package Anvil::Tools::Log ;
# This module contains methods used to handle logging related tasks
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Data::Dumper ;
use Scalar::Util qw( weaken isweak ) ;
use Log::Journald ;
use Sys::Syslog qw/:macros/ ;
our $ VERSION = "3.0.0" ;
my $ THIS_FILE = "" ;
### Methods;
# entry
# language
# level
# secure
# variables
# _adjust_log_level
= pod
= encoding utf8
= head1 NAME
Anvil::Tools:: Log
Provides all methods related to logging .
= head1 SYNOPSIS
use Anvil::Tools ;
# Get a common object handle on all Anvil::Tools modules.
my $ anvil = Anvil::Tools - > new ( ) ;
# Access to methods using '$anvil->Log->X'.
# Example using 'entry()';
my $ foo_path = $ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { ... } ) ;
= head1 METHODS
Methods in this module ;
= cut
sub new
my $ class = shift ;
my $ self = {
LOG = > {
LANGUAGE = > "" ,
} ,
} ;
bless $ self , $ class ;
return ( $ self ) ;
# Get a handle on the Anvil::Tools object. I know that technically that is a sibling module, but it makes more
# sense in this case to think of it as a parent.
sub parent
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parent = shift ;
$ self - > { HANDLE } { TOOLS } = $ parent if $ parent ;
# Defend against memory leads. See Scalar::Util'.
if ( not isweak ( $ self - > { HANDLE } { TOOLS } ) )
weaken ( $ self - > { HANDLE } { TOOLS } ) ;
return ( $ self - > { HANDLE } { TOOLS } ) ;
# Public methods #
= head2 entry
This method writes an entry to either the log files or to the journald logs , provided the log entry 's level is equal to or higher than the active log level. The exception is if the log entry contains sensitive data, like a password, and ' C << log :: secure >> is set to 'C<< 0 >>' ( the default ) . In this case , the sensitive log / data will be listed as suppressed .
B << NOTE >> : Deciding if the logs go to a file or journald is determined by checking to see if C << path::log:: main >> is set . If it isn ' t , journald is used . If it is ( default ) , the file is used . If writing to a log file , and if C << path::log:: alert >> is also set , any entry with a set C << priority >> ( see below ) is logged to both files .
Here is a simple example of writing a simple log entry at log log level 1 .
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 1 , key = > "log_0001" } ) ;
In the example above , the string will be written to the log file if the active log level is 'C<< 1 >>' or higher and it will use the 'C<< log::language >>' language to translate the string key .
Now a more complex example ;
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( {
source = > $ THIS_FILE ,
line = > __LINE__ ,
level = > 2 ,
secure = > 1 ,
language = > "jp" ,
key = > "log_0002" ,
variables = > {
password = > "foo" ,
} ,
} ) ;
In the above example , the log level is set to 'C<< 2 >>' and the 'C<< secure >>' flag is set . We 're also logging in Japanese and we are passing a variable into the string key. With the secure flag set, even if the user' s log level is 2 or higher , the log entry will only be recorded if the user has set 'C<< log::secure >>' to '1' .
Finally , it is possible to log pre - processed strings ( as is done in 'Alert->warning()' and 'Alert->error()' ) . In this case , the 'C<< raw >>' parameter is used and it contains the processed string . Note that the source file and line number are still pre - pended to the raw message .
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( {
source = > $ THIS_FILE ,
line = > __LINE__ ,
level = > 2 ,
raw = > "This error can't be translated" ,
} ) ;
The above should be used very sparingly , and generally only in places where string processing itself is being logged .
Parameters ;
= head3 facility ( optional )
This is an optional log facility to log the message with . By default , 'C<< local0 >>' is used .
If the 'C<< secure >>' flag is set , the facility is changed to 'C<< authpriv >>' and this is ignored .
See 'C<< man logger >>' for a full list of valid priorities .
= head3 key ( required )
NOTE: This is not required * if * 'C<< raw >>' is used instead .
This is the string key to use for the log entry . By default , it will be translated into the 'C<< log::language >> language. If the string contains replacement variables, be sure to also use ' C << variables >> ' .
