_0019">Variables:</key>
<key name="log_0020"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: [#!variable!method!#] was called but the: [#!variable!parameter!#] parameter was not passed or it is empty.]]></key>
<key name="log_0021"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->read_file() was asked to read the file: [#!variable!file!#], but that file does not exist.]]></key>
<key name="log_0022"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->read_file() was asked to read the file: [#!variable!file!#] which exists but can't be read.]]></key>
<key name="log_0023">Reading: [#!variable!line!#].</key>
<key name="log_0024"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - No template file passed to Template->get().]]></key>
<key name="log_0025"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - No requested template file: [#!variable!source!#] does not exist. Is it missing in the active skin?]]></key>
<key name="log_0026"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The requested template file: [#!variable!source!#] is not readable. Please check that it is readable by the webserver user: [#!variable!user_name!#]]]></key>
<key name="log_0027"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - No template name passed to Template->get().]]></key>
<key name="log_0028">Successfully read the words file: [#!variable!file!#].</key>
<key name="log_0029"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Storage->find() failed to find: [#!variable!file!#].]]></key>
<key name="log_0030"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Template->skin() was asked to set the skin: [#!variable!set!#], but the source directory: [#!variable!skin_directory!#] doesn't exist. Ignoring.]]></key>
<key name="log_0031"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Storage->search_directories() was passed the array: [#!variable!array!#], but it wasn't actually an array. Using @INC + path::directories::tools + \$ENV{'PATH'} for the list of directories to search instead.]]></key>
<key name="log_0032"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Words->read()' called without a file name to read.]]></key>
<key name="log_0033"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Words->read()' asked to read: [#!variable!file!#] which was not found.]]></key>
<key name="log_0034"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Anvil::Tools::Words->read()' asked to read: [#!variable!file!#] which was not readable by: [#!variable!user!#] (uid/euid: [#!variable!uid!#]).]]></key>
<key name="log_0035"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - The config file: [#!variable!file!#] appears to have a malformed line: [#!variable!count!#:#!variable!line!#].]]></key>
<key name="log_0036"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->read_variable() was called but both the 'variable_name' and 'variable_uuid' parameters were not passed or both were empty.]]></key>
<key name="log_0037"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->insert_or_update_variables() method was called but both the 'variable_name' and 'variable_uuid' parameters were not passed or both were empty.]]></key>
<key name="log_0038"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->change_mode() was called without an invalid 'mode' parameter. It should have been three or four digits, but: [#!variable!mode!#] was passed.]]></key>
<key name="log_0039">The host: [#!variable!host!#] has released its database lock.</key>
<key name="log_0040"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->write_file() was asked to write the file: [#!variable!file!#] but it already exists and 'overwrite' was not set. Aborting.]]></key>
<key name="log_0041"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->write_file() was asked to write the file: [#!variable!file!#] but it is not a full path. Aborting.]]></key>
<key name="log_0042"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Words->string() was asked to process the string: [#!variable!string!#] which has insertion variables, but nothing was passed to the 'variables' parameter.]]></key>
<key name="log_0043"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method System->call() was called but 'shell_call' was not passed or was empty.]]></key>
<key name="log_0044">The host: [#!variable!host!#] has renewed its database lock.</key>
<key name="log_0045">The host: [#!variable!host!#] is requesting a database lock.</key>
<key name="log_0046"><![CDATA[[ Note ] - The method Storage->copy_file() was asked to copy: [#!variable!source_file!#] to: [#!variable!target_file!#], but the target already exists and 'overwrite' wasn't specified, skipping.]]></key>
<key name="log_0047"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Log->level() was passed an invalid log level: [#!variable!set!#]. Only '0', '1', '2', '3' or '4' are valid.]]></key>
<key name="log_0048"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Testing of Anvil::Tools is beginning. This will generate warnings and alerts and are not a concern.]]></key>
<key name="log_0049"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Testing of Anvil::Tools is complete.]]></key>
<key name="log_0050">[ Error ] - There is a local database defined, but it does not appear to exist and we could not initialize the database server. Is 'postgresql-server' installed?</key>
<key name="log_0051"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->change_owner() was asked to change the ownership of: [#!variable!target!#] which doesn't exist.]]></key>
<key name="log_0052"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->copy_file() was called but the source file: [#!variable!source_file!#] doesn't exist.]]></key>
<key name="log_0053"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The 'Database->connect()' method tried to connect to the same database twice: [#!variable!target!#].]]></key>
<key name="log_0054">
Connecting to Database with configuration ID: [#!variable!uuid!#]
- driver: . [#!variable!driver!#]
- host: ... [#!variable!host!#]
- port: ... [#!variable!port!#]
- name: ... [#!variable!name!#]
- user: ... [#!variable!user!#]
- password: [#!variable!password!#]
<key name="log_0055">Initialized PostgreSQL.</key>
<key name="log_0056">Updated: [#!variable!file!#] to listen on all interfaces.</key>
<key name="log_0057">Updated: [#!variable!file!#] to require passwords for access.</key>
<key name="log_0058"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Remote->call() was called but the port: [#!variable!port!#] is invalid. It must be a digit between '1' and '65535'.]]></key>
<key name="log_0059">Started the PostgreSQL database server.</key>
<key name="log_0060">Database user: [#!variable!user!#] already exists with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#].</key>
<key name="log_0061"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Get->users_home() was asked to find the home directory for the user: [#!variable!user!#], but was unable to do so.]]></key>
<key name="log_0062">SSH session opened without a password to: [#!variable!target!#].</key>
<key name="log_0063">The database: [#!variable!host!# -> #!variable!name!#] with the UUID: [#!variable!uuid!#] did not respond to pings and 'database::#!variable!uuid!#::ping' is not set to '0' in '#!data!path::configs::anvil.conf!#', skipping it.</key>
<key name="log_0064">[ Warning ] - The database: [#!variable!name!#] on host: [#!variable!host!#] with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#] can not be used, skipping it.</key>
<key name="log_0065">
The database connection error was:
<key name="log_0066">Is the database server running on: [#!variable!target!#] and does the target's firewall allow connections on TCP port: [#!variable!port!#]?</key>
<key name="log_0067"><![CDATA[The password was not passed, and it is required. Please set: [database::#!variable!uuid!#::password = <password>] in: [#!data!path::configs::anvil.conf!#].]]></key>
<key name="log_0068"><![CDATA[The database user name: [#!variable!user!#] on the host: [#!variable!host!#] is either not the owner of the database: [#!variable!name!#], or the password for that user is incorrect.
