<!-- start anvil_button_off -->
< img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/anvil_icon_off.png" class = "top_icon" >
<!-- end anvil_button_off -->
<!-- start anvil_button_on -->
< a href = "?anvil=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/anvil_icon_on.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end anvil_button_on -->
<!-- start back_button_off -->
< img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/back_off.png" class = "top_icon" >
<!-- end back_button_off -->
<!-- start back_button_on -->
< a href = "#!variable!url!#" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/back_on.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end back_button_on -->
<!-- start button_bar_left -->
< table id = "button_bar" >
< tr >
< td >
< a href = "/" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/logo.png" class = "logo" > < / a >
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< td >
< / td >
< td >
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<!-- end button_bar_left -->
<!-- start button_bar_right -->
< table id = "button_bar" >
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< td >
< / td >
< td >
< / td >
< td >
< / td >
< td >
< / td >
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< / td >
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< / td >
< td >
< a href = "https://alteeve.com/w/Support" target = "_new" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/help_icon_on.png" id = "help_icon" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
<!-- end button_bar_right -->
<!-- start files_button_off -->
< img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/files_off.png" class = "top_icon" >
<!-- end files_button_off -->
<!-- start files_button_on -->
< a href = "?files=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/files_on.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end files_button_on -->
<!-- start jobs_button_off -->
< a href = "?jobs=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/tasks_no-jobs_icon.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end jobs_button_off -->
<!-- start jobs_button_on -->
< a href = "?jobs=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/tasks_jobs-active_icon.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end jobs_button_on -->
<!-- start configure_button_off -->
< img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/configure_icon_off.png" class = "top_icon" >
<!-- end configure_button_off -->
<!-- start configure_button_on -->
< a href = "?configure=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/configure_icon_on.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end configure_button_on -->
<!-- start error_message -->
< div class = "error_message" > < span style = "color: #ff3f7f;" > *< / span > #!variable!error_message!# < / div >
<!-- end error_message -->
<!-- start ok_message -->
< div class = "ok_message" > < span style = "color: #00934d;" > *< / span > #!variable!ok_message!# < / div >
<!-- end ok_message -->
<!-- start footer -->
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< script type = "text/javascript" src = "#!data!skin::url!#/main.js" > < / script >
<!-- NOTE: These are for jquery - ui using the 'smoothness' skin. We may want to move this under the skin directory in case other skins want to use different jquery - ui skins someday. -->
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/jquery-ui-latest/jquery-ui.css" >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "/jquery-ui-latest/jquery-ui.js" > < / script >
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<!-- end header -->
<!-- start input_number_form -->
#!variable!description!#< br / >
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<!-- end input_number_form -->
<!-- start input_select_form -->
#!variable!description!#< br / >
< input type = "select" name = "#!variable!name!#" id = "#!variable!id!#" # ! variable ! extra ! # > #!variable!options!#< / select >
<!-- end input_select_form -->
<!-- start input_text_form -->
#!variable!description!#< br / >
< input type = "text" name = "#!variable!name!#" id = "#!variable!id!#" value = "#!variable!value!#" placeholder = "#!variable!field!#" class = "#!variable!class!#" # ! variable ! extra ! # >
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<!-- start refresh_button_off -->
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<!-- start refresh_button_on -->
< a href = "#!variable!url!#" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/refresh_on.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end refresh_button_on -->
<!-- start striker_button_off -->
< img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/striker_icon_off.png" class = "top_icon" >
<!-- end striker_button_off -->
<!-- start striker_button_on -->
< a href = "?striker=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/striker_icon_on.png" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end striker_button_on -->
<!-- start user_button_off -->
< img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/users_icon_off.png" class = "top_icon" >
<!-- end user_button_off -->
<!-- start user_button_on -->
< a href = "?logout=true" > < img src = "#!data!skin::url!#/images/users_icon_on.png" alt = "#!string!striker_0063!#" class = "top_icon" > < / a >
<!-- end user_button_on -->