= head3 language ( optional )
This is the ISO code for the language you wish to use for the log message . For example , 'en_CA' to get the Canadian English string , or 'jp' for the Japanese string .
When no language is passed , 'C<< defaults::log::languages >>' is used .
= head3 level ( required )
This is the numeric log level of this log entry . It determines if the message is of interest to the user . An entry is only recorded if the user 's ' C << log :: level >> ' is equal to or higher than this number. This is required, but if it is not passed, ' C << 2 >> ' will be used .
NOTE: The 'C<< log::level >>' might be changed inside certain programs . For example , in ScanCore , the user may set 'C<< scancore::log::level >>' and that will be used to set 'C<< log::level >>' .
Log levels are:
= head4 C << 0 >>
Critical messages . These will always be logged , and so this log level should very rarely be used . Generally it will be used only by Alert - > warning ( ) and Alert - > error ( ) .
= head4 C << 1 >>
Important messages . The default log level is 'C<< 1 >>' , so anything at this log level will usually be logged under normal conditions .
= head4 C << 2 >>
This is the 'debug' log level . It is used by developers while working on a section of code , or in places where the log entries can help in general debugging .
= head4 C << 3 >>
This is the 'verbose' log level . It will generally generate a significant amount of output and is generally used for most logging . A user will generally only set this log level when trying to debug a problem with an unknown source .
= head4 C << 4 >>
This is the highest log level , and it will generate a tremendous amount of log entries . This is generally used is loops or recursive functions where the output is significant , but the usefulness of the output is not .
= head3 line ( optional )
When set , the string is prepended to the log entry , after 'C<< file >> if set, and should be set to C<< __LINE__ >>. It is used to show where in ' C << file >> ' the log entry was made and can assist with debugging .
= head3 print ( optional , default '0' )
When set to '1' , the log entry is also printed to STDOUT . The prefix ( source file and timestamp ) is NOT printed , and a newline is added to the end of the string .
B << NOTE >> : This honours the log level . That is to say , it will only print the string to STDOUT if it also logs it to a file .
= head3 priority ( optional )
What this does depends on if we ' re logging to a file or not .
= head4 File
If set , the log entry will also be written to the C << path::log:: alert >> log file , with a prefix indicating 'Error' , 'Warning' or 'Note' . This is meant to make it easier to filter out important messages from general log entries . Note that these log entries are also still written to C << path::log:: main >> , so that these messages can be seen in context .
= head4 Journald
This is an optional log priority ( level ) name . By default , the following priorities will be used based on the log level of the message .
* 0 = notice
* 1 = info
* 2 = info
* 3 = debug
* 4 = debug
See 'C<< man logger >>' for a full list of valid priorities . Most notably , setting 'C<< crit >>' for critical events , 'C<< err >>' for errors , 'C<< alert >>' for alerts and 'C<< emerg >>' for emergencies are used .
WARNING: Using 'C<< emerg >>' will spam all terminals . Only use it in true emergencies , like when about to shut down .
= head3 raw ( optional )
NOTE: This * or * C << key >> must be passed .
This can contain a string to record to the log file . It is treated as a raw string and is not translated , altered or processed in any way . It will be recorded exactly as - is , provided the log level and secure settings allow for it .
= head3 secure ( optional )
When set , this indicates that the log entry might contain sensitive data , like a password . When set , the log entry will only be recorded if 'C<< log::secure >>' is set to '1' * and * the log level is equal to or higher than 'C<< log::level >>' .
= head3 server ( optional )
This controls which log server the log entries are recorded . By default , this is blank ( and logs are recorded locally ) .
= head3 source ( optional )
When set , the string is pre - pended to the log entry . This is generally set to 'C<< $THIS_FILE >>' , which itself should contain the file name requesting the log entry .
= head3 tag ( optional )
This is the tag given to the log entry . By default , it will be 'C<< anvil >>' .
= head3 variables ( optional )
This is a hash reference containing replacement variables to inject into the 'C<< key >>' string .