- Please edit: [#!data!path::configs::anvil.conf!#]
* If the user name is not correct, please update:
database::#!variable!uuid!#::user = <user>
* If the user name is correct, please update:
database::#!variable!uuid!#::password = <password>
<key name="log_0069">The connection to the database: [#!variable!name!#] on host: [#!variable!host!#:#!variable!port!#] was refused. Is the database server running?</key>
<key name="log_0070">The connection to the database: [#!variable!name!#] on host: [#!variable!host!#:#!variable!port!#] failed because the name could not be translated to an IP address. Is this database server's host name in '/etc/hosts'?</key>
<key name="log_0071">Successfully Connected to the database: [#!variable!name!#] (id: [#!variable!uuid!#]) on host: [#!variable!host!#:#!variable!port!#].</key>
<key name="log_0072"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->query() was called without a database ID to query and 'sys::database::read_uuid' doesn't contain a database ID, either. Are any databases available?]]></key>
<key name="log_0073"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->query() was asked to query the database with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#] but there is no file handle open to the database. Was the connection lost?]]></key>
<key name="log_0074">About to run: [#!variable!uuid!#]:[#!variable!query!#]</key>
<key name="log_0075"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Failed to prepare the database query: [#!variable!query!#] on: [#!variable!server!#]. The error was: [#!variable!db_error!#]. Note that if the query reports '--', the query was listed as containing sensitive data and '$anvil->Log->secure' is not set.]]></key>
<key name="log_0076"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Failed to execute the database query: [#!variable!query!#] on: [#!variable!server!#]. The error was: [#!variable!db_error!#]. Note that if the query reports '--', the query was listed as containing sensitive data and '$anvil->Log->secure' is not set.]]></key>
<key name="log_0077"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->initialize() was called without a database ID to query and 'sys::database::read_uuid' doesn't contain a database ID, either. Are any databases available?]]></key>
<key name="log_0078"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->initialize() was asked to query the database with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#] but there is no file handle open to the database. Was the connection lost?]]></key>
<key name="log_0079"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->initialize() was asked to initialize the database: [#!variable!server!#] (id: [#!variable!uuid!#]) but a core SQL file to load wasn't passed, and the 'database::#!variable!uuid!#::core_sql' variable isn't set. Unable to initialize without the core SQL file.]]></key>
<key name="log_0080"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->initialize() was asked to initialize the database: [#!variable!server!#] (id: [#!variable!uuid!#]) but the core SQL file: [#!variable!sql_file!#] doesn't exist.]]></key>
<key name="log_0081"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->initialize() was asked to initialize the database: [#!variable!server!#] (id: [#!variable!uuid!#]) but the core SQL file: [#!variable!sql_file!#] exist, but can't be read.]]></key>
<key name="log_0082">The database: [#!variable!server!#] needs to be initialized using: [#!variable!sql_file!#].</key>
<key name="log_0083">About to record: [#!variable!uuid!#]:[#!variable!query!#]</key>
<key name="log_0084"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->query() was asked to query the database: [#!variable!server!#] but no query was given.]]></key>
<key name="log_0085"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->write() was asked to write to the database: [#!variable!server!#] but no query was given.]]></key>
<key name="log_0086"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method System->check_memory() was called without a program name to check.]]></key>
<key name="log_0087">Testing access to the the database: [#!variable!server!#] prior to query or write. Program will exit if it fails.</key>
<key name="log_0088">Access confirmed.</key>
<key name="log_0089"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->write() was asked to write to the database with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#] but there is no file handle open to the database. Was the connection lost?]]></key>
<key name="log_0090"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Failed to 'do' the database query: [#!variable!query!#] on: [#!variable!server!#]. The error was: [#!variable!db_error!#]. Note that if the query reports '--', the query was listed as containing sensitive data and '$anvil->Log->secure' is not set.]]></key>
<key name="log_0091">Failed to connect to any database.</key>
<key name="log_0092"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Unable to connect to the database: [#!variable!server!#] (id: [#!variable!uuid!#]).]]></key>
<key name="log_0093"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Alert->check_alert_sent() was called but the 'modified_date' parameter was not passed and/or 'sys::database::timestamp' is not set. Did the program fail to connect to any databases?]]></key>
<key name="log_0094">[ Error ] - Failed to start the Postgres server. Please check the system logs for details.</key>
<key name="log_0095">The database user: [#!variable!user!#] was created with ID: [#!variable!id!#].</key>
<key name="log_0096">[ Error ] - Failed to add the database user: [#!variable!user!#]! Unable to proceed.</key>
<key name="log_0097"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Alert->check_alert_sent() was called but the 'set' parameter was not passed or it is empty. It should be 'set' or 'clear'.]]></key>
<key name="log_0098">
[ Warning ] - Failed to set an alert because this host is not yet in the database. This can happen if the alert was set before this host was added to the database.
