## Required Variables ## variable "token" { description = "The linode API Token" type = string } variable "label" { description = "The label for the linode." type = string } variable "root_pass" { description = "The root password of the linode." type = string } ## Optional Variables ## variable "image" { description = "The OS image for the linode." type = string default = "linode/almalinux9" } variable "region" { description = "The region where the linode will run." type = string default = "ca-central" } variable "type" { description = "The linode host type." type = string default = "g6-nanode-1" } variable "authorized_keys" { description = "The list of public keys to be authorized for ssh login." type = list default = ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCeRI1w3uNny7KjK2UdlAnyoGdGgtOx4isSD52u5dr4QkkdLRMj42dLjgT0MK+QehlgaH2XzFPMDz+hZQ+66YeBSm+F4km/8F9XVyUzGl0scUA1p0pqeL3FiyM3Art4Bo71zuE3PvMjyI3pGMKQ3VDWVA0XdAjjSw4G+czJTxZLLBPGvzDT07WuWM4Evl6H21Gn7PB6CKNV0vuUZwGiCsjRbghml1L2kDtTXV1B6wQsniuhQigIVo6YXhMgge/2UCcmiyeEizdfaSstrQHEyxFMvlPUJyw4a3plAuPORDyZdAFF6OA7/wP5fVWoCu/CkbMIDjPifXGQOuhQU1qUVy7r m00t@miserver.lan"] }