= cut
sub entry
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
my $ test = defined $ parameter - > { test } ? $ parameter - > { test } : 0 ;
# If logging is disabled, return immediately.
return ( 0 ) if $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { disable } ;
# If we're called before $anvil->_set_defaults, this will be undefined.
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 1 if not defined $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } ;
my $ key = defined $ parameter - > { key } ? $ parameter - > { key } : "" ;
my $ language = defined $ parameter - > { language } ? $ parameter - > { language } : $ anvil - > Log - > language ;
my $ level = defined $ parameter - > { level } ? $ parameter - > { level } : 2 ;
my $ line = defined $ parameter - > { line } ? $ parameter - > { line } : "" ;
my $ facility = defined $ parameter - > { facility } ? $ parameter - > { facility } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { facility } ;
my $ print = defined $ parameter - > { 'print' } ? $ parameter - > { 'print' } : "" ;
my $ priority = defined $ parameter - > { priority } ? $ parameter - > { priority } : "" ;
my $ raw = defined $ parameter - > { raw } ? $ parameter - > { raw } : "" ;
my $ secure = defined $ parameter - > { secure } ? $ parameter - > { secure } : 0 ;
my $ server = defined $ parameter - > { server } ? $ parameter - > { server } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { server } ;
my $ source = defined $ parameter - > { source } ? $ parameter - > { source } : "" ;
my $ tag = defined $ parameter - > { tag } ? $ parameter - > { tag } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { tag } ;
my $ variables = defined $ parameter - > { variables } ? $ parameter - > { variables } : "" ;
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } = 0 if not defined $ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } ;
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } + + ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; [ Debug ] - level: [" . $ level . "], defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "], logging secure? [" . $ anvil - > Log - > secure . "], priority: [" . $ priority . "], source: [" . $ source . "], line: [" . $ line . "], key: [" . $ key . "], variables: [" . $ variables . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( ( $ test ) && ( ref ( $ variables ) eq "HASH" ) )
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ variables } )
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - key: [" . $ key . "] -> [" . $ variables - > { $ key } . "]\n" ;
# The counter needs to be longer than any conceivable file line count we might read.
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } > 5000000 )
if ( $ anvil - > environment eq "html" )
### NOTE: Don't use the template, it could be part of the infinite loop problem.
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n" ;
print "<pre>\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; Infinite loop detected trying to log:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - key: ..... [" . $ key . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - language: [" . $ language . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - level: ... [" . $ level . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - line: .... [" . $ line . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - print: ... [" . $ print . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - priority: [" . $ priority . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - raw: ..... [" . $ raw . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - secure: .. [" . $ secure . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - server: .. [" . $ server . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - source: .. [" . $ source . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - tag: ..... [" . $ tag . "]:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - variables: [" . $ variables . "]:\n" ;
if ( ref ( $ variables ) eq "HASH" )
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; - variable hash dump:\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; =====================\n" ;
use Data::Dumper ;
print Dumper $ variables ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; =====================\n" ;
# Don't use nice_exit, it might be part of the problem.
if ( $ anvil - > environment eq "html" )
print "</pre>\n" ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
# Exit immediately if this isn't going to be logged
if ( $ level > $ anvil - > Log - > level )
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } - - ;
return ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( $ secure ) && ( not $ anvil - > Log - > secure ) )
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } - - ;
return ( 2 ) ;
# Build the priority, if not set by the user.
my $ log_to_alert = "" ;
my $ priority_string = $ secure ? "authpriv" : $ facility ;
if ( $ priority )
$ priority_string . = ".$priority" ;
if ( $ priority =~ /^err/i )
$ log_to_alert = $ anvil - > Words - > string ( { test = > $ test , language = > $ language , key = > "prefix_0001" } ) ;
elsif ( $ priority =~ /^alert/i )
$ log_to_alert = $ anvil - > Words - > string ( { test = > $ test , language = > $ language , key = > "prefix_0002" } ) ; ;
elsif ( $ priority =~ /^info/i )
$ log_to_alert = $ anvil - > Words - > string ( { test = > $ test , language = > $ language , key = > "prefix_0003" } ) ; ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; priority_string: [" . $ priority_string . "], log_to_alert: [" . $ log_to_alert . "]\n" if $ test ;
elsif ( $ level eq "0" )
$ priority_string . = ".notice" ;
elsif ( ( $ level eq "1" ) or ( $ level eq "2" ) )
$ priority_string . = ".info" ;
$ priority_string . = ".debug" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; priority string: [" . $ priority_string . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Log the file and line, if passed.