* Details of the alert:
- Type: ......... [#!variable!type!#]
- Set By: ....... [#!variable!set_by!#]
- Record Locator: [#!variable!record_locator!#]
- Name: ......... [#!variable!name!#]
- Timestamp: .... [#!variable!modified_date!#]
<key name="log_0099">[ Error ] - There is no Anvil! database user set for the local machine. Please check: [#!data!path::config::anvil.conf!#]'s DB entry: [#!variable!uuid!#].</key>
<key name="log_0100">Database user: [#!variable!user!#] password has been set/updated.</key>
<key name="log_0101"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Alert->register_alert() was called but the 'title_key' parameter was not passed or it is empty and 'header' is enable (default).]]></key>
<key name="log_0102">I am not recording the alert with message_key: [#!variable!message_key!#] to the database because its log level was lower than any recipients.</key>
<key name="log_0103">The local machine's UUID was not read properly. It should be stored in: [#!data!sys::host_uuid!#] and contain hexadecimal characters in the format: '012345-6789-abcd-ef01-23456789abcd' and usually matches the output of 'dmidecode --string system-uuid'. If this file exists and if there is a string in the file, please verify that it is structured correctly.</key>
<key name="log_0104">The database with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#] for: [#!variable!file!#] is behind.</key>
<key name="log_0105">Anvil! database: [#!variable!database!#] already exists.</key>
<key name="log_0106">The database with ID: [#!variable!uuid!#] is behind. A database esync will be requested.</key>
<key name="log_0107">[ Warning ] - Failed to delete the temporary postgres password.</key>
<key name="log_0108"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Database->insert_or_update_states() was called but the 'state_host_uuid' parameter was not passed or it is empty. Normally this is set to 'sys::data_uuid'.]]></key>
<key name="log_0109">[ Error ] - Failed to create the Anvil! database: [#!variable!database!#]</key>
<key name="log_0110">Anvil! database: [#!variable!database!#] created.</key>
<key name="log_0111">[ Warning ] - Failed to reload the Postgres server. Please check the system logs for details. The updated configuration is probably not active yet.</key>
<key name="log_0112">Reloaded the PostgreSQL database server.</key>
<key name="log_0113"><![CDATA[[ Note ] - The 'Database->configure_pgsql() method was called but the parent program is not running with root priviledges. Returning without doing anything.]]></key>
<key name="log_0114"><![CDATA[The program: [#!data!path::exe::an-report-memory!#] must be called with '--program <name>', but no program name was read in.]]></key>
<key name="log_0115">#!variable!program!# has started.</key>
<key name="log_0116"><![CDATA[The method: [#!variable!method!#] was passed the parameter: [#!variable!parameter!#] with the value: [#!variable!value!#], which is invalid.]]></key>
<key name="log_0117"><![CDATA[The method 'Convert->human_readable_to_bytes()' was passed the byte size: [#!variable!size!#] in the string: [sign: #!variable!sign!#, size: #!variable!size!#, type: #!variable!type!#] contains an illegal value. Sizes can only be integers or real numbers. It may also have commas in it which will be removed automatically.]]></key>
<key name="log_0118"><![CDATA[The method 'Convert->human_readable_to_bytes()' was passed the byte size: [#!variable!size!#] in the string: [sign: #!variable!sign!#, size: #!variable!size!#, type: #!variable!type!#] appears to be a byte size already but the size does not seem to be an integer. Byte sizes can only be signed integers. It may also have commas in it which will be removed automatically.]]></key>
<key name="log_0119"><![CDATA[The method 'Convert->human_readable_to_bytes()' method was called with the value: [#!variable!value!#] which we split into the size: [#!variable!size!#] and type: [#!variable!type!#]. The type appears to be invalid.]]></key>
<key name="log_0120"><![CDATA[The method 'Convert->round()' was passed the number: [#!variable!number!#] which contains an illegal value. Only digits and one decimal place are allowed.]]></key>
<key name="log_0121">Current memory used by: [#!variable!program_name!#] is approximately: [#!variable!bytes!#] bytes (#!variable!hr_size!#).</key>
<key name="log_0122">The 'smaps' proc file for the process ID: [#!variable!pid!#] was not found. Did the program just close?</key>
<key name="log_0123"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Asked 'pgrep' to return the PIDs (process IDs) of the program: [#!variable!program!#] and a non-digit value was returned in: [#!variable!line!#]. This should not have happened.]]></key>
<key name="log_0124">About to query: [#!variable!query!#]</key>
<key name="log_0125">Entering method: [#!variable!method!#]</key>
<key name="log_0126">Exiting method: [#!variable!method!#]</key>
<key name="log_0127">Firewalld was not running, re-enabling it. If you do not want this behaviour, please set 'sys::daemons::restart_firewalld = 0' in the configuration file for this program (or in 'tools.conf').</key>
<key name="log_0128">Firewalld was not running, and 'sys::daemons::restart_firewalld = 0' is set. NOT starting it.</key>
<key name="log_0129"><![CDATA[<all>]]></key> <!-- Used when logging DB writes to all DBs -->
<key name="log_0130"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: [#!variable!method!#] was called and the parameter: [#!variable!parameter!#] was passed an invalid UUID: [#!variable!uuid!#].]]></key>
<key name="log_0131">Entering function: [#!variable!function!#]</key>
<key name="log_0132">Connected to: [#!data!sys::database::connections!#] database(s).</key>
<key name="log_0133">Failed to read the system UUID. Received a non-UUID string: [#!variable!uuid!#]. Is the user: [#!variable!user!#] in the 'kmem' group?</key>
