This deletes a server, running or stopped, from an Anvil! sub-cluster. The resource allocated to this server are removed and returned to the resource pool as well.
The program is normally run as a job, with data on how to configure the host defined in the job. This switch allows the running of a specific job. If this is not set, the program will search for a job that has not yet been picked up by another process. If found, that job UUID is used automatically.
When used with \fB\-\-server\fR, no confirmation prompt will be shown. Use this with caution!
\fB\-\-server\fR <name or UUID>
This is the server to be deleted. It can either be the name or UUID. If not provided, a list of servers on the Anvil! node this command is run from will be shown where you can select the one to delete.