my $ string = "" ;
my $ print_string = "" ;
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { date } )
# Keep the debug level super high to avoid Get->date_and_time() going into an infinite loop.
$ string . = $ anvil - > Get - > date_and_time ( { debug = > 99 } ) . ":" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( ( $ source ) && ( $ line ) )
$ string . = "$source:$line; " ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
elsif ( $ source )
$ string . = "$source; " ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
elsif ( $ line )
$ string . = "$line; " ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; loop::count: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } . "] " if $ test ;
if ( $ log_to_alert )
$ log_to_alert = $ string . $ log_to_alert ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log_to_alert: [" . $ log_to_alert . "]\n" if $ test ;
# If I have a raw string, do no more processing.
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; raw: [" . $ raw . "], key: [" . $ key . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ raw )
$ string . = $ raw ;
$ print_string . = $ raw ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: ..... [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; print_string: [" . $ print_string . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ log_to_alert )
$ log_to_alert . = $ raw ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log_to_alert: [" . $ log_to_alert . "]\n" if $ test ;
elsif ( $ key )
# Build the string from the key/variables.
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; debug: [" . $ debug . "], language: [" . $ language . "], key: [" . $ key . "], variables: [" . $ variables . "]\n" if $ test ;
my $ message . = $ anvil - > Words - > string ( {
test = > $ test ,
debug = > $ debug ,
language = > $ language ,
key = > $ key ,
variables = > $ variables ,
} ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; [ Debug ] - message: [$message]\n" if $ test ;
$ string . = $ message ;
$ print_string . = $ message ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: ..... [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; print_string: [" . $ print_string . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ log_to_alert )
$ log_to_alert . = $ message ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log_to_alert: [" . $ log_to_alert . "]\n" if $ test ;
### TODO: Left off here - check priority and switch to 'anvil.errors' if set to 'warn' or 'err'. All
### logs go to main still (so they can be seen in context).
# If the user set a log file, log to that. Otherwise, log via Log::Journald.
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; path::log::main: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { main } . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { main } )
# TODO: Switch back to journald later, using a file for testing for now
if ( $ string !~ /\n$/ )
$ string . = "\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; string: [" . $ string . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ log_to_alert !~ /\n$/ )
$ log_to_alert . = "\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log_to_alert: [" . $ log_to_alert . "]\n" if $ test ;
### TODO: Periodically check the log file size. If it's over a gigabyte, archive it
# Open the file?
$ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } = "" if not defined $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; HANDLE::log::main: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( not $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } )
# If the file doesn't start with a '/', we'll put it under /var/log.
my $ log_file = $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { main } =~ /^\// ? $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { main } : "/var/log/" . $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { main } ;
my ( $ directory , $ file ) = ( $ log_file =~ /^(\/.*)\/(.*)$/ ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log_file: [" . $ log_file . "]. directory: [" . $ directory . "], file: [" . $ file . "]\n" if $ test ;
* Fixed a bug where setting the debug level to 3 caused a deep recursion and a system hang.
* Update Anvil::Tools->new() to access the parameters 'log_level', 'log_secure' and 'debug', streamlining the frequent calls to $anvil->Log->level and ->secure in program startup, and allowing the values to take effect during the ->new constructor.
* Passed 'debug' to child method calls in more places (still more to do though).
* Fixed a bug where 'test_table' wasn't set in the right place, causing the database to try to initialize repeatedly.
* Made Database->archive_database only run if called with root access.
* Now the number of database connections are stored in 'sys::db_connections' instead of checking the returned number, and that is cleared on disconnect.
* Started working more on 'anvil-daemon', including adding support for System->call being taking 'background', 'stderr_file' and 'stdout_file' paramters which, when set, used Proc::Simple to background the process.
* Did some more work on database archiving, though still far from done.