<key name="log_0134">The read host UUID: [#!variable!uuid!#] does not appear to be a valid UUID.</key>
<key name="log_0135">Runtime was approximately: [#!variable!runtime!#] seconds.</key>
<key name="log_0136"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: [#!variable!method!#] was called with either 'job_uuid': [#!variable!job_uuid!#] not being passed (or was not a valid UUID), or 'job_name': [#!variable!job_name!#] not being passed.]]></key>
<key name="log_0137"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: [#!variable!method!#] was called with an invalid value for: [#!variable!variable_name!#]: -> [#!variable!variable_value!#]. See 'perldoc Anvil::Tools::#!variable!module!#' for valid options.]]></key>
<key name="log_0138"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: [#!variable!method!#] was with an invalid 'job_progress': [#!variable!job_progress!#]. It needs to be a whole-number value between 0 and 100, inclusive.]]></key>
<key name="log_0139"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Failed to initialized the database! The file: [#!variable!file!#] already exists, which should not be the case when initializing the database.]]></key>
<key name="log_0140"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Failed to initialized the database! Information on why this failed might be found in: [#!variable!file!#].]]></key>
<key name="log_0141"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The system call: [#!variable!system_call!#] will fail because the program: [#!variable!program!#] doesn't exist.]]></key>
<key name="log_0142"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The system call: [#!variable!system_call!#] will fail because the program: [#!variable!program!#] isn't executable.]]></key>
<key name="log_0143">Failed to find a local ID, no databases are stored on this machine.</key>
<key name="log_0144">PostgreSQL server is not installed, unable to proceed.</key>
<key name="log_0145"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Unable to use the database on the host: [#!variable!host!#]. The local Anvil! version is: [#!variable!local_version!#], and the target host's is: [#!variable!target_version!#]. If you are upgrading, we will resync and use it once the host and our version is again the same.]]></key>
<key name="log_0146">A job to configure the network was found, but it has already been picked up by: [#!variable!pid!#].</key>
<key name="log_0147">A job to configure the network was found, and it was picked up by: [#!variable!pid!#], but that process is not running and it appears to only be: [#!variable!percent!# %] complete. Taking the job.</key>
<key name="log_0148">The network: [#!variable!network!#] has something set for the IP [#!variable!ip!#], but it appears to be invalid. Ignoring this network.</key>
<key name="log_0149">The network: [#!variable!network!#] is not set to be configured. Skipping it.</key>
<key name="log_0150">The Storage->backup() method was called with the source file: [#!variable!source_file!#], which does not appear to be a full path and file name (should start with '/').</key>
<key name="log_0151">The Storage->backup() method was called with the source file: [#!variable!source_file!#], which does not appear to exist.</key>
<key name="log_0152">The Storage->backup() method was called with the source file: [#!variable!source_file!#], which can not be read (please check permissions and SELinux).</key>
<key name="log_0153">The Storage->backup() method was called with the source file: [#!variable!source_file!#], which isn't actually a file.</key>
<key name="log_0154">The file: [#!variable!source_file!#] has been backed up as: [#!variable!target_file!#].</key>
<key name="log_0155">Removing the old network configuration file: [#!variable!file!#] as part of the network reconfiguration.</key>
<key name="log_0156"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: [#!variable!method!#] must be called with root-level priviledges.]]></key>
<key name="log_0157"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->write_file() was asked to write the file: [#!variable!file!#] but it appears to be missing the file name. Aborting.]]></key>
<key name="log_0158">Ensuring we've recorded: [#!variable!target!#]'s RSA fingerprint for the user: [#!variable!user!#].</key>
<key name="log_0159">Adding the target: [#!variable!target!#]:[#!variable!port!#]'s RSA fingerprint to: [#!variable!user!#]'s list of known hosts.</key>
<key name="log_0160"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->read_file() was asked to read the remote file: [#!variable!file!#] but it is not a full path. Aborting.]]></key>
<key name="log_0161"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->read_file() was asked to read the remote file: [#!variable!file!#] but it appears to be missing the file name. Aborting.]]></key>
<key name="log_0162"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method Storage->read_file() tried to rsync the remote file: [#!variable!remote_file!#] to the local temporary file: [#!variable!local_file!#], but it did not arrive. There might be more information above.]]></key>
<key name="log_0163">The file: [#!variable!file!#] does not exist.</key>
<key name="log_0164"><![CDATA[[ Warning ] - Storage->read_config()' was called without a file name to read.]]></key>
<key name="log_0165">The Storage->backup() method was asked to backup the file: [#!variable!source_file!#] on: [#!variable!target!#], but it looks like there was a problem connecting to the target.</key>
<key name="log_0166">About to run the shell command: [#!variable!shell_call!#] on: [#!variable!target!#] as: [#!variable!remote_user!#]</key>
<key name="log_0167">Failed to create the directory: [#!variable!directory!#] on: [#!variable!target!#] as: [#!variable!remote_user!#]. The error (if any) was: [#!variable!error!#] and the output (if any) was: [#!variable!output!#].</key>