Signed-off-by: Digimer <>
6 years ago
### WARNING: We MUST set the debug level really high, or else we'll go into a deep
### recursion!
# Make sure the log directory exists.
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { disable } = 1 ;
$ anvil - > Storage - > make_directory ( { test = > $ test , debug = > 99 , directory = > $ directory , mode = > 755 } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { disable } = 0 ;
# Now open the log
my $ shell_call = $ log_file ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; shell_call: [" . $ shell_call . "]\n" if $ test ;
# NOTE: Don't call '$anvil->Log->entry()' here, it will cause a loop!
open ( my $ file_handle , ">>" , $ shell_call ) or die "Failed to open: [$shell_call] for writing. The error was: $!\n" ;
$ file_handle - > autoflush ( 1 ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } = $ file_handle ;
binmode ( $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } , ':encoding(utf-8)' ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; HANDLE::log::main: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Make sure it can be written to by apache.
$ anvil - > Storage - > change_mode ( { test = > $ test , debug = > $ debug , path = > $ log_file , mode = > "0666" } ) ;
if ( not $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } )
# NOTE: This can't be a normal error because we can't write to the logs.
die $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log main file handle doesn't exist, but it should by now.\n" ;
# The handle has to be wrapped in a block to make 'print' happy as it doesn't like non-scalars for file handles
print { $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { main } } $ string ;
# Does this need to be logged to 'notice' as well?
if ( ( $ log_to_alert ) && ( $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { alert } ) )
$ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } = "" if not defined $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; HANDLE::log::alert: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( not $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } )
# If the file doesn't start with a '/', we'll put it under /var/log.
my $ log_file = $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { alert } =~ /^\// ? $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { alert } : "/var/log/" . $ anvil - > data - > { path } { 'log' } { alert } ;
my ( $ directory , $ file ) = ( $ log_file =~ /^(\/.*)\/(.*)$/ ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log_file: [" . $ log_file . "]. directory: [" . $ directory . "], file: [" . $ file . "]\n" if $ test ;
### WARNING: We MUST set the debug level really high, or else we'll go into a deep
### recursion!
# Make sure the log directory exists.
$ anvil - > Storage - > make_directory ( { test = > $ test , debug = > 99 , directory = > $ directory , mode = > 755 } ) ;
# Now open the log
my $ shell_call = $ log_file ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; shell_call: [" . $ shell_call . "]\n" if $ test ;
# NOTE: Don't call '$anvil->Log->entry()' here, it will cause a loop!
open ( my $ file_handle , ">>" , $ shell_call ) or die "Failed to open: [$shell_call] for writing. The error was: $!\n" ;
$ file_handle - > autoflush ( 1 ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } = $ file_handle ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; HANDLE::log::alert: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Make sure it can be written to by apache.
$ anvil - > Storage - > change_mode ( { test = > $ test , debug = > $ debug , path = > $ log_file , mode = > "0666" } ) ;
if ( not $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } )
# NOTE: This can't be a normal error because we can't write to the logs.
die $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; log alert file handle doesn't exist, but it should by now.\n" ;
# The handle has to be wrapped in a block to make 'print' happy as it doesn't like non-scalars for file handles
print { $ anvil - > data - > { HANDLE } { 'log' } { alert } } $ log_to_alert ;
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } = 0 ;
Log::Journald:: send (
PRIORITY = > $ priority ,
MESSAGE = > $ string ,
CODE_FILE = > $ source ,
CODE_LINE = > $ line ,
SYSLOG_FACILITY = > $ secure ? "authpriv" : $ facility ,
) ;
# Reset the loop counter
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } = 0 ;
if ( $ print )
print $ print_string . "\n" ;
$ anvil - > data - > { loop } { count } - - ;
return ( 0 ) ;
= head2 is_secure
This method takes a password string . If C << Log - > secure >> is C << 1 >> , the same string is returned . If not , C << #!string!log_0186!# >> is returned.
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > {
user = > $ user ,
host = > $ host ,
password = > $ anvil - > Log - > is_secure ( $ password ) ,
} } ) ;
B << NOTE >> : Unlike most methods , this one does not take a hash reference for the parameters . It takes the string directly .