<key name="log_0168">Failed to create the directory: [#!variable!directory!#]. The error (if any) was: [#!variable!error!#].</key>
<key name="log_0169">Failed to copy the file: [#!variable!source_file!#] to: [#!variable!target_file!#] on the target: [#!variable!target!#] as: [#!variable!remote_user!#]. The error (if any) was: [#!variable!error!#] and the output (if any) was: [#!variable!output!#].</key>
<key name="log_0170"><![CDATA[[ Note ] - The method Storage->copy_file() was asked to copy: [#!variable!source_file!#] to: [#!variable!target_file!#], but the target's parent directory doesn't exist and we were unable to create it.]]></key>
<key name="log_0171"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - The method: Account->encrypt_password() tried to use the algorithm: [#!variable!algorithm!#], which is not recognized. Only 'sha256', 'sha384' and 'sha512' are currently supported. The desired algorithm can be set via 'sys::password::algorithm'.]]></key>
<key name="log_0172"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Asked to validate a password for the user: [#!variable!user!#], but that user wasn't found.]]></key>
<key name="log_0173"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Asked to valudate a password encoded with the algorithm: [#!variable!user_algorithm!#], which is not recognized. Only 'sha256', 'sha384' and 'sha512' are currently supported.]]></key>
<key name="log_0174"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Asked to update the variable: [#!variable!variable!#] in the configuration file: [#!variable!file!#], but that variable was not found.]]></key>
<key name="log_0175"><![CDATA[[ Error ] - Asked to update the variable: [#!variable!variable!#] in the configuration file: [#!variable!file!#] on the host: [#!variable!target!#], but that variable was not found.]]></key>
<key name="log_0176">The IP hash key: [#!variable!ip_key!#] does not exist, skipping it.</key>
<key name="log_0177">No cookies were read, the use is not logged in.</key>
<key name="log_0178">The user's UUID: [#!variable!uuid!#] was read, but it didn't match any known users.</key>
<key name="log_0179">The user has been logged out.</key>
<key name="log_0180">The user hash in the user's cookie is valid.</key>
<key name="log_0181">The user hash in the user's cookie was valid yesterday, updating the stored hash and allowing the user to proceed.</key>
<key name="log_0182">The user hash in the user's cookie is invalid. It is probably expired.</key>
<key name="log_0183">The user: [#!variable!user!#] logged in successfully.</key>
<key name="log_0184">Theew was a failed login attempt from: [#!variable!user_agent!#], trying to log in as: [#!variable!user!#]. log in rejected.</key>
<key name="log_0185"><![CDATA[<unknown>]]></key> <!-- Used in some cases when a variable isn't known -->
<key name="log_0186"><![CDATA[<suppressed>]]></key> <!-- Used in some cases when a variable isn't known -->
<key name="log_0187">UUID cache file: [#!data!path::data::host_uuid!#] doesn't exists and we're not running as root. Unable to proceed.</key>
<key name="log_0188">Database archive check skipped, not running as root.</key>
<key name="log_0189">Database archiving is disabled, skipping archive checks.</key>
<key name="log_0190">Peer: [#!variable!peer!#], database: [#!variable!name!#], password: [#!variable!password!#], host UUID: [#!variable!uuid!#]</key>
<key name="log_0191">Connection only to: [#!variable!db_uuid!#], skipping: [#!variable!uuid!#].</key>
<key name="log_0192">The connection to the database: [#!variable!server!#] has failed. Will attempt to reconnect.</key>
<key name="log_0193">Switching the default database handle to use the database: [#!variable!server!#] prior to reconnect attempt.</key>
<key name="log_0194">Switching the default database to read from to the database: [#!variable!server!#] prior to reconnect attempt.</key>
<key name="log_0195">Ready to try to reconnect to: [#!variable!server!#], but delaying for: [#!variable!delay!#] seconds to give the database a chance to come back online in case this is a transient issue.</key>
<key name="log_0196">Failed to reconnect to the database, and now no connections remail. Exiting.</key>
<key name="log_0197"><![CDATA[System->maintenance_mode() was passed an invalid 'set' value: [#!variable!set!#]. No action taken.]]></key>
<key name="log_0198">The user: [#!variable!user!#] logged out successfully.</key>
<key name="log_0199">A system reboot is required, setting the database flag.</key>
<key name="log_0200">A system reboot is required, setting the database flag.</key>
<key name="log_0201">Unable to connect to any database. Will try to initialize the local system and then try again.</key>
<key name="log_0202">Failed to connect to any databases. Skipping the loop of the daemon.</key>
<key name="log_0203">Disconnected from all databases. Will reconnect when entering the main loop.</key>
<key name="log_0204">Starting the background process: [#!variable!call!#] now.</key>
<key name="log_0205">Background process: [#!variable!call!#] running with PID: [#!variable!pid!#].</key>
<!-- Test words. Do NOT change unless you update 't/Words.t' or tests will needlessly fail. -->
<key name="t_0000">Test</key>
<key name="t_0001">Test replace: [#!variable!test!#].</key>
<key name="t_0002">Test Out of order: [#!variable!second!#] replace: [#!variable!first!#].</key>
<!-- Do not use 't_0003'. It is used to test failures caused by calling a non-existent key. -->
<key name="t_0004">#!FREE!#</key>
<key name="t_0005">
This is a multi-line test string with various items to insert.
It also has some #!invalid!# replacement #!keys!# to test the escaping and restoring.
Here is the default output language: [#!data!defaults::language::output!#]
Here we will inject 't_0000': [#!string!t_0001!#]
Here we will inject 't_0002' with its embedded variables: [#!string!t_0002!#]
Here we will inject 't_0006', which injects 't_0001' which has a variable: [#!string!t_0006!#].
<key name="t_0006">This string embeds 't_0001': [#!string!t_0001!#]</key>
<key name="brand_0001">Alteeve</key>
<key name="brand_0002">Anvil!</key>
<key name="brand_0003">Striker</key>
<key name="brand_0004">ScanCore</key>
<key name="brand_0005"><![CDATA[&copy; 1997 - 2018 <a href="https://alteeve.com/" target="_new">Alteeve's Niche! Inc.</a>, Toronto, Ontario, Canada]]></key>
<key name="brand_0006"><![CDATA[<i>Anvil!</i>]]></key>
<key name="header_0001">Current Network Interfaces and States</key>
<key name="header_0002">MAC Address</key>
<key name="header_0003">Name</key>
<key name="header_0004">State</key>
<key name="header_0005">Speed</key>
<key name="header_0006">Up Order</key>
<key name="header_0007">Inbound Connections</key>
<key name="header_0008">Via network:</key>
<key name="header_0009">Peer Connections</key>
<key name="header_0010">Ping</key>
<key name="header_0011">Jobs</key>
<!-- General strings shown in Striker -->
<key name="striker_0001">Welcome! Lets setup your #!string!brand_0003!# dashboard...</key>
<key name="striker_0002">We're going to ask you a few questions so that we can set things up for your environment. If you need help at any time, just click on the "[?]" icon in the top-right. Let's get started!</key>
<key name="striker_0003">Organization name</key>
<key name="striker_0004">This is the name of the company, organization or division that owns or maintains this #!string!brand_0006!#. This is a descriptive field and you can enter whatever makes most sense to you.</key>
<key name="striker_0005">Prefix</key>
<key name="striker_0006">This is a two to five character prefix used to identify this organization. It is used as the prefix for host names for dashboards, nodes and foundation pack equipment. You can use letters and numbers and set whatever makes sense to you.</key>
<key name="striker_0007">Domain Name</key>
<key name="striker_0008">This is the domain name you would like to use for this dashboard. This will also be used as the default domain used when creating new install manifests.</key>
<key name="striker_0009">Sequence Number</key>
<key name="striker_0010">If this is your first Striker, set this to '1'. If it is the second one, set '2'. If it is the third, '3' and so on.</key>
<key name="striker_0011">Internet-Facing Network Count</key>
<key name="striker_0012"><![CDATA[How many internal networks will this dashboard have access to? In most cases, this is just '1'.<br /><b>NOTE</b>: You must have a network interface for the back-channel network, plus one for each internal network. If you have two interfaces for each network, we will setup bonds for redundancy automatically.]]></key>
<key name="striker_0013">Next</key>
<key name="striker_0014">Step 1</key>
<key name="striker_0015">IFN Count</key>
<key name="striker_0016">Host name</key>
<key name="striker_0017">This is the hostname for this Striker dashboard. Generally it is a good idea to stick with the default.</key>
<key name="striker_0018">Back-Channel Network link #!variable!number!#</key>
<key name="striker_0019">This is where you configure the network to enable access this Back-Channel Network.</key>
<key name="striker_0020">Storage Network link #!variable!number!#</key>
<key name="striker_0021">This is where you configure the network to enable access this Storage Network.</key>
<key name="striker_0022">Internet-Facing Network link #!variable!number!#</key>
<key name="striker_0023">This is where you configure the network to enable access this Internet-Facing Network.</key>
<key name="striker_0024">IP Address</key>
<key name="striker_0025">Subnet</key>
<key name="striker_0026">Gateway</key>
<key name="striker_0027">DNS Server</key>
<key name="striker_0028">Network Interface</key>
<key name="striker_0029">Primary Interface</key>
<key name="striker_0030">Backup Interface</key>
<key name="striker_0031">Striker user name</key>
<key name="striker_0032">This is the user name that you will log into Striker as and the name of the user that owns the database.</key>
<key name="striker_0033">Striker password</key>
<key name="striker_0034"><![CDATA[This will be the password used to log into this Striker and connect to its database. It must be 6+ characters long.<br /><b>NOTE</b>: This password needs to be stored in plain text. Do not use a password you use elsewhere.]]></key>
<key name="striker_0035">Gateway</key>
<key name="striker_0036">This is the network gateway used to access the outside world.</key>
<key name="striker_0037">DNS</key>
<key name="striker_0038">This is the domain name server(s) to use when resolving domain names. You can specify 2 or more, separated by commas.</key>
<key name="striker_0039">Gateway Interface</key>
<key name="striker_0040">This is the interface with the internet access. Usually this is "ifn_link1".</key> <!-- Translation note; leave 'ifn_link1' as it is, it is the device name. -->
<key name="striker_0041">We're almost ready! Does this look right? If so, we'll setup this Striker dashboard.</key>
<key name="striker_0042">What we are planning to do...</key>
<key name="striker_0043">Apply New Configuration</key>
<key name="striker_0044">Done!</key>
<key name="striker_0045">The network will be reconfigured momentarily. You may need to reconnect using the new network address you chose.</key>
<key name="striker_0046">Offline...</key>
<key name="striker_0047">A job to reconfigure this Striker is underway. It is: [#!variable!percent!#%] done. It last updated its progress at: [#!variable!timestamp!#] (#!variable!seconds_ago!# seconds ago). Please try again shortly.</key>
<key name="striker_0048">This indicates that this machine has been configured. After an initial install, this variable won't exist. If it is set to '0', it will trigger a reconfiguration of the local system.</key>
<key name="striker_0049">Log in</key>
<key name="striker_0050">User name</key>
<key name="striker_0051">Password</key>
<key name="striker_0052">Striker Configuration and Management</key>
<key name="striker_0053">Reload</key>
<key name="striker_0054">Configure Striker Peers</key>