= cut
sub is_secure
my $ self = shift ;
my $ password = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
if ( not $ anvil - > Log - > secure )
$ password = $ anvil - > Words - > string ( { key = > "log_0186" } ) ;
return ( $ password ) ;
= head2 language
This sets or returns the log language ISO code .
Get the current log language ;
my $ language = $ anvil - > Log - > language ;
Set the log langauge to Japanese ;
$ anvil - > Log - > language ( { set = > "jp" } ) ;
= cut
sub language
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 0 ;
my $ set = defined $ parameter - > { set } ? $ parameter - > { set } : "" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; set: [$set]\n" if $ debug ;
if ( $ set )
$ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } = $ set ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; LOG::LANGUAGE: [" . $ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; LOG::LANGUAGE: [" . $ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } . "], defaults::log::language: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { language } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
if ( not $ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } )
$ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } = $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { language } ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; LOG::LANGUAGE: [" . $ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; LOG::LANGUAGE: [" . $ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
return ( $ self - > { LOG } { LANGUAGE } ) ;
= head2 level
This sets or returns the active log level . Valid values are 0 to 4 . See the 'entry()' method docs for more details .
Check the current log level:
print "Current log level: [" . $ anvil - > Log - > level . "]\n" ;
Change the current log level to 'C<< 2 >>' ;
$ anvil - > Log - > level ( { set = > 2 } ) ;
= cut
sub level
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 0 ;
my $ set = defined $ parameter - > { set } ? $ parameter - > { set } : "" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; set: [" . $ set . "]\n" if $ debug ;
if ( ( $ set =~ /^\d$/ ) && ( $ set >= 0 ) && ( $ set <= 4 ) )
if ( $ set == 0 )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 0 ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
elsif ( $ set == 1 )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 1 ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
elsif ( $ set == 2 )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 2 ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
elsif ( $ set == 3 )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 3 ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
elsif ( $ set == 4 )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 4 ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
elsif ( $ set ne "" )
# Invalid value passed.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 0 , priority = > "err" , key = > "log_0047" , variables = > { set = > $ set } } ) ;
if ( ( not defined $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } ) or ( $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } !~ /^\d$/ ) or ( $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } < 0 ) or ( $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } > 4 ) )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } = 1 ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; defaults::log::level: [" . $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } . "]\n" if $ debug ;
return ( $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { level } ) ;
= head2 secure
This sets or returns whether logging of sensitive log strings is enabled .
It returns 'C<< 0 >>' if sensitive entries are * not * being logged ( default ) . It returns 'C<< 1 >>' if they are .
Passing 'C<< 0 >>' disables recording sensitive logs . Passing 'C<< 1 >>' enables logging sensitive entries .
Enable logging of secure data ;
$ anvil - > Log - > secure ( { set = > 1 } ) ;
if ( $ anvil - > Log - > secure )
# Sensitive data logging is enabled.
Disable sensitive log entry recording .
$ anvil - > Log - > secure ( { set = > 0 } ) ;
= cut
sub secure
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 0 ;
my $ set = defined $ parameter - > { set } ? $ parameter - > { set } : "" ;
if ( defined $ set )
if ( $ set eq "0" )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { secure } = 0 ;
elsif ( $ set eq "1" )
$ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { secure } = 1 ;
return ( $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { secure } ) ;
= head2 variables
This is a special method used in testing and debugging for logging a certain number of variables . It takes a hash reference via the 'C<< variables >>' parameter and creates a raw log entry showing the variables as 'C<< variable: [value] >>' pairs .
parameters ;
NOTE: It takes all of the same parameters as 'C<< Log->entry >>' , minus 'C<< raw >>' , 'C<< key >>' and 'C<< variables >>' :
head3 list ( required )
This is a hash reference containing the variables to record .
If the passed in number of entries is 5 or less , the output will all be on one line . If more entries are passed , the variable / value pairs will be presented as one entry per line .