<key name="striker_0055">When you sync with a peer, this machine's data will be copied to and recorded on the peer's database. Data gathered by ScanCore will also be kept in sync on both dashboards, and any general purpose data collected by other dashboards while this one is offline will be copied back when this machine comes online. Should this machine ever be rebuilt, data recorded from before the rebuild will be automatically restored as well.</key>
<key name="striker_0056">Update this Striker</key>
<key name="striker_0057">This will update this system using any available software repositories. You can also use this to create or load update packs to allow for the update of offline or air-gapped Anvil! systems.</key>
<key name="striker_0058">Configure this Striker</key>
<key name="striker_0059">Update the network configuration for this Striker.</key>
<key name="striker_0060">Welcome!</key>
<key name="striker_0061">Create or manage Anvil! systems</key>
<key name="striker_0062">Manage this Striker system and sync with others</key>
<key name="striker_0063">Log out</key>
<key name="striker_0064">Help and support</key>
<key name="striker_0065"><![CDATA[Forgot your password?<br />Use '<span class="code">anvil-change-password</span>' from the console to reset it.]]></key>
<key name="striker_0066">Access to this machine via: [#!variable!network!#].</key>
<key name="striker_0067">Save</key>
<key name="striker_0068">Delete</key>
<key name="striker_0069">[db_user@]hostname_or_ip[:tcp_port]</key>
<key name="striker_0070">Add</key>
<key name="striker_0071">Ping</key>
<key name="striker_0072">Bi-directional</key>
<key name="striker_0073">When checked, the Anvil! will ping the peer before trying to connect to the database. This speeds up skipping a database that is offline, but won't help if the databsae is behind a router. When unchecked, connections will be a touch faster when the database is available.</key>
<key name="striker_0074">When checked, the peer will be configure to add the local database as a peer at the same time that we add it to this system.</key>
<key name="striker_0075">Access</key>
<key name="striker_0076"><![CDATA[This tells Striker how to connect to the peer. The default username is '<span class="fixed_width">admin</span>', and the default port is '<span class="fixed_width">5432</span>'. If the peer uses these, then you only need to specify the IP address or hostname of the peer. If the user name is not '<span class="fixed_width">admin</span>', then you need to use the format '<span class="fixed_width">user@host</span>. If the TCP port is not '<span class="fixed_width">5432</span>', then you need to use '<span class="fixed_width">host:port</span>. If both user and port are different, use the format '<span class="fixed_width">user@host:port</span>'.]]></key>
<key name="striker_0077"><![CDATA[If '#!string!striker_0072!#' is set, we will need to update the peer's configuration. If the peer's SSH port is not '<span class="fixed_width">22</span>', you can append: '<span class="fixed_width">,ssh=X</span>' where 'X' is the SSH TCP port.]]></key>
<key name="striker_0078">Please verify</key>
<key name="striker_0079">Peer</key>
<key name="striker_0080">Ping before connect</key>
<key name="striker_0081">The test connection was successful. When saved, the resynchronization process might take a few minutes, and cause maintenance periods where some features are offline until complete.</key>
<key name="striker_0082">Confirm</key>
<key name="striker_0083">Would you like to reconfigure this machine? If you confirm, Striker will re-run the initial configuration. Connections to peers and database data will be retained.</key>
<key name="striker_0084">Confirmed</key>
<key name="striker_0085">This Striker has been marked as reconfigured. Reload to start the confguration process.</key>
<key name="striker_0086">Would you like to update the operating system on this machine? This Striker will be placed into maintenance mode until the update completes.</key>
<key name="striker_0087">When enabled on a Striker dashboard, the web interface will be disabled and ScanCore will not record to the local database. When enabled on a node, no servers will be allowed to run on it, and any already running on it will be migrated. When run on a DR node, that node will be disconnected from storage and no servers will be allowed to run on it. When disabled, all normal functions are available</key>
<key name="striker_0088">The system will be updated momentarily. This system will now be in maintenance mode until the update is complete.</key>
<key name="striker_0089">This indicates whether this system needs to be rebooted or not.</key>
<key name="striker_0090">This system is in maintenance mode and is not currently available.</key>
<key name="striker_0091">Reboot this Striker</key>
<key name="striker_0092">This option will restart the host operating system. This is not currently needed.</key>
<key name="striker_0093">This machine needs to be rebooted. This option will restart the host operating system.</key>
<key name="striker_0094">Power off this Striker</key>
<key name="striker_0095">This will power off the Striker machine and leave it off. To power it back on, you will need physical access or cycle the power of the PDU feeding this Striker.</key>
<key name="striker_0096">Recent and Running Jobs</key>
<key name="striker_0097">There are no jobs currently running or recently completed.</key>
<!-- Strings used by jobs -->
<key name="job_0001">Configure Network</key>
<key name="job_0002">The network configuration will be updated based on the variables stored in the database. Reconnecting to the machine using the new IP address may be required.</key>
<key name="job_0003">Update Striker</key>
<key name="job_0004">This system is now scheduled to be updated.</key>
<!-- Warnings -->
<key name="striker_warning_0001">The IP address will change. You will need to reconnect after applying these changes.</key>
<key name="striker_warning_0002">The access information appears to not be valid.</key>
<key name="striker_warning_0003">Test access to the peer (using SSH) failed. There may be details in the log file.</key>
<key name="striker_warning_0004">Accessing the peer over SSH worked, but a test connection to the database failed.</key>
<key name="striker_warning_0005">There was a problem reading the peer's UUID. Read: [#!variable!uuid!#], which appears to be invalid.</key>
<key name="striker_warning_0006">An SSH connection was established to: [#!variable!target!#], but we failed to establish a channel. The last error was: [#!variable!error!#].</key>
<key name="striker_warning_0007">The job: [#!variable!command!#] was picked up by: [#!variable!pid!#], but that process is not running and it appears to only be: [#!variable!percent!# %] complete. Restarting the job.</key>
<!-- Errors -->
<key name="error_0001">There are not enough network interfaces on this machine. You have: [#!variable!interface_count!#] interface(s), and you need at least: [#!variable!required_interfaces_for_single!#] interfaces to connect to the requested networks (one for Back-Channel and one for each Internet-Facing network).</key>
<key name="error_0002">The local system UUID can't be read yet. This might be because the system is brand new and/or ScanCore hasn't run yet. Please try again in a minute.</key>
<key name="error_0003">None of the databases are accessible, unable to proceed.</key>
<key name="error_0004">The gateway address doesn't match any of your networks.</key>
<key name="error_0005">This program must run with 'root' level privileges.</key>
<key name="error_0006">No password was given, exiting.</key>
<key name="error_0007">The passwords don't match, exiting.</key>
<key name="error_0008">Failed to read the file: [#!variable!file!#]. It doesn't appear to exist.</key>
<key name="error_0009">Failed to add the target: [#!variable!target!#]:[#!variable!port!#]'s RSA fingerprint to: [#!variable!user!#]'s list of known hosts.</key>
<key name="error_0010">There was a problem adding the local machine to the: [#!data!path::configs::anvil.conf!#] file. Please see the log for details.</key>
<key name="error_0011">Something went wrong while trying to update the password. The return code was: [#!variable!return_code!#], but '0' was expected.</key>
<key name="error_0012"><![CDATA[The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname" target="_new">hostname</a> has to be set to a valid value.]]></key>
<key name="error_0013">A user name must be set. This is usually 'admin'.</key>
<key name="error_0014">You must set a password. There are no complexity rules, but a long password is strongly recommended.</key>
<key name="error_0015">A DNS entry is bad. One or more IPv4 addresses can be specified, with a comma separating multiple IPs.</key>
<key name="error_0016">The IPv4 address assigned to: [#!variable!network!#] is invalid.</key>
<key name="error_0017">An interface to use in: [#!variable!network!# - Link #!variable!link!#] must be selected.</key>
<key name="error_0018">Network interfaces can only be selected once.</key>
<key name="error_0019">The gateway appears to have an invalid IPv4 address set.</key>
<key name="error_0020">The: [#!variable!field!#] field can't be empty.</key>
<key name="error_0021">The prefix needs to be set, and be between 1 and 5 characters long.</key>
<key name="error_0022">The: [#!variable!field!#] must be a positive integer.</key>
<key name="error_0023">There was a problem reading your session details. To be safe, you have been logged out. Please try logging back in.</key>
<key name="error_0024">It appears that your session has expired. To be safe, you have been logged out. Please try logging back in.</key>
<key name="error_0025">The user ID passed in to Account->read_details: [#!variable!uuid!#] is not a valid UUID.</key>
<key name="error_0026">The user ID passed in to Account->read_details: [#!variable!uuid!#] was not found in the database.</key>
<key name="error_0027">Login failed, please try again.</key>
<key name="error_0028"><![CDATA[There appears to be a problem with Striker. The login failed, please check: [<span class="code">#!data!sys::log_file!#</span>] for details.]]></key>
<key name="error_0029"><![CDATA[Failed to find the template: [<span class="code">#!variable!template!#</span>] in the template file: [<span class="code">#!variable!file!#</span>].]]></key>
<key name="error_0030"><![CDATA[Failed to process the template: [<span class="code">#!variable!template!#</span>] in the template file: [<span class="code">#!variable!file!#</span>]. Details of the problem should be in: [<span class="code">#!data!sys::log_file!#</span>].]]></key>
<key name="error_0031">The 'host-uuid': [#!variable!host_uuid!#] is not valid.</key>
<key name="error_0032">The '#!variable!switch!#' switch is missing.</key>
<key name="error_0033">The job UUID was passed via '--job-uuid' but the passed in value: [#!variable!uuid!#] is not a valid UUID.</key>
<key name="error_0034">The job UUID was passed via '--job-uuid': [#!variable!uuid!#] doesn't match a job in the database.</key>
<key name="error_0035">
The update appears to have not completed successfully. The output was:
<key name="error_0036"></key>
<!-- These are units, words and so on used when displaying information. -->
<key name="unit_0001">Yes</key>
<key name="unit_0002">No</key>
<!-- TODO: Merge these into 'unit' -->
<!-- These are works and strings used by javascript/jqery -->
<key name="js_0001">Up</key>
<key name="js_0002">Down</key>
<key name="js_0003">Mbps</key>
<!-- 日本語 -->
<language name="jp" long_name="日本語" description="Anvil! language file.">
<!-- Test words. Do NOT change unless you update 't/Words.t' or tests will needlessly fail. -->
<key name="t_0000">テスト</key>
<key name="t_0001">テスト いれかえる: [#!variable!test!#]。</key>
<key name="t_0002">テスト、 整理: [#!variable!second!#]/[#!variable!first!#]。</key>
<!-- Do not use 't_0003'. It is used to test failures caused by calling a non-existent key. -->
<key name="t_0004">#!FREE!#</key>
<key name="t_0005">
ここでは、 「t_0002」に埋め込み変数を挿入します:「#!string!t_0002!#」
ここでは変数 「#!string!t_0006!#」を持つ 「t_0001」を注入する 「t_0006」を注入します。
<key name="t_0006">この文字列には「t_0001」が埋め込まれています:「#!string!t_0001!#」</key>
<key name="brand_0001">アルティーブ</key>
<key name="brand_0002">Anvil!</key>
<key name="brand_0003">ストライカ</key>
<key name="brand_0004">スカンコア</key>
<key name="brand_0005"><![CDATA[&copy; 1997 - 2018 <a href="https://alteeve.com/" target="_new">Alteeve's Niche! Inc.</a>, トロント、オンタリオ、カナダ]]></key>