To allow for sorting , if the key starts with 's#:' , that part of the key will be removed in the log . For example ;
$ anvil - > Log - > variables ( { source = > $ THIS_FILE , line = > __LINE__ , level = > 2 , list = > {
"s1:i" = > $ i ,
"s2:column_name" = > $ column_name ,
"s3:column_value" = > $ column_value ,
"s4:not_null" = > $ not_null ,
"s5:data_type" = > $ data_type ,
} } ) ;
Would generate a sorted log entry that looks like:
Aug 20 13 : 10 : 28 m3 - striker01 . alteeve . com anvil [ 9445 ] : Database . pm:2604 ; Variables:
| - i: [ 0 ]
| - column_name: [ host_name ]
| - column_value: [ m3 - striker01 . alteeve . com ]
| - not_null: [ 1 ]
\ - data_type: [ text ]
All other key names are left alone and output is sorted alphabetically .
= head3 prefix ( optional )
If set , this string will be prefixed to all variable names . The string passed will be separated from variable names by a space - padded hyphen .
For example , if C << prefix >> is set to C << foo >> , and the variables in the list are C << bar >> and C << baz >> , the logged variables will be C << foo - bar >> and C << foo - baz >> .
B << Note >> : If the list is short enough to be displayed on one line ( three or less keys ) , the prefix is prepended to the list , not each variable name .
= cut
sub variables
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
my $ test = defined $ parameter - > { test } ? $ parameter - > { test } : 0 ;
# Return immediately if logging is disabled globally.
return ( 0 ) if $ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { disable } ;
my $ language = defined $ parameter - > { language } ? $ parameter - > { language } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { language } ;
my $ level = defined $ parameter - > { level } ? $ parameter - > { level } : 2 ;
my $ line = defined $ parameter - > { line } ? $ parameter - > { line } : "" ;
my $ list = defined $ parameter - > { list } ? $ parameter - > { list } : { } ;
my $ facility = defined $ parameter - > { facility } ? $ parameter - > { facility } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { facility } ;
my $ prefix = defined $ parameter - > { prefix } ? $ parameter - > { prefix } : "" ;
my $ priority = defined $ parameter - > { priority } ? $ parameter - > { priority } : "" ;
my $ secure = defined $ parameter - > { secure } ? $ parameter - > { secure } : 0 ;
my $ server = defined $ parameter - > { server } ? $ parameter - > { server } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { server } ;
my $ source = defined $ parameter - > { source } ? $ parameter - > { source } : "" ;
my $ tag = defined $ parameter - > { tag } ? $ parameter - > { tag } : $ anvil - > data - > { defaults } { 'log' } { tag } ;
# Exit immediately if this isn't going to be logged
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; debug: [" . $ debug . "], level: [" . $ level . "], Log->level: [" . $ anvil - > Log - > level . "]\n" if $ test ;
#die if $test;
if ( not defined $ level )
die $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; Log->variables() called without 'level': [" . $ level . "] defined from: [$source : $line]\n" ;
elsif ( not defined $ anvil - > Log - > level )
die $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; Log->variables() called without Log->level: [" . $ anvil - > Log - > level . "] defined from: [$source : $line]\n" ;
print "level: [$level], logging: [" . $ anvil - > Log - > level . "], secure: [$secure], logging secure: [" . $ anvil - > Log - > secure . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ level > $ anvil - > Log - > level )
return ( 1 ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; secure: [" . $ secure . "], Log->secure: [" . $ anvil - > Log - > secure . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( ( $ secure ) && ( not $ anvil - > Log - > secure ) )
return ( 2 ) ;
# If I don't have a list, or the list is empty, return.
my $ entry = 1 ;
my $ entries = keys % { $ list } ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; entries: [" . $ entries . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ entries )
# If the key points to an undefined value, convert it to '!!undef!!' so that we don't scare
# the user with 'undefined variable' warnings.
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ list } )
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; key: [" . $ key . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( not defined $ list - > { $ key } )
$ list - > { $ key } = "!!undef!!" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; list->{$key}: [" . $ list - > { $ key } . "]\n" if $ test ;
my $ raw = "" ;
# NOTE: If you change this, be sure to update Tools.t
if ( $ entries <= 3 )
# Put all the entries on one line.
if ( $ prefix )
$ raw = $ prefix . " - " ;
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ list } )
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; key: [" . $ key . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Strip a leading 'sX:' in case the user is sorting the output.
my $ say_key = $ key ;
$ say_key =~ s/^s(\d+):// ;
$ raw . = "$say_key: [" . $ list - > { $ key } . "], " ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; raw: [" . $ raw . "]\n" if $ test ;
$ raw =~ s/, $// ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; raw: [" . $ raw . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Put all the entries on their own line. We'll loop twice; the first time to get the
# longest variable, and the second loop to print them (with dots to make the values
# all line up).
my $ length = 0 ;
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ list } )
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; key: [" . $ key . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( length ( $ key ) > $ length )
$ length = length ( $ key ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; length: [" . $ length . "]\n" if $ test ;
# We add '1' to account for the colon we append.
$ length + + ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; length: [" . $ length . "]\n" if $ test ;
$ raw . = $ anvil - > Words - > string ( { key = > "log_0019" } ) . "\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; raw: [" . $ raw . "]\n" if $ test ;
foreach my $ key ( sort { $ a cmp $ b } keys % { $ list } )
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; key: [" . $ key . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Strip a leading 'sX:' in case the user is sorting the output.
my $ say_key = $ key ;
$ say_key =~ s/^s(\d+):// ;
if ( $ prefix )
$ say_key = $ prefix . " - " . $ say_key ;
$ say_key . = ":" ;
my $ difference = $ length - length ( $ say_key ) ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; say_key: [" . $ say_key . "], difference: [" . $ difference . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ difference )
$ say_key . = " " ;
for ( 2 .. $ difference )
$ say_key . = "." ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; entry: [" . $ entry . "], entries: [" . $ entries . "]\n" if $ test ;
if ( $ entry ne $ entries )
$ raw . = "|- $say_key [" . $ list - > { $ key } . "]\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; raw: [" . $ raw . "]\n" if $ test ;
$ raw . = "\\- $say_key [" . $ list - > { $ key } . "]\n" ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; raw: [" . $ raw . "]\n" if $ test ;
$ entry + + ;
print $ THIS_FILE . " " . __LINE__ . "; entry: [" . $ entry . "]\n" if $ test ;
# Do the raw log entry.
$ anvil - > Log - > entry ( {
test = > $ test ,
language = > $ language ,
level = > $ level ,
line = > $ line ,
facility = > $ facility ,
priority = > $ priority ,
raw = > $ raw ,
secure = > $ secure ,
server = > $ server ,
source = > $ source ,
tag = > $ tag ,
} )
return ( 0 ) ;
# =head3
# Private Functions;
# =cut
# Private functions #
= head2 _adjust_log_level
This is a private method used by 'C<< $anvil->Get->switches >>' that automatically adjusts the active log level to 0 ~ 4 . See 'C<< perldoc Anvil::Tools::Get >>' for more information .
= cut
sub _adjust_log_level
my $ self = shift ;
my $ parameter = shift ;
my $ anvil = $ self - > parent ;
my $ debug = defined $ parameter - > { debug } ? $ parameter - > { debug } : 3 ;
### TODO: Support '--secure' and '--no-secure'
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { V } )
$ anvil - > Log - > level ( { set = > 0 } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { level } = "-V" ;
elsif ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { v } )
$ anvil - > Log - > level ( { set = > 1 } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { level } = "-v" ;
elsif ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { vv } )
$ anvil - > Log - > level ( { set = > 2 } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { level } = "-vv" ;
elsif ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { vvv } )
$ anvil - > Log - > level ( { set = > 3 } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { level } = "-vvv" ;
elsif ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { vvvv } )
$ anvil - > Log - > level ( { set = > 4 } ) ;
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { 'log' } { level } = "-vvvv" ;
if ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { 'log-secure' } )
$ anvil - > Log - > secure ( { set = > 1 } ) ;
if ( ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { 'log-db' } ) or ( $ anvil - > data - > { switches } { 'log-db-transactions' } ) )
$ anvil - > data - > { sys } { database } { log_transactions } = 1 ;
return ( 0 ) ;